The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 404 The power of the heaven-reaching fairy treasure severely damages the black and white dem

Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all when facing the sword light tearing through the sky.

The next moment, the sword light was three feet away from Lin Changsheng and was directly shattered by a powerful black shadow.

I saw Xiaonan appearing in front of Lin Changsheng.

Xiaonan may not be a match for those in the Tribulation Stage, but she can be said to be invincible in the Mahayana Stage.

"This spiritual beast is extraordinary. Let's all come together and kill Lin Changsheng and share the treasure equally!"

Huang Peng scolded and said.

Lin Changsheng must be killed here today, otherwise it will be a big disaster for Lin Changsheng to grow up.

"I'm afraid you don't have the strength!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

Suddenly, many powerful men around him frowned in anger.

A young monk in the integration stage dared to be so arrogant, he simply didn't know how to live or die.

"court death!"

Huang Peng scolded angrily and summoned the Tongtian Lingbao in his hand.

However, the Tongtian Lingbao in his hand is only a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao, which is completely incomparable with the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao Divine Thunder Bow in Lin Changsheng's hand.

That's why he was very eager to win the divine thunder bow in Lin Changsheng's hands.

The Tongtian Lingbao in Huang Peng's hand is a blood-red long knife. The blade is extremely sharp and filled with a strong evil aura.

This sword is called the Blood Sword. The more blood it is stained with, the more powerful the blade will be.

There is even hope of breaking through to the level of high-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

It's a pity that this sword cannot exert its full value in Huang Peng's hands, and the only ones he can kill are monks below the Mahayana stage.

The blood of these monks has little effect on the amplified blood evil sword.

"Blood pools in the sky!"

Huang Peng scolded angrily, and a bloody sword light struck Lin Changsheng straight away. The sword light was extremely powerful, as if it wanted to tear the space apart.

"God-killing Sirius Fist!"

"Nine Nether Soul-Splitting Blades!"

The powerful men in the surrounding area burst out various attacks and blasted towards Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng stood there, showing no intention of hiding.

Faced with the attacks of so many strong men in the Mahayana stage, it was almost impossible to avoid them.

Even the little girl couldn't resist all the attacks for a while.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

When Huang Peng saw that Lin Changsheng seemed to be waiting for death, a sneer suddenly appeared on his lips.

It is a pity that such a genius died like this.

But this was all Lin Changsheng's own fault.

If he had agreed to marry Princess Wu Yue, he might not have ended up like this.

However, when everyone thought that Lin Changsheng was going to die.

I saw Lin Changsheng summoning an ancient bronze mirror with a wave of his hand.

Yuan Li was injected into the ancient bronze mirror, and a huge black hole appeared in front of Lin Changsheng. This black hole seemed to be able to swallow everything in the world.

Many attacks blasted into the black hole, and were swallowed up completely in an instant. They only caused a slight ripple on the mirror surface and then disappeared.


This scene shocked many powerful people in the surrounding Mahayana stage.

What a treasure is this? It has such great power that it can absorb all their Mahayana attacks into it?

"Is this the Heavenly Immortal Treasure?"

Black Feather's pupils were filled with shock.

Lin Changsheng is just a monk in the integration stage, but he actually has a heaven-reaching fairy treasure in his hand?

It seems that this trip was indeed not in vain. If they can capture the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in the opponent's hands, it will definitely greatly enhance their strength.

"Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

Huang Peng was also shocked.

I thought it would be enough to capture the divine thunder bow from Lin Changsheng.

I didn't expect that this kid would have a treasure of the level of the Heavenly Treasure in his hands. It was simply unbelievable.

Boo hoo hoo——

However, when everyone was shocked, more powerful attacks bounced out of the black hole.

The power is even more powerful than what they fought.

Seeing such a powerful attack coming, everyone immediately retreated.

But some people were unable to retreat and were hit by the attack.

Among them was a strong man in the Mahayana stage behind Huang Peng, whose arm was cut off instantly by the rebounded attack.

There was also Huo Zhi, who couldn't dodge, and the powerful attack hit him directly in the chest, sending him flying backwards, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

In an instant, the two Mahayana strong men instantly lost their fighting power.

It can be seen how powerful this heaven-reaching fairy treasure is.

And this is only part of the power of the Tongtian Immortal Treasure that Lin Changsheng burst out.

In the Imperial City, Lin Changsheng would not dare to expose the Tongtian Immortal Treasure easily. After all, there were strong men in the Tribulation Stage who were watching him with eager eyes.

But now, without the threat of the powerful Tribulation Stage, Lin Changsheng can exert all his strength to kill these Mahayana Stages.

Even if their eyes were full of greed at this moment, Lin Changsheng was not afraid at all.

Because these people will soon become cold corpses.

"Is this all you have?"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, and Huang Peng and Black and White Shuangsha were so angry that they almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"act recklessly!"

Black Feather still didn't believe that he couldn't deal with this young boy. Since Yuanli's attack could rebound on him, could the weapon's blade attack also rebound?

As soon as he finished speaking, Black Feather summoned a pitch-black iron-locked blade.

This treasure is called Soul Hooking Rope, which can entangle the enemy, or hook the enemy so that the enemy has nowhere to escape.

Heiyu was seen pulling out a soul hook and winding towards Lin Changsheng.

The seductive rope suddenly turned into a huge black python and swung its body towards Lin Changsheng.

Seeing the entangled rope, Lin Changsheng immediately retreated. If he was entangled by the rope, it would be difficult to escape.


Lin Changsheng avoided the hook, which crashed into the mountains in the distance, causing the mountains to collapse in an instant.

Seeing that the attack missed, Heiyu once again controlled the hook and continued to attack Lin Changsheng.

However, Lin Changsheng was extremely fast and easily avoided attacks again and again.

Seeing that Lin Changsheng was extremely fast and that the Soul Hooking Rope could not harm him or trap him, Heiyu immediately looked at each other and Bai Feng, and immediately exploded the power of the domain again.

Lin Changsheng had long expected that the opponent might use such a special move.

When the opponent released the Domain of Time, Lin Changsheng also stepped on the ground and activated the Heavenly Formation of the Universe Gods.


I saw a ray of light rising into the sky, instantly covering the place.


Huang Peng was shocked when he saw that this place was covered by the formation.

But considering that this formation was only created by Lin Changsheng during his combined period, how powerful could it be? Immediately I felt relieved again.

However, when the formation was activated, he realized how ridiculous this idea was.

Because the next moment, everyone felt a sharp pain in their heads, as if a powerful force was impacting their souls.

It's like pulling their souls out of their bodies.

"What, what's going on?"

Huang Peng was shocked.

Even the black and white evil spirits not far away felt something bad, because before their combined magic could explode, a sharp pain hit their heads. This powerful force instantly interrupted their combined magic.


At this moment, in addition to the impact on their souls, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and silver snakes danced.

Waves of flames rose above the ground, exuding extremely scorching heat. Even if their bodies were in the Mahayana stage, they were still uncomfortable being burned by the flames.

The power of the sky thunder and the three flames of true fire cannot be underestimated.

Even if they are powerful people in the Mahayana stage, they will still be hit hard.

"Quickly, break this formation!"

Huang Peng shouted anxiously, if they couldn't break through this formation, they would be burned to death by the power of thunder and flames in less than an hour.

call out--

Huang Peng waved his bloody sword and slashed it towards the formation.


However, when the sword light violently struck the formation, the formation only caused a ripple, and there was no other movement.

This formation was created by Lin Changsheng by combining the power of multiple formations, and it was not something that could be easily split.

"how so?"

Not far away, Huo Zhi, who was seriously injured, had eyes full of disbelief.

He originally thought that he was seriously injured because he was careless. He never expected that the other party would have treasures such as the Tongtian Immortal Treasure in his hands.

But Lin Changsheng died in the end.

After all, there are several powerful men in the Mahayana stage surrounding him at this moment.

However, when Lin Changsheng activated the formation, he suddenly felt something bad. He thought that Lin Changsheng was prey.

Unexpectedly, the final prey would be them.

Lin Changsheng had been waiting for them here for a long time.

"If you want to break this formation, you must at least have the cultivation level to overcome the tribulation. Don't waste your efforts in vain!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly, then waved his hand, and thunder and lightning and the three flames of true fire were directed at the people in front.


Sky thunder and real fire struck everyone, and a violent roar suddenly broke out.

Although this attack was not enough to kill the strong men in the Mahayana stage, it also caused them to suffer and made them look miserable.

"You are the only one who can arrange a formation to kill the powerful people in the Mahayana stage? This is ridiculous, I will kill you first!"

Black Feather scolded angrily, then waved the soul hook and killed Lin Changsheng again.

This seductive rope is the size of an adult's arm. It is extremely dark and shimmers with metallic luster. The hook on the head is very sharp and has many barbs.

If this sharp blade penetrates the body, it is almost impossible to escape.

Facing the incoming Soul Hook, Lin Changsheng easily dodged it.

After all, Heiyu still had to bear the impact of the large formation of souls at this moment, and his attack speed became slower and slower.

"Okay, it feels so uncomfortable——"

Bai Feng covered her head and struggled in pain, as if her head might explode at any time.

"Hold on, wait until I kill this little beast, and this formation will collapse on its own!"

Heiyu thought that killing Lin Changsheng would break the formation, but his thoughts were still too simple.

Under the confinement of the formation, their Time Domain could not be used, and it was almost impossible to kill Lin Changsheng.

Not to mention that now they are suppressed by the formation and their strength is greatly reduced.

It is estimated that in less than a stick of incense, their souls will be separated from their bodies by the impact of the large formation, and then their death will be over.

"Quickly, send a message to His Majesty!"

Huang Peng suddenly felt that something was wrong, maybe they were really going to die here, so he immediately bit his finger and started writing quickly in the palm of his hand. He didn't know what he wrote, but it must be a letter for help.

Finally, both palms were clapped, and two bloody rays of light were seen rising into the sky. Even the formation could not stop them, and the bloody light was seen shooting straight into the sky.

The other two powerful men from the Imperial City also followed suit and immediately fired a bloody light and disappeared from the sky.

Lin Changsheng knew that this must be their secret method of sending messages, so he couldn't just stay here, he had to kill a few people quickly.

Otherwise, when Wu Hao arrives, he may be the one who dies.

After all, Wu Hao is a strong man in the Tribulation Stage, and those in the Tribulation Stage are not comparable to those in the Mahayana Stage.

A single pressure was enough to make Lin Changsheng unable to move at all.

In front of a strong person in the Tribulation Stage, Lin Changsheng would have no power to fight back.

"It's time to send you on your way!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

If he was not in a hurry, Lin Changsheng could slowly torture the other party to death.

But now it seems we can't wait any longer.

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and summoned a long knife.

This knife was obtained from the golden coffin in the secret realm of Snake Valley.

There are nearly thirty restrictions on it, and it is a treasure at the level of the Heavenly Treasure.

Lin Changsheng has only refined three restraints so far, and can only exert part of their power.

But now that the situation is urgent, Lin Changsheng no longer cares about letting this treasure come out.


Lin Changsheng waved the sword light in his hand and slashed away the black and white demons.

This sword Lin Changsheng used the Heavenly Sword Killing God, and the power of the entire sky seemed to be injected into the sword light, making this sword unstoppable.

From a distance, the black and white evil spirits were shocked when they felt the powerful power above the sword light.

"Again, a large Tongtian Immortal Treasure?"

At this moment, they were already numb with shock. How many heaven-reaching immortal treasures did Lin Changsheng have in his hands?

The power of the Tongtian Immortal Treasure was already extraordinary, and when Lin Changsheng used the Heavenly Sword of the Perfect Level to Kill the Gods, the power of this sword was even more powerful.

When Bai Feng saw the sword light coming, he immediately dropped Black Feather and turned around to run away.

And in such a dazed moment, Kuroyu lost his chance to escape.

The sword light had suddenly reached the top of his head.

Unable to avoid it, Heiyu could only wave the soul hook to resist.


The powerful sword light collided with the soul-grabbing rope, and the soul-grabbing rope was immediately defeated. The sword light continued to kill Heiyu.

At this moment, there was only fear in Black Feather's pupils.

When there is no time to dodge, you can only use your whole body's energy to form a shield in front of you.


The next moment, the sword light fell on the shield around Heiyu, and a powerful roar resounded in all directions.

The sword light directly blasted Heiyu into the ground.

The entire earth was split into a bottomless ravine by the sword light.

It can be seen how domineering the sword light is.

Such a powerful blow immediately shocked many strong men around him.

Is this still an attack that breaks out during the integration stage?

Although they are restricted in the formation, they will not be beaten by the monks in the integration stage and have no power to fight back, right?

After all the dust cleared, Heiyu in the deep pit was seriously injured, with a knife wound deep into the bone on his shoulder and arm.

It can be seen that the Yuanli shield that Black Feather broke out just now did not completely resist the sword light.

If he hadn't moved slightly to the side, the knife might have split his head in two.

"He's not dead yet?"

Lin Changsheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the power and physical body of a strong man in the Mahayana stage could be so domineering?

With the blessing of the great formation and the Tongtian Immortal Treasure, they were unable to kill him with one sword, and could only wound him?

But it’s normal to have second thoughts.

There are insurmountable gaps between the refining stage and the combined stage, let alone the combined stage and the Mahayana stage.

If it weren't for the blessing of the great formation and the Tongtian Immortal Treasure, Lin Changsheng wouldn't even have the capital to compete with the powerful men in the Mahayana stage. (End of chapter)

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