"Get out of the way, get out of the way"

At this time, two people were carried out from the door of the store. Qingzhu's eyes lit up and he picked up the camera.

The focus was on the girl who was transported out. After seeing her appearance clearly, Qingzhu was stunned.

She didn't expect it to be so miserable.

If it weren't for that beauty, she would be like this.

Click, click, click.

The sound of taking pictures was heard from everywhere, and the flash lights made the originally pale victim's face turn a little whiter.

People nearby slapped the two girls.

Qingzhu saw that there were many of her peers among them.

Without hesitation, she found the most suitable angle and slapped the victim.

She is doing harm to the people.

Only when this situation and incident are exposed will people take it seriously.

Such incidents will become less and less common.

She told herself this.

Speaking of which, I don't know if she will ever see her again.

That pretty sister

Beiming City, in a room.

As the teleportation circle on the floor emits a dazzling white light, a figure steps out of it.

"here it is?"

After walking out of the teleportation array, Ye Yan looked at the room and placed the blond girl on the bed.

Just as he was about to leave and observe the room, the girl grabbed his sleeve with one hand.

"Want to do it? Master, master"

The blonde girl clutched her chest tightly with one hand, and there was a blush on her originally pale face.


Ye Yan's initial nervousness due to coming to a strange environment was completely gone.

Instead, there was incomparable shock.

"Do not want?"

Hey hey hey, why are you still aggrieved?

"I'm not interested in a skinny body like yours."

"Now that you have escaped, you don't have to be careful. There is no one here."

Ye Yan could see that the girl in front of him was not desperate, but had a resilience that no one else had.

To put it bluntly, this little girl has a very clear mind.

"Also, change your clothes."

Ye Yan took out his casual clothes from the ring and threw them away.


"Because I am a man"


After taking the clothes, the blonde girl took off her coat without saying a word.

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm still here. If I want to take off my clothes, I have to go into the bathroom and take them off again!"

"Take a shower by the way."

Ye Yan had a headache.

"You are a girl, you should cherish it more"


The blonde girl nodded without any shyness and walked into the bathroom with her clothes.

Turning on the faucet, the warm water washed over her scarred body.

"Is this what the priest said, the person of destiny?"

The girl closed her eyes.

Sister, sister will definitely rescue you.

No matter what you want me to do.

Looking at the girl walking into the bathroom, Ye Yan sighed.

He wouldn't think that he saved her.

The girl will trust him immensely and be obedient to him.

Ye Yan recalled the girl.

No, it's Kagura's panel.

Name: Kagura

Bloodline of Ferocious Beasts: Extremely Cold Demonic Snake (Grade A)

Status: Weak (no contract status, vicious devouring: 37%)

Cultivation: Level 3 Level 3

Talents: Extremely cold body (S level), Ice control (A level)

Description: A princess who has lost her country embarks on a journey to find her missing sister.

Excellent contract partner with potential for evolution.

The princess who lost her country?

What is this, the protagonist setting of the novel.

This world is different from Blue Star, because of the extraordinary power and the influence of the beast's bloodline, even if technology has developed to the present level.

There are also some small countries that maintain the imperialist system.

Moreover, these countries have a common characteristic.

So, they attach great importance to bloodline.

I believe that blood is everything.

Especially, in this world where the bloodline of vicious beasts exists.

However, such a small country can easily go to extremes, or be destroyed by a tide of beasts.

At the same time, this kind of country with very small national power is the main target of those slave prisoners.

Although slavery was prohibited in Daxia, it was different abroad.

Some countries even advocate this system.

The alliance's attitude towards this is also unclear.

The lack of standardized management has led to chaos especially abroad.

In some countries, there is even no Internet.

Of course, this is what Ye Yan saw in the book. After all, he has never been abroad.

Probably, after the country's collapse, that girl was captured by a slave merchant and transported here to be sold to others!

However, this subjugated princess seemed to have her own ideas.

Maybe he was caught on purpose, that's different.

for. Looking for a sister or something.

it does not matter!

Ye Yan spread his hands and didn't bother to care.

It is good to have ideals.

At least, there will be no thoughts of death.

He also didn’t know the talent he got through the contract.

Will it disappear the moment the contract object dies?


Ye Yan pushed open the heavy window and looked outside to confirm where he was at the moment.

If it were teleported to other areas, wouldn't it explode?

Fortunately, from here, you can see the huge area of ​​Beixuan School.

Judging from the distance, it's only a few kilometers away, just take the subway.

"Um, Lord, Master, do you want to wash?"

The girl looks brand new after taking a bath.

The golden hair was dazzling under the light.

The white skin was a little thin, but it could be ignored against the beautiful face.

Basically, it could be said that she was a different person.

There was doubt in Ye Yan's eyes. Could this little girl have been making a fool of herself before?

"No, call me sir, call me."

Ye Yan pondered for a moment, and then said: "Just call me Qiu"

"Also, what's your name?"

Although he knew it, Ye Yan still asked symbolically.

"Sir Qiu, can you help me choose a name?"

"No name?"

"No, at least, I don't want to use that name anymore"

Are you afraid of being known by others?

"No need!"

"I don't have the talent for naming"

"It doesn't matter"

"Then, call me Kagura Ichitsuki"

Hearing the word Kagura, the girl was stunned.

"Kagura is sex, Ichitsuki is name, you will be Kagura Ichitsuki in the future, don't you like it?"


Ichitsuki shook her head and happily accepted the name.

"Thank you"


Just when Ye Yan was about to fool Yi Yue into signing the contract.

With a "thump\

,"Yi Yue knelt down.

"What are you trying to do?"

Ye Yan frowned, looking unhappy.

"Stand up!"

"Lord Qiu, please save my sister"

Yi Yue knelt on the ground, buried her head in the floor, begging.

"I'm just an ordinary person, not incompetent."

Ye Yan shook his head slowly.

"Besides, why do you think that if I save you, I will save your sister?"

"Am I so kind in your eyes?"

"It's a bad habit to trust an outsider so much"

Ye Yan's questioning interrupted Yi Yue's prepared lines.

In the end, she could only answer truthfully.

"Because, Lord Qiu, is the destined person"

"Who said that?"

Please read, please read, please read, don't keep books (crying)

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