Outside the swamp where the black mist rose, thousands of Jiuyou guards were there, but Muchen and Jiuyou did not see them.

Oh, by the way, there is another missing person, the Sky Insect!

At this time, the three of them had passed through the thick poisonous fog, which deterred countless spiritual beasts living in the entire swamp, and appeared among the ruins in the thick fog.

This is a vast land of ruins...

In the ruins, one can see dilapidated palaces standing tall. An ancient sense of vicissitudes seems to have penetrated time and space, coming from that ancient period, making Muchen and Jiuyou breathe a little. Hold.

"Get ready to do it."

Jiuyou quickly came back to her senses. She looked at Muchen and Tianchong, especially the latter: "We should split up and act as quickly as possible. Is there any problem?"

Muchen smiled and made a gesture. There were no overly complicated requirements for refining the Fallen Source Pill. Basically, as long as the strength reached the third level of Supreme or above, it could be done. It was just a matter of efficiency.

Tianchong also nodded. Unlike Jiuyou and the other two, the latter, as one of the kings, has a quota stipulated by the above. When they gather again, they must come up with enough fallen original pills to hand over. .

As for Tian Chong, the fallen source pills he refined are all his own. This has been agreed by Mandala, so he can collect these source pills to his heart's content.

Seeing that both of them had understood what he meant, Jiuyou stopped delaying and rushed straight into a ruined hall.

Tian Chong looked around, then turned around to find another dilapidated hall and plundered in. In that hall, you could see broken bones on the ground. These bones were in various postures, but they were obviously in the ground before they died. Going through a war.

Even after thousands of years passed, the entire hall still seemed to be filled with a tragic smell.

"Back then, the Fourth Palace Master was sitting on the front line of the Ancient Heavenly Palace in the town. When the evil tribes from outside the territory invaded, he was the first to be destroyed. What a pity..."

Although the ancient Heavenly Palace has a peak powerhouse like the Heavenly Emperor, its background is so poor that there is no second Heavenly Supreme in the Five Palaces and Nine Palaces.

Judging from the strength of the five palace masters, if they can be given some more time, I am afraid that they will be five terrifying Heavenly Supreme level experts. By then, it will not be so easy for the evil tribes outside the territory to destroy the ancient Heavenly Palace. Got it!

Shaking his head with some sigh, Tian Chong waved his hand, and a golden spiritual power covered the entire palace ground. Then one skeleton was brought out from the ruins, and then Tian Chong made a deep hole in the ground of the hall with another palm. , and then put all the bones into the pit...


Just when Tianchong had buried these remains and was preparing to condense the fallen original elixir, a flash of turquoise suddenly flashed from his field of vision.

"Is there any treasure?"

Tianchong's eyes lit up, and then he raised his hand to swing the ruins away. A simple and even somewhat shabby palm-sized bronze mirror appeared in front of him.

"This is……"

Tianchong played with the bronze mirror in his hands for a while, and then gently input some spiritual energy into it.

The next moment, a cyan spiritual energy mask spread out from the bronze mirror, until it covered a space of more than ten feet in radius, and then stopped.

"It's really a treasure..."

Tian Chong was overjoyed. Judging from the spiritual power of the bronze mirror, this object should be among the top-grade artifacts. However, Tian Chong could clearly feel the spiritual fluctuations coming from the bronze mirror, which was definitely not something that divine artifacts could do. The ones he owns have even reached the level of sacred objects.

"This is actually a quasi-holy object..."

Looking carefully, Tian Chong saw that this object had an ancient shape, with carved bronze edges, a dragon engraved on the top, and a tiger engraved on the bottom. The Eight Diagrams directions were engraved on the mirror, but the middle lens was not an ordinary bronze mirror.

As long as the user's spiritual power is strong enough, the protective shield supported by this bronze mirror will not be broken, and the lens in the middle can even reflect spiritual attacks, making the person holding this object almost invincible.

After turning it over, Tian Chong discovered that there were words on the back... Liuhe Divine Mirror!

"Is this the name of this thing? It's not bad." Tian Chong nodded.

Although this Liuhe Divine Mirror is not low in level, it is actually not very useful to Sky Insects. However, based on the level of this quasi-holy object, even if it is sold, it can still harvest a large amount of Supreme Spiritual Liquid. It is considered a A very good harvest.

After putting the Divine Mirror of Liuhe into the Heaven and Earth Bracelet, Tian Chong stretched out his right hand, and the majestic spiritual power suddenly seemed to form a huge vortex in his palm, and the power of swallowing quickly spread out.

The rubble in the hall began to roll, and the pile of corpses that had just been put into the pit by the Celestial Chong could be seen to have a stream of dark energy seeping out, and finally turned into streaks of black light, which were sucked into the huge body in the Celestial Chong's palm. In the whirlpool of spiritual power.

This dark energy is the Origin Qi of Fall.

This is the strange aura formed by the fusion of the Supreme Sea in the bodies of these powerful men with the unique power of the fallen battlefield after they fell.

The dark energy quickly condensed in the spiritual vortex, and when the dark energy condensed to the extreme, a sudden ray of light rose directly into the sky from the spiritual vortex.

Tian Chong sucked in the air with his other palm, and the faint light fell down and floated in front of him. It was a spiritual elixir about the size of a dragon's eye, round in body, and as dark as a black hole...

And on top of that spiritual elixir, a wave of the same wave as that of the fallen source energy emitted, which was the fallen original elixir.

"Very good, continue..."

The whirlpool in Tian Chong's hand continued, and suction force continued to spread out. The Fall Origin Qi in the corpse below also continued to condense, and then turned into pieces of Fall Original Pills that appeared in Tian Chong's hand.

Tian Chong has seen it before. There are about a hundred corpses in the entire hall, and from these corpses, Celestial Chong has condensed a total of more than 30 fallen original pills. On average, it takes almost three corpses to condense one. pellets.

After putting away the fallen pills, Tian Chong saw that there was nothing else in the dilapidated hall, so he quickly left and found another hall to collect.

Three hours later, the Celestial Insect, who was like an industrious little bee, had more than a hundred Fallen Original Pills in his hand, which made him feel very good.

The only pity is that except for the first hall, there is not a single hair left in the rest of the place except for a piece of skeleton. This makes Tianchong, who obtained the Liuhe Divine Mirror for the first time, a little regretful.

And just when Tianchong was about to join Muchen and the two, suddenly, a violent explosion sounded from the other side of the ruins, and violent spiritual energy fluctuations came. It was obvious that someone was fighting.

"What happened?" Tian Chong was startled at first, and then quickly moved towards the direction of the explosion.

When the Celestial Insect arrived, they saw a bone monument sweeping out of the sky. It was actually like a storm lingering around a gray-robed figure, with streaks of white light shining on its body.

"What's going on?"

Tian Chong couldn't help but make a sound.

When Muchen saw him arriving, he quickly told the story. It was this guy who encountered a corpse that had been penetrated by evil energy...

"You are so lucky..." Tianchong couldn't help but said after hearing this.

Muchen smiled bitterly, he didn't know whether his luck was good or quick...

At the same time, the corpse illuminated by the white light of the bone tablet gradually returned to normal. On its forehead, there seemed to be an ancient pattern like a temple faintly emerging.

Jiuyou saw the ancient lines with keen eyes, and his delicate body was shocked immediately, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ancient Celestial Palace?!"

These four words seemed to have magic power, and Tian Chong and Muchen couldn't help but be attracted to them.

Suddenly, Tianchong seemed to have thought of this plot point. It seemed that the figure invaded by evil energy in front of him came from the fourth hall and was the disciple of the fourth hall master...

Muchen also learned some information about the ancient Celestial Palace from this person for the first time, and also received a gift from the other party.

Because the Sky Insects did not have any impact, there were no unexpected changes. Muchen still obtained a Spiritual Treasure Spirit Compass from the man named Xiao Qingyun.

This spiritual compass was originally the property of the Fourth Hall Master, and it contained a trace of his imprint, so as long as Muchen and the others approached the place where the Fourth Hall Master fell, they would get some guidance.

Of course, it is not the spiritual compass that makes Tian Chong covetous, but the Fallen Source Pill that Xiao Qingyun automatically condensed when it dissipated...

There are more than three hundred, more than the entire third-level ruins!


These 300 fallen source pills all fell into Muchen's hands, and Tianchong was too embarrassed to ask for "a share of whoever saw them". After all, he still wanted to lose face, not to mention Muchen still needed to complete his mission goal.

"Okay, since this ruins is empty, let's leave."

The joy of just getting the Divine Mirror of Liuhe has completely disappeared, and there is even a trace of disappointment in Tianchong's tone.

Sure enough, people's hearts are greedy, and there is no end to it!

In the following time, Muchen held the spiritual compass in his hand and followed some of the instructions above to start walking deep into the fallen battlefield.

They also met many other teams along the way, but since they all stayed away from each other, Muchen and the others had no intention of provoking them.

However, in the following time, after they never encountered a ruin that the three of them could like, Tianchong finally began to have evil thoughts.

"Do you think that if we find a team to rob, would it be much faster to obtain the Fallen Origin Pill?"

As soon as these words came out, they took root and sprouted in the hearts of Muchen and Jiuyou like a seed.

Just because he was concerned about the reputation of Daluo Tianyu and in order not to create too many grudges, Jiuyou chose to reject this proposal.

"Okay, but you don't have to go. But no one knows that I have joined Daluo Tianyu now, so if I do it alone, those guys shouldn't think of Daluo Tianyu's head, right?"

Hearing this, Jiuyou and Muchen looked at each other, not expecting that he could come up with such a weird idea.

Next, Tianchong found a weak sect team to try, but as soon as the ancient dragon centipede came out, it immediately crushed these guys.

And this indeed allowed Tian Chong to collect some Fallen Origin Pills.

However, it is precisely because the strength of these sect teams is not strong, so the fallen source pills obtained are really limited, which makes Tianchong lose interest after trying it a few times.

Without him, the benefits and risks are not proportional. There is no need to waste time on these guys.

Next, the Jiuyou Palace team once again snatched a relic from a sect called the Iron-Blooded War Sect, which was also a third-level relic.

Tian Chong obtained a hundred Fallen Source Pills in the ruins, but nothing else.

However, Muchen and Jiuyou only got less than 150, which made Jiuyou look a little viciously at the celestial insects.

There is no way, if it weren't for this guy, they would be able to get more fallen source pills, but now, half of them would be taken away by this kid.

But this is what the Lord of the Territory has promised a long time ago. Even if she is greedy, there is nothing she can do. This is the reason for Jiuyou's resentment.

After scraping the ruins clean, Muchen and Jiuyou allowed the Jiuyou Guards to rest for a while, while they took out the soul-seeking plate again and prepared to continue looking for the next target.

An urgent distress message was delivered to Jiuyou's hands...

"What should we do?" Jiuyou looked at the distress signal and felt a little hesitant.

Jiuyou knew the personalities of the other kings very well. All of them were arrogant and arrogant people.

If you can force them to release a distress message, what exactly did they encounter?

Muchen also frowned. Although they had the obligation to rescue at this time, the prerequisite was to ensure their own safety.

Tian Chong looked at the silent two people and said calmly: "Now the top experts from all the top forces have gone deep into the fallen battlefield to explore the supreme secrets. Therefore, if you want to push the king-level troops of Da Luo Tianyu to this level, then It must also be other top forces."

Apparently Muchen and the others could also think of this.

"From what I can see, this group of people was either designed to fall into a trap, or they were besieged by several groups of people."

"But no matter what the situation is, you have to make a decision, otherwise they may not be able to hold on for too long..."

Tian Chong's words made both of them feel a strong jump in their hearts.

Jiuyou's beautiful eyes turned slightly, looked at Muchen, and said, "What are you going to do? If this is the case, if we go to the rescue easily, it is very likely that we will also be involved."

Muchen was silent for a moment, then he took a deep breath and said, "No matter how dangerous it is, we have to go there.

We cannot sit back and watch one of our king-level forces be wiped out. Mandala... The Territory Lord also said that with our own strength, we may not be able to penetrate deep into the battlefield of the Fall. "


"If Brother Tianchong is here, our chances of winning are still very good."

"I wonder if there will be an unexpected harvest this time, Brother Tianchong, don't you think so?"

Looking at Muchen who started to put on his hat, Tianchong couldn't help but roll his eyes.

I knew this guy was uneasy and well-intentioned...

However, I got Mandala's invitation to join, wasn't it just to protect Da Luo Tianyu from too much loss as a special soldier, so I really couldn't refuse this time.

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