The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 654: Liu Yuexuan Miscalculated!

On the warship of the Bachelor's House.

The fall of Tang Shengwu, the commander of the Eastern Yuan Army, shocked everyone present.

All the officials of the Intelligence Department, Tang Haocheng, the young master of the Tianji Pavilion, and the twelve elders, all felt unbelievable after hearing the news.

Tang Shengwu is so conceited that he despises Jusheng Mountain so much!

Liu Yuexuan suddenly waved his hand, and the table was shattered. He looked ugly and shouted: What kind of elite, arrogant and conceited! We have already warned him and asked him to pay more attention, but he was still subdued and died. What happened today, Once it is investigated, I will not escape the responsibility!

Tang Haocheng's face was even more ugly. He deliberately refuted that if Liu Siping hadn't repeatedly made things difficult, he might not have fallen into such a situation if he offered advice to Tang Shengwu.

But then again, even though Tang Shengwu was so conceited, he might not listen to what he said.

And the implication of this Mr. Liu's words is quite obvious.

Today's matter, once it is investigated, it will be hard to escape the guilt after all!

Then the guilt must be mitigated!

Next... what should I do? An official from the scholar's residence asked hesitantly.

The duty of my bachelor's office is to investigate the news of all parties, report to the commander of the Dongyuan army, and act as the eyes of the Dongyuan army. Now that the commander has fallen, what can we do? Liu Yuexuan shouted: Could it be possible to accept General Tang? The soldier talisman, can you lead the army on his behalf?

Then... Tang Haocheng's expression changed, and he said, What do Master Liu think?

The morale of the army is broken, and it will be useless to continue the attack. Another person said this.

Tang Tianying's ability is beyond our expectations. He has already surpassed General Tang. With such ability, the tens of millions of troops who lost their commander may be defeated by him leading the Dragon Guard! Liu Yuexuan frowned.

Even if we fight to the end, we can besiege and kill Tang Tianying, the pinnacle true mystery, and slaughter Jusheng Mountain, I'm afraid that the elite of the Dongyuan army will be lost. The official of the intelligence department responded just now.

Actually, not necessarily. Tang Haocheng thought about it: Although the Great General Tang has fallen, there are still tens of millions of elites, and now he is not at the point of being defeated. It is enough...

How can we allow you and me to decide on this matter? Liu Yuexuan shouted: General Tang has fallen, and what order the army should give is up to His Majesty to decide!

Okay! Tang Haocheng nodded slightly, not daring to say more.

You wait and get ready!

Liu Yuexuan responded in this way, he took the official seal and sent a message to Emperor Chu.

Today, Tang Shengwu, the commander of the Eastern Yuan Army, has fallen. Tens of millions of elites have lost their commander. The morale of the army has collapsed, the dragons have no leader, and their aura is weak. After discussing together, I am afraid that the army will be defeated, so I ask Your Majesty to withdraw the troops?

His news spread to the country seal.

His mood also sank, and he was a little nervous.

As Tang Haocheng said, even though the commander is dead, the army is still there, and tens of millions of Chu elites can still form an army formation to attack Jusheng Mountain, even if Tang Tianying is the leader, they can't stop it.

So he changed the term and brought in Tianji Pavilion.

The military situation is indeed somewhat chaotic now, but it has not yet collapsed.

But as long as Emperor Chu ordered the withdrawal of troops, the attacking force would suddenly disappear.

But if relying on the situation in front of him, Emperor Chu might not order the withdrawal of troops, so he made the situation a little bit more serious, making Emperor Chu mistakenly think that the Chu army was on the verge of being defeated.

In this way, in all likelihood, Emperor Chu would withdraw his troops!

As for the aftermath, one has to control the sequence of timing, otherwise it is easy to be discovered by Emperor Chu.

Liu Yuexuan chanted like this, stretching out his hand to hold the Dayan Suanjing in his arms.

But at this moment.

His official orders are shining brightly.

Emperor Chu replied.

At all costs! Attack Jusheng Mountain!

Liu Yuexuan's heart shuddered, and his eyes changed suddenly.

What is the fault?

Why did the expected direction turn out to be a miscalculation?

Emperor Chu is unwilling to withdraw his troops!

Even if the Great Chu army is about to collapse, he still wants to use all the Dongyuan army to attack Jusheng Mountain!

Even tens of millions of great Chu elites are buried here, doesn't he care?

Master Liu? an official from the intelligence department said.


Liu Yuexuan was silent for a while, with many thoughts in his mind.

Even though the Eastern Yuan army lost its commander and lost its morale, it was still not defeated. It was worthy of being an elite in a hundred battles. If the order of Emperor Chu is followed, Jusheng Mountain will definitely not be able to resist.

Although the Dongsheng Dynasty was full of people's hearts, under the leadership of Tang Tianying, they began to counterattack.

But people's hearts and aura can only affect the outcome of the occupation, and cannot be everything that determines the outcome of the battle!

He glanced at everyone, and his thoughts moved slightly.

If the imperial decree is passed on now and the troops are withdrawn directly, Jusheng Mountain will be safe.

But he must no longer be able to stay in the Great Chu Dynasty Hall, so he can only flee back to Jusheng Shandong Sheng Dynasty.

And all the identity, status, contacts, wealth, etc. he had managed in Dachu for decades were all in vain.

Even, the game he laid out in the Great Chu Dynasty Hall, the various chess pieces he buried, and the people who entered the Great Chu Army and the court, such as Lu He, the current deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, and others, will lose his guidance, so they will be able to fight in the future. Within the Great Chu Dynasty, things fend for themselves, and accidents are very easy to happen.

At this moment, once the imperial decree is passed on falsely, his hard work in the Great Chu Dynasty for more than 20 years will be burned.

His expression changed, and he reached out to hold his chest.

In fact, he pressed the Dayan Sutra.


Tang Haocheng vaguely felt an indescribable mysterious atmosphere, which seemed a little familiar, and he looked at Liu Yuexuan with suspicion.

Liu Yuexuan didn't care too much, only a moment later, he heard him say in a deep voice: Your Majesty has a decree, to attack Jusheng Mountain at all costs!

As his voice fell, he glanced at Tang Haocheng out of the corner of his eye, and a murderous intent flashed in his heart.

This person must be silenced!

Otherwise, the secret of Dayan Sutra will be difficult to secure!


And between the front lines.

As Liu Yuexuan and Tang Haocheng saw.

Although the coach fell and his head was suspended, the morale of the army was disturbed.

But the elite of a hundred battles, after all, is an elite of a hundred battles, in such a situation, they still haven't lost their fighting spirit.

They still have the strength to fight!


Tang Tianying led the crowd and killed tens of thousands of soldiers.

For an ordinary army, in a situation where there are many casualties, they must have the courage to fight. If one person retreats, a hundred will retreat, and a hundred will retreat, and ten thousand will retreat, so that the army will be defeated, but the Chu army still holds its ground.

The expected defeat of Dongyuan's army did not occur.

Tang Tianying cursed inwardly.

This Liu Yuexuan also had a day of miscalculation?

The Eastern Yuan army lost nearly a million soldiers, but there were still more than nine million soldiers. If they were defeated, it would be nothing to worry about. Under the blessing of soldier talisman and military formation, he is not inferior to Peak Zhenxuan.

In addition, the army is still there, and they are fighting back.

As strong as Tang Tianying, her heart couldn't help sinking.


The ancient existences of all parties are paying attention to this battle.

If this battle is successful, Great Chu will unify Dongzhou, and Emperor Chu will be the first existence comparable to a fairy god in 60,000 years.

I thought that there would be no suspense in this battle. Although Jusheng Mountain is strong, but a few true disciples, thousands of dragon guards, and millions of mortal troops can't resist the mighty power of the Great Chu.

But after the war started, the sea of ​​blood was turbulent, and the vanguard battalion of the Dongyuan army was wiped out, and now Tang Shengwu, the commander of the Dongyuan army, was directly beheaded.

The inheritance of Jusheng Mountain is worth pondering carefully.

In today's world, at the level of the Zhenxuan Nine Seals, it can be so powerful, even in the era before the catastrophe, it is extremely rare.

Although we only have the magic power of Zhenxuan Nine Seals, after all, we have the method of the immortal family, the vision of the past, and some remnants of treasures, but now, it seems that they may not be much stronger than their brothers in Jushengshan. .”

There is only one Wen Li. Perhaps it can be said that he has excellent aptitude, but now every disciple of Jusheng Mountain is so powerful. The inheritance of this sect should not be underestimated.

Tang Shengwu, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Yuan army, is already extremely powerful, enough to compete with you and me today, but he was still killed by Tang Tianying. It's really unimaginable!

If Emperor Chu ruled Dongzhou, it would be no less than when you and I were in our heyday, but now he is also equivalent to the seven-cost collar of the immortal god level, which is far higher than the scope of the Zhenxuan Nine Seals. The ordinary Zhenxuan Nine seals are also weak in his hands, but the three brothers joined forces, and they were able to deal with him to this day, which shows how extraordinary the inheritance of Jusheng Mountain is!

After all, the person who created Jusheng Mountain has the ability to strike the Heavenly Gate with a sword and shake the mana of a great supernatural being.

After this battle, if you want to find a way to get the skills and Taoism of Jusheng Mountain, you must study it carefully. How intelligent and knowledgeable is Bai Shengjun to teach his disciples so well? In Zhenxuan Jiu Can Yin's realm be brought to such an extreme?

It really should be explored.

But now it seems that Jusheng Mountain cannot escape this catastrophe.

It's just that in comparison, the price paid by the Great Chu Dynasty was even heavier than originally expected.

Among the ancient existences of all parties, some of them were covered up by the sea of ​​blood, and their perceptions were covered by the tens of millions of war troops over there, so they couldn't fully know the truth.

But there are still some ancient existences, relying on extraordinary skills, supernatural powers, or magic weapons to detect the reality of the sea of ​​​​blood and see the truth of Tang Tianying beheading the commander of the Dongyuan army.

They can only lament that Jusheng Mountain has been hidden too deeply in the chess pieces of the Great Chu Dynasty for more than 20 years.

Emperor Chu did not expect that among the generals in the Dongyuan army, there were people from Jusheng Mountain!

But no matter what plans Jusheng Mountain has.

As long as Wen Li and his three brothers were unable to slay Emperor Chu, the outcome would be determined.

If the delay continues, Emperor Chu will behead the three peak Zhenxuan who can be called the strongest in the world, and the Dongyuan army over there will also destroy the entire Jusheng Mountain.

Now what everyone is most concerned about is not the survival of Jusheng Mountain, but the secrets hidden under Jusheng Mountain.

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