The Great Sect of Science and Technology

Chapter 1325: Bottleneck of the development of civilization

The giant natives of the barbaric world have now lived a happy life after they set foot on the road of civilization. They have stronger power and can get more adequate food instead of starving for food shortages. They have the use of fire, can eat cooked food to prevent many gastrointestinal diseases, and can more easily absorb nutrients in food.

The use of metal tools has made the lives of giants and indigenous peoples one step further. While exerting their own power, they have also brought many conveniences in daily life. For example, although we cannot spin woven fabrics, with the help of sharp metal tools, they can already make better animal skin clothing. For example, they made metal saws and axes to get wood more quickly, which is used to build wooden houses that are more comfortable than caves.

Of course, as the first tribe to get guidance, the tribe now known as "焱" naturally goes faster on this path than other tribes.

As the so-called "thinking about that", the "解决" tribe, after solving their livelihood problems, did not really think about "that", but it was no longer satisfied with the status quo. They wanted to grow their tribe, and were no longer satisfied with just a few hundred people making small noises, so they naturally turned their attention to the surrounding tribes.

Regarding the growth of the tribe, it is actually a need for tribal development, not to say that it is simply to rule more people and to have more power in life and death. At this stage, they did not have a deep understanding of power, and the dignified patriarchs had more privileges in clothing, food and shelter.

People always yearn for a better and better life. Few people are just satisfied with being hungry. When people don't starve, they think about how to eat better. And when people are not frozen to death, they will consider how to dress more decently. When "satisfaction" and "warmness" have reached a certain level, people will have to consider higher spiritual pursuits.

After the "焱" tribe has stronger power and various better weapons and tools, of course, the hunting efficiency is much better than before. However, after being able to hunt more prey, they naturally want to enrich their menus, such as adding fruits, vegetables and the like to the menu.

Therefore, in addition to the hunting of the tribe, some people need to go to pick fruits and vegetables, and some people need to go fishing. It's just a food problem. Although there is no need to worry about starvation, there is more demand for manpower.

In addition to eating, there are many aspects that require manpower.

For example, in terms of metal appliances, someone first needs to mine the ore, then someone needs to smelt the ore, and finally someone needs to cast and polish the appliance. Making leather clothes is important, making pottery is important, cutting wood and building is important. As a result, the more the tribe develops, the greater the demand for the population.

It stands to reason that we have just set foot on the road to civilization and have solved the most basic food and clothing needs. The growth of other desires still takes some time. However, the civilization of giants and indigenous people was inspired by Yezan's secret guidance, especially the ready-made language and words.

The languages ​​and words currently used by the giant indigenous people are "ported" by Ye Zan directly from the monastic world. However, among the languages ​​used in the world of monasticism, monastic civilization has accumulated over the years. This has led to some descriptions in language and text that are too far ahead of the giant indigenous people.

Normal civilization, in the process of language formation, should create a corresponding language and text to describe a new thing whenever a new thing appears. However, the Giants and Aborigines turned around and got a complete set of languages ​​and words far in advance of the current level of civilization, and there were a lot of descriptions of things that did not appear.

At the time, when the old priests of the "焱" tribe were given the language and words, they were not the purely engraved glyphs, but the meaning of the words. In other words, the old priests understood the meaning of the words that did not appear.

For example, there is the word "house" in the language, but the giant indigenous people who originally lived in the cave did not have a real house to correspond to the word "house". So, according to the meaning of the word "house", the giant indigenous people knew in advance what the "house" was all about. Through the word "house", they knew that in addition to the cave, there was another way to cover the wind and rain.

Therefore, through the interpretation of these languages, the giant indigenous people are as if they have been inspired. They don't need to wait for a long time to find out, they can know many new things in advance, and think of ways to make those things realistic.

It can be said that the indoctrination of languages ​​and words is tantamount to giving the giant indigenous people a preview of a technology tree in advance. From the language, they can see how their civilization should develop, without waiting for any unexpected inspiration.

Another example is "wine". In the development of normal civilization, the emergence of wine may be due to some accident, which causes the stored grain to be fermented, and then people discover the method of making wine. Possibly, if this civilization hasn't had this accident, wine has always been postponed. God knows that there will be no wine in the end.

However, when there is no wine, you already know the word wine and its meaning, and you know "wine: a beverage produced by fermentation of grain." So, can you try it out and see if you can get some of the "wine" in the text if you put some grain together?

Why did Ye Zan no longer need the sister Lin to guide the giant aborigines after solving the outer demons? To a large extent, it is for this reason that all the guidance is already in the language, and naturally there is no need to guide anything. Unless, the giant indigenous people are so stupid that they cannot understand anything from the language.

The reality is that although the giant indigenous people are tall, they are not "simple-headed and well-developed." As the only intelligent being in the barbaric world, as the darling of the original will of this world, how can it not realize the mystery in the language.

The reason to go back to the "焱" tribe is because you already have the language and you have learned a lot from it. Therefore, don't look at it for just one year, but it is enough for them to make the tribe's manpower more and more stretched out in one "fantastic" one after another.

One way to increase manpower and the number of people in the tribe is to have more children. However, the waiting time for a child from birth to labor is not a matter of years. Even a giant cannot violate the growth rules of life, and the giant's baby is still a baby.

In addition to increasing manpower by reproduction, another quicker and more effective way is to naturally annex other tribes. As long as other tribes are annexed and the population of other tribes is merged into their own tribes, their own tribes will naturally have more manpower available.

As a result, expansion was natural, and it became the only solution for the "焱" tribe to solve human problems.

During the retreat of Ye Zan and others, the "焱" tribe relied on a little advantage in civilization to launch a strategy for other tribes in the surrounding area. By the time Ye Zan and others solved the outer demons and returned to here, the "焱" tribe had become the only giant indigenous tribe in the area controlled by the original five-ring tower.

In addition, due to the same language and characters, and the same belief in the gods of heaven, the united war of the "部落" tribe did not have a fierce bloodshed. At most, there are some who are more reluctant to hold on to the title of their tribe, and eventually die along with the title of their tribe. Most of the giant indigenous people are not so resistant to changing the tribe, they have to work everywhere anyway.

After merging the surrounding tribes, the "焱" tribe alone has reached thousands of people. As for babies, children and the like, they are not counted. After all, even the so-called half-sized child, with the productivity that giant indigenous people now have, no longer needs to use child labor.

After the population increased, the "焱" tribe also re-selected their residence and built a large number of houses on the new residence. Let Ye Zhan and their "normal people" see that the new residence of the giant indigenous people is probably a giant city. But in fact, this is just a village with a population of several thousand.

In this giant village, the giants have their own division of labor. The hunting team has not canceled, but they must go out to hunt on time and on time. After all, hunting and gathering is still the main source of food for the tribe. In the village, some people are responsible for planting large fields, and some people are responsible for breeding some domesticated animals. These things can only be regarded as investment, and the harvest will wait for months or even a year or two.

In addition, not far from the Giant Village is a copper mine. A mining team consisting of dozens of people is constantly mining ore there. Several huge rough carts, using wheels cut from logs, were sent to the metallurgical plant in the village after being filled with ore.

The metallurgical field is piled with hill-like ore, and a dozen giants who have inspired and mastered the blood power of fire are responsible for smelting those ore into metal and then casting various metal appliances.

At present, the giant indigenous people have not mastered the actual forging technology, and can only be cast with simple molds. This also results in that the performance of metal appliances is not very strong, and there will be great losses in use. This is one of the reasons why they need to continuously cast metal appliances.

Moreover, even those worn out metal appliances can still be remelted and cast, but always have to prepare more spare parts.

In the center of the tribal settlement, a large area of ​​open space, some children were obediently sitting there, listening to the old people in the tribe teaching languages ​​and words.

Although giants and kids also like to play and play, there is no saying that corporal punishment is not allowed here. If you dare to make trouble, you will be beaten to death. Therefore, children are still very good, even if they can't listen to the elderly, they have to make a serious listening attitude.

The “焱” tribe has developed to such a degree that it has already done everything it can currently do. The giant indigenous tribes in other regions, although they did not have the opportunity to send people to learn, are also developing in the manner of "焱" tribes. Maybe it won't be long before there are only a few big tribes in this world. Maybe a real tribal war will really break out in the future.

The development of the giant indigenous civilization has reached the limit of this stage. Even if Ye Zan does anything to guide interference, it will not have much impact on the current situation. After all, Ye Zan has no ability to change the time flow of this world, so that the reproduction speed of the giant indigenous peoples is doubled. It can be said that the bottleneck of the development of civilization, the population, can only be solved slowly by the natural reproduction of giants and indigenous people.

No longer paying attention to the giant native Ye Zan, at this time with the sisters of the Lin family and Casaló, they are busy transforming their "welfare cave house". Casalo and others selected their favorite Dongfu designs from the many models given by Yezan. According to their choice, Ye Zan rebuilt those mobile forts from the inside out.

"Actually, the appearance of this thing is not very important. The key is to look at the internal layout and decoration." Ye Zan was facing a mobile fortress, while sending an engineering robot to carry out the construction according to the drawings, while checking the cards around him. Salou and others explained.

And not far away, a mobile fortress that looks like a sky garden floats in midair in the fortress of war. And in the sky garden, the little fairy Lilia, who has become a **** in this world, is still flying in and out of the flowers among her people.

Lilia waved the staff in her hand, and the rays of light spread among the flowers, making those flowers more vivid and magnificent. With the bloom of a few other flowers, the newly born little fairies fluttered out of the wings.

The reproduction of the goblin family is different from most human beings and most intelligent beings, and there is no process of "yin and yang blending". After all, among the goblins, there are only so-called "females", and no "males" exist. In the words of the technology world, they can be regarded as parthenogenesis.

In the past, it may be because of "behind the fence" that Lilia, as the queen of the goblin family, did not spawn more goblin to grow the group. But now, she is already the **** of this world, and she looks at Ye Zan to discuss a sky garden, but in fact, the whole world can be regarded as the home of the little fairy family.

Therefore, Lilia finally no longer needs to worry about the survival of the ethnic group, and can safely devote her energy to the growth of the ethnic group.

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