The Great Enlightenment

Chapter 774 Ling Xi

Lingxu Mountain, Snow Palace.

"Aunt Ziying, in the past few days, I have recited the "Kunlun Taihang Jing" that you gave me by heart!"

A girl in her tenth year of bone age stood gracefully under the gate of the Snow Palace, with a pair of playful eyes blinking, she looked at the fairy in purple skirt who was standing under the pillars of the palace.

With a smile on her lips, Fairy Ziying said softly, "Zhao Lingxi, except for the "Kunlun Taixing Jing", have you remembered all the principles taught by the Kunxu sage?"

"Of course I remember," the girl walked through the gate of the palace, walked to Fairy Ziying's side, and said with a smile, "Aunt Ziying, the sage Kunxu said, as long as you bring this volume of "Kunlun" that you brought in Shangjing "Tai Xing Jing" remember, let you teach me the art of cultivating immortals!"

Fairy Ziying threw down the last formation flag, turned around, stretched out her slender white hands from her gauze sleeves, touched the girl's bun, and said: "Here, this 'Lingxu Immortal Formation' , is where you will practice in the future."

When Zhao Lingxi heard the word "immortal", she couldn't help but her eyes lit up, and she said happily: "I have recited the classics for several years, can I finally cultivate immortality now!"

Fairy Ziying laughed a little, pointed to the vast sea of ​​clouds around Lingxu Immortal Formation, and said: "Before the sage Kunxu didn't let you practice, it was because your true spirit is an extremely rare 'spirit of fairy origin', Mingming There are shackles in it, and only after the bone age reaches sixteen years can one truly embark on the road of cultivation."

"The spirit of Immortal Origin..."

Zhao Lingxi's eyes were a little dazed, it was obviously the first time she knew about this, "Then after I become an immortal, can I be like Aunt Ziying, with an eternal face and immortality?"

Fairy Ziying smiled and said: "Of course it is. After all the events in Kunlun are over, I will bring you to the upper realm and let you see a wider world."

Zhao Lingxi raised her small face slightly, and said: "Lingxu Mountain is already so big, I don't know what the 'upper realm' that you brothers and sisters yearn for will be like."

Fairy Ziying took her little hand, walked into the Lingxu Immortal Formation lightly, and said: "This Immortal Formation was laid by the sage Kunxu himself, and I will make up for the missing spiritual source of the upper realm. It is equivalent to absorbing the endless heavenly source of aura falling down from the thirty-three heavenly courts every moment."

"Based on your 'Spirit of Immortal Origin', I am afraid that three major catastrophes will usher in a short time. At that time, I will personally take action to break the catastrophe for you."

At this point, Fairy Ziying let go of her palm and patted Zhao Lingxi's shoulder lightly, "Don't be afraid, just follow the method of moving qi recorded in the "Kunlun Taixing Jing" and feel the surrounding sky Source of spiritual energy, your 'Spirit of Immortal Origin' will naturally absorb these spiritual sources madly."

Zhao Lingxi walked to the stone platform in front of the formation, sat down, her eyes were full of hope, and said firmly: "If I become an immortal, I will definitely take all my brothers and sisters to leave Lingxu Mountain, and go to wipe out the evil fairyland. Holy Land!"

Fairy Ziying shook her head slightly, and said with a smile, "Who told you that?"

Zhao Lingxi raised her eyebrows and said, "It's Senior Brother Jing Yu. He said that Yaochi has taken over our dojo. After I cultivate the immortal method, let the Kunxu sage take us back what originally belonged to Lingxu Mountain!"

"Forget it," Fairy Ziying flicked her robe sleeves, and put down a jade talisman in front of the girl, "You are good at practicing, if you encounter any doubts, just pick up this jade talisman, and I will talk to you."

Zhao Lingxi nodded obediently and said, "I see, Aunt Ziying."

Fairy Ziying nodded slightly, then turned around and left the Lingxu Immortal Formation with a radius of only more than ten feet.

He walked through the path of the sea of ​​clouds, landed in front of the Snow Palace, lowered his gaze, and looked down.

Around the Lingxu Immortal Formation is a vast and endless sea of ​​clouds; and under this sea of ​​clouds is Lingxu Mountain, the deepest part of Kunlun's holy realm, and the place where the Kunxu sages live.

Hundreds of thousands of miles around Lingxu Mountain, there are densely packed Lingxiao fairy palaces, and there are even dojos for saints of the four realms and saints of the five realms. The inspiration and luck of the realm.

Since Zhao Lingxi was born on the Kunlun Sky Tree more than ten years ago, the Kunlun Ascension Realm has put all its strength into it, and finally arranged the seemingly ordinary Lingxu Immortal Formation not long ago.

This seemingly inconspicuous fairy array condenses half of the Taoist luck of this six-level dojo.

Zhao Lingxi, who was only sixteen years old, did not know that her own birth made Kunlun Shangsheng Realm completely change its plan to annex the Yaochi Holy Realm, and instead put all its efforts into cultivating this creature with the "spirit of fairy origin" .

The spirit of Xianyuan, the extremely rare mutant true spirit in the three realms of heaven and earth, was born with the ability to hold the three realms.

Even the Kunlun Mountain in the upper realm was alarmed by the matter here, and in disregard of the rules of the earth and heaven, they forcibly sent two five-realm saints deep in the Taixu Xinghai to protect Zhao Lingxi secretly.

Fairy Ziying has already informed the Heavenly King Holy Realm behind her of the situation here. The Great Heavenly King Li Jing and the Kunlun family have always been friends. , and will soon come to Kunlun's Holy Realm.

Hui An Xing Zhe, whose name is Mu Zha, is the second son of King Li Jing. He was once a living being under the seat of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and his enlightenment period is almost the same as that of Ji Aoqing, the dragon in charge of pearls.

What he practiced was the "Purifying and Wonderful Dharma" handed down by the Venerable Guanyin Bodhisattva, but this person has never been recorded in the Nanhai Taoism, because he entered the Nanhai Buddhist Yuanjiao practice, and finally proved to be Tianyuan Dao fruit, which has many unknown secrets.

I don't know how long it took, Fairy Ziying withdrew her gaze from above the sea of ​​clouds, and looked at the Lingxu Immortal Formation in front of her again, the depths of her mind were tainted with a trace of haze for no reason.

"That Ji Yuenian was silent in the holy land of Yaochi, and there has been no news for a long time..."

"According to his temperament, will he really be caught without a fight..."


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