The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 287 Three Souls Locking the Sky Formation, Ji Ruyan’s bold decision [Please subscribe! 】

"Ahead is the Demonic Sea. I wonder how powerful this three-soul sky-locking formation is?"

Seeing that he was about to enter the Demonic Sea ahead, Lin Changsheng put the corpses away.

Presumably, the power of this three-soul sky-locking formation is absolutely extraordinary, otherwise it would not be used to imprison the strong body.

If it can be realized suddenly, it can be integrated with Tianyi's turtle shell formation and the Ten Thousand Gods' Immortal Killing Formation, and the power of the formation will be even higher.


Soon Lin Changsheng entered the realm of Demonic Sea, where the Demonic Storm was more powerful than before.

Fortunately, Lin Changsheng controls the power of storms, and these storms will avoid them on their own when encountering Lin Changsheng.

Lin Changsheng had an unobstructed journey and arrived at the end of the map after half a day.

There are three islands surrounding each other, forming a triangular natural formation.

The body of the trapped strong man is in the cage on the bottom of the sea.

Lin Changsheng was not in a hurry to enter the big formation. He studied it outside first. When he got to the basic level, he could refine it to perfection through panel simplification. When he mastered the formation, he would not be in any danger when he entered it.

"You want me to be satisfied with just one drop of blood, but you underestimate me!"

Lin Changsheng sneered, what Lin Changsheng wanted was not just a drop of blood, but the entire corpse.

In this way, even if he releases the old man's soul, he will not be able to exert his full strength without his powerful body.

The threat to Lin Changsheng will be reduced a lot.

Just when Lin Changsheng transferred to study the formation, there was already a wave of waves in the Southern Territory.

Shengxian Sect.

Liao Bugui sat on the throne of the sect leader with a sad look on his face.

Because the three outer sect elders who had just been sent out to kill the demon girl died tragically.

This made Liao Bugui suddenly feel in trouble.

"So, this demon girl's cultivation level should be above the Nascent Soul stage, and she also controls the power of ice. Ordinary monks can't attack her at all. It seems that the only way to be sure is to ask the masters of the major immortal sects to take action!"

Liao Bugui sighed leisurely, it seems that the position of the sect leader is not easy to take!

Once things are not handled well, you will definitely be criticized.

"Sect Master Liao, please don't jump to conclusions on this matter. I think there is something fishy about this matter!"

Just when Liao Bugui was about to notify the heads of the major immortal sects to surround Yan Zhen, Ji Ruyan spoke.

After Su Changkong's death, Ji Ruyan returned to the sect again and was willing to train new disciples for the sect.

"What does Elder Ji propose?"

Liao Bugui asked, if there is a better choice, it would be the best.

"I found out that this woman is not a demonic monk, but a commoner in the southern region. Many people who escaped from Mucheng know this woman, so she should not be a murderous person. I want to see her alone."

Ji Ruyan speculated that it was because she felt that even if everyone went there, they might not be able to surround and kill this woman. When the time comes, it would be a misfortune for the Southern Territory to corner the other party and kill them all.

It's better to try it by yourself, maybe something is really strange.

"Elder Ji, this matter may not be too risky. If you are not careful, you may -"

Liao Bugui was a little worried, after all, the opponent's strength was not weak.

"Don't worry, Sect Leader Liao, I'm sure of myself!!"

Ji Ruyan responded and then left the hall.

"Sect Master Liao, what should we do now?"

Liu Yanjin asked curiously.


Liao Bugui only responded with one word. He had no better way now.

I hope Ji Ruyan can bring good news.

Ji Ruyan searched for Yan Zhen's scent and soon found her.

Because Yanzhen is also very easy to find, she still stays around Mucheng for a long time and refuses to leave, because only Mucheng can give her a sense of warmth.

However, the current pastoral city has long since ceased to exist, leaving only endless desolation.

"Come out! Stop hiding!"

Yanzhen soon discovered Ji Ruyan who came here.

Ji Ruyan no longer hid and showed his figure directly.

"Yan Zhen, I'm here to help you!"

Ji Ruyan said slowly, her breath was calm, her eyes were penetrating, and there was no hint of the aura directed by the sword.

This made Yan Zhen put down her guard.

"How can you help me? Can you let me go back to the past pastoral city? Everything I have is gone!"

Yanzhen said impatiently, all this unknown made her feel scared.

"Listen to me, I have encountered what you are encountering now before. This is called reincarnation memory. It is you who have awakened the memory and ability of your previous life. There is nothing to be afraid of. You can completely master this power. This is right for you. You are a good thing for the whole Dayu!"

Ji Ruyan said slowly, she had also looked up a lot of information recently.

Only then did I learn about these things.

Of course, there were some things that Ji Ruyan didn't tell Yan Zhen truthfully because he was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it.

Another possibility is that the strong man reincarnates. When the strong man's soul is nourished in Yan Zhen's body and is strong enough, it will swallow Yan Zhen's soul and completely control this body.

If it is the first possibility, it will not only bring no harm to Yan Zhen, but also bring a lot of benefits.

But if it was the second one, it would be a devastating blow to Yan Zhen.

Because the soul of a strong man is not something ordinary people can contend with.


Yan Zhen seemed to see a glimmer of light. If this was really the case, wouldn't she be able to become a monk like Chang Sheng?

"Of course it is true. You can try to mobilize the magic power in your body. I will guide you from the side!"

Ji Ruyan said again.

Hearing what Ji Ruyan said, Yan Zhen began to mobilize the ice power in her body based on her memory.

Yan Zhen stretched out her finger and tapped it lightly on the ground. In an instant, the ground condensed into ice and spread out over a thousand feet. Even the distant lakes condensed into ice.

This terrifying power made Ji Ruyan extremely fearful, and he immediately jumped into the air.

If she was frozen, Ji Ruyan might not have the strength to resist.

"Keep your heart in mind, use your thoughts to control your energy, try attacking!"

Ji Ruyan pointed and asked Yanzhen to try to control the ice breath in her body.

According to Ji Ruyan's words, Yan Zhen slowly condensed arm-sized ice picks in her palms, and then clapped them out with one palm.

Bang bang bang——

The ice cone blasted to the mountains in the distance, leaving the majestic mountains riddled with holes.

"This, this is probably at least the cultivation level of the God Transformation Stage!"

Ji Ruyan felt Yan Zhen's burst of strength and felt that it was almost impossible for the Nascent Soul cultivator to trap and kill her.

Fortunately, she stopped Liao Bugui from informing the other sect leaders to surround and kill Yan Zhen, otherwise they might all fall into the hands of this woman.

"Very good! Feel between your eyebrows. Are there any spiritual treasures?"

Ji Ruyan said again that she felt that there was definitely a spiritual treasure-level magic weapon in Yan Zhen's body.

Yan Zhen closed her eyes and felt it, and found that there was indeed an object. With Yan Zhen's control, she directly summoned it.

This is an ice jade bed about ten feet long and wide, with a cool breath exuding from it.

Ji Ruyan frowned slightly when he saw this thing. Is this Yan Zhen's spiritual treasure?

"This object should be able to change its form. Use your mind to override it!"

Ji Ruyan felt that this should not be the final form of Lingbao.

Sure enough, with Yan Zhen's overcontrol, the ice jade bed began to change, and turned into a long sword of ice and snow.

The aura of ice filled the long sword.

The moment the ice jade bed transformed into a long sword of ice and snow, it suddenly attacked Ji Ruyan.

This shocked Ji Ruyan. (End of chapter)

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