Today’s Ancestral Dragon Divine Kingdom, Nandou Divine Sect, and Guiyuan Divine Sect can be described as unusual, with heavy losses.

Ying Dongling was breathless and looked extremely ugly, although he had broken through the Forbidden Land, the dragon gods under his command had suffered heavy losses!

On this trip, he brought three spirit gods, seven true gods, and more than twenty heavenly gods from the ancestral dragon god kingdom.

However, this time the battle for the Nine Li Divine Fire had already suffered such a heavy loss before he had seen the appearance of the Nine Li Divine Fire!

Eight dragon gods fell, including one of the Dragon God of the True God Realm!

The remaining dragon gods were also injured, and they looked extremely miserable.

The fall of the eight gods… It made Ying Tanglin extremely heartbroken!

Eight Dragon Gods had fallen at once, and this was also a major event in the Ancestral Dragon Divine Kingdom that was enough to cause shock!

His royal brothers would not let go of this perfect opportunity to suppress him.

Even the Ancestral Dragon God Emperor, who loved him the most, couldn’t say anything!

After all, for the Ancestral Dragon God Kingdom, which was not too many dragon gods, the fall of seven dragon gods at once was indeed a big thing…

The situation of the Nandou Divine Sect and the Guiyuan Divine Sect was not much better, although they had observed a lot of the Divine Forbidden Avenue Laws.

But after all, their own forces were too weak, each of them only had a dozen gods, and in the face of the endless forbidden storm, they were quite powerless, and they also lost a lot of strong people.

The Nandou Divine Sect fell four gods, and the Guiyuan Divine Sect fell five gods, although the Nandou Divine Sect and the Guiyuan Divine Sect were both great forces in the Divine Realm, and there were many gods sitting in the seat.

However, this was the accumulation of the Nandou Divine Sect and the Guiyuan Divine Sect over millions of years, and the fall of one god was enough for these two families to suffer for a long time.

Seeing the light wind and clouds of the Qin Garden, Ying Dongling, Nandou Shenzi, and Guiyuan Shenzi were full of hatred.

Now they have ended up with this fate, all because of this Qin god marquis!

However, they were also a little frightened, they did not expect that this forbidden place was actually so terrifying, far more dangerous than the ordinary secret realm!

It was also beyond their estimation, they already knew that they would bring some more masters, and in today’s situation, the three of them had suffered a great loss of strength, and they could not compete with Qin Ting at all!

Thinking of this, should be Tangling, Nandou. Guiyuan Shenzi secretly glanced at each other and exchanged a look.

At this point, all three of them must join forces

Otherwise, the Nine Li Divine Fire really had no hope…

If they had lost so many powerful people and found nothing, it would not be difficult to imagine what kind of reproach they would be for returning to their respective forces!

Although the Nandou Shenzi and the Guiyuan Shenzi were both Divine Sons and those who did not have power, there were many people within their respective forces who were eyeing their seats.

Just wait for them to make mistakes…

As for who the Nine Li Divine Fire will belong to at that time, now it can’t be controlled so much…

Qin Ting naturally also saw the plans of the three families, the Ancestral Dragon Divine Kingdom, the Nandou Divine Sect, and the Guiyuan Divine Sect, but he didn’t care at all.

At the moment, he has a huge advantage, even if these three families are united now?

Still not his opponent!


After the crowd had rested, they entered the temple.

In the temple, the avenues were heavy and floating, emitting a heavenly pressure and majesty, each of which was tens of thousands of miles long, pouring into the void, and these signs were shocking and palpitating.

However, there is a heaven and earth in the temple, millions of miles in radius, but the earth is extremely calm and peaceful, without the slightest fluctuation of divine forbidden.

A god whispered, “It seems that we have completely walked out of the forbidden land, and there should be a lot of treasures here.” ”

The gods all nodded, and even Qin Ting agreed.

He had already discovered the Forbidden Dao Law here, and indeed he had not sensed the slightest fluctuation of the Divine Forbidden.


A god exclaimed.

The gods searched for prestige and found that on top of a mountain, there was actually a fiery red sacred tree, and there were divine fruits on the sacred tree, which was an extremely precious treasure at first glance.

A god waved his hand, collected the sacred tree, looked at it carefully, and was immediately overjoyed!

This sacred tree is a treasure that can refine the treasures of the gods, and these divine fruits are also good materials for refining the divine elixir!

This god received (good Li’s) to take the sacred tree, but no one snatched it from him, not a harmony between the gods…

Instead, the mountains are full of this kind of sacred tree!

Many gods were overjoyed, and they all took their hands and put away these sacred trees, and a trace of joy leaked from their looks.

With these sacred trees, this trip is not a wasted trip!

Qin Ting, on the other hand, was expressionless, and although these sacred trees were extraordinary, they were not yet in his eyes, but only in his heart.

The companion of the Nine Li Divine Fire alone is so precious, and the Nine Li Divine Fire …

Just as Qin Ting was pondering, a great earthquake suddenly shook.

In the depths of the temple, a divine fire gradually appeared from the void to its figure…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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