The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 415 Changing Equipment

"I need help from someone for a task. Does a master have time?" The water elf asked a little guiltily. Although the task was difficult, it didn't require help from a master of Lu Li's level.

In fact, her original intention was to find someone from the guild, but Luo Xing, the president of Weiyu Pavilion, encouraged her to come and find Lu Li.

The reason is to deepen the alliance through high-level interactions.

Is it really necessary? It's not like Weiyu Pavilion cannot be downloaded without a guide.

However, having a guide does save a lot of effort.

Seeing that other guilds are still being destroyed in front of the stupid men and women, this feeling becomes even more comfortable.

As everyone knows, because of the alliance between the Sword of Judgment and the Drizzle Pavilion, after the Scarlet Monastery, many players - especially the envious and jealous guild players - sourly called her and Lu Li a couple.

Young Master Eleven: The couple are really in cahoots with each other. Weiyu Pavilion has set a new dungeon record.

Traces: Is our strategy team just for a living? Why are there so many differences?

Pretending to be like the wind:: As soon as the dog man and woman came out, everything became troubled, alas...

Blood Dagger: Weiyu Pavilion has set a new record. It has been set twice. It seems that they have obtained the guide. If things go on like this, their popularity will be exaggerated.

Xiao Mo: Don't worry about them. This kind of popularity is not enough. I hope Weiyu Pavilion will be parasitic on these strategies. The woman Water Elf is not stupid and will not be so short-sighted.

Weiyu Pavilion set new dungeon records not long after clearing Sword of Judgment. The sensation it caused was no less than Lu Li's first kill, and even the title of "dog man and woman" was spread among some small circles.

The water elf didn't know, and no one dared to tell her.

Otherwise, she will definitely hunt down the person who spread the rumors a hundred times.

The female tycoon is famous in the gaming circle not only for her superlative looks, but also for her arrogant wantonness and cruelty. Killing you a hundred times is not just talk.

"What's going on? Can you help me?" The water elf didn't hear Lu Li's reply and was a little annoyed.

It's rare for someone to be so disrespectful to her. Everyone is already an ally, and it takes so long to think about this little thing.

"Come to me directly then. If you can help me, I will definitely help. I have received some of the molds you sent, and I saw a piece of plague spring water among them, which was used to make the Black Wolf Demon Blade... "Lu Li was actually distracted.

"Is there any problem?" The water elf's voice was very calm.

"Well, can we discuss it? Give me the plague spring water, and I'll give you a dagger with good properties." Lu Li was distracted because of this material.

The materials needed to continue upgrading his Supreme Ring are too rare, and he has only collected one or two pieces so far. As soon as he saw this thing in the mold and materials sent by the water elf, he immediately became interested in it.

"Ah, no need. We will exchange one material for you and one piece of equipment. That would be so embarrassing," the water elf refused sincerely.

"It's okay, I don't mind," Lu Li vomited blood.

This girl must have done it on purpose, she was obviously the one who begged him to change.

"A thief in our guild likes the Black Wolf Magic Blade very much. If I give you the materials, he will be very disappointed," the water elf probably couldn't bear it any longer. Everyone could hear the smile in her tone.

But villains and women are hard to raise, and a vengeful girl is even more terrifying. She teased Lu Li twice after he refused to sell her the guide twice.

In fact, no one would like junk equipment like the Black Wolf Demon Blade.

Lu Li once announced to her the list of rare materials he wanted. After she got the plague spring water, she also intended to sell it to Lu Li, but she had to go around in a circle to make Lu Li feel uncomfortable.

Saying that someone likes Black Wolf Demon Blade is probably just an excuse to embarrass Lu Li.

Lu Li gritted his teeth in his heart and had to hold back his anger, otherwise the wealthy woman opposite would have a greater sense of accomplishment.

"Take a look at these two pieces of equipment. You can choose one and replace it with this material."

Bone-corroding fangs (perfect silver): 24-36, agility +16, strength +6, critical hit +8%, special effect 1: There is a certain probability of bringing 20% ​​armor-piercing effect when attacking, lasting 15 seconds, special effect 2: There is a certain probability of summoning a phantom when attacking. The phantom has 30% of the main body's attack power and lasts for 20 seconds. The equipment requires level 25 and durability 50/50.

Abyss Fang (gold): damage 26-32, agility +18, strength +10, special effect 1: critical hit +12%, special effect 2: five consecutive hits, use, attack the target five times in a row, causing five times the normal attack damage , cooling time 30 minutes; special effect 3: violent, all attributes +20, lasting 30 seconds, cooling time 30 minutes, equipment requirement level 30, durability 65/65.

Lu Li sent over the attributes, which were the two daggers he was using now.

For ordinary people, no matter how valuable the materials are, they are not as valuable as Lu Li's two daggers.

Don't look at the fact that the first one is only level 25 silver. In fact, you can find it from the basic attack. In fact, it is no worse than the second one. Perfect silver can only be made with molds, but to make perfect level weapons, players at this stage can only rely on it. luck.

Through the communicator in his ear, Lu Li could hear the water elf's breathing suddenly becoming rapid.


"I told you it can be changed," Lu Li replied.

"What is the plague spring water used for? You actually exchanged this equipment for materials." The subtext of the water elf is that you are crazy and your brain is flooded...

"It's related to a mission of mine, it's very important to me," Lu Li also knew that he would be at a loss if he traded in this way, but he had a better dagger in his backpack and didn't care about the small price difference at all. What's more, the plague spring water meant a lot to him. It's so important.

This thing is only produced by wild BOSS with a very small probability, and the battle for wild BOSS is too cruel.

Whether it was for the sake of strength or for the purpose of recharging his energy, Lu Li had no need to drag the entire Sword of Judgment Guild to snatch the wild BOSS.

"No, that would be a big loss for you," the water elf has her own pride. She will not refuse the benefits she gets based on her strength. This seems to be a temptation brought to her by others, and she generally will not accept it.

She will wonder if these stinky men have ulterior motives.

Beautiful girls should know how to protect themselves, and the principle of taking advantage of others has been instilled in them by their families since childhood.

"Let's see. I have to do a task tonight. If you cooperate with me to complete the task, it will make up for the difference. How about that?" Lu Li asked.

"Okay, I want the Abyss Fang," the water elf said eagerly.

The two daggers in her hand were both made of silver equipment, which was far behind Lu Li's. In fact, the only difference is that compared with Lu Li, her weapons are still much better than ordinary players.

"I'll wait for you in Nanhai Town in three and a half hours," Lu Li looked at the time and planned to choose a thirty-year-old monster area for leveling.

"What are you doing now?" the water elf asked.

"Leveling in Hillsbrad Hills," Lu Li said as he found the blacksmith in Nanhai Town and asked him to inlay the synthetic stone that reduced equipment requirements into his Defiler fragment.

In fact, he can also inlay it himself, but of course it is not as efficient as NPC.

It only took a few dozen seconds for the Defiler fragment, which could be equipped at level 32, to return to his hands. The price he paid for this was the disappearance of 5 gold coins.

When he was so poor before, he would never have spent more than 500 yuan in real money to save this little time.

PS: Thanks to shujicjh, Blue Tiantian, Nuoyu, Jiajiadudu, ˇ无名? Generation ㄝ, don’t forget Hao Feng, Fat Monkey, idateyou, ChenEY, so delicious. . . For the rewards and likes, thank you for the ups and downs of Love and Hate, Deep Cement Loach, Book Friends 150611162330037, Anjing Wanjing, Long Yuntianfei, Nuoyu, ybk1988, Jiajiadudu, Shadow Fang, Tired Bird, how can the remaining flowers not be scattered? , "Piaoshaozi, Fallen Spiral's monthly pass."

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