The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1138: Follow-up (end of this volume)

"The spirit of the sword pill, the essence of the five elements, the cultivation of swordsmanship, the spirit of innate creation..."

Liang Yan murmured to himself, and immediately asked Linghu Bai: "City Lord, the first three are easy to understand, but what does the last one, the Qi of Innate Creation, refer to?"

"The qi of innate good fortune is not obtained by cultivators' cultivation or refining, but the qi that exists in the origin of this world. There are currently seven known types, namely: Hunyuan Immortal Qi, Hongmeng Purple Qi, Xuanhuang Immortal Qi , the reincarnation of the dark qi, the sacred qi of the mountains and rivers, the devil qi outside the sky, and the auspicious qi of the beginning."

"These seven kinds of good fortune qi are part of the cycle of heaven in this world, and the traces are elusive. If you want to cultivate into a sword baby, you only need to get any of these seven kinds of good fortune qi, and the quantity does not need to be too much, just a trace of it. That's it."

When Liang Yan heard Linghu Bai's words, his heart moved slightly, and he said to himself: "I have really seen that Primordial Immortal Qi, but it was all used by me to condense the 9th-turn golden elixir. As for the other six kinds of good fortune. Shit, I've never heard of it."

"I didn't expect that cultivating 'Jian Ying' would be so difficult, innate good fortune... But where did this come from? City Lord Linghu, isn't there anything else that can be replaced?" Liang Yan asked with some anticipation.

"Not at all."

Linghu Bai said indifferently: "As far as I know, if you really can't find the innate good fortune qi, there are also sword cultivators who use the Taoist purple qi, the pure yang qi, the seven emotions devil qi and other acquired qi to break through' Jianying. However, the 'Jian Ying' condensed in this way is not pure, and it will be even more difficult if you want to make breakthroughs in kendo later."

"I see........"

Liang Yan nodded and sighed secretly in his heart: "Sure enough, sword repair is extremely difficult and difficult. When I reach my current state, if I want to break through later, unless there is a big chance, it will be as difficult as going to the sky."

Linghu Bai looked at him and knew what he was thinking, he smiled lightly at this time, and then continued: "Don't be discouraged, this seat will show you a clear path, Hunyuan, Hongmeng, Xuanhuang, Samsara, Taichu, Heavenly Demons Qi, these six kinds of innate good fortune qi, are all divine dragons who see their heads but not their tails, only the holy qi of mountains and rivers occasionally appears in the world and is obtained by those who are destined."


Liang Yan instantly understood what he meant. It turns out that among these seven kinds of innate good fortune, there is another one that can be seen occasionally?

I just listened to Linghu Bai and continued: "Although the holy energy of mountains and rivers occasionally appears in the world, most of them are not pure. Fortunately, you don't need much to cultivate 'Jianying'. You only need to extract a little bit from the holy energy of mountains and rivers. That's enough."

"Isn't there one in Peerless City?" Liang Yan asked.


Linghu Bai shook his head and said, "This kind of thing can be encountered but not sought after, even in the treasure house of my Peerless City, but you can think of a way through other means."

"Other ways?" Liang Yan was puzzled, with a puzzled look on his face.

Linghu Bai looked at him, suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said, "Didn't you accept a good apprentice? There are major chambers of commerce in the Antarctic Immortal Continent, and their strength and background are not bad, especially those like the Wenxiang Chamber of Commerce. The ancient chamber of commerce has a deep foundation and makes extensive friends, so maybe they can get useful information?"

Liang Yan looked at the smile on his face, and his heart suddenly thumped, and there was a faint feeling of being surrounded.

"Looks like you already know what to do."

Linghu Bai smiled, reached out and fiddled with the birdcage, then waved his sleeves and sent it to the bottom of the Jade Pond.

Liang Yan looked at Lin Yueque at the bottom of the pool, his pupils shrank slightly, and after a while, he folded his hands, and then asked, "City Lord, after the 'Sword Infant Realm', what realm is there?"

"The next realm is the 'sword state of mind'."

Linghu Bai turned his back and heard a faint voice, which seemed to be a little impatient.

"The realm in the back is too far away from you. If you talk too much, it will affect your Taoism. Instead of asking these questions, it is better to consider how to condense the sword baby..."

When Linghu Bai said this, he paused for a while, and then continued:

"However, I want to remind you that although I don't know where you learned the practice technique, you can control multiple natal flying swords at the same time, but don't be complacent. With this method, the fighting technique at this stage may be better than that of a cultivator of the same level. There are quite a few, but when you really reach the sword state of mind, controlling multiple flying swords at the same time will become a hidden danger for you, when your mind is confused and you go crazy, you can’t blame others!”

"Going crazy!"

Liang Yan was slightly startled when he heard this, looking at Linghu Bai's back, he wanted to ask more carefully, but saw the other party wave his hand and said without looking back: "Okay, the three questions have been asked a long time ago, That's all for today. After you go back, be your master of the Bihai Palace, and don't embarrass me."

Hearing Linghu Bai say this, Liang Yan had no choice.

The other party is the cultivation base of the Sacred Realm, and the identity of the lord of a city, he only understands the Profound Realm. How dare he make a mistake, he can only bow his hands and say: "Thanks to the city lord for preaching and clearing up the doubts today, Liang retire!"

After saying that, Liang Yan turned around and walked out of Fengxi Yunying Pavilion, took the bamboo stick he had come from, went down the cloud ladder, and left Lingyun Palace.

Shi Yu, a boy in yellow robe outside the hall, had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Liang Yan come out, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Senior is really blessed! Not only did he sit in the position of the lord of the first palace, but he was also fortunate to listen to the sermons of the saints! You must know that there are more than a dozen ancestors of our peerless city who are in the realm of catastrophe, except for senior Wu Ci and Bihai Palace. Except for the old palace lord, few people can meet the city lord Linghu."

Facing Shi Yu's compliment, Liang Yan just smiled slightly and handed the bamboo stick back to him.

"The saint solves the confusion, Liang Mou is really relieved, and he will go back to retreat today, and we will meet again!"

As soon as the words fell, Liang Yan raised his hand and pinched a magic formula, the whole person turned into a gray light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye at the end of the sky......

At the same time when Liang Yan left Fengxi Yunying Pavilion, at a certain border of Wushuang Domain.

An azure blue ocean with turbulent waves and violent evil spirits galloping across the sea, looking very dangerous.

Anyone who is familiar with this place knows that this is the "Xuanming Sea", and there is a violent Gangfeng in the sea. Even if a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm crosses this sea, it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, the monks who go out to sea from here are at least in the realm above the Tong Xuan realm.

However, at this moment, there was a middle-aged man standing by the coast, whose cultivation was only in the late stage of Jindan.

This man was of medium height, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a handsome appearance. He wears a set of yellow straight robes and a brocade robe with a moon-white auspicious cloud pattern around his waist, which looks elegant and luxurious without appearing too exaggerated.

If Liang Yan were here, he would definitely recognize that this person was Huangfu Qi who participated in the selection and assessment of Peerless City with him, and was later assigned to Yunjin Palace!

In the past, when I met this person in Wushuang City, he always looked like he was smiling, and he had a bold temperament, which made people want to get close to him.

But at this moment, Huangfuqi's face was calm, and there was a faint feeling of refusing to be thousands of miles away, or even aloof.

He put his hands on his back and looked into the distance.

On the vast and boundless sea, a tall building ship is breaking through the waves.

The captain of the building is hundreds of feet long and three stories high. The hull of the ship is dyed with golden light, carved with beams and painted buildings, and there is a pure golden dragon head sticking out at the bow of the ship. The dragon's eyes are round and powerful!

The most peculiar thing is that when the boat is on the sea, there are golden thunders going around, and the suffocating winds that come and go will disappear immediately if they are struck by these golden thunders, leaving no trace.

Looking at the ship again, dozens of monks wearing golden armor and holding spears, halberds and other long soldiers were standing upright on the deck, looking like they were standing guard. , actually has the Golden Core Realm!

Huangfuqi didn't seem to be surprised by the arrival of the golden boat, and just waited quietly on the shore.

After a short while, the golden boat approached the shore, a golden bridge fell from the deck, and the two figures walked down one after the other.

The front is tall and straight, with a leopard head and eyes, wearing a five-dragon armor, a purple-gold sun crown, and a fire cloud gun on his back, looking very powerful.

The man behind him was wearing a red official uniform, with a square face, three moustache and beard fluttering. Although he was not as powerful as the man in front, he had a different bearing.

Both of them have cultivation bases above the Profound Profound Realm, especially the armored general, who is already at the peak of Profound Profound Realm, but after they disembarked, they each bowed and bowed respectfully to the Huangfu Qi.

"See Your Highness!"


Huangfuqi waved his hand very casually, and his expression did not change from beginning to end.

"Is Your Highness's trip going well?" The armored general asked first.

"Things have had some twists and turns. Fortunately, with the help of nobles, I finally got what I wanted."

Huangfuqi smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and took out a transparent jade box from his sleeve, which contained a black worm.

This worm had eight tentacles on its body and a pair of fleshy wings on its back. Although it looked injured and a little lethargic, it would flutter from time to time, and it was obvious that it still had the last breath.

After seeing the bug, the armored general and the red-robed civilian looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"It's actually the 'Inspiration King', one of the 'Three Kings of Daluotian'. Your Highness is really blessed. With this Gu worm, I'm afraid that the practice method will soon be completed, right?"

Huangfu Qi smiled, with a noncommittal look on his face, and then said: "This time, what I saw and heard in the Wushuang City tour has exceeded my expectations. Linghu Bai has a deep mind, and his cultivation is even more unfathomable. He had an interview with the royal father, and I don't know what he said."

Hearing this, the faces of the armored generals and the red-robed civilians also changed slightly.

"That's right! Back then, when Linghu Bai and His Majesty met in Xuanyuan Palace, no one else was present, and no one knew the content of their conversation. But since then, His Majesty began to live in a secluded place, and handed over the affairs of Xuanyuan City to His Second Highness. Nowadays, most of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are the confidants of the Second Highness."

It was the red-robed civil servant who spoke, looking a little resentful.

Huangfuqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "Even though the second brother has been windy and rainy these years, it is only the appearance on the surface, not to mention the eldest brother, the third brother, and the sixth sister, who are the ministers in the court and the middle. , How many of them are truly convinced of him? It must be known that the Holy Father’s heart is unpredictable, and maybe one day he will cut his power, and I am afraid that he will not even have a useful person."

After listening to the armored general, he nodded and said, "Your Highness said it well, whether it is cultivation aptitude or mental strategy, the Second Highness is far inferior to you. I heard that after he was in power, he recruited a few more fairies of loose cultivators into the palace. Enjoy, I'm afraid this will still linger in the gentle township."

"His Royal Highness." The red-robed civil servant on the side suddenly said, "The 'Inspiration King' is a seventh-rank Gu worm. You have gained a lot this time. After you go back, you can use that opportunity to enter the forbidden area and try to retreat to break through the bottleneck."

"Hahaha, if this breakthrough is successful, His Highness will be the youngest Prince of Tong Xuanjing, and even His Majesty will look at you with admiration!" The armored general laughed.

Facing the compliments from the two, Huangfu Qi just smiled lightly, thought for a while and said: "Actually, the biggest gain from this trip to the Peerless Domain is not to get the 'King of Inspiration', but to get to know someone."

"Oh? Who is this person who is so holy that he can actually make His Highness have blue eyes?" Both the armored generals and the red-robed officials showed interest.

"He..." Huangfu Qi hehe smiled and said, "Now he is the Palace Master of the Unparalleled City Bihai Palace."

"The Lord of Bihai Palace?"

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in the other's eyes. The armored general wanted to ask more, but saw Huangfuqi wave his hand and said: "This is the matter, let's go back."


Hearing Huangfuqi's The two of them didn't want to ask any more questions, they all followed behind him, turned to the golden boat, and the golden thunder broke through the air, carrying the crowd away... ......


Just as Huangfuqi was leaving, in a certain mountain range in the Unparalleled Domain, two Confucian scholars, one old and one young, were walking on foot.

The old man was wearing a long brown robe, a scribe scarf, and an inch-long beard under his forehead.

As for the young man, it was naturally a plan.

"Old man, do we have to hurry?" Ji Lai followed behind Shen Sanchi, seeming to complain.

"The trail has been found, we have to leave this place quickly." Shen Sanchi didn't look back, just hurrying forward.

"How come there is a teleportation formation in this mountain range?" Ji glanced at the surrounding mountains and asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, you kid!" Shen Sanchi rolled his nostrils and said, "You've been following me for so long, don't you know the truth of 'seek a way out before anything is done'? Don't be verbose, just follow me!"


Ji Lai angrily closed his mouth, but after being quiet for a while, he asked again, "Old man, when the peerless city was selected for the assessment, what was your purpose for letting me give the bamboo bird to that prisoner?"


This time, Shen Sanchi was silent for a moment, his eyes crossed the mountains, and he seemed to see the towering Peerless City in the distance.

"Linghu Bai's good chess move.......Shen Sanchi, Shen Sanchi, you've spent your whole life in divination, you can only find out today, the secret is unpredictable, hahaha! It's really unpredictable..."

Ps: This volume is all over here, and the next volume, "Xuanyuan Doubao", continues wonderfully!

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