If you don't become a saint, you will always be an ant.

But is it so easy to become a saint?

This good show for the world has finally come to an end. Huang Xuanzhi still failed to defeat his destined opponent. After seeing Huang Xuanzhi's defeat, Ao Lie ended his career very simply. The battle of meaning.

"Brother Tianchong, you are lucky to have lived up to your fate!" Muchen came to the front of Tianchong and the others and said with great enthusiasm.

Tianchong also smiled slightly, patted his shoulder, and said with some emotion: "You kid is really surprising."

Well, this surprise was actually for others, but Tian Chong was not surprised at all.

Next, the three major groups of mythical beasts did not stay too much. After all, they were losers. Wouldn't they be laughed at all the time if they stayed here?

Seeing the three tribes leaving one after another, Cai Lin and Lin Qingtan also directly said goodbye to Tianchong and Zongzu.

Because of the approaching Great Thousand Covenant, the evil tribes outside the territory have been ready to move. The Endless Fire Realm and the Martial Realm respectively guard the two sides of the Great Thousand World. Now is the time when manpower is needed.

Seeing this, Tian Chong couldn't help but frowned and asked: "Aunt Cai, Senior Lin, what is the current situation? Are those guys from the evil tribe outside the territory making a lot of trouble?"

Cai Lin smiled faintly and said: "Don't worry, those guys are indeed a little noisy, but it's just a small fight. As long as Xiao Yan is here, those guys don't dare to cross the line!"

Lin Qingtan also said: "Yes, those truly strong men from the evil races outside the territory do not dare to invade the borders of our martial realm."

Hearing this, Tian Chong felt a lot more at ease. He thought it was because of himself that the direction of the world had changed.

After bidding farewell to Lin Jing who was reluctant to leave, Tianchong pulled Xiao Xiao and whispered some whispers between the two of them, and then sent the girl away.

"Haha, I thought you would just go with them..." Zongzu looked at the somewhat reluctant Celestial Chong and chuckled.

"That's not the case. I was in a hurry when I came out of seclusion before, so I still need to sort out my own realm. And after my physical body broke through the immortal level, my spiritual power also increased tremendously. I need to see if I can retreat to attack the immortal level. Taste."

Zongzu nodded with satisfaction when he heard this. He was afraid that this little guy would become arrogant because of his rapid growth in strength, which would lead to wasted cultivation and affect his future impact on the holy product.

Listening to what he said now, it seemed that he was overthinking.

After returning to the Spiritual Insect Continent, Zongzu brought the Dragon Demon and the Death Emperor back into the Insect Realm, saying that he wanted to help the two of them improve steadily.

After all, in terms of realm alone, the cultivation base of the two of them is a bit low.

As for Tian Chong, he took Tian Chong directly into his Yunxiao Mountains, found a secluded place in the depths, and began to retreat.

The reason why Jin Chan needs to be taken with him in retreat is also because of the Golden Chan Reincarnation Technique practiced by Tian Chong.

In fact, when he completed the eighth turn of the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique, he was originally going to enter the Immortal Stage both physically and spiritually at the same time. However, due to the Golden Cicada's transformation, his physical body was the first to break through, but his spiritual power still needed a lot of accumulation. .

But the situation was urgent and there was not much time for him to accumulate. This forced Tianchong to postpone the breakthrough of spiritual power and go out to fight in advance.

But now, if he wants to get that feeling of breakthrough, he can only rely on Jin Chan to use the power of his own fairy to drive him and increase his chances of breakthrough.

In the Yunxiao Mountains, inside a lush-looking mountain, the mountain has been hollowed out and turned into a huge training room.

In the center of the training room, Tian Chong sat cross-legged on a piece of bluestone, his whole body covered by a hazy golden light.

This golden light does not belong to him. If you look closely, you can see that it is emanating from a palm-sized golden cicada three feet above his head.

The golden cicada is naturally the golden cicada.

Compared to Muchen who owns the Ancient Heavenly Palace, the cultivation environment in the Yunxiao Mountains of Tianchong is still much worse. Especially since the Ancient Heavenly Palace also has the existence of the "Tianhe", the gap is even greater.

But this does not mean that Tianchong's cultivation will be slower than Muchen's...

After all, Tianchong doesn't have Tianhe, but he does have Golden Cicada.

Just like at this moment, in this huge stone room, a surging ocean of spiritual energy is constantly surging. This is the tens of billions of supreme power that Tianchong has put together with all his wealth, and even the head of the Lingzhong clan has put together the efforts of his family. Spiritual fluid!

Ten billion supreme spiritual fluids, this is an extremely huge number. If it were a normal spiritual supreme being, it would take at least several years to refine and absorb it.

But all this is different after Jin Chan...

At the speed at which Jin Chan devoured the condensed spiritual power, if it were him, he would probably be able to devour and digest it in less than half a month.

But because these are prepared for Tianchong, he mainly plays the role of refining and transferring, so the speed is definitely not too fast.

This method was used by Tian Chong at the very beginning, but at that time the two of them shared the shares in proportion, but now Tian Chong directly wants 100% this time...


There was a sound of wind in the sealed cave, and the torrent of supreme spiritual fluid was flowing rapidly, and finally poured directly into Jin Chan's body.

After Jin Chan swallowed so much terrifying supreme spiritual fluid, the golden light around him became even more intense, and there was actually dust-like crystal dust floating down in the light...

Each grain of crystal dust is so tiny that it is invisible to the naked eye, but each grain is made of extremely condensed and pure spiritual power!

The crystal dust fell, directly following the falling golden light and landed on the Celestial Insect's skin, and was quickly absorbed into it as if it were a sponge.

The energy and blood in the Celestial Insect's body also boiled at this time, the flesh and blood shook, and the bones roared, as if it turned into a black hole, quickly swallowing up the crystal dust absorbed into the body...

In the huge cave, the wind whistled continuously, and as more and more crystal dust fell, the originally fair skin of the sky insect seemed to be directly dyed with a layer of golden luster, as dazzling as the previous Vajra body.

For the next three months, Tian Chong immersed himself in seclusion and practice, blocking all information from the outside world.

However, many things that should have happened during this period also happened one after another.

Just like the Bird Clan's Divine Transformation Pool, it was finally opened during this period of time after what happened before. After the previous failure, Huang Xuanzhi's pursuit of strength became even more crazy, so for Jiuyou's ancient The phoenix essence and blood are even more inevitable!

But when he saw that annoying face that he couldn't forget again, Huang Xuanzhi almost collapsed.

"Mu Chen!" Standing behind his father, King Huang, Huang Xuanzhi gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words.

As the Phoenix King, Huang Jin couldn't help but frown.

It's a pity that Muchen didn't pay attention to the father and son at the first time. Instead, he turned his attention to Jiuyou, who was in bloom and raining, and bursts of anger rose in his heart.

From the time he met Jiuyou until now, in Muchen's heart, the other party always showed a strong side. That stubborn and persistent temperament made Muchen remember it deeply.

However, now, this strong woman in my impression was forced to cry. You can imagine how much pressure and grievance she has endured.

"Chief Tianhuang, are you okay?"

Muchen, who fell down, suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at the Tianhuang clan leader, clasped his fists and said, "Junior, I'm late, I'm really sorry."

Tianhuang, the patriarch of the Jiuyou clan and Jiuyou's father, looked at Muchen blankly, obviously unable to believe that Muchen was actually here.

This boy actually dares to offend the Phoenix Clan for the sake of Jiuyou?

"It's not too late, it's not too late..." After regaining consciousness, Tianhuang waved his hands again and again, and then said bitterly: "It's just that we, the Jiuyou Clan, have nothing to do, so we sent Elder Tianque to inform you. I hope not It’s just weird.”

Muchen smiled when he heard this, and said seriously: "What did Tianhuang Clan Chief say? Jiuyou took good care of me back then. If it weren't for her, I might have perished long ago. Now that she is in trouble, even if she is in Even from the end of the world, I have to rush back to help her."

Hearing this, the leader of the Tianhuang clan had a complicated look on his face. He was a little ashamed and a little happy in his heart. He was ashamed that he had made things difficult for Muchen before, but he was happy that Jiuyou could make such a close friend.

Muchen said a few words to the Tianhuang clan leader, and after Jiuyou calmed down, he leaned over, looked at her beautiful red eyes, and chuckled: "I didn't expect you to cry too."

Jiuyou wiped away the water on her cheeks, glared at him with her beautiful eyes, and then stretched out her slender jade legs and stepped on Muchen's instep: "How dare you make fun of me!"

But the next moment she said quietly: "You really shouldn't have come."

Although Muchen is no longer what he used to be, how can the Phoenix Clan be underestimated.

Muchen shook his head, looked directly at Jiuyou, and said seriously: "Who protected me when I walked out of the Northern Spirit Realm? Who led me into the world? It was you. You didn't dislike my weakness back then. Today I Why did I abandon you?"

This is the truest thought in Muchen's heart.

Recalling that he was still a frail young man with weak own strength, the reason why he was able to go through many dangerous situations was simply because of Jiuyou's secret protection. If it weren't for her, Muchen would not have been able to go through the most difficult moments back then.

Hearing Muchen's words, the tip of Jiuyou's nose couldn't help but feel slightly sour, and the moisture in her beautiful eyes condensed again, but in order to maintain her image, she suppressed it forcibly.

"Are you Muchen?" An indifferent and noble voice sounded.

Muchen raised his head and met Huang Wang's indifferent eyes.

If it were an ordinary person, even the Heavenly Supreme One, it would be difficult to open his mouth under the gaze of the King of the Phoenix Clan, but Muchen's expression remained unchanged at this moment, he bowed his hands in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and replied: "Muchen has seen His Majesty the Phoenix King. .”

Huang Jin's calm eyes fell on Muchen. After a long time, he said: "You are very good. You can beat my son. It seems that Qing Yanjing has given birth to a good son."

"But don't you think that you are qualified to interfere in the affairs of my bird family?"

As he spoke, a wave of imperial power belonging to the Phoenix clan rolled towards Muchen.

This is different from the general momentum and pressure, because this is the majestic energy that belongs exclusively to the noble emperor, and it is completely different from the momentum and pressure.

After all, if he were to use the former to coerce Muchen, he would have to use the excuse of bullying the smaller ones, which would be fine for ordinary people, but Muchen could not be treated like this...

Because his mother is now the great elder of the Ancient Buddha Clan, and he and Tian Chong are as close as brothers, and he is even the Demon-Slaying King of the "Great Thousand Palaces". These identities have gradually allowed Muchen to possess Some kind of deterrent.

Originally, Huang Jin wanted to use the majesty of his emperor to hit this person psychologically and make him retreat voluntarily. Even if he did not retreat, he could leave some mark on his heart and prevent him from using his full strength in the future. .

But what Huang Jin didn't expect was that Muchen was not afraid of his terrifying emperor's majesty at all. Instead, he had a calm look on his face and said calmly: "I am invited by the Jiuyou Clan this time. I came here to protect Jiuyou. Doesn’t this seem to violate the rules of the Bird Clan?”

Hearing Muchen's words, Huang Jin felt a little troubled for a while.

Seeing this, Huang Xuanzhi secretly gritted his teeth. He was still a little unconvinced by the defeat that day.

What's more, this guy is now bullying me. If I shrink back, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?

"Father, leave this guy to me, you don't have to worry..."

After all, this was his home court. If Muchen were to win, let alone Huang Xuanzhi, the entire Bird Clan would probably lose their lives.

Thinking about it, a perfect plan gradually formed in Huang Xuanzhi's heart...

In this way, the second contest between Muchen and Huang Xuanzhi, and even the younger generation of the entire Bird Clan, began again.

Because of the previous lesson, Huang Xuanzhi directly persuaded the geniuses of the entire Bird Clan to directly launch a siege against Muchen in the space of the Transformation Pond.

The result was that Muchen opened Wushuang directly in front of them, and beat the proud ones of the Bird Clan to their knees like mowing grass.

As for Celestial Insect, at this time, in the huge stone chamber where he was retreating, the ocean-like supreme spiritual liquid had been exhausted...


The howling wind suddenly stopped, and Tianchong, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes.

The moment Tian Chong opened his eyes, it seemed as if two bright spiritual lights shot out. The spiritual light directly penetrated the thick mountain and shot into the sky and earth outside. .

The surging spiritual power fluctuations raged in the cave like a tide, causing the entire cave to tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse.

This kind of movement lasted for a full hour, and finally gradually converged. The aura in the eyes of the sky insect also slowly dissipated, and calm returned, but the dark eyes appeared even deeper.

A golden light shot out from the top of his head, and then fell in front of Tianchong, transforming into a bald little monk.

"Congratulations, boss, for finally being promoted to Immortal Grade!"

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