It is thirty thousand miles away from Ditian City.

Two figures, one black and one white, quickly approached Ditian City.

Because they had already found traces of Lin Changsheng in pursuit of the Blood Seal.

Lin Changsheng dared to leave the Immortal Palace, and that was when he died.

"This boy is so brave. He dares to leave the Immortal Palace. It seems that God is really helping us!"

A touching smile appeared on Bai Feng's lips.

For them, the distance of thirty thousand miles can be reached in just one day.

That would be the day Lin Changsheng died.

"I heard that this kid has great talent, and his flesh and blood must be very fresh. It is an honor for the genius who is number one on the genius list to die in our hands!"

Black Feather sneered.

It seems that they have seen the scene of Lin Changsheng's tragic death in their hands.

Along the way, the Black and White Shuangsha also found out a lot of news about Lin Changsheng.

Although this boy came from the Abandoned Land, his talent was so extraordinary that even the geniuses of the Immortal Realm could not compare with him. Not only did he win the first place on the genius list.

He even came out alive from the secret realm of death, which shows that his strength is by no means ordinary.

If the two of them could kill Lin Changsheng and absorb his flesh and blood to practice, it would be a worthwhile trip.

Qingfeng Cliff.

Lin Changsheng gained a lot after destroying many bandits in the combined stage of Qingfeng Cliff.

Then they found Hou Shaojie and Zhao Shuang'er and rushed towards Ditian City.

Because he still needs Mo Mingyuan's blood contract approval before he can complete this mission.

Ditian City is not far from Qingfeng Cliff, only less than three hundred miles away.

It only took less than half an hour for Lin Changsheng and the others to arrive here on the Lightning and Thunder Eagle.


Lightning and thunder eagles hovered in the sky, chirping loudly.

The sharp sound was so penetrating that many soldiers and civilians below saw it and were all frightened.

"What kind of ferocious bird is this? It's so huge? Does it have the power of thunder and lightning around it?"

"It seems that it is about to evolve into a spiritual beast. If we launch an attack on Ditian City, there will be a fierce battle!"

"Yes! How could such a ferocious beast come to Ditian City?"

"Look, is there someone on the back of this bird? It turns out to be the immortal master's mount?"

When the people below saw the appearance of the Lightning and Thunder Eagle, they immediately started talking.

At first endless fear spread in their hearts.

But when they saw someone on the back of the vicious bird, they felt relieved.

It means that this raptor has been subdued by the monks, and the ferocious beast will not pose a threat to them.

He immediately became extremely envious of the immortal corpse on the back of the vicious bird.

If they could subdue such powerful ferocious beasts and travel between heaven and earth, it would be so enjoyable.

In order not to attract the attention of many people, Lin Changsheng put away the Lightning and Thunder Eagle and then dropped it outside the city gate.

Because Ditian City is the imperial capital of Xianhai State, it cannot fly through the sky.

After landing, countless civilians around looked at Lin Changsheng and the others with envy.

Lin Changsheng naturally understood this look. In the past, he was so envious of the monks who traveled around the world.

"Master Immortal, you are finally here, my master is already waiting at the inn in the north of the city!"

As soon as Lin Changsheng entered the city, he met the guards from the Mo family.

They must have been ordered by Mo Mingyuan to wait for Lin Changsheng here.

"Please lead the way!"

Lin Changsheng responded, and then followed the Mo family guards towards the inn in the north of the city.

Just when Lin Changsheng entered Ditian City, Shen Yu and the others discovered traces of Lin Changsheng.

Suddenly a sneer appeared at the corner of Shen Yu's mouth.

They have been waiting for Lin Changsheng for a long time.

As long as Lin Changsheng arrives here, this place will be his burial place.

City North Inn.

"Master Mo, this escort mission is for our Tianlan Sect to escort you safely to this place. It should be regarded as a mission completed by our Tianlan Sect, right?"

Zheng Yao said shamelessly.

In his opinion, whether Lin Changsheng could reach Ditian City alive was a question.

Maybe he died in Qingfeng Cliff.

This task naturally belongs to them.

"My father already said when he came out, whoever can kill Zhao Gang will be considered as completing the escort mission! Tianlan Sect can only get fairy crystals as reward this time!"

Mo Yiming said in response.

The people of Tianlan Sect were really shameless. When they encountered the bandits, they didn't even show any strength. They just watched the show from the sidelines.

As a result, three of their bodyguards were killed.

Now you actually have the nerve to ask him for mission reward?

"Behead Zhao Gang?"

Zheng Yao sneered, "That guy has broken through to the late stage of integration. Who can kill him? Those people in the Immortal Palace are probably in danger. Whether they can come back or not is a question! Do you still count on him?"

"That's right, don't waste everyone's time. You have arrived at Ditian City successfully and the mission has been completed. We don't have that much time to delay here!"

Liao Renping was also impatient.

They did not want to lose the reward of this escort mission to Lin Changsheng.

After all, compared to the Immortal Crystal, experience points are definitely more important.

In any sect, experience points can be exchanged for more things.

"Whether you can come back or not is not up to you. You are not sure about killing Zhao Gang. How do you know that others can't?"

When Mo Yao saw how shameless the other party was, she immediately stopped being patient.

"Little girl, do you really think you can enter the Tianlan Sect? If you are so ignorant of promotion, I think you will have no choice but to enter an inferior sect! Obediently give us this mission, otherwise don't blame us for being rude Got it!"

When Zheng Yao saw this, he immediately stopped pretending. If the other party refused to drink the toast, he would have to drink wine as a penalty.

Because he felt that Mo Yao didn't like him at all, and looked at him with disgust.

Since you can't get it yourself, there's no need to give them a good look. Let's get the escort mission first.

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I hope you don't know how to praise me! There will be no good end for offending our Tianlan Sect."

Liao Renping also made harsh remarks.

Isn't it easy for the two of them to become monks and fight against Mo Mingyuan alone?

Even if they are killed, they can still blame Qingfengya at that time.

It was said that the bandits from Qingfengya did it.

In short, the reward of a hundred crystal stones is difficult to satisfy them.

"Are you escorting or robbing?"

Mo Mingyuan suddenly became angry, slapped the table and stood up.

These people were so shameless that they actually started to threaten him?

If I had known it would be like this, I shouldn't have let them escort him together in the first place.

He really led the wolf into the house.

"So what if it's robbery now? Just sign the blood contract for me, or don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Zheng Yao was furious at this moment and said bluntly.

Many civilians in the surrounding area immediately fled when they saw that they were about to take action.

When the Immortal Master takes action, it is not something that ordinary people can watch.

Suddenly the two sides became tense.

The guards of the Mo family also drew out their long swords and confronted the people of the Tianlan Sect.

However, it is obvious that Tianlan Sect has more personnel. If they fight, they will obviously be defeated.

"Tianlan Sect is so powerful! It really opened my eyes. Bandits can't be killed, but they are good at bullying people!"

Outside the inn, a voice came.

It was Lin Changsheng and three others who arrived here.

He had no intention of letting Zheng Yao go in the first place, and now that he was arrogant and bullying the weak, he couldn't keep him even more.

"You, you can actually come back alive?"

Zheng Yao was shocked when he saw Lin Changsheng walking into the inn.

He felt that Lin Changsheng would definitely not survive if he went to Qingfeng Cliff.

But now that he can come back alive, there is only one explanation, that is, Lin Changsheng's statement about going to Qingfeng Cliff was false.

"No, you didn't go to Qingfeng Cliff at all, otherwise how could you come back alive?"

After Zheng Yao saw Lin Changsheng, he couldn't help but take a few steps back timidly.

He had seen Lin Changsheng's strength before, and the scene of instantly killing two powerful fused men was burned into his mind like a branding iron, and he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.

If someone with such strength wanted to kill him, wouldn't it be easy?

"Then look at what this is?"

Lin Changsheng waved his hand and directly summoned Zhao Gang's soul from the Heavenly Soul Flag.

After Zhao Gang appeared, he was obviously stunned, and then wanted to escape.

However, Lin Changsheng waved the Heavenly Soul Flag and directly stopped him in place.

Everyone around was shocked after seeing Zhao Gang's soul.

Zhao Gang is a strong man in the late stage of integration! How could he be killed by Lin Changsheng? And even the soul is under control!

"No, it's impossible. How could you kill a strong person in the late stage of fusion——"

Zheng Yao retreated in panic.

"What's impossible? There's nothing in this world that my boss can't do! Do you think everyone is just like you, a coward?"

Hou Shaojie mocked.


Zheng Yao was so angry that he was speechless for a long time.

"Since you can come back and kill Zhao Gang, this mission is yours. Brother Zheng, let's go!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Liao Renping immediately planned to run away.

After all, they all knew that Lin Changsheng's strength was terrifying, and if there was a fight, they might all die here.

However, they wanted to leave, so how could Lin Changsheng let them go.

"You don't even want the Immortal Crystal reward, so you're leaving in such a hurry?"

A sneer spread from Lin Changsheng's mouth, as if he was looking at the two cold corpses.

If he had arrived a little later, Mo Mingyuan and others might be the ones who died now.

"Don't dare, don't dare, we didn't do anything this time, it's all your fault!"

As he said this, Liao Renping planned to run away.

"You can leave if you want, but leave one thing behind!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.


Zheng Yao and Liao Renping suddenly sweated on their foreheads.

It seems that it will be difficult to leave today.

"Your life!"

Lin Changsheng responded simply.

As soon as these words came out, their hearts trembled.

But since they couldn't leave easily, they broke down and fell.

"Don't be too arrogant, kid. This is the Imperial City. Once a fight breaks out in the city, you will be punished by the strong men of the Imperial City!"

Zheng Yao scolded and said.

Although the power of the royal family in the imperial capital cannot match that of the top ten sects in the Immortal Domain, there are still many powerful people stationed in the imperial capital.

Once a violent fight breaks out, the strong men in the imperial capital will stop it and even kill the troublemakers.

If no action was taken to suppress it, even a fight between two strong men in the combined stage would be enough to destroy most of the imperial capital.

"Master Immortal, this happened because of me. It was my lack of consideration that led to this situation. Please let them leave! Once they fight here, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to you!"

Mo Mingyuan saw Lin Changsheng's eyes were as cold as ice, and he had the intention of killing him.

He immediately stepped forward to persuade him.

If they really fight, even if Lin Changsheng can kill the Tianlan Sect disciples, Lin Changsheng will be suppressed by the powerful people in the imperial capital, and his life may be in danger.

So Mo Mingyuan didn't want to see such a thing happen.

This made Lin Changsheng a little unexpected, but he was already at odds with Zheng Yao, and the other party would definitely cause trouble for him in the future.

If you don’t kill today, it will definitely be a disaster in the future.

"Hahaha——, you bitch, I thought you were so brave? Are you afraid?"

When Zheng Yao saw Lin Changsheng's delay in taking action, he burst out laughing, thinking that Lin Changsheng was afraid.

Since Lin Changsheng didn't dare to take action, what did they have to fear?

"You bitch, just wait for me. The shame you suffer today will be paid back in the future!"

Zheng Yao left without saying anything.

However, Lin Changsheng would not tolerate him. He raised his hand and directly summoned the Divine Thunder Bow.

Boo hoo hoo——

As soon as Zheng Yao stepped out of the inn, thunder and lightning arrows shot through the sky from behind him.

This shocked Zheng Yao.

Wasn't Lin Changsheng worried? How dare you take action here? Isn't he afraid that the powerful people in the imperial capital will suppress and kill him?

At this moment, there was no time to think too much, Zheng Yao could only turn around and punch out, using the Fuhu Fist to its extreme.


Several tigers roared and charged towards the lightning arrows with great momentum.

Bang bang bang——

However, the next moment, when the tiger's fist light collided with the lightning arrow, the fist light was easily penetrated by the thunder arrow and shattered.

Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is not inferior to that of Zheng Yao, and he also has a high-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure in his hand.

Zheng Yao wanted to use his fists to resist, which was undoubtedly not a fantasy.

Then, with Zheng Yao's horrified look on his face, the lightning arrow pierced his body directly.

The houses and city walls in the distance were instantly razed to the ground.

This shows how powerful this thunder arrow is.

Zheng Yao slowly lowered his head and saw three bloody holes in front of his heart.

"you you--"

Zheng Yao felt that his life breath was rapidly draining away.

He never thought that he would die here. Before he could finish his sentence, he fell straight to the ground and died.

Not far away, Liao Renping was frightened when he saw such a scene.

"You, you are so brave, dare to kill my disciple of Tianlan Sect? I, Tianlan Sect will never let you go!"

Liao Renping said with a trembling mouth, his heart was extremely frightened, but he spoke arrogant words.

"What about Tianlan Sect? If you see me, Lin Changsheng, in Xianhai Continent in the future, please take a detour!"

Lin Changsheng said coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding people were shocked.

"He, he is Lin Changsheng?"

"Lin Changsheng? The genius who ranks first on the list of geniuses?"

"Didn't you expect it would be him?"

"I should have thought of it a long time ago. Who else can be such a terrifying person besides him?"

Many Tianlan Sect disciples around were shocked. They should have thought that the Immortal Palace disciple was Lin Changsheng.

Otherwise, besides Lin Changsheng, who else has such terrifying strength?

At this moment, even Mo Mingyuan and others were surprised.

They didn't expect that Lin Changsheng would escort them all the way. This was a great honor!

Telling it in the future would be enough for the Mo family to brag about for hundreds of years. (End of chapter)

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