The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 642: Sword of Dimension

  Chapter 644 Sword of Dimension (seeking subscription)

  It's dark!

  Xu Tui felt that his consciousness was drawn into a pure black space.

  But at this time Xu Tui also found that Shadow Sword was only shrouding his consciousness, not at him, and he was also relieved.

   Xu retired this small body, but couldn't hold the Shadow Sword to cut it like this.

  In the dark space, Xu Tui had an inexplicable sense of the flow of time.

   is not an illusion, it is like a time turning page. Someone is telling Xu Tui that time is passing fast. Xu Tui instantaneously reacted. Is this what Shadow Sword told him through consciousness?

  In the dark space, time flies very fast, maybe after a few years or even hundreds of years or even longer, a ray of light first appeared in the dark space.

  In the light, a Daxi ethnicity with an extremely exquisite streamlined shape, a silver body and an industrial beauty, walked in with a lighting tool.

   Then began to explore on a door.

  This door, the door Xu Tui found in the depths of the passage behind the absolute security door, looked exactly the same.

  As the exploration progressed, more and more Daxi people came here to explore, but there was no result.

  Finally, these Daxi people wanted to violently demolish this door and wanted to know what was behind the door.

  Just when they used violence, the sword light exploded instantly.

  A total of fourteen shadow swords.

  Each shadow sword pierced through the brain of a Daxi tribe and nailed to death on the spot.

  However, this shadow sword is obviously much smaller than the one that Xu Tui would see here.

  Not long after these Daxi people were nailed to death, another group of Daxi people came. After careful exploration and trying for a long time, they finally had no choice but to send someone to collect their bodies.

  A strong man destroyed the Shadow Sword.

  The destroyed shadow sword partly dissipated, and partly returned to the gate.

  Yes, come back!

  Xu Tui from the perspective of the observer can see it very clearly.

  Next, there is another long exploration.

People from the Daxi people continue to enter in various ways. Some can retreat safely, and some have activated the Shadow Sword because of an attempt to die, and they are nailed by the Shadow Sword blasted out of the gate on the spot. dead.

  There are two quasi-planets crucified.

  A few years later, a burly star powerhouse arrived, exactly the same as the corpse that Xu retired in just now.

   After the arrival of the star powerhouse of the Daxi nationality, because of the accumulation of previous experience, he carefully explored for a long time to no avail, so he began to build the passage.

  There are many ways to try.

  For example, a five-kilometer channel is the predecessor of this channel.

  I want to use technology weapons to blast through this gate at a long distance.

   But useless.

   When the energy fluctuation approaches this gate 500 meters, it will be strangled to nothingness by the shadow sword.

  During this period, the Shadow Sword was activated at least hundreds of times.

  Finally, the star powerhouse began to build the absolute security door in the mouth of Lavis.

After    was completed, the star powerhouse continued to study the gate, and he did not know what he had discovered, so persevering.

  The door is all in one body, except that there is something like a cat’s eye in the middle of the door. The star powerhouse has faced his pupils, pressed his fingers, wiped blood, input energy, smeared saliva, and so on.

  The door just doesn’t open.

  This lasted for more than 20 years.

During the period of   , there were dozens of attempts to die.

  In the end, the star powerhouse of the Daxi nationality couldn't help it. After a thorough understanding and estimation, he made a full move and decided to violently break the door.

  It’s just that, after so many years of consumption, the shadow sword on the gate is stronger than he imagined.

  The five shadow swords flashed out instantly, slashing straight to the point.

   The star powerhouse of the Great Western tribe, he has exerted his abilities to the extreme, especially after showing a kind of weird ability of teleportation, which can even disappear for a short time in energy fluctuations.

   But just disappeared, it reappeared.

  The five shadow swords had penetrated his whole body, and his bombardment of the gate stopped abruptly.

  This time, Shadow Sword's performance was extremely sharp.

  Swords are everywhere.

  It was like when Xu Tui’s previous psychology was cut open by it. Another part of the Daxi people who came to investigate the results, just approached the unclosed absolute security door, they were cut to pieces by Shadow Sword Yuwei!

  Accurately speaking, as long as it is close to an unclosed absolute safety door, it will fall apart without warning.

  The little brothers of the Daxi nationality of the star powerhouse were directly scared to pee.

  Finally, use mechanical means to remotely close and block the absolute safety door.

  In the passage, once again fell into the withered darkness, and the shadow sword seemed to melt into the darkness.

  Time starts to pass quickly again.

  One hundred years of flicking.

Guanghua lights up again in the passage. This time, Xu Tui saw himself. He entered the passage with a lighting stick, and Yan Lie touched the Daxi star powerhouse with his finger, and the body of the star powerhouse collapsed. The scene when it becomes gray.

  After that, Xu Tui's consciousness fell out of the shadow sword.

The moment    fell out, the Shadow Sword collapsed.

  Invisible to the naked eye, but in Xu Tui's mental induction, part of the Shadow Sword's ability returned to the gate.

   "Spend a handle?" Yan Lie and Zhao Hailong were taken aback.

  Xu Tui was also stunned.

  Only one shadow sword dissipated, and the other four were fine.

How is this going?

   Xu Tui did not dare to use his hands, using mental power to dissipate the shadow sword, and retrieve the black silver glazed ball that was only the size of a pineapple.

  There is no danger.

   sensed, there was no residual aura in the mysterious silver glaze, it was very pure.

   is just a pure black silver glazed body, without any remaining consciousness.

  I have to say that this Shadow Sword is still very wicked, and it is too clean.

  On the side, the captive Lavis looked drooling, "Dear Xu, give it to me, I swear allegiance to you.

I swear! "

  With it, Lavis is not only able to reshape his body in the shortest time, but the reshaped body is even better than before.

  The strength can not only be restored, but also improved to a certain extent.

  If he can give him all five black silver glazed balls, Lavis even thinks that he can have the power of a planetary star, and break through to the planetary star's cultivation base in a short time.

  It’s just that the possibilities given to him are basically zero.

  If he can get one and a half, he has to thank Goddess of Luck.

   "Boss, can you give me some." Mitsubishi Ding is also a pair of saliva.

  "Don't hurry."

   Xu Tui moved his mental power and directly collected the first black silver glazed ball into the quantum dimensional chain.

  Such precious things are distributed casually, and it is not a style that allows you to retire.

  Looking at the four shadow swords nailed to the four **** in front of him, Xu Tui thought, is it possible that every sword will only dissipate when he touches his mental power before he can take away the mysterious silver glazed body.

  And then-really!

   After Xu Tui’s mental power carefully touched the second shadow sword, Xu Tui went through the same scene again.

  This time, Xu Tui unlocked a new skill.

  After the consciousness is pulled into the shadow sword, he can use his consciousness to affect the flow of time in the shadow sword. If you want it to be fast, it will be fast, if you want it to be slow, it will be slow.

  Where you want to see more carefully, slow down and then slow down.

  Xu Tui suddenly felt that the shadow sword nailed the details of the Daxi clan masters. Does he need to look more carefully?

  Do some research?

  After all, this shadow sword is very fierce.

During the hundreds of years that Xu Tui could see, he continued to make hundreds of shots. Among them, he was deliberately consumed. In the end, he was able to nail down a four-guard planetary powerhouse with five swords in an instant.

  Second kill!

  Absolute spike!

  This combat power is more than going to heaven.

  Among them, there must be details. If you look at it normally, you can’t see anything, but if you slow down, you might gain something.

  It’s like chasing a girlfriend. The only thing you can see when you first meet is your face and approximate figure. After a long time, you can discover more mysteries and details.

  Unfortunately, waiting for Xu Tui to wake up to this point, the image in the second shadow sword space has been viewed by Xu Tui.

  Fortunately, there is a third handle, a fourth handle, and a fifth handle.

  After putting the second black silver glass ball into the quantum dimensional chain, Xu Tui entered the third shadow sword again. This time, Xu Tui was really fast or slow.

  After careful observation, he discovered the mystery of the Shadow Sword.

The speed of   Shadow Sword is not fast, but it is absolutely fast.

  Any dodge can't dodge Shadow Sword.

   is very sharp, a sword will hurt not only the physical body, but also the spiritual body.

  Many Daxi masters were nailed down by the Shadow Sword. Their physical bodies did not seem to be seriously injured, but their spiritual bodies collapsed first.


  No, it looks more multi-dimensional!

  After the fourth shadow sword dissipated, Xu Tui thought about it for half an hour before slowly returning to his senses.

  After carefully studying the hundreds of shadow swords in the image, Xu Tui suddenly realized something.

  Previously, Cai Shaochu asked Xu Tui to think clearly about his understanding of the sword, and then to study the sword of the ancestor Shang Taki. Xu Tui never thought about it clearly, so he never dared to touch it.

  In today’s research, Xu Tuike seems to have found a direction in the dark space.

  Through the observation of the shadow sword, I have my own thoughts on the sword!

  Sword, why must it be a material sword?

   Mental power can also become a sword!

  A variety of extraordinary abilities can also become swords!

  Sword, it doesn’t have to be single!

   can also be diverse!

  A combination of multiple factors and characteristics.

It can be like a Russian matryoshka, one layer plus one layer, it can be physical, spiritual, extraordinary, etc., just like a girlfriend, it can be pure and powerful, and it can seal the throat with one sword. , Completely cut off the possibility of her boyfriend's empathy.

  Well, Xu Tui felt that this multi-sword, if it was done, could kill the enemy with one sword.

  But there are still many ideas that I haven’t figured out clearly.

  For example, the shadow sword looks extremely slow, but it is actually extremely fast.

   looks coming from here, but comes out abruptly from the other direction.

  Even if it is slowed down a thousand times, still can't see the result.

  With this kind of question, Xu Tui thought about touching the fifth shadow sword, especially at the key point, even more attentively!

  The first sword, Xu Tuiqi used it in less than a minute, and the experience was over.

  But for the fifth sword, Xu took more than half an hour to retreat. The key process in the middle was almost to slow down the observation as much as he could.

  Thinking about it, I really gained something.

  Xu Tui discovered that Shadow Sword seems to be not only a multi-feature, but also a faint dimensional meaning.

When the   Shadow Sword was cut out, the time seemed to slow down. This is four dimensions!

When the    Shadow Sword was cut out strangely, the space seemed to be distorted or even different. This might be five dimensions!

  But the simplest one is a one-dimensional sword, cut out, one sword is a line!

  Above the line, everything is destroyed!

  This line, except for this sword, nothing is there anymore.

  The sword of dimensions?

  Multi-dimensional sword?

   Suddenly Xu Tui had a new idea. Combining his previous thoughts on swords, Xu Tui's heart kept popping up at this moment, and Xu Tui was constantly denying, modifying, and retaining it.

   Suddenly, Xu Tui had a new direction for understanding his sword.

  In this direction, Xu Tui likes it very much.

  The fifth black silver glazed ball was included in the quantum dimensional chain. Lavis and Mitsubishi Ding had already looked straight forward. This thing was too temptation for them.

  However, Xu Tui did not see it.

  In Xu Tui's eyes, the black silver glazed ball was precious, but it was still too small compared to Xu Tui's harvest in the five shadow swords.

  The sword of dimensions!

  Multi-dimensional sword!

  This is Xu Tui's clear orientation to the direction of his future practice, especially the direction of the sword.

  Anything, with a direction, it is easier to get twice the result with half the effort!

  Of course, at present, Xu Tui only has a basic direction. To be specific, he has to slowly think about fullness.

  After that, Xu Tui set his eyes on the door at the end of the passage.

  For this door, the elite of the Daxi ethnic group was killed and injured less than half, and an absolute security door was built to isolate it. In the end, even the four-guard star powerhouse was beheaded by the shadow sword. Then the question is, what is behind this door?

  The answer is-I don’t know.

  But it must be extremely valuable. Otherwise, the four-guard planet-star powerhouse of the Daxi tribe would not study it for decades, and finally died here.

   may be the remains of a certain civilization, of course, it may also be a treasure of power. If you don’t explore it, Xu Tui would be very sorry for himself.

  But Xu Tui will not die.

  The situation in the Shadow Sword before, has allowed Xu Tui to discover some patterns.

  For example, if you approach this door, as long as you do not show violence or threat, you will not be attacked by the shadow sword.

  The four-guard planetary powerhouse of the Daxi tribe, but after trying various methods, he had no choice but to resort to violence, and was finally nailed to death by Shadow Sword.

  Basically, all the ways Xu Tui could think of to open the door were thought of and tried by the four-guard planetary powerhouse of the Daxi tribe.

  Xu Tui has nothing to try.

  Xu Tui thinks that the only feasible attempt is that this wall is more like the cat's eye in the middle of the door.

  See if there is any hidden technology, can it be unlocked with pupils, or fingerprints?

  Blood and other body fluids, you can also try.

  Compared with words, Xu Tui thinks that blood and body fluids may be more reliable. If there is a lock, the lock may be aimed at a certain characteristic.

  Otherwise, there is basically no possibility of unlocking.

  Dead horses are treated as living horse doctors.

   Xu Tui held this mentality, and first learned the same as the four-guard planetary powerhouse of the Daxi tribe, and moved his eyes together. Only then did he discover that the cat’s eyes were dirty and a little disgusting.

  The benefits of the quantum dimensional chain were reflected at this time, and Xu Tui threw a few packs of wet tissues in it.

   can be used to clean something, and can also replenish water at critical moments.

   wiped clean, Xu Tui pushed his pupil up again.

  The left eye is useless.

  The right eye is still useless.

  Saliva is also useless.

  Finally, Xu Tui smeared his high hopes of blood on it, and then looked forwardly.

  This is Xu Tui's last move.

  If this doesn't open again, Xu Tui can only leave. With the Shadow Sword, Xu Tui dare not die.

  Waiting for a minute, the blood that was smeared on was all dry, and there was no movement at this door.


  Xu Tui was depressed and wanted to scold or not.

  Forcibly resisted and did not dare to kick!

  The four-guard star powerhouse of the Daxi people died unjustly.

   "Head, fingerprints, try your fingerprints, and you haven't tried your fingerprints." Yan Lie reminded him hurriedly when Xu was frustrated.

  "Is it possible? I've never been here before, and it's impossible to record fingerprints." He said, holding the mentality of being a dead horse, Xu Tui still pressed his index finger up.

  Suddenly a tingling sensation came from the fingertips, and Xu Tui pulled his hand away like lightning.

  The next moment, Xu Tui, Yan Lie, and Zhao Hailong's eyes widened at the same time.

  The door is open!

  The door opened unexpectedly.

   "Haha, commander, I said that I want to test fingerprints, you janitor opened." Yan Lie burst into laughter.


   Yan Lie said, head, as long as you lick the big guys, you will definitely have a monthly pass!

  Well, Zhu San is going to lick the big guys and break them!

  (End of this chapter)

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