
A huge spiritual storm raged deep in the earth. As the storm expanded, the highest mountain in the martial realm began to shake continuously.

In the center of the spiritual storm, two figures sat cross-legged facing each other, their bodies as motionless as rocks.

These two figures are naturally the bodies of Heavenly Chong and Emperor Jin Chan.

At this moment, the Celestial Insect is still undergoing reincarnations of collapse and repair, and in this cycle of destruction and rebirth, the Celestial Insect's aura continues to improve, and it has now reached the middle stage of the Immortal Grade.

Outside the mountain peak, two figures stood in the sky.

"Is he already in the middle stage of the Immortal Stage, and he is also a spiritual and body cultivator. As expected, this boy is also a person with great luck, which actually allowed him to conquer such a terrifying existence as the Six-winged Golden Cicada..."

Although Lin Dong looked calm, his heart was quite uneasy.

And beside him was his daughter Lin Jing.

At this moment, the aura around Lin Jing also had the aura of unity between heaven and man, and there was a faint special power gestating in her body, which was obviously on the verge of a breakthrough.

"Dad, is he okay in there?" Lin Jing couldn't see the changes in the insects inside, so she could only ask her father.

Lin Dong shook his head slightly when he heard this and said: "It's okay, or I should say it's very good. It's only been a long time, and now that kid has broken through from the early stage of the Immortal Stage to the middle stage of the Immortal stage. The speed of his improvement even surprised me. "

Lin Dong had only heard about the terrifying devouring ability of the Six-winged Golden Cicada clan, but now that he had seen it in person, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that such a heaven-defying holy object could be born in this world.

"It is rumored that the ancient world has countless terrifying existences comparable to the six-winged golden cicada. I don't know what kind of disaster will cause these existences to disappear..."

Lin Jing looked at her father's emotion and felt a little incomprehensible, but after knowing that not only was the Celestial Chong not in danger, but its strength had also been greatly improved, she immediately became excited.

Of course, after being happy, I felt deep pressure. After all, Tianchong is already in the middle stage of Immortal Grade now. Xiao Xiao must have grown tremendously. She is the only one who has not made a breakthrough yet. Lin Jing doesn't want to be behind her friends. too far.

"Daddy, daddy, I'm going into seclusion to break through to the Heavenly Supreme Being. Please help me quickly..."

Seeing that his daughter finally knew how to be anxious, Lin Dong felt very relieved. It was rare that this lazy little girl knew how to beg him, and he would naturally not refuse.

"Okay, come with me as a father."

With the continuous improvement of strength, the changes in Celestial Insect are not limited to cultivation level.

For example, the thirty-six peerless magical powers that Heavenly Chong merged with Heaven and Earth in Palm were themselves integrated into Heavenly Chong's palm. Therefore, when the physical body broke through to the immortal level, Heaven and Earth in Palm evolved once, and this time as Heaven and Earth... Both the insect and spirit bodies improved, and the world in the palm once again ushered in a transformation.

"As one of the thirty-six peerless magical powers, the world in the palm of your hand does not have a clear division of realms like one qi transforming into three pure realms, but it can evolve into different worlds according to the characteristics of the person who controls it."

After his cultivation had gradually improved, Tian Chong couldn't help but shift his attention to other places.

"Ancestor Qingtian proves the origin of Tao with force, so the heaven and earth in his palm contain infinite power, which can suppress the heaven and earth. And because of the golden cicada, I have devouring as my origin, so the world in my hand has powerful devouring power. The power, and because this world is directly inherited from Qingtian ancestor, it also has good suppressive power."

How terrifying is the devouring power of heaven and earth in the palm of the sky insect? Just look at the Blood Demon Emperor inside.

This guy was first used as nourishment by the Celestial Chong to cultivate his own demon-killing spear. After the demon-killing spear was completed, he borrowed the idea of ​​refining eight pagodas from the ancestor of the pagoda, and directly let his world swallow the blood demon emperor. The demonic energy and soul of the whole body condensed into a demon of heaven and earth. If there is another person who is taken into the palm of the world, whether it is the Supreme Lord of Heaven or the Demon Emperor, as long as the heavenly insect has a thought, this demon will transform into thousands of things. Devouring flesh and blood to grow.

It’s just that the demon of heaven and earth is still in the initial stage of formation, so it can only swallow the Supreme Spiritual Heaven and the Demon Emperor. When it continues to grow in the future, it is impossible to say that even the evil god can be swallowed in the future...

Also as time goes by, the news that the Eternal Meeting is about to begin continues to ferment in the world.

Forces from all levels gathered in the Maha Ancient Clan one after another, because there were rumors some time ago that the "eternal immortal body" that had not seen any movement in thousands of years was vaguely moving, and seemed to have the intention of choosing a master.

As soon as this rumor spread, it attracted countless attention. Could it be that the eternal immortal body, which has not chosen a new master for tens of thousands of years, will finally choose a master this time?

That is an eternal body! One of the five original dharma bodies that exist today, if the eternal immortal body really chooses a new master, then there will probably be another peak existence in this world.

Therefore, fueled by such rumors, the ancient Maha clan almost instantly became the focus of the world during this period.

And it was under the focus of this boiling world that Muchen also rushed to the Maha Continent, the supercontinent where the ancient Maha clan was located...

Maha Continent, Eternal City.

This city is not the main city on the Maha continent, but it is even more famous than the ancient Maha clan, because it is rumored that this city was built by the Immortal Emperor, and the location of each eternal meeting is It's here.

Outside the Eternal City, on a hilltop, Muchen looked at this city that exuded ancient atmosphere from a distance. Now, outside this city, there is a steady stream of light and shadow coming from all over the world. The boiling and lively popularity is compared to the ancient Pagoda. The clan's various martial arts competitions are even better.

Nowadays, Muchen is no longer the unknown unknown he was back then. After entering the Eternal City, he was quickly recognized.

But the other party's eyes looked at him with an inexplicable color, which made Muchen couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

There is no way, since I don't know who put the name of the two great geniuses on his head, I don't know how many people are interested in him.

After ignoring those glances, Muchen continued to move forward and soon came to a huge crystal wall.

"The Eternal Will Betting List."

Muchen glanced at it and was speechless. He never expected that such a thing would exist in this eternity.

Soon he saw the first person on the crystal wall, the light and shadow of a man wearing black and white clothes. The man's eyes were deep, and even though it was just an image, it still exuded a heart-stopping sense of oppression.

Muchen's eyes narrowed when he saw this familiar light and shadow, because this guy was clearly Mahayou. The crystal wall showed that the total amount of money betting on Mahayou to win has reached 20 billion Supreme Spiritual Liquid.

It seems that everyone in this Eternal Meeting is very optimistic about this guy.

Then he looked at the other people. Although it was not as exaggerated as Mahayou, it was still in line with their worth. However, when he saw himself, even with Muchen's temperament, he was laughed out of anger.

"It seems that I still don't have enough reputation. Otherwise, why would I be looked down upon so much?"

Of course, this is more of a self-mockery.

After all, after hearing the names of the "Two Talents" before, his mentality was indeed a little arrogant, but now it seems that compared with these strong men who have been famous for hundreds of years, he is still a little immature after all.

But just when Muchen was about to leave, he met someone he didn't want to see...


"It seems that the other party has already targeted me as soon as I arrived in the Eternal City..."

Muchen thought secretly in his heart.

But this is not surprising. After all, this is the territory of the ancient Maha clan, and the opponent's spies must be everywhere.

After leaving one billion of the Supreme Spiritual Liquid Liquid to win, Muchen didn't say much to such a nonchalant person, and left directly with Shi Shiran, heading to the headquarters of the Ancient Buddha Clan.

Martial realm, Ancestral Stone Mountain.

More than half a year has passed since Tianchong retreated. In the past six months, the movement in Zushi Mountain has become louder and louder, especially the permeating aura, which has attracted the attention of almost the entire martial realm sphere of influence.

Because everyone can feel that as time goes by, the atmosphere in Zushi Mountain becomes more and more oppressive. I don’t know when the void above the mountain has begun to condense into storms, even if the Supreme Lord of Heaven is approaching. It's hard to breathe every now and then.

"This little guy can't really be directly promoted to a saint, can he?"

Beside Lin Dong and Lin Diao, a figure like an iron tower spoke.

I saw that this man looked rough, and his bare arms were covered with hideous scars. Just standing there, he had a fierce power that filled the air, like a peerless fierce tiger that made the space tremble.

This iron tower-like man is naturally Lin Dong's sworn brother, Lin Yan. His true body is a fire python tiger. As Lin Dong grows up step by step, he devours more and more demonic beast bloodlines and demonic spirits in the process. The more it becomes, the more it evolves into the Dark Holy Tiger.

Nowadays, Lin Yan also has the cultivation level of the Immortal Grade Heaven Supreme. Like Lin Diao, it was the three brothers who founded this martial arts realm together.

After listening to Lin Yan's words, Lin Diao, who was next to him with a handsome and inhuman face, couldn't help but admire a little, and said: "When I first met this little guy, the cultivation and combat power he showed were enough. It surprised me, but I never thought that in such a short period of time, he would have the opportunity to touch that level..."

"Compared with him, those of us who have stayed at the Immortal level for hundreds of years are really ashamed."

Many people don't understand why those geniuses who are backed by big forces are not as strong as the protagonists who have practiced for more than ten or decades for hundreds of years. Can such people also be called geniuses?

This is just that they have ignored the fact that any genius has its limits, and no matter how deep the potential is, there will be a time when it is exhausted.

Even if you are backed by the Martial Realm and the Endless Fire Realm, have endless ancestral spirit stones, and endless pills, if you reach your limit, then your subsequent training will inevitably be half the result with half the effort. This is true for any pill. Something that neither spirit stones nor spirit stones can solve.

Before reaching the limit, their cultivation level is also advancing by leaps and bounds, and they can reach the Supreme, Earth Supreme, or even Heaven Supreme in just a few years or more than ten years!

Aren’t these people geniuses?

What qualifications does an ordinary person have to question whether a Heavenly Supreme's talent is high or his potential is deep...

After listening to the words of the two brothers, Lin Dong's originally serious face showed a smile, and said lightly: "There are always people in this world who cannot be judged by common sense. They are all the darlings of this generation and the world. It is able to grow at an incredible speed.”

"Haha, are you talking about your old self?"

Suddenly, a voice as cold and sweet as an oriole in the ice rang in the ears of the three grown men, and a blue hair tip flashed past Lin Dong's peripheral vision.

Feeling the refreshing fragrance that was already standing behind him, Lin Dong smiled slightly.

"Or maybe it's you in the past..."

Ying Huanhuan!

When she was in Tianxuan Continent, she was such an incredible girl, just like the Martial Ancestor back then.

Looking at the two people who had calmed down, Lin Diao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. The Bingling wine in his hand no longer felt fragrant. There was always a sour smell of love that passed to his nose, making him There is no more pleasure in drinking.


Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Lin Diao waved with his back to the two of them, and then silently walked away into the distance.

Lin Yan, who was as tall as an iron tower, looked at his second brother like a fool, then at his eldest brother, and then followed in the footsteps of the former without hesitation.

Naturally, Tianchong didn't know that Wu Zu was having a little ambiguity with his wife outside at this time, and he didn't even care about his brothers.

The cultivation space inside Zushi Mountain at this moment.


The terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly swept through at this moment, directly permeating the entire martial realm...

Wu Zu Lin Dong and Ying Huanhuan, who were enjoying the tenderness, were startled at the same time, and then their eyes couldn't help but look at the peak in front of them with no top visible.

"This breath...sacred item!"

Swish, brush, brush!

One after another figures came from a distance, including Lin Diao and Lin Yan who had just left, as well as Lin Jing's mother, Ling Qingzhu, the second mistress of the martial arts realm...

It can be said that at this moment, all the powerful people in the martial realm have arrived.

This is a major event to witness the birth of a powerful saint, and no one wants to miss it.

Of course, the turmoil in the world caused by the Celestial Chong's promotion to the Holy Grade will directly manifest the rules of the surrounding world. This is also a good opportunity for the powerful Immortal Grade experts to gain a deeper understanding of the world, which will have a huge impact on their future improvement. benefits, that's why Tianchong's breakthrough directly attracted so much attention.

In the training room at the belly of the mountain, the huge golden man who had been sitting cross-legged for nearly a year suddenly opened his eyes. The next moment, two bright golden light pillars directly broke through the mountain wall, rushed to the outside world, and even entered the void directly.

The terrifying coercion that only belongs to the holy product swept out, making the surrounding Heavenly Sovereigns feel their hearts beating wildly, and some even had cold sweats running down their backs.

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