The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 305 Qilin Sect, the Holy Body of Tianhuang Dragon [Please subscribe! 】

On the other side of the stone chamber, Lin Changsheng also discovered a stone platform with twenty-one stone stairs.

The stone platform is circular, and an old man with white hair is sitting on the stone platform.

Lin Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to investigate and found that the old man was dead, but his body might not rot due to his strong cultivation.

In the old man's hands, there was a golden storage bag and a blood-red bracelet.

These two things are not simple at first glance.

Otherwise, it will never be placed in the hands of the old man.

"No one got it?"

Lin Changsheng felt a little incredible. Logically speaking, he could not be the first to discover this cave.

The demon clan must have discovered something a long time ago, but why wasn't the thing lost? This surprised Lin Changsheng.

Looking back, Lin Changsheng looked around again and found that except for a huge wine pot and the fallen person on the high platform, there was nothing else in the cave.

"Let's take a look at the treasure in this old man's hand first!"

Lin Changsheng immediately set his sights on the old man. After all, the two treasures in his hands were still very attractive.

So Lin Changsheng walked up to the stone platform step by step.

However, as Lin Changsheng kept walking up the stairs, he found that he was being squeezed and pushed away by an invisible force.

It seems that the closer you get, the stronger the force becomes.

"No wonder this old man shows no signs of being disturbed! It turns out that you have to go through a level of testing before you want to get on the stone platform!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself, if he could get close to the old man without any difficulty, then the treasures on his body would probably be gone long ago.

Presumably it is because of the existence of this power that no one in the demon clan can obtain what the old man has.

Lin Changsheng, with his cultivation in the Divine Transformation Stage, only reached the eighteenth step before feeling a little weak.

"There are still the last three stone steps!"

Lin Changsheng gritted his teeth and charged towards the last three stone platforms.

The treasure in the hands of this old man must be extraordinary. If he cannot obtain it, it will definitely make Lin Changsheng very regretful, so Lin Changsheng will never give up easily.


However, it is not that simple to obtain treasures.

Before Lin Changsheng could stand firm in his steps, an extremely strong force spread out, knocking him back several steps.

Not only was he unable to move forward, he actually fell back several stone steps.

"The Holy Body of the Dragon God!"

Lin Changsheng directly used the strengthening method.


A dragon roar sounded, and Lin Changsheng's physical body increased, and he was directly promoted to the middle stage of divine transformation.

As his physical body improved, Lin Changsheng finally moved up another level.

There are only two final stone steps left.

Lin Changsheng raised his feet and wanted to continue moving forward, but found that even with the Holy Body of the Dragon God, he was a little weak.

Buzz buzz——

Wave after wave of impact continued to spread, and Lin Changsheng kept gritting his teeth and persisting.

[The Savage Dragon God's duel reaches perfection! 】

While Lin Changsheng continued to fight against this force, the entrance to the Wild Dragon God Art was finally completed.

This actually surprised Lin Changsheng.

This method was obtained through special research in the dragon bones, and its power is not small.

Lin Changsheng directly used the Perfect Level Savage Dragon Divine Art, and his physical body was strengthened again.

Finally he took another step towards the front pulse.

At this moment, only the last stone platform remains.

"Heavenly Ghost Devouring God Technique!"

In desperation, Lin Changsheng had no choice but to burn his lifespan again in exchange for stronger power.

As Lin Changsheng's longevity energy was consumed, Lin Changsheng's cultivation level also improved to the middle stage of divine transformation.

With the dual support of his cultivation and physical body in the middle stage of divine transformation, Lin Changsheng finally took the final step forward and successfully arrived on the stone platform.

After Lin Changsheng stepped onto the stone platform, the strong resistance suddenly disappeared without a trace.


The next moment, a white shadow flew directly out of the old man's body.

It seems to be the old man's remaining spiritual thoughts.

"It has been two thousand years, and finally someone has been able to set foot here. Young man, you are very talented and can get my inheritance!"

The old man spoke slowly.

This confused Lin Changsheng. He was so confused that he could obtain the inheritance?

"But after you get my inheritance, you have to do two things for me! Are you willing?"

The old man stared at Lin Changsheng and said.

"Junior is willing!"

How could Lin Changsheng not be willing to obtain the inheritance?

Having said that, you don’t necessarily have to do what you promised the other party right away. It’s not too late to do it when you have enough strength.


When the old man heard Lin Changsheng's words, he immediately laughed heartily.

"Very, very good. Firstly, you have to avenge me. Secondly, you have to prove my innocence——"

The old man began to tell his past events.

He is a member of the Qilin Sect in the Immortal Realm. He was the most qualified person to take over the position of the sect leader. He and the sect leader's daughter also admired each other. Everyone said that they were a Taoist couple with enviable talent and beauty. .

But unfortunately, he was secretly plotted by his junior brother, who poisoned him and left him and the sect elder's daughter in a house while he was in a coma.

Not only did the sect elder's daughter lose her virginity, but she even lost her life, making the old man a person despised by the sect.

Not only was he kicked out of the sect, but his arm was also cut off.

Without the protection of the sect, the old man was constantly hunted by his junior brothers.

He fled here out of desperation, thinking that he could remove the evil poison from his body with his own cultivation, but in the end he found that the evil poison was so overbearing that it had completely corroded his inner palace.

In the end, I can only die here with hatred.

"Then your junior brother is probably the sect leader of the Qilin Sect now, right? Do you want me to kill the sect leader of the Immortal Domain?"

Lin Changsheng was stunned, this might be a bit difficult!

After all, in the terrifying Nascent Soul stage of the Immortal Realm, the powerful people in the Transformation Stage are all over the place, and the master of a sect must have more than the cultivation level of the Void Refining Stage.

"With your talent, it's not impossible. Otherwise, why would I set up a barrier? Isn't it just to select talented people?"

The old man looked at Lin Changsheng and felt that this man was very talented and would definitely be able to take revenge in the future.

The first is to avenge the old man, and the second is to explain his innocence to the sect leader's daughter.

Let the other person know that he has been framed.

These two things are both difficult and difficult.

However, Lin Changsheng still nodded and agreed.

"Okay, very good, I will teach you the Qilin Clan skills and magic!"

After the old man finished speaking, he turned into a stream of white mist and penetrated into Lin Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Changsheng suddenly felt figures flashing in his mind.

The figure is running Qilinmen's mental methods and rehearsing moves.

It lasted for more than an hour before the figure slowly stopped.

[Introduction to the Kirin Transformation Technique! 】

[Introduction to Mastering the Universe! 】

At this moment, the old man's figure had become very transparent, as if he had consumed his last ray of spiritual energy in order to teach Lin Changsheng the two great immortal arts.

Lin Changsheng also lived up to his expectations and finally understood the two major magic arts to the beginning.

"Don't forget your promise to me——"

After saying the last words, the old man's spiritual thoughts collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

[The Kirin Transformation Technique has been detected. Do you want to spend 2000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

[Control the Universe is detected. Do you want to spend 2,000 Immortal Crystals to simplify it? 】

When Lin Changsheng had just comprehended the two great magical arts, a prompt came out from the panel.

"2000 Immortal Crystals?"

However, let alone two thousand immortal crystals, Lin Changsheng didn't even have one.

So we can only ignore it.

[The Savage Dragon God Art (Perfection) and Dragon God Heavenly Saint Body (Perfection) were detected. Are they integrated into a new Art Art? 】

Seeing that Lin Changsheng couldn't simplify his magic, a prompt popped up on the panel again.


Lin Changsheng decisively chose to merge.

After all, this does not require spending fairy crystals.

[Wild Dragon God Jue (Perfect), Dragon God Tianzun Holy Body (Perfect), fusion started. Fusion in progress. Fusion completed, get the New Immortal Jue Wild Dragon Sacred Body! 】

"The Holy Body of the Wild Dragon?"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought.

[The sacred body of Tianhuang Dragon has been detected. Do you want to spend 16,000 spirit stones to simplify it? 】

A prompt came out from the panel realm.


Lin Changsheng nodded again.

[The Great Way to Simplicity: The simplification of Tianhuanglong’s sacred body begins. The simplification within the simplification is completed. Tianhuanglong’s sacred body == exerts force on the beauty! 】

"Use your strength against a beautiful woman?"

This made Lin Changsheng sweat on his forehead.

This can’t help but make people think wildly!

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng has no shortage of beauties around him. Watching them punch and run can be regarded as exerting strength, right?

You don't really want him to do anything, right?

Now that there is no beauty around him, Lin Changsheng naturally cannot simplify things and plans to go back to Yun Chan to give it a try.

After simplifying the Immortal Art, Lin Changsheng began to look at the storage bag and blood-colored bracelet in the old man's hand.

"Huh? This bloody bracelet actually has eighteen restrictions?"

Lin Changsheng used his spiritual consciousness to enter the blood-colored bracelet, and found that the blood-colored bracelet actually had eighteen restrictions, which surprised Lin Changsheng.

Because the Poseidon Tower and the Taixu Temple only have twenty-four levels of restrictions, they are among the most famous immortal treasures in the Immortal Realm.

And this blood-colored bracelet actually has eighteen restrictions, and it looks like it is definitely not simple.

After putting away the blood-colored bracelet, Lin Changsheng began to look at the old man's storage bag.

When his spiritual consciousness entered it, he found that the old man's storage bag had very few contents.

But fortunately, everything is extremely valuable to Lin Changsheng now.

Lin Changsheng found three magic books inside, some things similar to monster materials, and some medicinal materials.

"This, is this the Immortal Crystal?"

Lin Changsheng discovered that in a corner not far away, there were more than a dozen milky white stones the size of eggs placed quietly.

The extremely rich aura of heaven and earth is constantly emanating from it.

It is more than ten times stronger than the spirit stone, and the spiritual energy is also more pure.

Lin Changsheng took the Immortal Crystal out of the storage bag and looked at it carefully.

This was the first time Lin Changsheng saw the Immortal Crystal, and he couldn't help but be a little curious.

However, as soon as the Immortal Crystal appeared, Xiaobai seemed to have a sense and got out of the spirit beast bag.

Then he opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the spiritual energy in more than ten fairy crystals was swallowed by Xiaobai in one breath.

After the fairy crystal lost its spiritual energy, it suddenly became dim and turned into an ordinary stone.

"Xiao Bai, at least leave one for me -"

Lin Changsheng was speechless. He didn't even know what this immortal crystal tasted like?

Xiaobai didn't say anything and blinked at the big wine jug not far away.

"You mean, there is fairy crystal in this wine pot?"

Lin Changsheng asked curiously.

Xiaobai also nodded.

Lin Changsheng immediately put away his things and rushed towards the wine bottle not far away.

As he continued to get closer, Lin Changsheng discovered that the spiritual energy contained in the wine pot was indeed amazing. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for the spiritual spring to regain its spiritual energy in just one night.

Lin Changsheng opened the lid of the wine pot and took a look, and found a lot of fairy crystals inside, hundreds of them.

Among them, those with strong aura have condensed their spiritual marrow.

However, these fairy crystals are not enough for Lin Changsheng to use simply, they can only be used for absorption.

"With such a rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it won't be a problem to help me break through to the middle stage of divine transformation!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought, planning to break through to the middle stage of divine transformation right here.

Lin Changsheng then sat down cross-legged and began to refine the spiritual energy in the wine pot.

Southern Region, Wuyang Valley.

When Lin Changsheng was refining the spiritual energy in the wine pot.

Situ Wu had recovered more than half of his injuries, nourished by Zhao Fuhu's blood from constantly killing monks.

And his cultivation is about to break through to the late stage of becoming a god.

"Little bug, wait until I recover from my injuries and see how I can kill you!"

Situ Wu's eyes burned with anger.

It’s okay to be hurt in the Immortal Realm, but I didn’t expect that I would suffer setbacks again and again in this Immortal Land.

This was something Situ Wu couldn't bear.

"Immortal Lord, this boy Lin Changsheng has many opportunities, so his cultivation has improved very quickly. If it doesn't work out, let's go to the Immortal Realm and wait for him! When the time comes, you can use your connections to surround him and kill him. It will be a piece of cake!"

Zhao Fuhu suggested from the side.

First, he did not believe that the Immortal Lord was absolutely sure to kill Lin Changsheng. If he arrived in the Immortal Realm, it would be much easier for Situ Wu to find a few people to kill Lin Changsheng together.

Second, this can also help him enter the fairyland. When he reaches the fairyland, a more vast and lush world will be waiting for him.

There is no need to stay in this spiritually deficient world to practice.

Otherwise, if Situ Wu fails again, he may also die together.

But how arrogant is Situ Wu? Why do you think you can't kill Lin Changsheng, a little bug?

If someone else had to take action to kill a small insect in the Immortal Relic Land, then he would have lost all his face.

"What? You don't believe in my strength?"

Situ Wu glared at Zhao Fuhu.

"No, it's not——, I just don't think a little bug deserves your help!"

Zhao Fuhu explained in horror.

He was afraid that Situ Wu would get angry and kill him with one palm.

"This little bug has missed my important job time and time again. I will kill him with my own hands."

Situ Wu frowned, his heart filled with anger.

"You, go and get me some more blood. The stronger you are, the better!"

Situ Wu ordered, and Zhao Fuhu could only obey obediently.

However, he already had other plans in mind. It seemed that relying entirely on Situ Wu would not work. He had to find another way out.

Shengxian Sect.

After the last war, the landscape here is still a land of devastation.

However, the sect has slowly regained its vitality.

Moreover, after Ling Yue and Wang Zhonglou absorbed the blood essence from Situ Wu's severed arm, they had already broken through to become Nascent Soul monks.

This is the great fortune of the Southern Region.

The bloodline of a strong man does have the effect of cleansing the marrow for monks.

"Congratulations, master, for breaking through Haojue!"

Concubine Yu Ling and Gao Ziyue congratulated Ling Yue.

However, Ling Yue still looked sad.

After all, their enemies have not been eradicated yet, and there is a possibility of counterattack at any time.

If he waits until he recovers from his injuries, it is estimated that there will be another fierce battle by then. (End of chapter)

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