Shengyuan City, Daqian Tower.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by the two beautiful figures embracing each other.

After all, whether it is the descendant of Luo Shen or the eldest lady of the Wen family in the Northern Territory, they are the top beings in the world in terms of appearance and temperament. If they are taken alone, they will be the focus of attention, not to mention that these two women are hugging each other now. , that picture is so beautiful!

Wen Qingxuan put her arms around Luo Li's slender waist and said with a look of surprise: "Luo Li, you are so beautiful now that I don't even dare to recognize you."

Luo Li pursed her rosy lips and smiled softly. It could be seen that she was quite happy to meet Wen Qingxuan here, because she missed the carefree time in Beicang Lingyuan very much. The friends I made at that time are now very precious.

"Why are you still with Muchen? This guy is not worthy of you!" Wen Qingxuan glanced at Muchen, who was standing next to him with a smile on his face, and then said to Luo Li sadly.

As soon as these words came out, Muchen, who was still smiling at first, suddenly froze, his face darkened visibly, and then he glared at the woman with malicious intentions.

Unfortunately, Wen Qingxuan curled her lips at him and held her head high like a proud phoenix...

Luo Li covered her mouth and chuckled. She naturally knew that her best friend was just joking. When her glazed eyes looked at Muchen, she also had a hint of teasing.

Seeing the two women behaving like this, Muchen was immediately discouraged and could only shamelessly let the other party tease them.

It was also at this time that Wen Ziyu, who came with Wen Qingxuan, also came over with a gentle smile to say hello. As for the name Muchen, he had heard it from Wen Qingxuan, Tianchong and others when he was in the Endless Fire Territory...

Wen Ziyu was very curious about a person who had a mother who was a Saint-level Heavenly Supreme and a Grand Master-level spiritual formation master.

Of course, there are many people like him, but many people also know Muchen's current situation. After all, since Qing Yanjing appeared publicly, the Ancient Futu Clan has almost put the pursuit of Muchen in the open. superior.

In the original work, even the Wen family He Po, who was initially polite to Muchen, after glancing at Luo Li, the descendant of Luo Shen, actually said a "not bad" compliment to Muchen for the first time.

This surprised Wen Qingxuan and other Wen family members.

But that's all. After all, with He Po's temperament, she didn't show any pretense when she first saw Tian Chong...

Her eyes fell on the sloppy old man with a wine gourd who was accompanying Muchen and Luo Li beside him. He Po said calmly: "Old Immortal Chiyan, you came faster this time."

"Hey, He Po, there are no ancestors of your Wen family in this holy abyss, why do you come here every time?" Chiyan Old Immortal laughed strangely and said.

"The Ancient Holy Abyss does not belong to that family. With such an opportunity, why can't I, the Wen family, come?" He Po sneered directly.

The old immortal Chi Yan rolled his eyes, not intending to have a pointless quarrel with this old woman who had no false feelings for any man.

He Po didn't have too much entanglement with Old Immortal Chi Yan. She turned her eyes directly to the gray-robed old man at the counter and said, "Elder Wan Feng, please give these little guys a demon-killing order."

The gray-robed old man nodded lazily, waved his sleeves, and after a few breaths, fired several demon-killing orders at Wen Qingxuan and others.

After hesitating for a moment, Wen Qingxuan, who received the demon-killing order, said, "Senior Wan Feng, I wonder if a spiritual insect master named Tianchong came here before?"

She and Tian Chong had agreed to meet in Shengyuan City. This time the Wen family came earlier because Wen Qingxuan was afraid that it would be delayed and the two parties would not be able to find each other.

Muchen, who was waiting next to Luo Li, heard the familiar name and looked over in surprise.

He didn't know when the Celestial Chong brother and Wen Qingxuan of the Wen family also met, and from the looks of it, the two parties seemed to have an agreement to get together, but wasn't his Celestial Chong brother already with Xiao Xiao? Why was he with Wen Qingxuan again? This Lily girl got together?

Is it possible...

Stop it, stop thinking about it, I believe Brother Tianchong is definitely not that kind of person.

What's more, Xiao Xiao is the daughter of Emperor Yan. If Tian Chong dares to do anything sexy, Muchen is sure that his eldest brother will definitely end up in a miserable state...

The gray-robed old man, Elder Wan Feng, pondered for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Oh, you are talking about that boy from the Spirit Insect Tribe... Come, come, it was a few days ago. At that time, you took the Demon Killer from me. After the order, the little guy seems to have gone to the desert abyss to cause trouble for the evil tribes outside the territory..."

"What?!" Wen Qingxuan was shocked when he heard this.

Even everyone in the Wen family, including He Po, looked surprised.

"That's right, that's right, old man, I remember it clearly. Although the little guy's cultivation is only half a step to the Great Perfection, he is not weak. He is also protected by strong Zerg people. It's just that a Great Perfection-level demon king shouldn't be able to resist him. he."

"Half-step to Dzogchen?!"

"The Great Perfection Demon Clan?!"

The first sentence came from Muchen who looked shocked, while the following words came from Wen Qingxuan, Wen Ziyu and others.

Obviously, although Muchen knew about the Demon Clan, he had no real knowledge of how powerful the Dzogchen Demon King was, so he was even more surprised by the Celestial Insect's cultivation at this time.

As for Wen Qingxuan and others, who came from a superpower like the Wen family in the Northern Territory, they naturally know the specific situation of some demons. They are very aware of the terror of a Great Perfection Demon King. I am afraid that only Tianzhizun can guarantee 100% I can take down this kind of devil.

"No, I have to go find this guy, otherwise if something happens to him, Xiao Xiao and I will have nothing to explain!" Wen Qingxuan said anxiously.

"Qingxuan, don't act out of proportion!" He Po's cold and steady voice suddenly sounded, making the somewhat panicked Wen Qingxuan suddenly feel calmer.

"Mother-in-law..." Wen Qingxuan looked at He Po with a look of expectation.

Sighing secretly in her heart, He Po shook her head secretly, but still comforted: "Didn't you listen to what Elder Wan Feng said just now? The insect itself was not weak that day, and there were strong Zerg people around to protect it. Didn't you forget? Have you realized the strength of the other party as a spiritual insect master?"

"This... I understand, mother-in-law." Wen Qingxuan suppressed the worry in her heart and said.

When Muchen and Luo Li saw this scene in the distance, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and both saw a hint of understanding in each other's eyes.

It was at this moment that a low uproar suddenly came from the Daqian Tower.

Everyone's eyes turned to the door involuntarily.

Muchen also raised his head in response, and then he saw that at the gate, there were three people entering the Great Thousand Building at the same time.

These three groups were all very powerful. When they appeared, an invisible sense of oppression enveloped the entire pavilion.

Under this oppression, even those old fritters who often experienced life and death in the Holy Abyss Continent had serious expressions and eyes full of fear.

"The Ancient Futu Clan..."

Looking at the black stone tower mark on the visitor's clothes, Muchen immediately knew the identity of the visitor.

This does not trouble others at all. In fact, except for the ancient Futu clan, no one dares to wear such a coat of arms that represents their identity on their clothes.


Luo Li looked at the person next to her with some worry, and gently held the other person's palm with her jade hand.

Similarly, the expression of the old immortal Chi Yan who brought them here also became serious, because this time the ancient Pagoda clan had three Heavenly Supreme level powerhouses coming, and I am afraid that he alone would not be able to protect that kid Muchen. …

The eyes of Ling Xi and Long Xiang who were beside them became solemn at this moment, and they took half a step forward to protect Muchen behind them.

Although they had no power to compete against the three Heavenly Sovereigns of the Ancient Buddha Clan, they would never let them do anything to Muchen under their noses.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire Daqian Tower became extremely depressing, especially when the three teams kept moving forward. They happened to see the old immortal Chi Yan and his entourage standing in front of the counter, as well as the Wen Jiahe Po and his entourage. when.

Almost instantly, the eyes of the three Heavenly Sovereigns of the Ancient Buddha Clan were locked on Muchen at the same time...


At that moment, spiritual light burst out from the eyes of the three Heavenly Sovereigns, and a pagoda flashed in their eyes.

At the same moment, Muchen also felt that the St. Buddha Tower in his body seemed to be pulled by some kind of pull. A spiritual light flashed in his pupils, and a crystal-like Buddha Tower appeared spinning in his pupils.

This scene shocked Muchen. He did not expect that facing the Heavenly Supreme of the Ancient Pagoda Clan, his Pagoda would be activated autonomously in just a moment.


"It seems that you are the sinner mentioned by the great elder..."

Among the three Heavenly Sovereigns, an old man in black had a face as gloomy as his clothes and said coldly.

Another old man in silver robes was startled at first, then his eyes shot brightly, his eyes were fixed on Muchen like a hawk, and he sneered: "What a scoundrel, you dare to appear in front of me. In this case, I will kill you today." Capture him and bring him back to the clan, and hand him over to the great elder for disposal!"

With that said, he took a step forward, and saw that the entire space was shaking at this moment. The spiritual power between heaven and earth seemed to be like layers of shackles that overwhelmingly enveloped Muchen's body, directly blocking it. All his escape routes.


However, just when the heavy spiritual shackles enveloped Muchen, a dry palm suddenly shot out, and shattered those shackles with one palm.

"Chi Yan, this is the matter of our Ancient Futu Clan, why do you, the Tailing Ancient Clan, want to interfere?" The silver-robed old man's eyes narrowed, and he looked to Muchen's side, only to see the old immortal Chi Yan standing up, Muchen stood behind him.

When the old immortal Chiyan heard this, he shook his head and said, "You can't take action against this kid, otherwise I will be working in vain again."

He was still counting on Luo Li to find the peerless magical power of their ancient Tailing clan and inherit the position of the saint. If Muchen was caught now, he was sure that Luo Li would not stand idly by. Wouldn't it be his plan then? All is lost.

"Hmph, this is a matter within our Ancient Buddha Clan, and there is no room for you to interfere with it!" The silver-robed old man snorted coldly, and then turned his gaze to the black-robed old man aside and said, "Black Light, why don't you take action?"

Despite the impassioned performance of these two people, no one knows how much of the pursuit order issued by the Great Elder is true...

You know, Muchen not only possesses the Holy Buddha Tower, he also inherited the inheritance of the ancient Emperor of Heaven and also has the peerless magical power to transform the three pure beings with one breath. How abnormal was the combat power of the original Emperor of Heaven who relied on this peerless magical power? People like them But I know everything clearly!

The black-robed old man named Heiguang took a step forward with an indifferent face. The two Heavenly Sovereigns faced the old immortal Chi Yan at the same time. With such oppression, even the eyes of the old immortal Chi Yan changed slightly and he shook his withered hands. , the red gourd appeared in his hand.

The confrontation between the three Heavenly Sovereigns immediately filled the entire Daqian Tower with a depressing atmosphere, which made Elder Wan Feng, who was in charge of the Daqian Tower, frown.

Just when the situation was tense, a voice suddenly broke the silence around him.

"Eh? What's going on? Could it be that some evil tribe from outside the territory rushed in?"

This voice shocked everyone, and even the few Heavenly Supremes present looked over in surprise.

You know, under the pressure of the auras of the three Heavenly Sovereigns, it is difficult for even the Heavenly Sovereigns to speak easily, but this person actually said such slightly ridiculous words in such a relaxed tone. This is not something ordinary people can do. of.


"Brother Celestial Insect?"

The first sentence came from Wen Qingxuan, who looked incredulous, and the latter sentence came from Muchen's surprise.

Looking at the two people and the scene around them, Tianchong guessed the cause and effect of the matter in an instant.

He smiled at Wen Qingxuan and Muchen, and then pointed at a gorgeous flame spinning around him and an ordinary-looking simple stone talisman.

"That's..." Muchen suddenly realized.

"It turns out to be Emperor Yan's Emperor Flame Fire Seed and Martial Ancestor's stone talisman. No wonder Brother Tian Chong can feel at ease under such oppression..."

Although the three Heavenly Sovereigns present were very strong, they were all just spiritual-grade Heavenly Sovereigns, not even comparable to the Western Heaven War Emperor, let alone powerful men like Yan Emperor and Martial Ancestor.

"Boy, who are you? Dare to interfere in the affairs of our ancient Futu clan?!"

Mo Yin glanced at the floating flames and stone talismans with fear, and his heart was shaken, but he still said coldly to the sky insect.

"Well, why did this senior say this? Isn't this the Daqian Tower? As the demon slayer of the Daqian Palace, am I not allowed to come to the Daqian Tower?" Tian Chong spread his hands with an innocent look.

Then, he ignored the two people from the Ancient Buddha Clan and led the Death Emperor directly to the counter, and then signaled to the Death Emperor...


There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and then in the astonished eyes of everyone, Tianchong smiled and said: "Senior, I captured this devil of the desert abyss, and he is still a living corpse devil. I don't know what I got in exchange for it. Can there be more demon-killing points?”

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