In the past few days, all the major forces in the Divine Realm have rushed to the Xuanyun Realm to congratulate Qin Ting.

This can also be called another great event in addition to the Divine Dynasty Assembly!

It can be said that all the forces in the Divine Realm who are famous and surnamed, and who are consciously qualified to participate in this matter, have arrived, and now in the Xuanyun Realm, there are big people everywhere who used to see the head of the Divine Dragon and not see the end.

At present, Qin Shenhou is covering the sky with one hand in the Divine Realm, who dares not to please him? Even if you don’t want to do it in your heart, you still have to do superficial work.

If you don’t come to congratulate and show your kindness, are you dissatisfied with Qin Shenhou?

At that time, it may be the end of the family and the family!


Now the entire Xuanyun Realm is full of joy!

Qin Ting was the Lord of the Xuanyun Realm, and although the time spent in the Xuanyun Realm was short, he was regarded as the lord by the beings in the Xuanyun Realm!

Before the Xuanyun Realm, it was only a medium-high world in the Divine Realm, and although it was under the direct jurisdiction of the Divine Court, it was not outstanding.

However, since Qin Ting had entered the Xuanyun Realm, the resources of the Divine Court had also been tilted towards the Xuanyun Realm, and the countless beings in the Xuanyun Realm had also occupied some light.

Those local forces in the Xuanyun Realm can be said to be naturally the vassal forces of the Qin Divine Marquis.

This identity is an enviable existence!

Now on the day of the great joy of the lord and the concubine, the beings of the Xuanyun Realm were also happy from the heart.

In the Xuanyun Realm, in an inconspicuous restaurant, a young god man looked gloomy and expressionless.

Although he seemed to be young, his breath was unfathomable, and the terrifying divine power was faintly flowing, obviously an extremely powerful god and demon.

The onlookers who led them all looked sideways, secretly guessing which super power god-level figure was born.

This person is the long-disappeared Zhu Qifeng!

Zhu Qi Feng felt the violent and almost endless mana in his body, and a sneer flashed on his face.

He practiced that secret scroll and successfully stepped into the realm of the true god in just a few months!

The true God of less than a thousand years!

However, the price of such achievements is also extremely heavy, and his potential in this life has been exhausted, and he will always be only a true god.

But Zhu Qifeng’s heart was full of indifference, there was only one thing in his heart.

That’s revenge!

As for the consequences of this, Zhu Qifeng did not think that he would die and the situation of the Zhu Dojo would become extremely embarrassing.

But Zhu Qifeng still decided to take revenge!

Looking at the Heavenly Dome, there were constantly powerful emissaries carrying heavy gifts and rushing to the Xuanyun Realm, Zhu Qi Feng’s eyes showed a hint of madness.

Nowadays, almost all the major forces in the Divine Realm have rushed to the Xuanyun Realm, and the Xuanyun Realm is already the place where the Divine Realm is most closely watched!

And he is going to give life and death to the Qin god who is high above in full view of everyone!

The post of life and death is a tradition in the Divine Realm since ancient times.

No matter how big the gap between the status of the person who posts life and death and the person who receives the life and death post, no matter how big the difference in strength is, they will have to fight for life and death!

In the ancient times of the Divine Realm, the style was still slightly rough, and the wind of revenge prevailed.

I don’t know how many noble princes of the family died in the battle of life and death because they cared about their reputations and took over the life and death post.

But time flies, and with the passage of time, the Divine Realm has been developing for countless years, and some rules that are beneficial to the great lords of the family have also been established.

Today’s life and death post is just a decoration.

Those life and death posts to the big people who are high up are already a nearly impossible thing, these big people are surrounded by countless master guards, and you have not yet seen the life and death posts under the faces of those big people have been obliterated by the people around you!

However, for Zhu Qifeng, tomorrow’s great day of the Qin Shenhou is an opportunity.

The ownership of the Tomorrow Divine Realm gathered in the Xuanyun Realm, and in full view of everyone, he publicly sent a life and death message to the Qin Divine Prince, to see if the Qin Divine Hou could not take it!

Such a world-class arrogance, with a proud heart, absolutely does not allow himself to be cowardly in front of the world, and will definitely take this life and death post!

In this way, the Heavenly Demons under the Qin Divine Marquis’s mansion were useless with their martial power, and could only be a one-on-one life-and-death battle between him and that Qin Divine Marquis!

And this is also his best chance to take revenge.

And the only chance…

Just as Zhu Qifeng was pondering, the people around him exclaimed, “The Lu clan is coming!” ”

“Miss Lu has arrived!”

Above the Heavenly Dome, a fleet of huge spaceships slowly entered the Xuanyun Realm, and it was the Lu family’s sending team, which showed the strength of the dowry this time.

Zhu Qifeng’s eyes showed a hint of pain, he knew that Lu Qing’er was in one of the flying buildings…

But then, Zhu Qifeng’s eyes flashed a trace of determination, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Qin Ting, tomorrow is your time to die!

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