The Great Tao Chronicle

Chapter 203: The great realm is permanent, the earthly Buddha country!

The aura of heaven and earth is not only in love with human beings, but also in favor of all things.

Animals, plants, and even all kinds of food grown by human beings are extremely productive. With a leisurely land of more than ten mu, after paying 30% of the land tax, it is enough to feed a family.

If only tax.

Unfortunately, that's not possible.

In Dafeng, in addition to the tax of 'renting farmland mu', there are also items such as fu, tribute, and servitude. Among them, fu is forcibly collected by the army, and tribute is an item that is 'spontaneously' offered to the monarch.

Servant, on this land, any adult, must serve three months of corvée every year for the drudgery of paving roads, repairing houses, water conservancy, promotion, and even opening mountains.

Dafeng males are 16 percent, 20 weak crowns, 12 females, and 15.

At the age of 90, in some big families, you can already see the sixth or seventh generation of grandchildren, which can be said to be a real longevity.

Wang Quan was an old man with inner strength, pure heart and few desires, not subject to corvée, and not giving birth, so that he could live to more than 90 years. Ordinary people, those who live to 70 years are very rare.

An Qisheng walked all the way, except that the residents living in the city were well-dressed and looked healthy, many of the villagers in ordinary mountain villages were yellow-faced and thin-skinned.

Although very few people starve to death, they are limited to not starving to death.

Dafeng is located in the southeast of Jiufujie, where the four seasons coexist, and there is no specific season.

In the scorching summer of the East Pole, there may be dragons in the extreme north, flowers bloom in the spring in the south, and everything in the West Pole may wither.

Zhongzhou is still generally hot in summer, but when we arrive in Liangzhou, there is a sense of high autumn air.

It was noon at this time.

But not too hot.

When An Qisheng stepped out of the forest and came to the official road, he saw a small teahouse next to the official road not far away.

Many people were resting in the teahouse, and there was a long line of cars and horses outside the door.

There are no people in the north and south of the official road, but there is a teahouse.


An Qisheng's heart was filled with ripples, and with a faint smile, he walked towards the teahouse unhurriedly.

The teahouse is not small. Although it is simple, it can accommodate dozens of people. However, there are obviously more people gathered here. Most of the guests are just squatting by the road with tea bowls and drinking water to rest.

Seeing An Qisheng pacing, few people seemed to care, and he was still talking to himself.

Talking about the north-south business, which city's products are profitable, which road has more bandits, which **** bureau is more famous, which road has been opened, and how many bandits have been opened.

Seems to be just a normal tea house.


Suddenly, there was a sound in the teahouse.

It was the hoarse sound of blood spurting out of the neck slashed by a quick knife.


A body was thrown outside the door, blood soaking the ground.

The other guests seemed to be commonplace, without any fear, but instead spit out one after another, and even killed it.

"Liu Biao's kung fu is the same as it was in the past, but this thief killed him with ease!"

A low man in gray clothes shouted loudly.

An Qisheng looked at the corpse under his feet and walked towards the teahouse as if nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry, the guest officer, it's full of people, why don't you just make it when you're outside?"

The skinny man dressed as Xiao Er nodded and bowed, holding the tea and handing it over.

"This old Taoist priest, I have a seat here, come and sit!"

At this time, someone in the house shouted.

But it was a middle-aged man with a long knife hanging from his waist.

He was wearing a gray suit, his face was full of vicissitudes, and his palms were thick.

"Thank you then."

An Qisheng walked into the teahouse and looked around, looking rather curious.

Someone whispered, this old Taoist lived for such a long time, as if he had never seen anything.

"The old Daoist walks alone, without even a horse. It's really audacious."

The middle-aged man cupped his hands and said:

"Under Liu Zheng, the head of the Changxing Escort Bureau."


An Qisheng nodded slightly, sat down, and the child offered tea again.

But An Qisheng didn't answer, just smiled without saying a word.

"Isn't the Taoist afraid that the water is poisonous?"

Then Liu Zheng shook his head and smiled:

"There are no less than fifty people who drink water in this teahouse. If it is poisonous, everyone will be planted!"

He took the tea bowl and took a sip.

Several other people also laughed and seemed to be laughing at An Qisheng.

Unexpectedly, An Qisheng was not only not angry, but also praised softly:



What's the meaning?

Liu Zheng and the others looked at each other and seemed extremely surprised.

But once this strange look appeared, it never receded.


Everyone in the entire teahouse, and even the many pedestrians who were talking to themselves outside the teahouse, were all stagnant at this moment, as if time had frozen at this moment.

Not just people.

The spittle that splashed in the teahouse, the dust that swayed, and even the spiders knitting webs around, all froze at this moment.

Only An Qisheng.

After speaking lightly, he gently touched the stripes and textures on the table with his palms, admiring:

"Seeing mountains, water, heaven and earth, seeing all beings, this practice is indeed extraordinary."


There seemed to be a ripple in the void.

Then the surrounding light dimmed, like a faded black-and-white photo, and the individual figures disappeared one by one like ink blots erased by an eraser.

Opposite An Qisheng, on the chair where Liu Zheng was sitting, a thin and shriveled old monk with a sloping cassock and bronze complexion slowly emerged.

It seems like a color picture suddenly squeezed out of a black and white photo, abrupt but natural.

"Namo Amitabha."

The old monk turned the buddha in his palm, and the deep-set eyes seemed bottomless like a black hole:

"The kung fu is not at home, but it makes the Taoist laugh."

"It's really hard to get home."

An Qisheng nodded slightly, like a teacher admonishing his disciples, and commented lightly:

"You can't see the sky above, because the sky is hard to see, and you can't see the ground down, because the ground is too thick, but you can't even see yourself, so the step of 'seeing people from outside' is still sloppy."

Ferris Wheel is an extremely miraculous martial art.

It is a great achievement of the spiritual and martial arts of the predecessors and predecessors. It has a total of six realms of "seeing people", "seeing me", "seeing all living beings", "seeing heaven and earth", "I penetrate heaven and earth", and "permanent in the great world".

The four-level realm is complete, and it can outline a spiritual world that belongs to one party alone.

The spirit of oneself resides in it for a long time, whether it is to fight the enemy or prolong life, it has an extremely incredible effect.

And the spiritual world outlined by the old monk, even he himself is out of tune with the surrounding, obviously, has not yet reached the second realm.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is 108,000 miles away from the realm of "I can reach the heavens and the earth" from the big skyscraper.


The spinning beads are pinched in the hands.

The thin old monk raised his head, and there seemed to be two ghost fires in the deep-set eye sockets:

"The Taoist priest seems to know the secrets of my Zhuanlun Temple very well."

"Slightly heard."

An Qisheng felt the wriggling human skin roll in the sleeve robe, and smiled lightly:

"It is said that the wheel-turning king has practiced wheel-turning to the point where no one has ever lived in the Great Realm. I wonder if it's true?"

There are six realms of Ferris Wheel.

But even the founder, Da Motian, has only cultivated to four or five realms, "I can reach the heavens and the earth", and with a single thought, he can briefly pull out his own spiritual world to fight the enemy.

And if you reach the realm of permanent residence in the great world, then your own spiritual world can be stationed in the world, and as the absolute master of your own spiritual world, that is truly invincible.

Emotions and anger are celestial phenomena, and a single thought can discredit thousands of people as pigs and dogs, arbitrarily fabricating the memories of countless people’s souls, truly living gods!

It is a pity that the sixth realm is just a realm calculated by Da Motian himself, and he has not even cultivated it himself.

Seven hundred years ago, he desperately searched the world to collect countless treasures of heaven and earth, human and beast essence and blood, in order to use the Ferris wheel seal to help him cultivate the "Great World Permanent Residence", but in the end, he was unsuccessful.

He was beheaded by Daoist Longque on the top of Motian Peak.

But the wheel-turning king, who is the fourth in the weapon spectrum, is rumored to have succeeded.

But An Qisheng didn't quite believe it, because according to Da Motian's own calculations, once the sixth-level realm was completed, it would be a god!

And if the wheel-turning king was a god, he couldn't be the fourth in the weapon spectrum.

"My teacher has participated in good fortune, and if I want to establish a Buddhist kingdom on earth, I will eventually achieve great success."

There was a deep respect and devotion on the old monk's face, as if a mad believer had heard the name of his god.

But it also revealed that the rumors are not true.

However, this may also be the news that the monks of Zhuanlun Temple deliberately leaked, and maybe he has cultivated secretly, and no one can know.

"Earth Buddhist country?"

An Qisheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Good spirit."

From the words of the old monk, An Qisheng could vaguely perceive the purpose of the wheel-turning king.

He is bound to walk the road that the big skyscrapers have traveled, the road of poverty.

However, compared to the grandeur of the Big Sky, tampering with the souls of countless people and causing catastrophe, this wheel-runner king is much smarter and low-key.

An Qisheng, who practiced Zhuan Lun by himself, naturally knew that Zhuan Lun Temple was much more terrifying than the strength shown in the martial arts.

He even doubted whether the Golden Wolf Country had been manipulated by it.

"The Taoist priest asked me many questions, and the old monk also asked you a few questions."

As the Buddha beads slowly turned, the old monk took a deep look at An Qisheng.


An Qisheng's complexion was unwavering.

A few months ago above the Great Dragon River, he retreated to hide before Zhao Changying, and half of it was because of this old monk.

At that time, his five internal organs and meridians were not connected, and he had a strong sense of crisis.

However, after his Qi network was only short of the leader of Liuyang, the sense of crisis became invisible.

And after two months of sublime cultivation in the chivalrous door, after summarizing and sorting out his martial arts, all the sense of crisis disappeared.

"You, do you know how to turn the wheel?"

An Qisheng paused slightly in his hand, and the light in his eyes slightly rippled:

"I thought you would ask first if I killed your apprentice."

The old monk's eyes were condensed, and the fire was flourishing.

Without speaking, An Qisheng tapped the table lightly and said lightly:

"Little monk, take a look, my wheel-turning method,

How is it used! "

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