The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1142: All Demons Conference

When Liang Yan heard the voice, he followed the sound and saw that it was a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, wearing sackcloth and linen, with a high forehead and slightly thin lips, like a tomboy, and her eyes were full of stubbornness.

"Do you know what's going on?" Liang Yan asked lightly.

Now that he has broken the profound entrance and became a true monarch, in a strict sense, he already belongs to two types of beings from the ordinary human race, and he naturally has a sense of oppression.

He was fine when he asked questions to everyone just now. At this time, he asked the little girl alone. Although he has restrained all his breath, there is still an indescribable pressure on the little girl, making her double His feet trembled, his whole body swayed, and he subconsciously took a few steps back.

However, this girl is also a stubborn character. After taking seven steps back, she suddenly kicked her right leg back and held her body firmly, but she never took a step back!

"Of course I know that this monster is going to Lion Hump to participate in the 'Ten Thousand Demons Conference'. Those of us who have been taken captive are all taken as tribute by him, ready to be presented to Lion Hump's peak master, the 'Wild Lion Daoist'. "

When it came to the name of the "Wild Lion Daoist", the girl uttered every word, almost gnashing her teeth.

Liang Yan observed her words and expressions and knew that this woman must have had a painful experience.

This is just a little girl in her early ten years. Although she has the second-level Qi practice, asking her to face herself alone is like an ant looking up at a giant elephant. Even if she doesn't speak, the other party will shiver.

After thinking for a while, Liang Yan did not continue to ask, but motioned to Li Xiran with his eyes to let her replace him.

Li Xiran understood, stepped forward, and asked softly, "Good boy, don't be afraid, tell me everything you know, and my sister will decide for you."

She has a pure heart, and she does more good deeds, and she has an affinity for her.

Although the little girl is usually a thorn, but seeing Li Xiran being amiable, she couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy in her heart, and couldn't help but tell her own experience.

It turns out that she is the daughter of the national teacher of the nearby Lingwu Kingdom. Although Lingwu Kingdom is a small country among the 72 countries of Mangdang Mountain, the monarch is wise, the domestic climate is good, and the surrounding countries are in peace. It can be regarded as a paradise.

But just a month ago, a group of monsters suddenly broke into the Lingwu Kingdom. I can't help but say that they burned, killed and looted. The monks and officials who dared to resist were all slaughtered by the monsters, and the remaining mortals who were practicing Qi were also captured alive. go.

This little girl's father was the national teacher of Lingwu Kingdom, and her own cultivation had reached the middle stage of Yuanyuan Realm. She was still unable to resist the attack of monsters. In a critical moment, she used ancestral secret treasures to send her out of the country.

Before leaving, her father told her that these were all monsters who were going to participate in the "Ten Thousand Demons Conference". The purpose of this massacre was to find food for the "Mad Lion Daoist", the peak master of Lion Hump, and asked her to hurry to the nearby Yunyun Mountain. Lan Guo found a close friend and took her away from this land of right and wrong.

Not long after the little girl fled into the territory of Yunlan Kingdom, she heard the news that Lingwu Kingdom had been destroyed. She was saddened and indignant, but she did not expect these monsters to extend their claws to Yunlan Kingdom again.

Before she could find the friend her father mentioned, she met the yellow-skinned monster first, and was hooked by him with an iron chain, locked with these hundreds of people, and was flying towards the lion's hump.

If she hadn't met Liang Yan, I'm afraid she'd never come back this time.

"Alas, poor child..."

Li Xiran felt sour when he heard it. The girl's father tried his best and sacrificed himself to send her out. Unexpectedly, he turned his head and fell into the clutches of the devil again.

She was soft-hearted and could not see the suffering of others, so she couldn't help holding the girl in her arms.

Strange to say, the moment she entered Li Xiran's arms, the stubbornness in the girl's eyes turned into tears, and she swirled around in her eyes for a long time, and finally dripped down "click, click".

The girl also didn't understand that when she heard the news that her father was killed in battle and the whole family was slaughtered, she didn't shed a single tear. She only swore in her heart that if she had the opportunity to learn Dao, she would definitely take revenge in the future.

But now in the arms of this robe woman, she actually shed tears?


The little girl was surprised, she reached out and touched the tears at the corner of her eyes, and muttered, "The sandstorm is so big today, it's smearing my eyes..."

She is stubborn and regards tears as a cowardly act. After staying in Li Xiran's arms for only a moment, she stretched out her hand to push her away and took a few steps back, as if she was afraid of getting too close to Li Xiran.

Liang Yan pondered for a while, and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

"Jihang!" The girl replied without hesitation.

"Okay." Liang Yan nodded and said, "Ji Hang, do you want to take revenge?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Hang's face changed a lot. He almost agreed at the first moment, but immediately suppressed the excitement on his face and said cautiously:

"The Taoist priest saved my life, Ji Hang is very grateful, but the lion and hump group of monsters gathered together, and the Taoist priest met by chance, why should you take the risk for me?"

Seeing that Li Xiran was wearing a Taoist uniform, and regarded Liang Yan as a master, she naturally regarded him as a member of the Taoist sect and called him "Taoist".

What kind of mind Liang Yan is, looking at her face at this time, she still doesn't understand the little girl's mind.

Although she had a strong desire for revenge, she did not lose her sense of reason. She feared that Liang Yan might not be able to handle it, so she recklessly went to the lion's hump with her blood and energy, and then she couldn't fight the monsters, but she also took herself in.

"At a young age, he has a lot of thoughts, stronger than my stupid apprentice who has been practicing for a hundred years."

Liang Yan sighed secretly in his heart, but didn't answer, he just flicked his right hand, a sword qi emanated from his fingertips, and instantly disappeared into the vast white mist.

The girl didn't know why, so she looked in the direction he pointed, and saw that there was no sound in the vast world, and it seemed that there was no movement at all.

Just when she was a little strange, she suddenly heard a loud noise of "Boom!", and saw that behind the white fog, a towering green mountain actually broke off from it, and the upper half of the mountain fell from the clouds, like a mountain. The upside-down golden bucket fell straight down...  


Everyone present, including the girl, widened their eyes and took a deep breath at almost the same time.

Liang Yan smiled slightly, then raised his hand and waved, countless sword qi swept out, and in just an instant, the half of the mountain that had fallen was chopped into pieces, leaving only a vast expanse of smoke and dust floating between the mountains and rivers of Mangdang Mountain. .

"How, I can kill a group of monsters with this method?"

Following her words, Liang Yan called himself "Old Daoist" and asked with a smile.

"The Daoist has boundless mana, and he is truly a fairy in the sky. Please be merciful and remove this monster for me!" Ji Hang changed his previous attitude and kowtowed to Liang Yan without any twisting. .

"Okay, this monster slaughtered the whole country and killed your whole family. As the so-called **** for tat, you stay by my side, and today I will take you to his lair."

Liang Yan let out a long laugh, pinched the magic trick in his hand, and the gray clouds in the air condensed and floated lightly on the top of the mountain.

In fact, this kind of monster cannibalism has occurred in many remote places in the mainland, and it is impossible to manage it at all. However, when Liang Yan met today, it can be used for Li Xiran to practice.

Although this apprentice of his own, although his cultivation base is good and his methods are first-class, he just doesn't have enough actual combat experience.

During the years she has been in Xianzhou, Antarctica, Li Xiran has almost all practiced in the Chamber of Commerce. Every resource she usually needs is provided by someone, so she doesn't need to go out to fight, and she has hardly experienced a near-death experience.

Like this kind of cultivation method, although the speed of diligence is fast, the experience of fighting skills is obviously insufficient, including mental calculation, emergency response, mood control, etc., which cannot be taught by teaching alone. The best way is to let her be in actual combat. experience.

Liang Yan also took good care of his apprentice. It was a long way to go to Xuanyuan City, and he just took the "Ten Thousand Demons Conference" to practice her skills.

Li Xiran didn't think so much. He only heard that Liang Yan was willing to go to the "Ten Thousand Demons Conference". He was very happy and thought secretly:

"Liang...... Although the master is a little colder, he still has a chivalrous heart in his bones. He will not stay out of this kind of thing that people and gods are angry with. Xiran, Xiran, From now on, you have to work harder and try to learn the master's skills, and if you encounter such a thing in the future, you don't have to go there in person..."

With this thought in her heart, she went to hold Ji Hang with her right hand.

Ji Hang didn't resist, let her hold her little hand, followed her carefully and stepped on the gray clouds. Before she could react, the surrounding mountains and rivers flickered, and her whole body had already flown to the clouds... ......

Not to mention that Liang Yan took one big girl and two girls to ride the clouds and the fog, and climbed over the mountains. It is said that among the 100,000 mountains of Mangdang Mountain, there is a huge peak that towers into the clouds, and near the top of the peak, there is a huge cave.

In this cave, there are splendid gold and blue, carved beams and painted buildings, and more than ten bright red stone pillars stand in the middle of the cave, covered with **** remnants. Some of them only had the upper half of their body left, but they still held a breath, their eyes turned slightly, they looked like they were breathless, and they wanted to moan but couldn't make a sound. Obviously, they were in extreme pain.

In the middle of the cave, there is a high platform made of pure gold. There is a table on the platform, and two people sit next to it.

The man on the left is a big bald man, and he doesn't wear a shirt. His muscles are knotted, and a scar the size of a thumb stretches from his chest to his lower abdomen. He looks very hideous.

The man on the right is a Taoist priest with a fair complexion, wearing a Taoist robe and a Taoist crown. If you only look at these, he still looks like a fairy.

But at this moment, there were several seductive women sitting on both sides of the Taoist. These women were all flirtatious and breasted, and they were all held by him in his arms. out of place.

"Brother Su, come on, let's have another drink!"

The bald man lifted Dou Da's wine glass and touched a full glass with the Taoist man. After drinking it, they all laughed.

"Good wine!"

"Hahaha, Brother Su, don't just talk about wine, how about my little ladies?" The bald man said with a smile.

"Okay, okay! The ladies are all national and beautiful, that is, the mountains and mountains are beautiful, so they can give birth to such beautiful women!" While smiling lewdly, Daoist Baijing moved his hands up and down, making a few of the seductive women giggled and giggled. .

"Brother Su is satisfied! In the future, not only the lion hump, but even the entire Mangdang Mountain will be decided by Wang Tianba. If Brother Su is willing to come, I will give you a seat as a deputy mountain master, and these The delicate and beautiful lady, you can choose as you like!"

Hearing the promise of the bald man, Daoist Baijing narrowed his eyes.

His name was Su Muyu, and he was originally the suzerain of Tianyan Sect in Xuanyuan Region, and he had some status.

It's a pity that this person has a wild and lustful nature. Since the establishment of the sect, he has secretly kidnapped many loose cultivators, and even female disciples of small sects, for him to be humiliated and abused in the sect's secret room.

Later, when the East Window Incident happened, Xuanyuan City sent troops to attack, destroying Tianyanzong, and all the monks who helped Zhou in the sect were beheaded. Only this Su Muyu got the news in advance and escaped early, but he escaped unscathed.

Su Muyu left Xuanyuan Yu, and there was nowhere to go. Remembering that when he had not yet achieved the position of true monarch, he had some friendship with the mad lion Taoist in Mangdang Mountain, so he wanted to come here to see.

If the other party still doesn't make much progress, then he will kill this fellow easily, occupy the mountain as the king, and spend a few days at ease.

Unexpectedly, after he came to Shi, he found that this mad lion Taoist, the bald man opposite, broke through the bottleneck not long ago, and now, like himself, it is in the early stage of Tong Xuan!

Moreover, this monster still has several samples of supernatural powers that are very powerful, even if he has just broken through, he does not dare to underestimate it.

This time, Su Muyu had to be polite, and only said that he came to reminisce, and did not dare to have the idea of ​​destroying the other party.

The mad lion Taoist attained Taoism in the mountains and fields, and his vision and knowledge were not high. He thought he had entered the ranks of peerless masters, so he gave himself a resounding name, Wang Tianba.

Not long after he broke through, he saw Su Muyu come to worship the mountain, and his words were very polite, and he also had a bit of goodwill in his heart.

This person is a monster, and their minds are very dirty. Su Muyu is a traitor, and Wang Tianba likes to eat the hearts of living people.

In the past, when Wang Tianba had not yet broken through, he was still a little jealous of the cave masters in the Mangdang Mountains, and he did not dare to arrest mortals. .

He held the "Ten Thousand Demons Conference" on the Lion Hump, and asked all the monsters who came to the conference to bring enough mortals to present to him as tributes. .

So, there was a monster slaughtering the country.

Su Muyu heard Daoist Mad Lion invited him to be the deputy mountain master, and naturally understood what he meant. He wanted him to be a helper, to wipe out the powerful monsters in the Rugged Mountain with him, and then share this with himself. piece of land.

To tell the truth, he was really moved in his heart. His dao lineage in Xuanyuan Region was completely wiped out, and now there is no one available under his command. Although Mangdang Mountain is a little remote, he is left unchecked, so he will occupy it here. Mountain is the king, to be the second master, wouldn't it be happy and happy?

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