The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 64: George's bad idea

The middle-aged man was stunned for a while, watching the SUV slowly out of the parking lot, suddenly chasing excitedly and shouting: "Wait, wait, young gentleman, you haven’t called my work number." Tell the car sales manager.

   No need to spend a penny on you, no need to spend a penny on commission, as long as you tell them my job number, sue, sue, tell me...

   Oh, oh, oh, hell, I’m an idiot, really a **** idiot. I don’t even have the money to buy a turkey on Christmas Eve. I even let the four thousand yuan fly away in vain..."

   When middle-aged people stood panting and wailing loudly on the side of the road, Zhang Lisheng, who was turning in the wrong direction, had carefully drove the explorer on New York's bustling Dolby Avenue.

   made a big circle at a speed of thirty steps per hour. It took him a full hour to finally drive the car outside the house.

A few minutes later, when Lili, who was waiting to see what kind of car his independent son would buy, saw the explorer, he was stunned. "Baby, you, you bought a brand new seven-seater. car!

   Last time, did you say that there was only five thousand yuan left in the account, is this car worth only a few thousand yuan? "

   "Mom, this is not a new car, but a two-handed car for about two years. Of course, a few thousand yuan cannot buy such a car.

   But recently because of the approaching Christmas, the slaughtering industry is very profitable. I have more than 30,000 yuan of free funds on hand, all..."

   "You mean that the slaughterhouse you bought for 100,000 yuan won more than 30,000 yuan for you in less than a month?"

   "Yes, I changed my business model and greatly improved productivity. Now the "Farm Federation" in Kathyland Town is planning to hire me as a director of the federation." Zhang Lisheng said irrationally.

  In fact, if no witch worms devoured the internal organs and blood of those livestock, and only dealt with the money of those ecological wastes, he could remove more than 80% of his profits.

   Lili opened her mouth for a while, "Wow, your performance makes me, so I can say nothing, I am proud of you baby.

   But this garage is difficult to put down in our garage..."

   "It doesn't matter mom, I have already rented a fixed parking space in the back street parking lot, you know it takes only five minutes to walk there, almost as convenient as parking at home."

   "Oh, I'm used to your chest, baby, now drive the car to the parking lot.

  Although I know that you will never do such a boring thing, I still want to remind you that you must not show off this car in front of Ladi, otherwise he will be jealous and crazy. "Lily sighed and looked at her son, who was getting stranger.

  But she didn't know that this kind of independent personality is the real character that Zhang Lisheng cultivated in Luwo Village for more than ten years.

   The docile son she had seen before was just the illusion of obedience shown by Zhang Lisheng when she suddenly met with a big change and met her mother for the first time.

   Zhang Lisheng nodded with a smile, turned around and drilled into the explorer, started the car to the parking lot.

   Halfway along the car, ‘Explorer’ connected to the mobile phone’s Bluetooth, suddenly sounded ‘Didi...’

  Zhang Lisheng answered the phone with ease, and the voice of George made noise on the car phone, "Man, I just finished working. What happened to your car?"

   "I already bought it."

   "Wow, this is really too timely.

What brand of car did you buy? George asked excitedly.

   "Ford Explorer."

   "Oh, do you know Li Sheng, your biggest characteristic is that you never surprise people.

   Driving a Ford car, drinking Le Cordon Bleu beer, watching a basketball game, and taking Christmas gifts from big socks, this is something old people will do.

   As a young man, don’t you think our taste should be more special?

   Never mind, it is better to have a car than no car. Come and pick me up here at Duze Meat Shop. I arranged an appointment for us. "

   "George, what does ‘I’ve scheduled an appointment for us’?”

   "That's when I made an appointment with two girls, one for you and one for me.

   Don't thank my buddy. As the only friend of this lonely boy, this is what I should do. "

   "George, my arrangement today is to buy a car; have a lunch with my mother; visit a pet store in New York City in the afternoon and choose a pet; then go to Kathyland Town to see the slaughterhouse..."

   "Listen to friends, I know you are a mysterious, special high school student.

  But even mysterious and special high school students, if a lonely person does not have a partner at the New Year's ball, it will also become a despised bug in school.

   Even if your mother is in charge of the school, there will still be people who want to bully and laugh at you involuntarily. This is the tradition in every middle school in the country.

  Are you going to rely on family for everything, or all ordinary classmates who make fun of you, all, you, you know, ‘handle it’ by your way? "

   It is not a good thing for a person with a secret to appear too uncommunicative in life. Zhang Lisheng was silent for a while, and said anxiously: "When I was in school in China, there was not so much trouble."

   "But you are in the country now.

   Come on, the two I am looking for are hot girls. If Lobic is not a junior high school, there will never be such a beautiful girl who wants to date a senior, and promises to date us.

   Remember to drive your'new car', I told them that you have a car, today we take a good drive, joy..."

   "George, if you want to go for a ride in the temperature of minus seven degrees, you can take them directly to the cold storage of Duze Meat Shop...

   However, well, wait for me to arrive soon. "Zhang Lisheng hung up the phone, relayed Lili's number, and said that he was going to date."

   "This is a good thing, every high school boy has a partner to participate in the New Year's ball, and of course my mother hopes you are no exception.

   Seeing that you really made a friend who knows to care about you, go on a happy date, just remember not to touch any alcoholic beverages. "

   "I know my mother." Zhang Lisheng said aloud to the car phone in the driver's seat, slowly turned around, stopped in the traffic, and came to the Duze meat restaurant.

   Outside the butcher shop, George was wearing a rustic cotton hat in the cold wind, his eyes were standing on the side of the road without blinking, looking at the passing cars.

Zhang Lisheng parked his car in the parking space next to him. When he opened the window, he didn't seem to see this sturdy seven-seater SUV and his skinny and familiar friend in the driver's seat. Stop looking away.

   Until Zhang Lisheng greeted him aloud, "George, what are you looking at, don't hurry up." He suddenly realized that Zhang Lisheng was in the big car not far away.

George froze for a moment, first carefully looked at the'Explorer' with a look of surprise, and then stepped into the car, sitting on the co-pilot with comfort comparable to the air seat, gently stroking the luxury breath in front of him The large-screen central control panel exclaimed: "Oh, oh, God, is this Li Sheng the two-handed Ford you bought!"

   "Yeah, is it different from what you think? I remember not telling you that you plan to buy a bigger car?"

"'Big car', hell, usually 16-year-old high school students said to buy a bigger car, it means to buy a two-handed Ford Fiesta that is bigger than the lady beetle, not a seven that is bigger than a bus. Block RV!

   I knew you would drive this kind of car as early as possible. Why do I have to spend more time talking with Linna and Herna, directly...

   But that’s fine, Li Sheng, your ‘weapon’ far exceeded my expectations. Maybe we will have an unexpected gain today.

   set off, aiming at Lobic High School, the two chicks who are going to date with us will complete their holiday club activities and rush into our arms..."

  In the excitement of George's noise, Zhang Lisheng stepped on the accelerator and drove to Lobic High School.

  At this time he had some regrets, he should not be fooled by George's three words wasted valuable time on Saturday rest, and a girl who had never met before.

   But when things got to this point, it was only impossible to get George out of the car. Everything can only be used as a warning. Next time I will never commit it again. Today’s ‘dating’ can only continue.

  In the first few times George didn't know how to praise the'Explorer', Zhang Lisheng drove to the outside of Lobic High School.

  He just parked the car by the roadside, and George hurriedly said, "Wait here for me, I'll go find the girls." Open the door, jump off the car, and ran into the open campus.

Zhang Lisheng stayed alone in the car, frowned frowning and thought for a while, turned on the car computer on the center console of the "Explorer", which was not furnished, and began to search online for the location of New York City's well-known pet stores and their dealers. Insect pets for sale.

  Chameleons, lizards, geckos, snakes, spiders, toads...He read them carefully for a while, but did not find a satisfactory target, and started searching for "pet-made" online.

  After Zhang Lisheng found that the shop that advertised himself as a ‘large pet shop in New York’ was marked with a ‘pet customization’ business, he randomly found a phone with the most gorgeous pet shop on the website and called it.

   "Hello, this is the "Golden Crown Pet Home", can I help you?"

   "Hello, I need pet customization service.

   Excuse me, venomous snakes, highly venomous insects, or ferocious reptiles, do you offer customized services there? "

   Hearing Zhang Lisheng's request, the gentle female voice became very rude at once, and said coldly, "Of course, but you'd better call the zoo or mental hospital." He hung up.


  Recommended tickets are not wordy! ! !


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