The Grand Void – Becoming a Dragon

Chapter 475 Vibration in all directions, turbulent undercurrent

Zhao Wunai is the commander of the Three Banners Army, he is equipped with military talismans, and he is in charge of 200,000 soldiers. As the general trend is, he is the strongest among Zhenxuan.

And if you can command the three-banner army, you will be the peak monk of Zhenxuan Nine Seals, and you must be cautious.

But the army has not yet formed, and with the addition of soldier talismans alone, he is only the power of the peak of the high-level Zhenxuan, and without the addition of soldier talismans, Zhao Wu is only at the beginning of the true mystery.

For Zhuang Ming, at the initial stage of Zhenxuan, he could be killed easily.

So Zhao Wu was killed.

There is no distance between the two.

Zhuang Ming suddenly became murderous, and Zhao Wu, who had lost his military talisman, had no power to resist.

Without a soldier talisman, you are only at the initial stage of the True Mystery after all. As far as I am concerned, killing you at the initial stage of the True Profound Realm is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand.

As Zhuang Ming said, what he was holding in his hand was Zhao Wu's Great Dao Golden Pill, on which was condensed a seal of Zhenxuan.

He didn't swallow it right away, but he just introduced the Taoism and suddenly became a cage, which is the first article of the Taiyuan Zong's restraint of the gods.

He used the technique of restraining the gods to preserve the golden elixir that condenses the seal of Zhenxuan.

And Zhao Wu's body had already been destroyed by him.

Until his fall, this great cultivator of Zhenxuan, the commander of the Three Banners Army, still had endless puzzles. He knew that his wife was not the real wife, but he did not expect that he would lose his wife within a short time. life.

Zhuang Ming closed his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand, took out the soldier talisman, and hung it on his waist.

The Emperor Taiyuan didn't think he could pretend to be a soldier of the Left Banner Army and successfully assassinate Zhao Wu.

In fact, he never thought of pretending to be someone else to assassinate Zhao Wu.

With the addition of Zhao Wu's Bing Talisman, he is the real peak of the Six Seals of Zhenxuan, who can summon elite soldiers at any time to become the ultimate Zhenxuan, or even the ability of the Nine Seals of Zhenxuan.

So Zhao Wu is very difficult to kill.

If you want to really kill Zhao Wu, you must first remove his soldier talisman.

And only his closest people want to get rid of his soldier talisman.

This is Zhao Wu's wife.

Even Zhao Wu's only son couldn't get so close.

So Zhuang Ming chose Zhao Wu's wife.

Earlier, Tai Yuanzong made the groundwork to form a turmoil to assassinate Zhao Wu, but it was just to cover up my movement here. After some assassinations, Zhao Wu felt that the crisis was over, and he was always a little bit slack. Right now... is my real one. Ultimate move.

Zhuang Ming transformed into Zhao Wu's appearance, and walked out swaggeringly.


Great Chu King City.

Emperor Chu summoned ministers, including the emperor's teachers and generals, to discuss the matter of attacking Taiyuanzong.

After the preparations for the major event are completed, all sects will definitely block it, and you will have to forcibly suppress all sects.

As for the royal guards, elites from all parties within the Zhongyuan Realm have been transferred to the Eastern Yuan Realm, with a total of one million troops.

As for the Zhenyuan Sect, even though they have surrendered, they still need to be on guard.

Teacher, please leave tonight, go to Dongyuan Realm, and take charge of the overall situation.

I have already invited God to move, and I will go tomorrow, and let him restrain the Taiyuan Sect Master.


Emperor Chu spoke slowly, but his expression suddenly paused.

Everyone looked up, showing strange colors.

Emperor Chu was silent for a moment, and then said: The source of the soldier talisman of the new commander of the Three Banners Army in the Eastern Yuan Realm has been cut off.

When everyone heard the words, they were all in an uproar.

The soldier talisman loses its source, which means it loses its owner.

Now Zhao Wu, the new commander of the Three Banners Army in the Eastern Yuan Realm, has fallen?

Tai Yuanzong's behavior was unexpected.

Emperor Chu's face was cold and his eyes were cold.

The emperor was furious, and the sun and the moon were trembling.

Everyone was silent and did not dare to speak nonsense.

Emperor Chu put down his seal and gradually restrained his momentum.

Zhao Wu's talent is not too high, and his cultivation is only at the beginning of the Zhenxuan realm, but Zhao Wu is the general of the Zhenxuan rank who is most familiar with the Eastern Yuan realm in the Great Chu Army after the Cang Palace was destroyed.

Therefore, Zhao Wu was able to be promoted.

But before the battle, Zhao Wu fell?

How much impact will this have on the morale of the upcoming war?


The old minister is here. The emperor took a step forward.

You should leave immediately. Emperor Chu said.

Yes. The emperor replied, and said, Old minister, leave now.

Zhao Wu fell at this very moment, the murderer must still be in the First Mansion. After saying this, Emperor Chu stretched out his hand, and a light flashed on the jade seal of the country, and spread it out.


The first prefecture of the Eastern Yuan Realm.

Song Cheng, the director of Zhenyuanzong, defeated King Cang.

However, Emperor Chu has not yet appointed him as the new Cang King, but on the surface, he is already one of the principals in the Eastern Yuan Realm after all, and his status and power are all above Zhao Wu.

In an instant, his official seal shone brightly.

Your Majesty. Ren Songcheng called this. He had complicated feelings about this father, but his tone remained the same.

Zhao Wu has fallen. Emperor Chu's voice came from the official seal, cold and indifferent.

What? Ren Songcheng was startled, a little dazed.

You don't know? Emperor Chu seemed dissatisfied.

At the end of Zishi, someone assassinated Zhao Wu, but he was killed by Zhao Wu, and there was no more movement after that. Ren Songcheng was in the first mansion of the Eastern Yuan Realm, and he felt no movement at all, and was very surprised.

Zhao Wu fell before ten breaths. Emperor Chu said aloud.

This... Ren Songcheng glanced at the official seal and said in surprise, Why is there no one in the army to report?

Falled ten breaths ago, the murderer is probably still in the First Mansion. Since no one in the army came to report, maybe they don't know yet. Emperor Chu said.

I understand. Ren Song said when he was established: This will succeed Zhao Wu, take charge of the three armies, and seal off the first mansion, just...

Just what? Emperor Chu asked.

Zhao Wu's fall, is this going to spread? Ren Songcheng asked hesitantly.


There was a moment of silence.

Spreading the word about this will definitely hurt morale.

If this matter is not reported, it is clear that no one in the Three Banners Army knows about Zhao Wu's fall, and the murderer is taking advantage of the situation to escape.

Spread this matter, center around the place where Zhao Wu fell, block all directions, and make sure to catch the murderer.



In Taiyuanzong.

Sovereign, in the scholar's mansion, news has come from our people that Zhao Wu has fallen. A supreme elder sent the news.

What? Sect Master Taiyuan showed a strange look. He didn't have much hope for Zhuang Ming's assassination. Hearing it now, he was full of surprise and asked, Zhao Wu is really dead? How did he fall?

It's not clear. The Supreme Elder whispered: It is said that the Great Chu Dynasty is not clear, even within the Three Banners Army, there is no trace of fighting skills, and it suddenly fell, without a fierce battle...


Sovereign Taiyuan frowned.

Zhao Wu is dead.

Unexplained death.

How did he die?

What method did Zhuang Ming use to be so unpredictable?

Is there any movement over the Three Banners Army?

The weather is calm. The Supreme Elder replied.

What? Taiyuan Sect Master's expression was as usual, and he was even more astonished, but after thinking about it, he said aloud: Order Lin Guang to take action immediately, kill all Zhuang Ming's people, and intercept Xutian Pill... In addition, spread the word. , the assassination of Zhao Wuzhe was Jusheng Shanzhuang Ming, who is still in the first mansion of the Eastern Yuan Realm at this moment.

This... The Supreme Elder immediately showed a look of astonishment.

Zhuang Ming killed Zhao Wu. This matter must be on top of our heads. Before the war, it was a morale blow to the Great Chu Dynasty, but it can also become an anger that boosts morale. We are already hostile, but we have no fear. Sect Master Taiyuan said in a deep voice: But Zhuang Ming, you can't stay out of it.

The suzerain means to pull down Jusheng mountain? The elder Taishang suddenly became clear.

This matter has taken a lot of effort, and we must bring down Jusheng Mountain. Sect Master Taiyuan nodded.

But Zhuang Ming is not dead, Jusheng Mountain will not take action, if the Great Chu Dynasty knows the identity of the murderer, it may not be the killer on the spot. The elder Taishang thought about it.

You can't leave Zhuang Ming's life, but you must also leave Zhuang Ming's name. Taiyuan Sect Master said coldly.

The sect wants to create a gap between Jusheng Mountain and Dachu? the Supreme Elder said.

That's right, even if Jusheng Mountain won't make a move, even if the Great Chu Dynasty turns a blind eye to it, from now on, the Great Chu Dynasty will definitely take precautions against Jusheng Mountain. In this way, our pressure can be relieved by three points. Tai Yuan Sovereign said.

So this is the reason why the suzerain continued to trade with Zhuang Ming? The Supreme Elder suddenly understood.

Otherwise, what do you think? Taiyuan Sovereign asked.

Sovereign Master Shengming. The Supreme Elder said with emotion.

Be sure to be quick. Taiyuan Sect Master said: If not, with Zhuang Ming's ability to escape, the Three Banners may not be able to suppress him.

Yes. The Supreme Elder hurriedly responded, and sent the message down.

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