The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 445: "Destroy"

Even if the hundreds of steam iron ships of the Wuli Expeditionary Army were divided into three columns, the length of the entire fleet spread over a distance of 20 to 30 kilometers after the ship was separated from the safe distance. It was like a steel monster that could not meet at the sea. Usually sailing near the moon-shaped islands, the disturbing Huoluo tribe along the coast could not be alarmed.


When the small wooden boat filled with fishing catches and slowly returned to the voyage of several tribes that made a living from fishing and hunting, when the Wuli fleet was unable to dodge, it was crushed into fragments by the iron boat. The naked arrogant hostility was even more fatal. Fears and hates of the compatriots on the shore, gathered in a pile of vigilance.


"It seems that small tribes of only 20,000 to 30,000 people know how to build boats and fish. The Hellians on the outer islands are more advanced in civilization than the indigenous people on Wuli Island. Ba, they have already surpassed them now..." Zhang Lisheng murmured as he stood at the side of the ship looking at the grinning native.


The body of the alien aborigine fisherman who was crushed to death by the iron ship was scattered by the steam ship under him, and then he heard the young captain driving the flagship of Wuli shouting at the shore and shouting: "Great conqueror , This coast is already a rare good harbor, at least 30 steam warships can be moored, and the fleet can be docked in turn..."


   "Bansaru, are you sure that the iron ship will not run aground here?" Zhang Lisheng looked at the coast again without looking back. When the captain was interrupted, he asked aloud.


   "Looking at the color and topography of the sea water, I can determine with my life that the steam ship will never strand the great conqueror." Bansaru resolutely replied.


   "Very good Bansalu, then I will clean the shore first, you drive the boat to the shore." Zhang Lisheng said with a grin on his face. The whole body fleshed open and crawled out of hundreds of tiny insects.


   Seeing this strange scene, even if the Wuli warriors are brutal and cruel, they know that the tribal ruler always likes to drive the giant insects to fight. Still can't help chilling in the back.


   And those insects that can fly after leaving the youth's body grow long, and soon they turn into giant tree-sized insects rushing to the shore;


   jumped into the sea before he could not fly, and then swelled up, swimming horror to the shore, instantly. Hundreds of natives on the coast were turned into food for poisonous insects.


When the alert hundreds of alien fishermen and soldiers were killed and injured in just a few breaths, a stone giant covered with moss suddenly jumped out of the Hell Tribe, hundreds of meters away from the coastline. It fell to the beach for a long distance, and the body was soft like a rubber, and the force was released.


"Did the guardian spirit of the tribe appear, but it was too late..." After seeing the stone giant appearing on the iron ship, he punched his feet and fought hard to fight back the witch insects. Zhang Lisheng whispered with a contemptuous smile on his face, "And even if such a small monster is present, it is possible to save the situation..."


   Unexpectedly, the young man's voice just landed, and all the giant insects hit by the stone giant began to produce gray-black wet moss, and the decaying hòu skin and carapace could not bear the weight of the organs. The ruptured body collapsed on the beach. Quickly decaying into a sticky fungus flowing freely. Moss spread to more witch bugs.


   After showing his singular abilities, the stone giant who had reversed the situation in Zhang Li's business roared loudly and said: "Catayas, Donidia, Shan Arnell, you are not coming yet.


  The exiles on the sea who are driving big ships are by no means annoying guys. It's too late to show our Qiluang tribe's strength as an attack target soon. "


   "Teth I let you fight, you fight. Don't bargain with me," an angry roar came from the distant tribe. "A tribal enshrinement that changes in four seasons in exchange for your full shot this time, you can't just use a few tricks to count your best..."


   There was a loud dispute between the guardian spirits of the Hell Tribe on the shore, showing that they did not particularly fear the Wuli Fleet;


On the flagship of the fleet over there, Zhang Lisheng has transformed into a grim giant with a height of more than ten meters with the power of Jin Chan. His mouth cracked and stretched continuously and finally turned into a large black lacquered hole with a diameter of more than five meters. The giant stone that was tightly surrounded by the worms who did not fear destruction, ejected a cyclone that seemed to tear the space.


   The cyclone hurled a hurricane against the stone man and stirred it up with the surrounding giant insects.


In the "Dragon Eye" of the storm, the stone giant was constantly hovering and screaming in agony. The soft body was continuously twisted into a variety of strange shapes by the violent and unmatched airflow, and finally broke into a pile of rubble. Until then, Zhang Lishengjin The whirlwind of the toad's avatar whizzed sharply but violently in the air offshore.


   In the roaring wind, a low roar sounded from the Hell tribe near the coast. "Thetas is dead. The monsters who protect these red armored people are not so easy to cheat. We can only fight to death.


   All Qiluang warriors, pick up your weapons and charge, the handyman and the women find all the grease in the tribe, even if today ‘Qiluang’ will be history, we will never let the enemy be better...”


Immediately after the roar, the tribe immediately responded with a harmonious response, "Follow your orders, great reinvigorator..." Obviously, the warriors in the Hell Tribe named "Qi Luang" were elite and brave, even if Despite the absolute disadvantage, they dare to face strong enemies without discouragement and despair.


  Unfortunately, under the guidance of the flagship, more than a dozen Wuli battlefields have landed.


Led by the head of the warrior who mastered the magic power, thousands of Wu Li warriors riding the giant spiders drove the "partners" to jump directly off the ship, list the battle array, and rushed to the fire six or seven hundred meters away. Prison tribe.


   After all, a tenacious will is difficult to compete with the material that lives in reality.


   When wielding a wooden-handed spear and wearing a simple and broken leather armor, the alien warrior stood in vain in the mud, intending to block the whole body from wearing crimson iron armor;


The weapons in his hands are all made of black iron after removing impurities in the volcanic furnace. They are directly stamped at once with a hydraulic machine tool with an impact force of more than 10,000 tons. Even the giant spider under the crotch is covered with thin and strong mail When the Wu Li warriors charged with razor blades on their long limbs charged, courage became a sad joke.


   Even with the help of guardian spirits, it only killed less than one hundred Wuli warriors, and the entire defense line of tens of thousands of warriors in ‘Qiluang’ has become a mess.


   "This kind of elite and powerful battle array charge, they, they are not in a fierce manner to intimidate others to flee the tribe, but a real conqueror who really fights across the island!


   And it must come from, from the "Nursing Islands"..."The reality that the enemy made the battle unstoppable with one charge, so a guardian spirit with a giant shark head in the Qiluang tribe roared in horror.


   And this time the negligence caused this powerful monster to be attacked by the eleven Wuli warrior leaders in the same thousand-person battle array, and he lost his life due to serious injuries.


  The battle situation has shown the final victory and defeat right after the start. Zhang Lisheng, who has never left the deck of the sea boat, has driven thousands of witch bugs and his expeditionary army to arbitrarily cross the Qiluang tribe habitat;


   Feel the thrill of the long-lost witch power boiling growth in flesh and blood;


Looking at the desolate battle situation in the distance, his mouth could not help showing a proud look, "It seems that the thorough preparation is not in vain. As long as there are enough spells to support these 100,000 Wuli warriors, they can be regarded as ordinary six or seven hundred thousand warriors. After using it, the Hell Tribes that meet less than 100,000 people are already crushed!"


After saying this, the young man who had not dissipated Jin Chan felt that the fire was coming, he roared with his head, jumped off the steam ship, and hurried to the totem stone column of the Qiluang tribe. Knocked on the ground.


   Then he roared and cracked his big mouth to smash the largest bark house next to the totem pole, and captured the tribe history of Qiluang, destroying the last hope of the aliens.


Looking around, tens of thousands of Qiluang warriors had lost their weapons in their hands, Zhang Lisheng relaxed and regained his normal posture. Then he pointed at a warrior leader with two feathers in his head; "You take your men Host the tribe's conversion ceremony here.


  The other soldiers followed me along the coast, while the native tribes on this island had no time to unite against our conquest. We wanted to destroy the most alien tribes in the shortest time. "


"Observe the great conqueror." The words of the tribe's chief are in the heart of the Wuli warriors who have high morale. Only the warrior leader selected to host the Qiluang people's conversion ceremony showed a depressed But he never Dare not to refute Zhang Lisheng's command, he could only bear it silently, and after the 100,000 Wu Li warriors left the battle line, the brutal and equally unhappy soldiers drove the Qiluang women and children to dig deep holes for Bury your own tribe.


  Because Wu Linai was conquered across the island, a new totem pole was also cultivated on the island with the body of the warrior who died in the war.


When the blood pool filled with the corpses of Qiluang people turned the totem poles and tribal history of Qiluang into howling black smoke, it was blown away by a mysterious force until the blood was carefully wiped off with clean water and cleaned. The sun was completely clean, and the naked body yard was put together in the body of the Wuli warrior, the last afterglow of the sun disappeared just below the sea level.


After a long time, the black smoke gradually corroded the corpses of all the war dead in Wuli into thick horns, slowly blown by the sea breeze, and naturally solidified into a stone pillar only two or three meters high, the moon has climbed to The sky is in the middle.


At this time, dozens of hundreds of Wuli warriors began to ride giant giant spiders, driving a large number of defeated interracial Hells, and gray-faced, toppled totem poles appeared in the just-dead Qiluang tribe. In the middle of the earth, it took only four days and three nights of victory to transform the small Wuli Stone Pillar into a magnificent totem nearly 100 meters high.


PS: One more offer... (to be continued) [This text is provided by Qihang Update Group @`豆豆椒吧] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest Motivation. )

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