The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1106 Black Iron Bar (please vote for me)

It was just a melee druid kill. There was no need to start over. Lu Li just reminded everyone to pay attention to the bastard Verek's torn apart.

When the progress reaches the P3 stage, Verek is killed first, and then everyone concentrates on dealing with Warden Stilkis. If Verek still cannot be defeated at this time, the team is basically destroyed, because the BOSS begins. Randomly enlarge your moves.

It is not unfair to say that he is careless. Because he is a mage and has many skills, Warden Stilkis has caused many big guilds to worry at this stage.

Regarding the release timing and order of these ultimate moves, the dungeon masters analyzed it for half a month, and finally came to the conclusion that there is no order at all, it is just a random release, just like a passive employee who is in a hurry. Finish your own thing and leave quickly.

So the commander's response here is very important.

When to reduce damage, when to stick together, when to disperse, and occasionally take measures against other teammates who have been controlled by the BOSS.

This is a process that requires getting used to and getting familiar with, so team annihilation has become a normal thing. The All-Star team has team annihilated five or six times here, which took a lot of time.

Perhaps because it was difficult to fight, Warden Stilkis dropped a cloth-armored legendary shoulder called the Northland Mantle out of dignity, and was finally rolled away by Xiao Mo. Mo Wangfeng beat his chest and stamped his feet, crying and crying. Because the difference between the two of them is only one point.

The second is the dark gold necklace dropped by Verek - Verek's Shackles. The necklace is a rare equipment, and the value of the dark gold is not much worse than that of other legendary parts.

This is a necklace for the defense profession. The half-assed MT Ming Pojun was too embarrassed to fight with Azure Sea Breeze, so he successfully fell into the hands of Azure Sea Breeze. Azure Sea Breeze promised to give him the replacement necklace, but the two of them did not have Xiao Mo and Mo Wang. Maple falls in love and kills each other.

Other equipment was relatively average, and Lu Li was quite depressed.

Until now after entering the dungeon, he has not found any good equipment that he can use. Could it be that his Black Hand aura has been upgraded again? It is really inconvenient not to have the little hunter Canmeng by his side.

When leaving the Black Treasure House, Lu Li glanced at a portrait on the wall. The person in the portrait was named Gu Ge Huo Xiu, the former owner of the Black Iron Bar. His whereabouts were unknown and he was said to have gone to the far north.

If you have a mission, you can find a secret door behind the portrait.

The task is difficult to trigger. You can ask Hachi-chan to try it next time.

Returning to the Black Iron Bar, everyone was a little tired after playing the dungeon for several hours. Lu Li simply let everyone rest for half an hour. Moreover, there was Black Iron Ale, and drinking it would increase some insignificant attributes.

Lu Li was drinking while observing the goings on in the bar, and then Xiao Mo came over and sat next to him.

"What are you looking at?" Xiao Mo asked.

"Rebree Skubigert, I'm wondering how to kill him quietly," Lu Li pointed at a goblin businessman hiding in a corner drinking. This is the next boss they want to fight.

"You are quite serious and don't relax during breaks," Xiao Mo praised.

Lu Li was noncommittal. He didn't think Xiao Mo would be so bored that he would come over to praise him. They were competitors no matter what, and they had used various underhanded tricks on each other countless times.

"I'll buy you a drink," Xiao Mo rapped his knuckles on the bar table. Such a scene was really rare.

"A cup of Dark Iron Beer costs fifty silver coins. This is too cheap. When you have the opportunity to go to Orgrimmar in the future, you can try the orc spirits there." Naturally, the Alliance cannot just go to the main city of the orcs. Orgrimmar can only lead the legion to fight in.

Orgrimmar is the garrison of the City of Glory, so he naturally understood what Lu Li meant.

However, he did not get furious as Lu Li imagined. Instead, he sighed and lowered his voice and asked, "Is she okay in the night?"


Lu Li suddenly realized that this legend in the gaming industry also had a love affair with his daughter. The night he mentioned was a breast-riding girl from Sword of Judgment. She was also in the elite group and was considered an early guild member.

It is said that Xiao Mo likes this girl very much. He has been his childhood sweetheart since childhood...

But I don’t know why, this girl just doesn’t like Xiao Mo. In order not to get involved with Xiao Mo, she even played an account of the enemy camp. Not only that, she also joined the elite group of Sword of Judgment, carrying a small bag. I came to Jiangnan City and officially became a professional gamer.

What's more interesting is that if it's a private leveling in the wild, once the night comes, other guilds, especially those that are relatively close to the Capital of Glory, will almost all go around.

Lu Li just laughed it off when he found out. He was not low enough to take advantage of a girl.

In the guild of Sword of Judgment, Ye Zi is treated the same as everyone else. There are rewards for good work and punishment for bad work. Ye Zi relies entirely on her own efforts to make money to support herself.

"It's good, I didn't pay much attention to it," Lu Li was very sensible. He didn't need to provoke a man who was heartbroken by love in this regard. In fact, he didn't pay much attention to Ye Se. He formed a group to fight monsters several times. My impression is that the breast-riding girl's blood boost is pretty good.

As for personality and hobbies, what do you usually like to do...

If Lu Li could keep his family's treasures in mind, he would definitely be beaten to death by this guy Xiao Mo.

Don't think that no one knows what Xiao Mo does secretly. This guy definitely belongs to the type of domineering president. As long as someone kills Ye Xi in the game, the next days will be sad.

Of course, Lu Li wasn't afraid of him either.

Xiao Mo obviously didn't expect to find out any information from Lu Li, so he took a sip of wine and continued to act cool.

"Hey, you two are taking a break from your busy schedule. What kind of feelings do you want to exchange?" As soon as he heard the voice and tone, he knew that it was Mo Wangfeng. He was wearing a blue robe. Although his appearance was not as good as Xiao Mo's, he still looked good. His majestic appearance made a hidden thief like Lu Li look a lot more wretched.

"Unite together and kill the Dharma God Temple first," Lu Li rolled his eyes at him.

"Haha, just go ahead," Mo Wangfeng said with a smile: "The guilds that are least likely to unite now are the Sword of Judgment and the City of Glory. After all, there is only one champion."

Although he was joking as usual, everyone could feel the desolation in his tone. The once prosperous Dharma God Temple was now unable to even enter the top eight, and his efforts seemed to have been in vain.

However, things always rise and fall like this, and no one is in a position to comfort anyone.

A group of racers who usually fight to the death on the field have a rare opportunity to gather in the tavern in this dungeon, drink cheap black iron ale, and show off their pride.

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