The Great Way of Simplification: From perfecting the magic of archery to becoming a true immortal

Chapter 204 Nascent Soul Teleportation, Nie Buping’s Ambition [Please subscribe! 】


The Demonic Giant Sword and the Demonic Storm collided suddenly.

In an instant, a huge explosion broke out.

Under the violent roar, the hurricane stopped suddenly and disappeared.

"The power of this blow is probably more powerful than that of a strong person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

Lin Changsheng thought to himself after feeling the power of the sword.

The power of the Demonic God's Wrathful Slash, which was fused through a variety of tyrannical immortal arts, did not disappoint Lin Changsheng.

Although Lin Changsheng has never entered the Demonic Sea, he has heard a lot about it.

This demonic storm was extremely ferocious. Except for the powerful Nascent Soul, all the other monks encountered it and turned into dust.

This shows how powerful this evil storm is.

"Immortal, Immortal Master, save, save me——"

After Lin Changsheng defeated the demonic storm with one strike, he heard a weak voice coming from behind.

Ao Chengfeng was struck by Lin Changsheng's domineering sword, and his internal organs were clearly injured by the tyrannical magic power.

At this moment, a large amount of blood poured out of the corner of his mouth, and it was obviously difficult to save him.

"Go on your way with peace of mind!"

Lin Changsheng stepped forward and slapped Ao Chengfeng on the head, killing him directly.

His mission has been completed.

If he hadn't been so powerful, he might have died in his hands long ago.

How could I waste my mana to save him?

In the dangerous sea area of ​​​​the Demonic Sea, any bit of mana is very important.

Lin Changsheng took out the Ten Thousand Souls Flag and directly put Ao Chengfeng's soul into it.

In any case, this is also the golden elixir soul, and no matter how small an ant is, it is still meat.

Lin Changsheng then used the method of rebirth to transform himself into the appearance of Lu Yunchang.

According to Lu Yunchang, the corpse king sect's magic arts are all placed in a basement.

It seems that it is not difficult to find the concentration elixir and the golden corpse resurrecting technique.

Three hundred miles away.

A figure watched Lin Changsheng rushing towards the Corpse King Sect, with great doubts in his heart.

This person was Su Changkong. In addition to doubts, he was also shocked.

At first, he thought he could easily control Lin Changsheng.

At most, it's just a waste of means.

After all, Lin Changsheng was only a golden elixir stage monk.

No matter how tyrannical he is, he can't compete with the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In the beginning, he was able to compete with Master Tianyin because of the power of the formation.

But now I don’t dare to think that way.

The sword that Lin Changsheng just struck out, even if he encountered it in his heyday, would probably have to be resisted with all his strength.

Fortunately, he did not act impulsively. If he was seriously injured, he would cause trouble to Lin Changsheng.

It’s hard to say who died.

"How could you use the same strategy again?"

Su Changkong secretly thought, worried that Lin Changsheng had gone to the Corpse King Sect and pretended to be a member of the Corpse King Sect to deal with him.

So he planned to notify the Corpse King Sect in advance.

I saw a ray of light blooming between his brows, and the Nascent Soul villain disappeared instantly.

This is the Nascent Soul teleportation technique unique to Nascent Soul masters.

Not affected by the physical body, it can transmit sounds across thousands of miles in an instant.

This is why Su Changkong's voice arrived first before Su Changkong's figure arrived last time.

Corpse King Sect.

At this moment, all the strong men of the sect have gathered together, seeming to be discussing some major matter.

Sitting at the top is a bald middle-aged man wearing a golden robe. The man's muscles are bulging and there are strange golden lines between his eyebrows.

This person is Nie Buping, the leader of the Corpse King Sect.

He was fully prepared for the appearance of Poseidon Tower this time.

A total of three king corpses have been refined, and one more is being refined. When the time comes, four king corpses will fight on his behalf, greatly increasing his combat effectiveness.

He was also instructing his men to get ready.

This Poseidon Tower is a rare opportunity in hundreds of years.

If you find a little chance, you can save hundreds or even thousands of years of hard work.

"I will obey the sect master's will!"

The elders below responded.

"Nie Buping, our disciple Lin Changsheng has transformed into a member of your Corpse King Sect and is about to sneak into the Corpse King Sect. You and I will work together to capture him! When the time comes, our sect will give you a generous reward!"

In the main hall, Su Changkong's words suddenly rang out.

This moment made everyone panic!

"Who? How dare you dare to break into our Corpse King Sect?"

Nie Xiangyuan, the first genius of the Corpse King Sect, yelled angrily.

"Yuan'er, please don't be rude. If you guessed correctly, it should be Su Changkong, the leader of Liuyun Immortal Sect, right?"

Nie Buping spoke slowly, his brows blooming with light, as if he had already seen through everything.

"It's my sect. What do you think of my proposal?"

Su Changkong's words rang out again.

However, he still underestimated the character of demonic people.

If they kept their word or were easy to control, they wouldn't be demonic people.

Most people in the demonic way are bloodthirsty, greedy, and vicious in their methods.

"It's not impossible to promise you. If you are sincere, show up. Otherwise, how could this sect agree without seeing anyone after hearing the voice?"

Nie Buping looked around.

In his mind, he made a calculation. Su Changkong's Nascent Soul must have appeared here, so his body would naturally not be too far away.

Once Su Changkong's Nascent Soul is captured, it will be easy to kill him.

At that time, Su Changkong's body can be used to refine a stronger king's corpse.

In order to get the Corpse King clan members to cooperate, Su Changkong had to show his location.

When Nie Buping discovered the location of Su Changkong's Nascent Soul, a sneer appeared on his lips.

"Now that you're here, you should stay with me!"

Nie Buping snorted coldly.

There was no need for Su Changkong to send him a message, Jiu Wushang had already informed him.

It is said that Lin Changsheng and Su Changkong entered the world of Demonic Sea.

If they meet, these two people will definitely be killed.

Otherwise, if the two of them are allowed to go back alive, others will think that they can come and leave whenever they want in the Demonic Sea.

After Nie Buping finished speaking, he waved his hand and tried to capture Su Changkong's Nascent Soul.

But the Nascent Soul is no different from the physical body and can teleport.

In a flash, he left his original position.

This made Nie Buping immediately rush into the air.

"Nie Buping, you are so brave!"

Su Changkong scolded angrily. He didn't expect Nie Buping to dare to attack him.

The people in this demon sea look like crazy people.

It is not an easy task for people of the same level to kill each other, and they must pay a heavy price.

Therefore, no strong person in the middle Nascent Soul stage would take action easily. I didn't expect that Nie Buping would be so arrogant.

All the ideas came to him.

Fortunately, only the Nascent Soul came. If the true body came, it would probably be difficult to escape intact.

After the words fell, Su Changkong stopped talking. Knowing that no more words would be useless, Yuanying immediately ran away.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Nie Buping waved his hands, and a black light curtain fell over the entire Corpse King Sect.

This is the sect-protecting formation of the Corpse King Sect.

However, Nie Buping still ignored the speed of Yuanying's teleportation. In almost a blink of an eye, Su Changkong's Yuanying had appeared thousands of feet away.

Disappeared without a trace.

"You can run fast!"

Nie Buping said angrily, not being able to keep Su Changkong's Nascent Soul, he seemed to have suffered a great loss.

"Father, Su Changkong has been injured by Jiu Wushang. He must be somewhere not far from here. I will send people to search for him right now!"

Nie Xiangyuan suggested.

If Su Changkong could be killed here, it would definitely greatly increase the prestige of his Corpse King Sect.

When the time comes, it will be easier to invade the Southern Immortal Realm.

"Okay! Qishao will go with you. Remember not to act recklessly. Although Su Changkong was seriously injured, his strength is extraordinary. If you find his traces, report to me immediately!"

Nie Buping responded.

He also knows that even if a strong person in the middle Nascent Soul stage is seriously injured, his strength cannot be underestimated.

Only people like them who are in the same realm can be shocked and killed.


Nie Xiangyuan responded and immediately ran away.

At this moment, Lin Changsheng was still two hundred miles away from the Corpse King Sect.

He saw the Corpse King Sect activate the sect-protecting formation, and a Nascent Soul flew out from it. This scene made him a little confused.

Could it be that the Corpse King Sect was attacked? Even the sect-protecting formation has been activated?

Who is the Yuanying who escaped?

"Huh? Nie Xiangyuan?"

Just when Lin Changsheng was surprised, he found Nie Xiangyuan, the genius of the Corpse King Sect, and a middle-aged man galloping out of the Corpse King Sect, chasing after Nascent Soul.

"Now that we have entered the Corpse King Sect, they are probably already fortified, so why not attack Nie Xiangyuan first!"

Lin Changsheng secretly thought that going to the Corpse King Sect now would be extremely dangerous.

After Zhen kills Nie Xiang and the worshipers around him, he can transform into one of them and enter the Corpse King Sect, which will make it safer.

So Lin Changsheng called out the coffin, stepped on it, pretended to be Lu Yunchang and chased Nie Xiangyuan.

"Elder Lu?"

After a while, the two approached, and Nie Xiangyuan found Lin Changsheng coming on the coffin, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Xiang Yuan, what happened to the sect? Why is the sect-protecting formation even activated?"

Lin Changsheng pretended to be curious and asked Lu Yunchang.

Although Nie Xiangyuan was curious about how Lu Yunchang suddenly appeared after disappearing for a long time, he did not have much time to analyze the matter.

The top priority is to find the whereabouts of Su Changkong.

"Elder Lu, Su Changkong, the leader of Liuyun Sect, came to the Demonic Sea and was seriously injured by Jiu Wushang. My father ordered me to track down Su Changkong's whereabouts so that he could be killed when he was seriously injured!"

Nie Xiangyuan responded, and then immediately chased in the direction where Nascent Soul disappeared.

"Su Changkong dares to come to my Demonic Sea? You simply don't know whether to live or die. I will go with you!"

Lin Changsheng followed immediately.

But instead of following Nie Xiangyuan, he followed Qisha Chongfeng.

It is easy to deal with Nie Xiangyuan, this Seven Evils worshiper has extraordinary strength.

With enough cultivation in the early stage of Nascent Soul, if someone is not careful, he will be allowed to escape, and the matter will be exposed.

To kill these two people, you must first attack the powerful Nascent Soul.

"Thank you, Elder Lu!"

Nie Xiangyuan echoed.

A group of three people chased Yuanying for more than a thousand miles, but in the end they were unable to find Su Changkong's whereabouts.

It seemed that he had already returned to his Nascent Soul body and escaped from this place.

"This old guy can run fast!"

Nie Xiangyuan frowned, feeling quite disappointed.

If Su Changkong is killed, the Corpse King Sect will become famous.


However, just when Nie Xiangyuan was extremely disappointed, a scream suddenly came from the Seven Evils worshiper behind him.

Elder Lu punched the Qi Sha worshiper in the back, causing his entire back to dent.

The force of this punch was not small. Although it failed to kill Qisha directly, it was severely injured and lost 80% of its combat effectiveness.

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