The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 356 Seeking death and defeating the enemy with one punch [Please subscribe! 】

As the first match between Tianjiao Disciples ends, the second one begins immediately.

It's the person who drew card number 3 versus number 4.

Both of these two people were in the early stages of cultivation, and they fought back and forth on the stone platform.

It seemed to be extremely exciting, but Lin Changsheng shook his head as he looked at it. There was no value to appreciate at all.

After that, Lin Changsheng stopped looking and closed his eyes to rest.

The two of them had gone through more than three hundred moves and still couldn't tell the winner, which made the disciples in the audience feel sleepy.

The elders in the surrounding area were also talking about it.

"If they continue fighting like this, it will probably be difficult to determine the outcome for an hour or two!"

"Yes! Are you just wasting your time here? There are still so many disciples waiting for the competition!"

"How about let's call it a draw! Let the following disciples compete quickly!"

The surrounding elders put forward their own ideas.

The Grand Elder of the Lian Shen Sect couldn't tell the winner in a short period of time, so he immediately stopped the competition and ended in a draw.

Otherwise, the two are evenly matched and can indeed fight for half a day.

If each game lasts so long, wouldn’t it take more than a month to play after so many games?

In the end, the two were stopped in a draw.

The subsequent competition became exciting, and Lin Changsheng was also watching it carefully.

Especially the disciples of the top ten forces in the Immortal Realm, their moves and magic are very impressive.

The disciples of the Xianwu Hall have the most immortal skills, whether it is boxing, palm, sword, or sword skills, they are all astonishingly powerful.

It can be seen that the Immortal Martial Palace does have the most powerful immortal arts in the Immortal Domain.

Otherwise, the disciples would not be able to overwhelm everyone with all kinds of magical skills.

Then came the Tianzhen Sect. Most of the disciples of this sect used hammer-shaped weapons with astonishing power and power.

Coupled with the sect's unique magical blessing, its attack power is greatly increased.

Once these two major sect disciples take the stage to compete, there will be no one who loses.

Soon the game came to No. 15 versus No. 16.

I saw a cruel sneer on Liu Chengfeng's lips not far away, and then jumped onto the ring.

"Blood Clothes Gate?"

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt something bad when he saw this man wearing blood-clothed clothes.

If this person is from the Blood Clothes Sect, then he probably won't be merciful to Zhao Shuang'er.

"Brother Changsheng, I'm going!"

Zhao Shuang'er spoke and planned to go on stage.

"Shuang'er, just go up on stage and admit defeat. This person is from the Blood Clothes Sect. He probably won't show mercy. You are no match for him!"

Lin Changsheng asked Zhao Shuang'er to go on stage and admit defeat directly, so that he didn't have to take risks.

However, Zhao Shuang'er did not want to surrender without a fight.

Although he agreed on the surface, Zhao Shuang'er still thought about making a move when he entered the ring. After all, seeing how fiercely they fought, Zhao Shuang'er was also a little excited.

"Blood Clothes Sect, Liu Chengfeng!"

"Zhao Shuang'er!"

After Liu Chengfeng and Zhao Shuang'er reported their names, Zhao Shuang'er did not choose to admit defeat directly, which made Lin Changsheng feel bad.

"Take the move!"

Perhaps Liu Chengfeng was worried that Zhao Shuang'er would admit defeat, so he immediately slashed out with a sword as soon as he finished speaking, not giving Zhao Shuang'er a chance to admit defeat.

Zhao Shuang'er's reaction was also sensitive and he immediately dodged.


The sword light struck the shield, causing ripples.

Zhao Shuang'er was not to be outdone. After dodging the blow, he immediately summoned a low-grade heaven-reaching spiritual sword given by Lin Changsheng and charged forward with the sword.

Zhao Shuang'er's fighting style surprised everyone. Her cultivation was obviously weaker than her opponent's two minor realms.

Liu Chengfeng was in the late stage of becoming a god, while Zhao Shuang'er was only in the early stage of becoming a god. She didn't avoid his sharp edge, but charged directly towards Liu Chengfeng.

This surprised Liu Chengfeng.

"court death!"

Liu Chengfeng scolded angrily, swung the sword light in his hand in a circle, and shot out countless sword energy, trying to force Zhao Shuang'er back.

However, Zhao Shuang'er seemed to be desperate for his life. Instead of evading this time, he faced the sword energy and faced it.

Everyone below was stunned. This was a competition, not a desperate effort.


The next moment, two sword lights passed directly through Zhao Shuang'er's body as expected, causing two splashes of blood.

Fortunately, the locations injured by the two sword beams were not fatal, one on the shoulder and one on the abdomen.

And Zhao Shuang'er also got close to Liu Chengfeng as he wished, and the sword light pierced Liu Chengfeng's heart.


Liu Chengfeng was shocked when he saw this, and his pupils couldn't help but dilate a little. This girl was dying. This was the first time he had seen her in Dafa.

Suddenly feeling bad, Liu Chengfeng stepped on the ground, and his body immediately exploded out.

The distance between the sword light and Liu Chengfeng's body was only seven inches.

Liu Chengfeng could even feel the cold light above the sword light.

However, the range of the arena was limited, so Liu Chengfeng retreated more than ten feet and was unable to avoid it, so he could only dodge sideways.

Unfortunately, Zhao Shuang'er's sword light was too close to him.


The sword blade instantly penetrated Liu Chengfeng's shoulder and arm. If he hadn't dodged quickly enough, if the sword had penetrated his heart, it would have been enough to kill Liu Chengfeng directly.

The severe pain made Liu Chengfeng furious.

He was a great genius in the late stage of divine transformation, but he was actually injured by a girl in the early stage of divine transformation. If this news spread, others would laugh out loud.

Liu Chengfeng struck out with a palm, hitting Zhao Shuang'er's shoulder and sending him flying away.

The first time the two met, it turned out that both sides were losing.

This made everyone below stunned.

Lin Changsheng never expected that this girl would be so desperate in a fight.

"This little girl is desperate for her life? She doesn't dodge when faced with an attack? She actually chooses to hurt both sides? It's just a competition and it's not about fighting for your life. Is it worth it?"

"Yes! This is the first time I have seen this style of play, but her courage is really commendable! If she cultivates her carefully, she will surely achieve great results in the future."

"If it wasn't like this, how could she hurt the opponent? The opponent is two levels higher than her. From the perspective of cultivation, she has been crushed in all directions. If she can hurt the opponent, I think she has already won! "

"Yes! If they are in the same realm, the opponent will definitely lose!"

The surrounding elders and disciples kept talking.

Some people think Zhao Shuang'er's style of play is too radical, while others praise her for her courage.

Facing a strong enemy without fear is not something ordinary people can do.

Little did they know that Zhao Shuang'er had lived in a vicious place in the past, which was a very dangerous place.

If you are afraid of a powerful beast, you will definitely die.

On the contrary, only by finding the opponent's weakness and attacking at all costs can you have any chance of winning.

This idea of ​​confronting the enemy has always been in Zhao Shuang'er's mind.

So when facing Liu Chengfeng, she knew that she was outmatched. If she didn't take the initiative, she would lose.

If it weren't for a competition, losing on the battlefield would mean death.

So Zhao Shuang'er's only choice is to risk his life.

And this move did have a miraculous effect, causing the self-righteous Liu Chengfeng to be seriously injured.

"Damn girl, if you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

Liu Chengfeng was extremely angry. It was a great shame and humiliation for him to be hurt by someone whose cultivation was two levels lower than his own.

If he doesn't tear the other person into pieces today, then how can he be worthy of the title of Tianjiao in the future?

With an angry shout, Liu Chengfeng unleashed the Blood Clothes Sect's most powerful killing move, causing blood to rain all over the sky!

I saw that the sword blade in his hand actually evolved into a bloody sword light under the wave of his palm.

Finally, with his angry roar, he crashed down towards Zhao Shuang'er.

"I surrender!"

Zhao Shuang'er was injured and knew he was outmatched, so he admitted defeat.

However, Liu Chengfeng, who had red eyes at this moment, had no intention of stopping. The sword light continued unabated and fell towards Zhao Shuang'er.

He was already murderous at this moment.


Just when Lin Changsheng was about to take action to stop him, the Great Elder of the Lian Shen Sect waved his sleeve, and an extremely powerful wave of Yuan Power surged out, smashing the blood-red sword blade into pieces and disappearing without a trace.

Liu Chengfeng was also thrown away.


After landing, Liu Chengfeng spit out a mouthful of blood.

It can be seen that he was injured by the energy of the great elder of the Lian Shen Sect.

This Mahayana strongman's casual attack was not something that the God Transformation cultivator could resist.

"You are so brave. The other party has already admitted defeat, and you still want to take his life?"

The Great Elder of Lian Shen Sect stood up and scolded.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the seventh elder of the Blood Clothes Sect jumped up and stood on the stone platform.

"Misunderstanding, the Blood Rain Sword Technique used by Chengfeng just now is difficult to contain once it explodes. It is definitely not intended to kill her. Everyone has also seen that this little girl is very powerful. If she doesn't use her full strength, she probably has no chance of winning!"

The seventh elder of the Blood Clothes Sect wears a green hairpin and holds a sword, looking like an immortal.

However, no one believed his words at this moment. The other party obviously wanted to take Zhao Shuang'er's life.

But now that he said that, there was no point in continuing to delve into it, so the Great Elder of the Lian Shen Sect had no choice but to give up.

"Competitions and exchanges are all about communication. If anyone admits defeat and doesn't stop, don't blame me, the Shen Lian Sect, for being ruthless!"

The great elder of Lian Shen Sect said sternly.


When the seventh elder of the Blood Clothes Sect heard this, he immediately helped Liu Chengfeng down.

Then he used his Yuan energy to nurse his body, and finally let him take an elixir before his injury improved.

The same was true for Zhao Shuang'er, but the pill Lin Changsheng gave Zhao Shuang'er was much better than Liu Chengfeng's.

Lin Changsheng had a lot of Wuji Holy Pills in his hands, so he was not stingy at all and took one for Zhao Shuang'er again.

After taking the elixir, Zhao Shuang'er recovered from his injuries faster than Liu Chengfeng.

"Chang, brother Changsheng, I seem to be about to break through!"

After Zhao Shuang'er took two Wuji Holy Pills in succession, he realized that he was about to break through. He immediately crossed his legs and began to absorb the power of the pills.

This made Liu Chengfeng very angry.

I wanted to take care of the opponent this time, but I didn't expect that I seemed to be at a disadvantage in the end, but the opponent was about to break through?

The most important thing is that he also successfully attracted Lin Changsheng's attention.

Lin Changsheng looked at Liu Chengfeng with murderous eyes.

He had better pray not to encounter him, otherwise he would only die.

Lin Changsheng now has murderous intentions towards Liu Chengfeng. If he encounters him in the ring, he will definitely kill him with one move.

With the end of this battle, the disciples restrained themselves a lot in the following matches and stopped taking action as long as someone admitted defeat.

However, Zhou Qibai of the Piaomiao Sect still went his own way and was domineering and merciless.

What he said was that the sword has no eyes. He was severely injured before I even used my full strength. Can you blame me?

Unfortunately, retribution came soon.

Because one of the disciples who was fighting against Lin Changsheng happened to be a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect.

This Piaomiao Sect disciple was obviously a little timid when he found out that he was facing Lin Changsheng, but as a member of the top ten sects in the Immortal Domain, it would be a huge embarrassment to the sect if he gave up without fighting.

So no matter what, you have to get through it.

If you lose, it's not too late to admit defeat.

However, Lin Changsheng grasped this point and tried his best?

I can send him on his way with one move.

"Piaomiao Sect, Fang Jianghai!"

"Lin Changsheng!"

After the two announced their status, Lin Changsheng had no intention of taking action in a hurry, lest others say he was bullying others.


Seeing that Lin Changsheng had no intention of taking the initiative, Fang Jianghai summoned the sword himself, turned his ghostly steps to form a clone, and used the Misty Sword Technique on the left and right to attack Lin Changsheng.

This is the Miao Miao Sect's special move. The confusing pace of the ghost shadow is matched with the shadowless swordsmanship of the Miao Miao. The illusion and reality are hard to guard against.

However, facing Fang Jianghai's attack, Lin Changsheng remained unmoved.

When the opponent's sword light was already stabbing in front of him, Lin Changsheng took action decisively.


Lin Changsheng instantly punched out his fists, which were none other than the Four Elephants Divine Fist.

The fist light was fierce and domineering, and a punch was thrown out, followed by the roar of the dragon.

And on top of the fist light, there are also the blessings of the other three ferocious beasts, making its fist light even more powerful.



Two violent collisions sounded.

The next moment, this Piaomiao Sect disciple was directly blasted away by Lin Changsheng. A mouthful of old blood spurted out in mid-air, and even his clone was almost shattered by the blow.

After landing, the Piaomiao Sect disciple made no movement and passed out.


Seeing this situation, the Piaomiao Sect elder slapped his chair and stood up, his eyes burning with anger.

It seems that they are the only ones who bully others, and being bullied by others feels like a needle in his throat, making it difficult to swallow.

"You bitch, how brave are you? You even said you would have a competition, but you still have to wait and see, but you actually hit me so hard?"

Wu Kui, the elder of the Piaomiao Sect, stared at Lin Changsheng and scolded angrily.

However, Lin Changsheng spread his hands and said, "I didn't expect that the genius of your Piaomiao Sect would be so weak. He fell down before I even exerted my full strength!"

Lin Changsheng returned the original words of the Piaomiao Sect, which made the Piaomiao Sect elder blush with anger.

"That's right, are you Miao Miao Sect disciples allowed to hurt others, but it's not allowed to be hurt by other disciples?"

"It's a joke. Isn't this a competition where swords have no eyes, fists and feet are merciless? Why don't you, the Piaomiao Sect, come to the competition if you are afraid that your disciples will be injured?"

"That's right, Elder Wu, please take your disciples out of the competition quickly, right? In case you get hurt, you're still angry, aren't you?"

"What a joy! Does the Piaomiao Sect also have this day?"

"Yes! They deserve it!"

The elders of the surrounding sects all laughed and felt extremely happy.

No one thought there was anything wrong with what Lin Changsheng did, but they were relieved.

However, Lin Changsheng's cultivation also opened the eyes of the major sects again.

The weakest disciples of the Piaomiao Sect are in the early stage of refining the void!

Lin Changsheng was actually able to defeat him with one punch.

It can be seen that Lin Changsheng's cultivation level is definitely not as simple as it seems in the middle stage of Void Refining.


When Wu Kui heard this, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

After all, this is what they said when their Piao Miao Sect disciples hurt others. (End of chapter)

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