The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 365 The pursuit of the Tianming Sword Sect, the battle of the powerful in the Mahayana perio


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

[Sky Vault Divine Refining Technique (Perfection), Divine Refining Technique (Perfection) Fusion Started. Fusion In Progress. Fusion Completed, Get New Immortal Technique Tianxing Divine Refining Technique! 】

"The Heavenly Star Refining Technique?"

Lin Changsheng muttered silently, nothing seemed to have changed!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his spiritual consciousness was being continuously tempered and strengthened under the shroud of the vast stars.


Lin Changsheng was shocked. This Tianxing Divine Refining Technique was actually so overbearing?

If you don't use magic by yourself, you can refine it by just bathing in the starlight?

[Check the Tianxing Divine Refining Technique. Do you want to spend 6,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

The panel prompts again.


Lin Changsheng once again chose to simplify.

The entry-level Heavenly Star Refining Technique is so overbearing, and when it reaches perfection, it still has to be done with half the effort?

Maybe it will increase exponentially.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of the Heavenly Star Refining Technique begins. The simplification is completed during simplification. The Heavenly Star Refining Technique == bathing in the starlight! 】

"Bathe in the starlight?"

It's easier than stargazing.

Because it is late at night, there are thousands of stars in the sky, and the light shining down makes the ground as clear as day.

The experience value of Tianxing Alchemy +1!

The experience value of Tianxing Alchemy +1!

The next moment, the experience value of the Star Refining Technique will increase crazily!

[The Heavenly Star Refining Technique is complete! 】

Only two hours later, the Tianxing Divine Refining Technique had reached the level of perfection.

This was faster than Lin Changsheng imagined.

I thought I could complete it tonight, but I didn't expect it to be completed ahead of schedule.

At the moment when the Tianxing Divine Refining Technique was perfected, a memory of running the Immortal Technique crazily flooded into his mind, making Lin Changsheng like an old monk who had specialized in the Tianxing Divine Refining Technique for hundreds of years.

"The person who created the Star Refining Technique is definitely a genius!"

Lin Changsheng couldn't help but exclaimed after he suddenly realized the Tianxing Divine Refining Technique.

Because this method uses the thousands of stars in the sky as a guide, and cooperates with the meridians throughout the body to gather into the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing it to refine the spiritual consciousness.

"If you don't use this method yourself, you can continue to be tempered. If you use this method, the effect will be five times greater!"

Lin Changsheng tried to use the Heavenly Star Refining Technique.

He discovered that even if he did not use this magic, the light from the stars in the sky could trigger the magic to refine his consciousness.

However, the speed of tempering spiritual consciousness is relatively slow.

If it is tempered by the magic of circulation, the effect will be extremely significant.

It was still dark, and the light from the stars was thick. Lin Changsheng did not intend to take a rest, so he continued to use the Star Refining Technique in the courtyard to refine his spiritual consciousness.

When the sun rose brightly and the stars dimmed, Lin Changsheng slowly opened his eyes.

After a night of tempering his spiritual consciousness, Lin Changsheng's spiritual consciousness was greatly improved.

The place that the spiritual consciousness has passed is more than 20,000 miles.

"The consciousness has actually been upgraded to the integration stage?"

Lin Changsheng was shocked. He didn't expect that just a few hours of tempering would allow his consciousness to cross a huge realm.

But this is also Lin Changsheng's good foundation.

After all, his consciousness was relatively powerful before.

This time, with the help of Tianxing's divine refining technique, his spiritual consciousness was able to break through.


After Lin Changsheng stood up with a secret thought, he had a panoramic view of all the disturbances within 20,000 miles.

"Boss, why are you staying outside at night? Is it because your sister-in-law won't let you sleep in the room?"

Not far away, Hou Shaojie stretched himself out of the room and found Lin Changsheng outside, and couldn't help laughing.

Hou Shaojie said during the competition that if Lin Changsheng could lead him to enter the Qiang Sect to practice, he would call him big brother in the future.

And Lin Changsheng also brought him into the Immortal Palace as he wished.

This forced Hou Shaojie to fulfill his promise and change his name to eldest brother.

"Since you have called me Big Brother, Big Brother will also give you the same greeting gift."

Lin Changsheng smiled, then took out the middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao that he got yesterday from the storage space and handed it to Hou Shaojie.

I really don’t like these middle-grade Tongtian Ling Baolin Changsheng now, and their only use is probably for fusion.

This is a giant sword about five feet long, with intricate patterns on it.

The overall appearance is black, which makes it look different.

This giant sword is called the Guque Giant Sword.

And it does have many differences, because this giant sword is made up of thirty-six blades.

It can control the separation of thirty-six blades when necessary.

Although the attack power is greatly reduced, it can kill someone by surprise.

"Really, really give it to me?"

Hou Shaojie couldn't believe it. This was a middle-grade Tongtian Lingbao?

Lin Changsheng actually gave it to him like this?

Many talented disciples may not be treated as well as him.

"Is there still a day off? If I have a bite to eat in the future, you will be indispensable! If you are a brother, accept it!"

Lin Changsheng smiled.

"Then I won't be polite!"

After hearing what Lin Changsheng said, Hou Shaojie took the ancient sword with some hesitation.

Then study it carefully.

"What a great sword!"

Hou Shaojie watched for a long time and said excitedly, then put the giant sword into the storage space and hugged Lin Changsheng.

"Once a big brother, always a big brother. I will have no problem with whoever the boss says in the future!"

Hou Shaojie said excitedly.

He even wanted to kiss Lin Changsheng twice on the face.

"That's disgusting! Get out!"

Lin Changsheng saw Hou Shaojie's excited look and wanted to slap him away.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that Long Yang would be number one on the Heavenly Ranking!"

Unfortunately, at this time, a group of people walked over not far away, and they were everyone from the Xianwu Palace.

It was Liu Qi who spoke. Seeing that Lin Changsheng was unhappy, he naturally wouldn't say nice things.

When Hou Shaojie saw this, he let go of Lin Changsheng's hand.

"Long Yang, your uncle, you still have the nerve to talk to your defeated general? How can a guy like you return to the Immortal Martial Palace's genius? I think you are the one who is the genius of the Waste Palace!"

Hou Shaojie was dissatisfied and cursed.

Although he may not be able to beat Liu Qi, Liu Qi's ranking is indeed not as high as that of Lin Changsheng.


"That's enough, return to the clan!"

The elder of Xianwu Palace said impatiently, and then left directly.

What's the point of being quick-tongued here?

Lin Changsheng discovered that Yang Huaizhen had almost recovered today and was able to act alone, which showed how overbearing the elixirs of Xianwu Palace were.

"Brother Lin, say goodbye! Goodbye!"

Yang Huaizhen said with clasped fists, which shows that he still attaches great importance to Lin Changsheng.

"Brother Yang, take care!"

Lin Changsheng also responded.

I saw the elder of Xianwu Hall waving his hand to call out the flying chariot, and everyone in Xianwu Hall sat on the flying chariot and left in style.

After the people from the Immortal Martial Palace left, everyone in the Immortal Palace gathered together, even Gu Shan was included.

Although Lin Changsheng joined the Immortal Palace, Gushan had to protect his safety as long as he did not enter the sect.

Lest he die before he grows up.

In this way, he would not be able to obtain the opportunity in the Immortal Cave.

Then I saw Elder Liu from the Immortal Palace summoning the flying boat with a wave of his hand, and everyone jumped on it.

The flying boat quickly left in the direction of the Immortal Palace.

On the flying boat, Lin Changsheng had nothing to do and continued to use the Star Refining Technique to refine his consciousness.

However, as soon as the flying boat flew three thousand miles away, Lin Changsheng felt something bad.

Because there were a large number of people rushing towards Feizhou quickly.

"Are you from the Tianming Sword Sect?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, because these people came with flying swords on their feet, and the blades of the swords were very huge.

"Elder Liu, someone—"

"I know!"

Lin Changsheng was about to speak.

Elder Liu then opened his mouth to signal not to say anything, and just used his magic to make the flying boat fly a little faster.

But unfortunately, after a while, the opponent caught up with them and showed a tendency to surround them.

"I want to see who are those daring people who dare to intercept my fairy palace flying boat?"

Elder Liu shouted angrily. Even though he was older, he had quite a temper.

Since the other party dared to attract their attention from the Immortal Palace, I wanted them to never come back.

"You are such a sweetheart! It seems like others don't want you to leave!"

Gushan also had a smile on his lips, not at all nervous about facing a big battle.

It can be seen that Gushan is still very confident in his own strength.

"Then they must be able to keep me!"

Lin Changsheng said disdainfully.

It seems that the Tianming Sword Sect is having sex with him, and he will never give up until he kills him.

Lin Changsheng sensed it with his spiritual consciousness and found that there were as many as a thousand people on the other side.

Among them, there are three powerful men in the Mahayana stage, more than ten monks in the integration stage, more than 200 monks in the other Void Refining stage, and the rest are all monks in the transformation stage.

This power cannot be underestimated.

It's easy enough to destroy a third-rate sect.

On Lin Changsheng's side, except for Gu Shan and Elder Liu Feng, two powerful men in the Mahayana stage, the rest were all disciples of the Void Refining stage.

It is not easy to fight against this force.


The next moment, three men in black robes were standing on top of the flying boat.

The other men in black followed the flying boat and continued moving forward.

"The Tianming Sword Sect, one of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm, also committed robberies?"

Elder Liu Feng mocked the other party.

The symbol of Tianming Sword Sect is very clear, that is the giant sword and black robe in the hand.

So as soon as the other party got on the flying boat, Liu Feng knew the origin of the other party.

"This matter has nothing to do with the Immortal Palace, we only want Lin Changsheng's life!"

A man in black robes with a ghost face walked out slowly, and behind him was a giant sword wrapped in iron chains.

This person is none other than Luo Shang, the sixth elder of Tianming Sword Sect.

Because of the Tianjiao List, there were quite a few people from the Tianming Sword Sect near the Lian Shen Sect, so they were able to find so many people in just one night.

"Lin Changsheng has already joined our Immortal Palace, how can it have nothing to do with us? I advise you to stop here, lest you be removed from the top ten sects in the Immortal Realm!"

Liu Feng said indignantly, although the Tianming Sword Sect is not simple today, it is still a little short of being able to fight against the Immortal Palace.

It's just that Immortal Palace doesn't want to spend so much effort to destroy them.


However, as soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, the other two Mahayana strong men of the Tianming Sword Sect burst into laughter, as if they did not take the Immortal Palace into consideration at all.

"Stop sticking your nose in a pig's nose and pretending to be an elephant. Don't you, the Immortal Palace, have any self-awareness of your own strength?"

"Since you said so, I will say it bluntly. Your Immortal Palace has been in the third position in the Immortal Realm for a long enough time. Isn't it time to move its position?"

Behind Luo Shang, a man with extremely knotted arms and as thick as a thigh stepped forward and spoke bluntly.

Their Tianming Sword Sect has long been unwilling to be just one of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm. If the Immortal Palace is so arrogant, then just destroy it directly.

"Even if I give up my position, it won't be your turn!"

Liu Feng said disdainfully.

"It's just that you don't know who the Tianming Sword Sect is."

Not to be outdone, Gushan joined in.

Although his Gu family is not ranked among the most powerful forces in the Immortal Realm, it is still one of the few in Futian Province.

The actions of the people of Tianming Sword Sect made Gushan very disdainful.

"So, you are unwilling to hand over Lin Changsheng? Are you willing to fight us?"

Luo Shang said seriously.

He really hoped that Immortal Palace and Gushan could hand over Lin Changsheng, so that a battle could be avoided.

But the other party seemed to have no intention of handing it over at all, so a big battle was inevitable.

"So what if we don't? It just so happens that I haven't had any fights these days, so my hands are already itchy!"

Gushan was already gearing up, and his palm, which was several times larger than a normal person, looked particularly dazzling.

Seeing the atmosphere gradually becoming tense, Lin Changsheng did not want to get involved in the battle between these Mahayana powerhouses.

Otherwise, the aftermath might be enough to tear him apart.

Seeing that the matter had come to this, Luo Shang stopped talking and directly attacked Lin Changsheng with a palm strike.

As long as Lin Changsheng is killed, the matter will end successfully.

Even if Liu Feng was unwilling to do so, he would not be able to fight against their Tianming Sword Sect for a dying person.


Liu Feng shouted loudly and struck out with the same palm.


A violent roar came out, and the tyrannical impact directly knocked Lin Changsheng, Hou Shaojie, Zhao Shuang'er and others away.

Seeing Luo Shang take action, the other two members of the Tianming Sword Sect were no longer waiting. They immediately launched their killing moves and attacked Lin Changsheng and Gu Shan.

Gushan's strength cannot be ignored. With the power of the ancient long fist, he was able to resist two Tianming Sword Sect elders by himself.

This bought Lin Changsheng time to escape.

After Lin Changsheng burst out, he immediately began to carve the teleportation gate. When Hou Shaojie and others arrived, he immediately left through the teleportation formation.

This made Luo Shang's eyes widen.

Lin Changsheng can actually create teleportation formations?

What is the origin of this kid?

The teleportation formation is not so easy to comprehend, it is the most difficult among many magical techniques.

"Why don't you hurry up and give chase?"

Luo Shang said angrily.

Immediately, many powerful fusion men immediately released their spiritual consciousness and discovered Lin Changsheng's footprints two thousand miles away.

Then he immediately pursued him.


Two thousand miles away, Lin Changsheng felt the huge roar erupted by the strong men in the Mahayana stage.

The powerful roar shook the entire sky and trembled.

"Boss, what should we do?"

Hou Shaojie asked, thinking that he could enter the Immortal Palace smoothly, but it seemed that things were far from that simple.

"What else can we do now? We must save our lives first! Run away! There are many people chasing us!"

Wang Huisheng said anxiously.

The ones who caught up were not monks in the transformation stage, but strong men in the ten integration stages.

Once caught by them, there is probably only a dead end.


Lin Changsheng once again carved the teleportation formation and led everyone away directly.

Otherwise, with their air-breaking flying speed, they would be overtaken by more than a dozen Fusion Stage experts behind them before they could escape a thousand miles.

But Lin Changsheng couldn't afford to keep using the formation to escape.

You have to find a way to get rid of the people behind you. (End of chapter)

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