The flaming sword light was coming fiercely, but the Ice Jade Toad had no intention of avoiding it.


I saw the Ice Jade Toad open its mouth and exhale, a breath of extremely cold air burst out, and the entire space seemed to be frozen.

The flames on the flaming sword were extinguished instantly, and even the light of the sword was condensed in mid-air.


When Taoist Nanshan saw this scene, he was shocked and speechless.

This spiritual beast is so powerful?


The Ice Jade Toad made a sound, and its throat widened, and another mouthful of extremely cold air came out.

Upon seeing this, Taoist Nanshan immediately ducked and evaded.

After the first collision, he knew that the ice power of this ice jade toad was extremely powerful.

If someone is not careful, even he may die.

However, Taoist Nanshan dodged quickly enough, but the people from the Black Tiger Gang and the White Snake Gang behind him were not so lucky.

Except for the leaders of the two major gangs who ran away quickly, the rest of the gangs were instantly frozen into ice sculptures by the power of ice and died one after another.

"Senior, you did your best—"

Zhang Wenliang shouted anxiously, isn't this Nanshan Taoist a match for this spiritual beast?


Taoist Nanshan roared angrily, and flames bloomed all over his body, which had activated the energy in his body to the extreme.

Then he waved the sword light again, and slashed out a series of flaming sword lights towards the Ice Jade Toad.

If you can resist a blade of ice and jade toad, can the opponent still resist hundreds or thousands of them?

The Lihuo Sect is a sect that practices the Flame Cultivation Technique. It is said that the sect has been passed down for more than 30,000 years. The sect leader originally obtained a Vermillion Bird Divine Feather, from which he gained enlightenment and obtained the Lihuo Divine Flame.

However, the sect is now inferior to the previous generation, and there are fewer and fewer geniuses who can truly bring out the Lihuo Divine Flame to the extreme.

Most disciples can only peek into the door.

Even Taoist Nanshan’s Lihuo Divine Flame is only a small success.

But this divine flame is not an ordinary flame after all, and its power is also very domineering.

At first, the Ice Jade Toad was able to resist with the power of extreme cold, but as more and more blades appeared, the Ice Jade Toad slowly became a little difficult.

Bang bang bang——

Some of the sword lights even struck it, causing bursts of roaring sounds.

Fortunately, this Ice Jade Toad's physical body is also very powerful, and it is not that easy to seriously injure it.

When Lin Changsheng saw Taoist Nanshan fighting against the Ice Jade Toad with all his strength, a smile appeared on his lips.

The more intense they fight, the better, and then they can reap the benefits.

This Nanshan Taoist was also careless and felt that Lin Changsheng and others could not pose a threat to him, so he did not take Lin Changsheng and the others seriously.

"Li Huo Breaks the Sky!"

Seeing that the Ice Jade Toad was outnumbered, Taoist Nanshan immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued him. The light of the sword in his hand became even brighter, and a huge blade fell from the sky, slashing down towards the place where the Ice Jade Toad was.

This Ice Jade Toad is not stupid. He knows that the power of this attack is extremely powerful. If it is hit hard, he will be seriously injured.

I saw the Ice Jade Toad exerting force under its feet, leaping dozens of feet, and left the place in an instant.


The powerful flames of the sword fell to the ground, directly disintegrating the rocks where the Ice Jade Toad had just been killed, revealing a hundred-foot long pit of flames.


After the Ice Jade Toad landed, it was already dozens of feet away and roared twice, its throat becoming even louder.

Then he opened his mouth and took a breath, and suddenly there was a strong wind around him.

All objects flew towards its huge mouth, including some gravel and two gang members who turned into ice sculptures.

Fortunately, Zhang Wenliang and Huang Yuesheng hid far away and were not sucked into their mouths.

Taoist Nanshan who was directly in front felt the air flow around him, slowly sliding towards the mouth of the Ice Jade Toad.


Fortunately, he had a flaming sword in his hand, and he inserted it directly into the ground to stabilize his figure.

However, the Ice Jade Toad had no intention of letting him go. He stretched out his tongue and wrapped it around Taoist Nanshan's body, trying to pull him directly into his belly.

In the belly of the Ice Jade Toad, there is extremely strong ice power and refining effect. Even if a strong tribulation expert enters it, it will freeze into an ice sculpture in less than a breath, and then be refined and become an ice sculpture. The ice jade toad's spiritual energy enhances cultivation.

"How brave!"

Taoist Nanshan was furious. This beast actually wanted to swallow him?

It's just a matter of life and death.

I saw Nanshan Taoist pull out his long sword and slash it with his hand.


The Ice Jade Toad's tongue was cut off instantly, and dark green blood splashed all over the floor.

The blood dripped on the ground, instantly freezing the ground for three feet. It can be seen that the Ice Jade Toad exudes an extremely powerful ice aura all over its body.

Seeing that it was difficult for him to swallow Taoist Nanshan, the Ice Jade Toad decided to retreat, otherwise if he continued to fight, both sides would lose.

There is a difference between being injured by monsters and humans. When humans are injured, there are elixirs that can heal them.

But the monster can only rely on its own body to slowly recover.

During the period of recovery, the monster is weak and can easily die.

Therefore, monsters will not be harmed if they can.

At this moment, a section of his tongue was severed, which was already a big loss.

"Want to escape?"

When Taoist Nanshan saw the Ice Jade Toad leaping into the distance, he immediately slashed out his flaming sword and chased after him.

"Follow me quickly!"

Zhang Wenliang and Huang Yuesheng followed immediately, fearing that Master Nanshan would leave after surrendering the Ice Jade Toad.

At that time, they will draw water from a bamboo basket and come up empty-handed.

"Let's go too!"

Just when Gu Shan was about to follow him, Lin Changsheng stopped him.

"Aren't you afraid that the spiritual beast will be surrendered by him?"

Gu Shan was puzzled.

"Don't worry, this spiritual beast is not that easy to deal with. He won't be able to kill it for a while. The ice in this cave is so powerful that there might be some treasure inside!"

Lin Changsheng said suspiciously.

Just at this moment, they were all attracted by the Ice Jade Toad, and he could enter the cave to see if there were any treasures inside.

"Wait at the door. If you dare to escape, you should know what will happen!"

Lin Changsheng said something to Qin Yuan, and then walked towards the large cave with Gu Shan.

The further inside, the thicker the ice atmosphere becomes.

The cave was a hundred feet deep. When Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan came to the end, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

It was discovered that there was an innate ice vein here that exuded the breath of ice.

This innate ice vein is similar to the heaven and earth immortal vein, but the level is much higher.

Absorbing the Immortal Veins of Heaven and Earth will only increase your cultivation level, and this innate ice vein, after being absorbed, can not only enhance your cultivation level, but also gain extremely strong ice power.

"It's a pity that I practice fire spells and can no longer absorb the power of this ice vein!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, feeling a little regretful.

But then I thought about it, I was going to look for Yan Zhen in a while, wouldn't it be a good idea to give her this ice vein?

Yan Zhen practices ice magic, and with the help of ice veins, her cultivation will definitely increase greatly.

Thinking of this, Lin Changsheng waved his hand and put the innate ice veins directly into the storage bag.

"This is?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, he discovered that there was a fruit tree-like plant underneath the ice veins.

It's just that the whole body of this plant is wrapped in ice, like ice crystals, and it is very gorgeous.

The fruit tree even bore fruit, and Lin Changsheng counted seven in total.

The fruit is about the size of an apple and exudes a crystal luster.

"Is this the Frost Spirit Fruit?"

Gushan was surprised, he had only heard of this thing.

It is said that the Frost Spirit Fruit grows in an extremely cold place, and the spiritual energy here needs to be very strong. It only bears fruit once every three thousand years. This fruit has the great effect of increasing cultivation and longevity.

Women who take it can stay young forever and make their appearance more beautiful.

There were seven fruits in total. Lin Changsheng gave one to Gu Shan and collected the other six fruits together with the fruit trees.

After dealing with the Frost Jade Toad, find an uninhabited place to take it.

"Is there any treasure inside?"

After Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan came out, Qin Yuan asked curiously.

He felt that there must be treasure inside, otherwise why would the Ice Jade Toad choose to stay here?

This spiritual beast is not stupid, and will definitely find a place with extremely strong spiritual energy to practice.


Lin Changsheng responded decisively, he did not want to share the benefits with Qin Yuan, and it was hard to say whether this guy would be alive for a while.

After finishing his words, Lin Changsheng rushed towards the place where Nanshan Taoist and the Ice Jade Toad were fighting.

"Why is there nothing?"

Qin Yuan said in confusion.

Then I had no choice but to follow him.

By the time Lin Changsheng arrived at the place where the Nanshan Taoist and the Ice Jade Toad were fighting, the fight between one man and one beast had reached a fever pitch.

Dark green blood was already coming out of the Ice Jade Toad's body, and Nanshan Taoist was not much better. His face was pale and it could be seen that he must have been eroded by the power of ice.

Even Zhang Wenliang and Huang Yuesheng on the side joined the battle.

However, the two people's attacks were neither painful nor itchy to Hanbing Jade Chan, and could only have a little restraint effect at most.

"Can you guys do it? Don't lose your wife and lose your troops. It's not worthwhile to lose your life here!"

Qin Yuan felt very proud when he saw the Black Tiger Gang and the White Snake Gang suffered heavy losses.

It seemed that they had to pay a huge price if they wanted to surrender this Ice Jade Toad.

"If we can't do it, how can you do it? If this spiritual beast can't even do Nanshan Taoism, you will be seeking your own death if you take action."

Zhang Wenliang mocked.

"Then do you dare to let us try? If we can't take it, turn around and leave!"

Qin Yuan mocked.

This made Zhang Wenliang frown. It seemed like this guy really wanted to die!

Then just let them die. This way you can get rid of a big enemy. When Qin Yuan dies, they can annex the Qinglong Gang's territory.

"Senior, we are exhausted now, why not let them come in so we can adjust our breathing, what do you think?"

Zhang Wenliang said respectfully to Nanshan Taoist.

Taoist Nanshan was indeed a little exhausted at the moment, so he immediately nodded in agreement.

Then he held his head high and took a pill to restore the energy he had consumed and expel the ice power from his body.

"Okay, I'll give you a stick of incense. If you can subdue the Ice Jade Toad, then it will be yours. If you can't, get out!"

Zhang Wenliang shouted, and then they withdrew, letting Qin Yuan and others come up.

He wanted to see how Qin Yuan and others died.

"The opportunity has come!"

Qin Yuan said to Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan.

When Lin Changsheng saw the seriously injured Ice Jade Toad, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

This spiritual beast has been severely injured, and it will be much easier for him to surrender.

Although he knew that even if he subdued the Ice Jade Toad Nanshan Taoist, he might not let them leave.

But Lin Changsheng didn't take this Taoist Nanshan seriously at all.

If he dares to take action, then I will send him on his way.

"Stand back!"

Lin Changsheng dropped a word and stepped forward.

The power of the divine flames all over his body exploded, instantly mobilizing the Green Lotus True Fire.

The Green Lotus True Fire that Lin Changsheng burst out was much stronger than the Lihuo Flame from Taoist Nanshan.

After all, this is a fusion of multiple fire powers.

"What kind of fireworks are these? Are they even more powerful than the flames of our sect's Lihuo God?"

After Taoist Nanshan sensed the powerful power of divine flames around Lin Changsheng, his heart suddenly trembled.

Why has he never heard that there is a sect around him that is more powerful than his sect in rotating flames?

What is the origin of this kid?

Could it be that he wanted to subdue this spiritual beast with his mid-level Mahayana cultivation?

Is this surely not asking for death?

However, the next second, Taoist Nanshan was severely slapped in the face.

Lin Changsheng blasted out with a palm, directly exploding the power of Qinglian's true fire to the extreme. Even the ice power of the Ice Jade Toad was unable to compete with it and was instantly fused with the flames.

The tyrannical power of the flames struck the Ice Jade Toad and immediately sent it flying away. The flames remained on the Ice Jade Toad for a long time, sticking firmly to the Ice Jade like tarsal maggots. The toad's body was constantly burning its flesh and blood.


The Ice Jade Toad suddenly cried out in pain.

"Surrender? Or die?"

Lin Changsheng scolded, if this spiritual beast was willing to surrender, he would be willing to keep it by his side and give it to Yan Zhen as a gift.

If you don't want to surrender, you will have no choice but to die. After killing it, you can seize its inner elixir and refine it to use it to improve your cultivation.

This spiritual beast has also opened up its spiritual intelligence and can naturally understand human speech.

It knew that the power of fire controlled by Lin Changsheng was very domineering, and if it did not surrender, it would probably be the only way to die.

In the end, he could only lie on the ground obediently, not daring to move.

"This, you surrender now?"

Zhang Wenliang was shocked when he saw such a scene.

They had been fighting for a long time, but the Ice Jade Toad had no intention of admitting defeat, and actually surrendered obediently under the opponent's palm?

How is this going?

Even Qin Yuan never expected that Lin Changsheng could control such a powerful power of flames.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and extinguished the flames on the Ice Jade Toad, then put it into the spirit beast bag.

The Ice Jade Chan originally thought that he would pretend to be impressed at first, and then escape after regaining his strength.

However, when he entered Lin Changsheng's spirit beast bag, he found that there were few spirit beasts in it that were weaker than him, and he immediately became even more afraid to make mistakes.

After all, there are powerful monsters such as Xiaobai and Xiaonan inside.

After subduing the Ice Jade Toad, Lin Changsheng planned to leave.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to leave, Taoist Nanshan slowly opened his eyes.

"Is something wrong?"

Lin Changsheng turned around and asked. It seemed that the other party had gone back on his word.

"Although this spiritual beast was surrendered by you, we have done a lot of work. Are you planning to leave like this?"

Taoist Nanshan's words were a little cold.

He didn't want to spend his money in vain and make wedding clothes for others. (End of chapter)

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