The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 179 Ancient Heavenly Palace

When Tianchong obtained the position of the Holy Son and was about to find a few people to help him take care of his newly acquired palace, a battle for the emperor was also in full swing in the Tianluo Continent, the Northern Realm, and the Daluo Tianyu.

Above the King's Square of the Great Luo Heaven Territory, a dark golden dragon was entrenched in the air. As the dragon's roar echoed, an astonishing pressure swept across it, causing countless strong men present to be shaken.

At this time, directly below the giant dragon, Muchen's figure stood upright, like a god or a demon.

"That turned out to be a real dragon?" On the throne, Emperor Tianjiu and Emperor Lingtong looked shocked and said in shock.

The real dragon is the emperor of the dragon clan, possessing terrifying strength comparable to that of the Heavenly Supreme.

"It's not a real dragon...but it does have a hint of a real dragon." The Sleeping Emperor didn't know when he opened his usually sleepy eyes. He stared closely at the entrenched dragon, slowly said.

"If my prediction is correct, this should be caused by the dragon and phoenix body cultivated by Muchen. I didn't expect that he would cultivate it to such an astonishing level after not seeing him for a year."

The eyes of the two Heavenly Vulture Emperors were slightly focused. The dragon and phoenix body possessed by Muchen were naturally familiar to them, but obviously, Muchen a year ago could not possess such a fierce real dragon pressure.

In one year's time, the Shepherd King had gained the strength to defeat them, which made the two of them still lament the uncertainty of the world.

Similarly, on the golden throne above the Kings Square, the petite Mandala remained motionless, but when his golden eyes saw the shadow of the real dragon behind Muchen, something flashed across his eyes. Luster seemed a little surprised.

Mandala obviously knew more about the Dragon and Phoenix Scripture that Muchen practiced. The shadow of the true dragon now should be the original true dragon pattern on Muchen's body.

At the beginning, although the true dragon pattern could also give Muchen some help, it was very limited. But now, the true dragon's shadow transformed by the true dragon pattern has a spiritual body and even possesses a spiritual body. Extremely powerful power...

"What has this guy gone through this year, and why has he practiced the Dragon and Phoenix Scripture to this extent?"

Mandala was also slightly confused. The Dragon and Phoenix Scripture was not only difficult to practice, but also even more difficult to improve.

According to her understanding, the improvement requires extremely strict conditions. According to her estimation, if you want to evolve the True Dragon Mark into the current True Dragon Shadow, you still don't know how much blood essence and blood of the divine beast you need to absorb to achieve this. .

Could it be that this guy took out all the corpses of the fallen divine beasts in the plain of divine beasts?

It seems that this guy was right to go to the Nine Nether Bird Clan in his own way, otherwise this boy's True Dragon Marks would never be as good as it is now.

At this time in the square, Muchen didn't know how much impact the appearance of his true dragon spirit would have on the people around him. At this time, all his attention was focused on the opponent in front of him.

"True Dragon Fist Seal!"

The golden light condensed, making Muchen's fist seem to be made of gold. The wind of the fist fluctuated and shattered the space.


In mid-air, the true dragon's shadow also let out a majestic roar, and then it whizzed down directly, and actually got directly into the golden fist seal that was like a substance. Suddenly, dragon scales grew in Muchen's fist seal. When the punch came out, the power of the punch surged to the extreme at this time. Wherever the punch passed, the space was like broken glass, cracked inch by inch.

As Muchen's opponent, the Dragon Arm Supreme is also a genuine ninth-grade supreme powerhouse, and because one of his arms is fused with the blood of the dragon beast, he has cultivated a dragon arm, which greatly increases his combat effectiveness. It is difficult to block his dragon arm.

But such a ninth-grade supreme powerhouse who has been famous in the northern realm for many years is now driven to a dead end by Mu Chen, who is half-stepping to the ninth grade...

The golden true dragon fist seal penetrated the void, and in the next moment, it appeared directly in front of the Dragon Arm Supreme. The golden light emitted, directly blocking all the Dragon Arm Supreme's escape routes.

The vast and heavy fist wind enveloped him, and the golden light filled his eyes, as if he were ruling the entire world. That terrifying power made the hairs on Dragon Arm Supreme's body stand on end.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

There seemed to be a voice in Dragon Arm Supreme's ears, chanting these two words repeatedly.

It's just that as a strong man who has been famous for many years, Dragon Arm Supreme is not someone who gives in easily. What's more, this will also affect his status in the Da Luo Tianyu in the future. No matter what, he has to fight!


The Dragon Arm Supreme's eyes glared angrily, and he shouted loudly, and then without any hesitation, he struck out with a palm.


The red light erupted, and a huge flame dragon roared out directly from the palm of the Dragon Arm Supreme. The flames swept through the sky, seeming to burn the world.

A shocking loud sound resounded throughout the world, and where the fists and palms met, it was like a golden-red scorching sun rising slowly, and the space tens of thousands of feet nearby was wreaked and distorted by the terrible impact.

Mandala looked at the terrifying shock wave, frowned slightly, then flicked his finger, and suddenly a spiritual light appeared between the sky and the earth. A huge clear light shrouded from the sky, wrapping up the center of the square, and at the same time, that kind of light appeared. He resisted all the terrible impacts.

After the dust settled, everyone around them discovered that the Dragon Arm Supreme had been knocked thousands of feet away, while Muchen's figure was still standing in the center of the ring, motionless.

The outcome is decided!

In everyone's incredible eyes, Muchen and Jiuyou, who had just returned from the land of divine beasts, powerfully defeated two powerful opponents and successfully took away the position of the new emperor, which shocked the entire Da Luo Tianyu.

Next, Mandala, as the Territory Lord, stood up and announced the final result of the battle for the emperor. From then on, there were no Jiuyou King and Mu King in Daluo Tianyu, and were replaced by Jiuyou Emperor and Mu King!

And then, Mandala also talked about the news about the imminent appearance of the ancient heavenly palace...

This was also a major event that spread throughout the Tianluo Continent.

Mandala announced that their Da Luo Tianyu would form an alliance with the top forces in the North to jointly explore the ancient heavenly palace. This made the Dragon Arm Supreme and other newly joined strong men who were still a little disappointed suddenly become energetic.

The Ancient Heavenly Palace is the highest legend in the entire Tianluo Continent. Its appearance is destined to cause shock to the entire continent. It is impossible to say that after this incident, the entire pattern of the Tianluo Continent will change.

At the same time, Tianchong, who was in retreat in his palace, suddenly opened his eyes...

A touch of golden light shot out with his eyes, and then slowly dissipated until a hundred feet away. Tianchong, who woke up from seclusion, did not check his current cultivation level, but raised his hand and took out a slap from his waist. Scales of various sizes.

"After such a long time, is there finally something happening..."

Fumbling for this colorful scale, a smile appeared on Tianchong's face. In his eyes, an exquisite figure wearing a bright red dress appeared.

Xiao Xiao...

It must have been almost two years since the dragon and phoenix parted ways.

I have always carried this colorful scaled celestial insect with me, and I can still clearly remember what the girl said when she handed it to me.

"When I come out next time, these scales will be able to sense it, and then it can guide you to find me..."

For nearly two years, there has been no movement on this scale. Tianchong guessed that this girl might have been sent to sleep by her father after she returned.

Since there is movement at this time, it means that Xiao Xiao has now left the Endless Fire Territory. So based on the current time point, her target is probably the Ancient Heavenly Palace...

"It seems it's time for me to go to Tianluo Continent again." Tianchong said silently in his heart.

During this period of seclusion, his cultivation has once again improved by leaps and bounds to the level of the middle stage of the Ninth Grade Supreme. Of course, this is due to the precious cultivation elixirs he obtained in exchange for the spiritual seals in the previous battle.

Moreover, as the newly promoted Holy Son, he also received five million supreme spiritual fluids directly from the clan's worship hall as this month's salary. In the following months, he can receive five million supreme spiritual fluids from the clan for cultivation.

If it breaks through to the Earth Supreme level, this number will increase several times!

As for the Insect Emperor's Divine Essence as a reward received from the Spirit Insect Clan Leader, the Insect had already been given to Jin Chan by the Sky Insect, and he was thrown into the Nine Worlds Tower to be devoured and evolved.

This time may take a long time, but Tianchong is not worried.

With Jin Chan's ability, as long as he has enough energy, his transformation will not pose any danger at all, not to mention that this time the Celestial Insect dropped this guy directly on the seventh floor of the Nine Worlds Tower...

Not only is the aura there sixty-four times that of the outside world, but there is also the Supreme Sea Space of the Earth Supreme Power that was filled with the Ancient Han Clover.

That is a place where the spiritual liquid can be directly refined. Its internal energy is comparable to that of an insect emperor's marrow, so if the energy is not enough, Jin Chan can also make up for it.

As for whether the energy in the Supreme Sea space would be swallowed up by Jin Chan, Tianchong didn't care too much.

After all, these energies are originally used for the owner of the Nine Worlds Tower. As for whether to improve the Heavenly Insect itself or the Golden Cicada, there is actually not much difference.

What's more, after the seventh level is gone, there are still eighth and ninth levels. When the energy of these three levels is consumed, Tianchong's own strength will definitely reach an incredible level. By then, he can find some more strange ones. The region is filled into these three levels of space...

It's like the ice and snow on the sixth level, the fire on the fifth level, the gold and earth world on the fourth level, etc.

And as long as these spaces still exist, the Celestial Insects can transform them at will.

Before preparing to set off, Tianchong also checked the combat power in his hands. After all, the ancient heavenly palace is still very dangerous, so there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Let’s talk about the Celestial Chong himself first. He has a spiritual cultivation level in the middle stage of the ninth-grade supreme level and a physical body at the sixth-level level. This makes the Celestial Chong no opponent under the earth supreme. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible.

Coupled with the protection of the Nine Realms Tower, a high-level sacred object, Tianchong believed that he could still resist even if he faced a powerful man of lower supreme level.

Then there are his spiritual insects... As a spiritual insect master, this is his main means of fighting enemies.

Let’s talk about the ninth-grade level first. The Ice Spirit Butterfly Emperor, who has the blood of the second-generation Insect King, is now at the late stage of the Ninth-grade Supreme. The Earth Flame Scorpion Emperor, who has the blood of the third-generation Insect King, has been working hard on the fifth floor of the Nine Realms Tower during this period. The devouring earthly flames and fire energy have finally been promoted from the ninth level to the peak of the early ninth level supreme. They can even be promoted to the middle stage of the ninth level supreme by the time they reach the ancient heavenly palace...

In addition to these two major Insect Emperor bloodlines, the remaining Ancient Heavenly Dragon Centipede and Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly have now been promoted to the ninth level, and their combat capabilities are equally terrifying.

I won’t go into details about the remaining two bosses, Phoenix Eyed Demon Mantis. Its potential is really limited. Even if the Celestial Insect gave it a lot of resources, it still barely reaches the seventh-grade supreme level. It can only Considered a big cannon fodder.

As for the back-armored dragon centipede, it's pretty good, especially with the abundant supply of many high-grade divine mineral crystals on the fourth floor. Now the back-armored dragon centipede has turned into a red gold color, with a thick layer of armor all over its body, even if it's a celestial insect. It's very difficult to break open.

As for spiritual power cultivation, it is a bit ordinary. It has just barely reached the mid-eighth level. It can be used as a human shield to stand in front and absorb damage.

The hundreds of ice silkworms that Skyworms exchanged from Xuemai have also evolved. Eighty of them have successfully evolved into Ice Spirit Divine Butterflies. Although the remaining twenty have failed to evolve into Supreme Divine Insects, they have also evolved into Snow Elf Butterflies. This top-notch heaven-level spirit insect.

Tianchong found an ice valley with rich spiritual energy in his Yunxiao Mountains, and directly put twenty snow elf butterflies in it to raise them, so that they could be rewarded to his subordinates in the future.

Because the territory was so big and Tian Chong didn't want to take care of it himself, he had already invited many young people from the Twelve Branches to come over.

These people are usually responsible for taking care of the palace, sorting out the surrounding flowers and plants, and then helping them raise spiritual insects...

Although this seemed to be something done by some servants, when the news reached Tianmai, many people who did not belong to the twelve branches even ran over to see if they had a chance to be selected.

And the reason why this happens is nothing more than highlights, status and resources!

Although they only come here to do some servant-like work, they are also nominally subordinates of the Holy Son. This status is even more useful to the outside world than some elders of branches and branches.

Moreover, following the Celestial Insects, they have more opportunities to come into contact with powerful secret arts, spiritual insect magical powers, etc. Even the supreme spiritual liquid they can usually obtain is unmatched by them in their own branch or family.

This is also an important reason why the Holy Sons have never lacked talented and powerful subordinates.

It's a pity that Tianqiu, as the master of the twelve branches, strictly controls the situation and does not want anyone except those from his own branch, leaving no room for negotiation.

This made many big forces and big families in other branches hate their teeth with hatred, but they had no choice but to let Tianchong, the twelfth holy son, leave this matter to the other party...

In this way, after preparing everything, the Celestial Insect was ready to set off.

I came back in the middle of the night yesterday, and there are still two updates today. I hope that book friends will support me a lot. Anyone who has recommendations and monthly tickets will support it. It would be even better if there are rewards...

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