The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 475 Turning enemies into friends, Nine Thunder God-killing Archery

The most angry person at the moment is probably Mou Yuntao.

Originally, this treasure should belong to him, and he stayed in Blood City for three hundred years.

Unexpectedly, the secret realm was finally opened, but so many people wanted to compete with him for the treasure.

And at this moment, he was accidentally poisoned by the soul-eating fairy insect. If he continued to compete with Tang Zhongming, the chance of winning would be almost zero.

So Mou Yuntao hesitated for a moment, then turned and left.

He knew that he might not have a chance with this treasure. If he tried to fight for it, he might end up losing both his life and his own life.

When Lao Wu saw Mou Yuntao leaving, he immediately followed him.

"Gao Zhan, let's wait and see!"

Old Wu glared at Gao Zhan before leaving. If it weren't for Gao Zhan's betrayal, Mou Yuntao wouldn't be so passive at this moment.

The top priority now is to rid the body of the poison.

"I'm watching, don't die too early!"

Gao Zhan said disdainfully.

Tang Zhongming on the high platform watched Mou Yuntao leave without saying much.

Although this person was poisoned, he was still a strong man in the late stage of tribulation. If he had a fight with him, even if he could win, he would probably be hurt.

His current goal is not to make enemies, but to find Lin Changsheng's whereabouts and kill him.

"Senior Tang, I, Gao Zhan, am willing to do my best for you. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Gao Zhan immediately clung to Tang Zhongming.

However, Tang Zhongming looked at him with disdain.

This kind of treacherous person is what he despises the most.

But Gao Zhan is still somewhat useful now, otherwise he would have killed him with one sword.

"Go and guard outside! No one is allowed in!"

Tang Zhongming gave an order.

The two treasures inside the altar naturally belong to him, and he does not want to be disturbed by others when acquiring these two treasures.


Gao Zhan responded, and then immediately led the Blood Guards to retreat.

Seeing that he had lost the chance to fight for the treasure, Lu Shan retreated wisely.

If he had to fight for the treasure with Mou Yuntao, who was severely injured, there might still be some hope.

But in his heyday, Tang Zhongming was powerless to resist.

We can only wait for the opportunity.

"Senior Lu, are we just going to hand over the treasure to Tang Zhongming just like that?"

A monk asked unwillingly.

The most uncomfortable thing is seeing the treasure right in front of you but not being able to get it.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? Tang Zhongming's strength is second only to that of an immortal. Who can seize the treasure from him, unless -"

"Unless what?"

Before Lu Shan finished speaking, the monk asked anxiously.

"Unless we can join forces with Mou Yuntao!"

Lu Shan expressed what he was thinking.

They were indeed enemies just now, but not necessarily now.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Only by joining forces with Mou Yuntao can he hope to fight against Tang Zhongming.

In this way, they can share the treasures in the two altars equally.

"Mou Yuntao has been seriously injured, can he still beat Tang Zhongming?"

The monk asked in confusion.

"Although the soul-eating fairy insect poison is strong, Mou Yuntao will not wait to die! He has his own way to detoxify!"

Lu Shan then chased towards the place where Mou Yuntao left, and caught up with Mou Yuntao and Lao Wu in just a moment.

"What? Still want to do something?"

Mou Yuntao's face turned cold and he was very unhappy.

If the other party hadn't wasted his time, he might have obtained the treasure long ago.

"City Lord Mou has misunderstood. I'm here to ask for peace this time!"

"Also, I found the traitors around City Lord Mou in advance. Don't you think you should thank me?"

Lu Shan said with a smile.

"Thank you? What a joke!"

Mou Yuntao was quite vigilant.

Who knows if the other party is using a trick to make him lower his guard?

He didn't think the other party was so kind.

"Does City Lord Mou not want the treasures in the Blood Fiend Cave?"

Lu Shan uses the Jijiang method.

Hearing this, Mou Yuntao's expression indeed changed.

"Who doesn't want the Tongtian Immortal Treasure? If you hadn't stopped me, I would have taken it already. How could I be left empty-handed?"

Mou Yuntao was very unhappy.

"So I came here to plead guilty, and please don't blame me, City Lord Mou. Now only you and I can fight against Tang Zhongming, otherwise all the treasures in the secret realm will be obtained by him, and then you and I will gain nothing!"

Lu Shan once again proposed turning enemies into friends.

"Do you really want peace?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Mou Yuntao's eyes. This Lu Shan is indeed an elder of a large sect. How can he afford to let go?

"Of course, otherwise we will only suffer the loss! City Lord Mou has been waiting for hundreds of years in Blood City, isn't he just waiting for this moment? We should put aside the grievances just now, and winning the treasure is the most important thing."

Lu Shan lowered his body and said.

This point has touched the heart of Mou Yuntao. He has been waiting for so many years for the treasure in the secret realm, and of course he cannot give it away to others.

"It's a pity that I am already poisoned. How can I be Tang Zhongming's opponent? Even if you are included, I'm afraid -"

"Sect Master Mou, you are worrying too much. I have a bottle of heart-protecting elixir here that can protect City Master Mou for three days! During these three days, City Master Mou only needs to drive away the soul-eating fairy insect poison. I want City Master Mou to be safe." There should be a way, right?"

Lu Shan took out a bottle of elixir and said.

"I'm afraid this is not a pill, but a poison, right?"

Old Wu didn't believe that the other party was so kind.

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Lu Shan took out a pill, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Now that City Master Mou and I are allies, how could I harm you? What good will harming you do to me?"

Lu Shan explained.

Mou Yuntao saw that the other party was like this, so there should be no problem with this elixir.

"Say your terms!"

Mou Yuntao knew that the other party could not show courtesy for nothing, and there must be conditions.

"My conditions are not high. There are two treasures in the Blood Demon Palace. One is called the Demon Blood God-killing Spear, and the other is the blood of the Blood Demon Loose Immortal Essence. I just want that pool of blood. The low-grade Heaven-reaching Immortal Treasure can be returned. Owned by City Lord Mou!"

Lu Shan stated his request.

This actually surprised Mou Yuntao. A pool of blood was so precious?

The other party was actually willing to give him the low-grade Tongtian Immortal Treasure?


Mou Yuntao thought for a moment and finally agreed.

Because he has no better choice now. If he doesn't agree, it may be difficult for him to obtain a treasure.

[The Demonic Seal of Ten Thousand Corpses is completed! 】

[The nine-day god-killing archery skill is perfected! 】

Just when Mou Yuntao reached an agreement with Lu Shan.

Lin Changsheng finally mastered the two major immortal arts to perfection.

[The Demonic Seal of Ten Thousand Corpses (Perfection) and the Poisonous Dragon Burning Heaven Palm (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new immortal technique? 】

[It has been detected that the Nine Heavens Killing God Archery (Perfection) and the Netherworld Thunder Flame Archery (Perfection) are merged into a new immortal art? 】

The next moment, a fusion prompt pops up on the panel.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

[The fusion of Ten Thousand Corpses Heavenly Demon Seal (Perfection), Poisonous Dragon Burning Heaven Palm (Perfection) begins. Fusion is in progress. Fusion is completed, and you get the Corpse Demon Heaven Suppressing Palm! 】

[Nine Heavens God-killing Archery (Perfection), Netherworld Thunder Flame Archery (Perfection) fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, obtain Nine Thunder God-killing Archery! 】

"Zombie Demon's Heaven-Suppressing Palm? Nine Thunder God-killing Archery Technique?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that the power of these two magical arts must be extraordinary.

[The Corpse Demon Suppressing Heaven Palm has been detected. Do you want to spend 10,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[The Nine Thunder God-killing Archery Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 11,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

Just after the fusion was completed, the panel prompted again.


Lin Changsheng continued to choose simplicity.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Corpse Demon’s Heaven-Suppressing Palm begins. The simplification is completed. The Corpse Demon’s Heaven-Suppressing Palm == controls the corpse puppet! 】

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Nine Thunder God-killing Archery Technique begins. The simplification is completed during the simplification. The Nine Thunder God-Killing Archery Technique == Watch beautiful women shoot arrows! 】

"Controlling corpse puppets? Watching beautiful women shoot arrows?"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, the first one didn't seem difficult, but the second one was a bit difficult.

Where to find beautiful women in the wilderness?

The next moment, Lin Changsheng's eyes fell on Guo Yunchu. Isn't this already ready?

The look in Lin Changsheng's eyes made Guo Yunchu feel a little numb.

"Why are you staring at me like this? Is there a stain on my face?"

Guo Yunchu wiped her face.

"At least I saved your life, should you do something for me?"

Lin Changsheng's lips raised a meaningful smile.

This gave Guo Yunchu a bad feeling. Could it be that Lin Changsheng was a beast like the previous two people?

"You, what do you want to do?"

Guo Yunchu couldn't help but cover her body tightly.

However, the next moment, Lin Changsheng directly took a bow and arrow and threw it in front of Guo Yunchu.

"I have a vague sense of breakthrough in the great archery skills I have learned. If you perform archery for me, maybe I will have an epiphany!"

Lin Changsheng directly stated his purpose.

When Guo Yunchu heard it, it turned out to be archery!

I thought it was something else, which made me worry in vain.

"It turned out to be archery! You didn't tell me earlier! I thought -"

Guo Yunchu said angrily.


Lin Changsheng joked.


Guo Yunchu was just about to say it, but realized something was wrong, "You ask questions knowingly! If you make fun of me again, be careful I shoot an arrow in your head!"

Guo Yunchu picked up the long bow on the ground, and instantly bent the bow and aimed an arrow at Lin Changsheng. This action was done in one go, which showed that she had practiced archery before.

"If you dare to shoot an arrow at my head, my hand will hit you. Do you want to try?"

Lin Changsheng shook his hand.


Guo Yunchu suddenly had no choice but to compromise and shoot an arrow towards the ancient mountain.

This confused Gu Shan. He provoked whom, why was he the one who got hurt?

Gushan stretched out his fingers and pinched them, and the whizzing arrow stopped only three inches away from his eyebrows.

"You guys are flirting, why am I the one who's unlucky? Can you consider my feelings?"

Gushan said speechlessly and threw the arrow out directly.

It landed right next to Guo Yunchu, causing a cloud of stone chips to fly.

If this arrow hits Guo Yunchu, it will definitely kill her instantly.

"Whoever is flirting with him, I can't wait to kill him. He will bully me while my meridians are gone!"

Guo Yunchu's face turned red and she retorted.

"Come on, come on, just fall in love and kill each other! I can't control it, just don't torment me!"

Gushan said impatiently, hiding in a corner and not making a sound.

Lin Changsheng looked at Guo Yunchu with a half-smile, and looked at her a little embarrassed.

Who asked Lin Changsheng to save her life? She could only shoot arrows for Lin Changsheng to see.

If Guo Yunchu didn't have the temper of a young lady, Lin Changsheng would still feel good about it. After all, Guo Yunchu has a good figure and face.

And his cultivation talent is not bad either.

It's just nothing compared to Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and summoned a corpse puppet, letting him circle around.

Nether God-killing Archery experience value +1!

Corpse Demon Suppressing Palm’s experience value +1!

In this way, the experience points of the two major magic arts continue to increase crazily.

While Lin Changsheng was hiding in the cave and continuing to practice immortality, many monks outside were looking for Lin Changsheng like crazy.

If Lin Changsheng cannot be found, their lives may be at risk.

Blood Demon Palace.

After Tang Zhongming obtained the Demon Blood God-killing Spear, he felt that the spear was very domineering and powerful.

Inside the gun body, there seemed to be an extremely powerful soul that he could not fully control.

"The soul in the late stage of transcending the tribulation?"

Tang Zhongming was quite shocked. He didn't expect that this Blood Evil Loose Immortal would actually seal the soul of a strong man in the late stage of the Tribulation into the Demonic Blood God-killing Spear to enhance the power of the spear?

It seems that such evil things are not something he can control easily.

If you use this treasure for a long time, you will definitely develop inner demons and slowly develop a murderous intention.

"Destined man, let me out, and I can fulfill any wish you have!"

Just when Tang Zhongming was about to put away the Demon Blood God-killing Spear, the spirit inside the gun body uttered a word.

"Any wishes?"

Tang Zhongming was quite surprised.

"Exactly, including helping you break through Hao Jue, it can be done without any effort!"

The spirit said again.

"That's no need. If you really have the ability, help me find Lin Changsheng's whereabouts! I might consider letting you out!"

Tang Zhongming smiled.

If you can't even find Lin Changsheng's whereabouts, don't talk about other wishes.

"As long as he is here, I can find him within 200,000 miles!"

Shenhun said slowly.

Hearing this, Tang Zhongming suddenly felt bad. The strength of this soul was probably far beyond that of the later stage of Tribulation.

The spiritual thoughts in the later stages of the Tribulation can only explore a hundred thousand miles at most.

The spiritual thoughts of this soul can actually spread thousands of miles.

Could it be the lingering thoughts of Sanxian?

"No, are you the inner demon of the Blood Fiend Sanxian?"

Tang Zhongming suddenly felt bad. Fortunately, he didn't let the opponent out, otherwise he would not be able to deal with this inner demon of Sanxian.

The inner demon of a loose immortal is also at the level of a loose immortal, a half-immortal.

It is said that to become an immortal, you must first kill the inner demons.

The reason why this Blood Evil Loose Immortal failed to overcome the calamity and become an immortal is probably because he was influenced by the inner demon, which led to his failure.

So in the end, he had to seal his inner demon in the gun body.

If he releases his inner demons, it will be a question of whether Tang Zhongming can survive, let alone break through Haojue.


Hearing Tang Zhongming's words, the inner demon laughed, which made Tang Zhongming's eardrums sting.

"It's true. It's a pity that he didn't listen to my advice. Otherwise, he might have become an immortal long ago! As long as you listen to me, you can also become an immortal!"

The inner demon spoke again.

"shut up!"

Tang Zhongming scolded.

"As long as you listen to me, you can become an immortal!"

"As long as you listen to me, you can become an immortal!"

The inner demon's words echoed in Tang Zhongming's mind over and over again.

It seemed that as long as Tang Zhongming listened to him, becoming an immortal would be a piece of cake.

"Get away!"

Tang Zhongming waved his hand and threw the Demonic Blood God-killing Spear back into the altar and sealed it again. His words dissipated instantly.

If he were allowed to seduce him, Tang Zhongming might not be able to hold on. (End of chapter)

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