The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 687: Just for a piece of equipment?

After Zurgkar was at half health, his Inferno was finally killed.

Lu Li, who controlled his right hand, hit the boss with a double-headed spear, while the unhappy female rich man, who controlled his left hand, vented her anger on Hellfire. The poor stone monster did not exert its due power at all.

This is a hellish troop that claims to be able to defeat all armies, with group attack, high damage, and high defense...

Demon King Azresok has more than 6 million HP. No matter how hard Zugka and his Hellfire work, it is just a drop in the bucket. Their only hope is to survive for an hour.

However, after the energy shield was broken, Zugka had no means of defense at all.

After more than half an hour of fighting, this level 45 BOSS gradually reached the end of his life. His green blood, corrupted by the Burning Legion, filled the altar.

Death has become the destination of this wild BOSS this week.

He will be refreshed next week, and may suffer the same fate.

System: Under the leadership of player Lu Li, Water Elf, Cang Shui Changge, Xiao Bajiang, and Cain's Left Hand completed the first kill of the wild BOSS Zugka!

The announcement was still an eye-catching announcement on all channels. Cang Shui Changge and Cain's left hand were a little excited, while the water elf was relatively calm. As for Xiao Bajiang and Lu Li, they couldn't get excited at all. They have gone through too much since they entered the game. Many first kills.

"Let's farm monsters and level up," Hachi-chan said excitedly. She was controlling the body, which seemed very powerful, but in fact its real effect was minimal. However, she was having a great time, and she still had more to say than she wanted to. .

"There are still twenty-two minutes left, it seems okay," the water elf's anger had subsided.

"Don't count on it," Lu Li shook his head and explained: "Demon King Azresok can't cause harm to demonic monsters, and we can't leave the small map of the assembly hall. If you want to play, you can only wander here."

It is impossible for the system to leave such a loophole for players to take advantage of. If there are really 22 minutes, with the destructive power of the Demon King, a lot of monsters can definitely be cleared. In that case, players will gain a lot of experience points, materials and equipment, and gather Although the place is not big, there are still hundreds of thousands of monsters, and there are many elite monsters with rich experience points.


Lu Li was the first to fall out from his right hand position, and the hell power core fell out with him, which was already torn apart when it hit the ground.

The others also dispersed, and only Hachi-chan was still controlling the Demon King to squirm on the ground.

This child finally found a good toy, how could he give up so easily.

Lu Li pointed at the BOSS and asked, "I have a bad hand. If any of you are usually lucky, go up and kill the BOSS."

The others looked at each other, Cang Shui Changge shook his head: "I am almost a black hand, and with the halo of the leader of the black hand, I think I'd better not touch him."

Cain's left hand also indicated not to touch the body.

Although Hachi-chan is lucky, it is reflected in her charm, but she is not good at touching equipment.

In the end, it could only fall on the head of the water elf, which made her also Alexander: "Don't blame me if you can't get good equipment, you let me get it."

Everyone said they didn't mind, so the wealthy woman ended up in person. Previously, she was not needed to play the dungeon and OSS, and countless younger brothers and younger sisters helped her.

Not to mention, the feeling of touching the equipment with anxiety seems pretty good.

"White...silver equipment," the water elf was dumbfounded.

The level 45 wild BOSS, and the first kill, actually found a piece of level 45 silver equipment. The wealthy woman wondered if she should chop off her hands, and black was not such a black magic.

Lu Li touched his nose and coughed twice, not knowing how to comfort him.

He knew that Zugka was shabby, but he didn't expect that even the first kill could be so shabby. It seemed that anyone who touched the corpse would start to doubt his own life.

"Maybe there's something good behind it," the water elf encouraged herself.

Then she took out another piece of level 45 silver equipment, and its attributes were worse than the previous one. It only had two special effects, and they were both scummy special effects that could only be triggered once in eight hundred years.

"Do you want you to come?"

Everyone looked at the rich woman's rare embarrassment and shook their heads. They touched the BOSS even though they were crying.

The water elf had no choice but to squat down and touch for the third time. Based on how shabby the BOSS was, it was estimated that only three items would come out, the first two being rubbish. Rubbish equipment may be rubbish the third time. Junk materials or skill books...

"Skill book..." The water elf took it out and didn't dare to read the name of the skill book, so he shared it directly with his teammates.

"Fuck you!" Lu Li rarely cursed.

Then came the "posts" from other people, using foul language one after another. They were all shocked by what the water elf found.

Is he so scumbag that everyone uses foul language?

The water elf opened one eye and scanned the skill book, and then she almost cursed. Fortunately, her good family upbringing allowed her to hold back, but the horror in her heart was no less than others.

If there is something about the Sword of Judgment that makes other guilds jealous and hateful, and the first kill is too general to mention, and Lu Li has no strength to make people jealous, then there are a few things that must be mentioned. One is the chief MT Azure Sea Breeze. He was present in every first kill. He was the textbook for PVE defense professions. Then he was the chief healer Sanyue Yu. From a nobody to the best healer priest, he was the corpse toucher Xiaohongshou Canmeng, and the mission expert Xiaohachi-chan. , the memory of Luo Ying, the owner of bloodthirsty skills...

Then, there is a glutinous rice ball with sesame filling.

The name of the number one warlock who escaped from the Seventh Heaven is actually not as famous as the legend. After all, the attention of this circle is focused on the star racers.

However, he was "unlucky" and joined Lu Li's team when Lu Li was just rising. Along the way, he formed an inseparable bond with the first kill. Although he failed to become a star player in one step, he In the minds of ordinary players, he is not much worse than those star racers.

For the Grand Guild, the role of glutinous rice balls with sesame filling is reflected in his summoning ceremony.

In several battles, the Sword of Judgment shined with this skill. As long as there were two people around him, he could move an army of tens of thousands of people over little by little - no matter how far apart they were.

What was now presented to Lu Li and the others was the skill book "Summoning Ritual".

"Can Lu Li give me this book?" In excitement, the always arrogant water elf actually used a coquettish tone. She even grabbed Lu Li's arm and shook it awkwardly.

The last time this kind of behavior occurred was probably many years ago when I shook my dad's arm and asked for marshmallows...

"Okay." By some strange coincidence, Lu Li nodded and agreed. According to his money-obsessed nature, he didn't even mention the word money.

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