The Grand Princess

Chapter 169: Full Article


Pei Wenxuan came to talk to her about this, but he was still quite worried: "You are still too aggressive if you let Xi'er become the prince."

"That depends on her."

Li Rong smiled: "Do you think that if you don't let her become the prince, you are not rushing in?"

Pei Wenxuan was stunned for a while. In recent years, Li Rong has become more precise in his calculations of people's minds, and he was a little confused for a while.

After Li Xi settled the matter for the reserve, Li Rong held a canonization hall for her.

On the day of the canonization of the pawn, Li Rong received a gift from afar. The gift was given by Su Ronghua. There was no name of the sender and no idea what it was.

Li Rong opened the box and saw a book and a picture inside.

This is a map of the entire southern waters, as well as the notes compiled by the river improvement plan, and there is also a proposal and engineering construction plan for the management of southern floods.

The content is extremely detailed, it should be someone who has spent most of his life devoting himself to writing.

Li Rong looked at the familiar handwriting on it. After a long time, she chuckled and closed the map.

That night, Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan were lying on the bed. Li Rong asked softly, "Why did you let him go?"

"It's a pity for one, and for the second..." Pei Wenxuan put his hand under his head and chuckled, "If he died at that time, wouldn't you want to remember him for a lifetime? I have a small heart," Pei Wenxuan turned to look at her. "I don't want to leave him a little bit of space."

Li Rong listened to him and laughed: "You know, I know, did you instigate me to sing the opposite of Yushitai today?"

When Pei Wenxuan heard this, he stiffened, and quickly turned his back to her: "It's late at night, don't think too much, go to bed."

"I said Pei Wenxuan," Li Rong saw his attitude and suddenly reacted, "Are you not cherishing it if you get it?"

"Your Majesty," Pei Wenxuan hurriedly turned over and reminded her, "Tomorrow will be early, very sleepy, go to sleep."

"No," Li Rong felt that he had encountered a great deal. "You can make it clear to me that the group of people at Yushitai today were instigated by you and why are you fighting against me? Pei Wenxuan, don't you want to pass?"

"Auntie..." Pei Wenxuan almost cried when he heard Li Rong's whim, "Yushitai has nothing to do with me, you can go to bed..."

The two were arguing at night. Li Xi and Pei Qingyun, who had originally ran over to find Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan, stood at the door. After a while, Li Xi decisively took his brother and turned around: "Come on another day, they are already asleep."

Hearing Li Xi's words, Pei Qingyun frowned: "Sister, I heard them quarreling inside, will they get together?"

"No." Li Xi was calm, "They are cultivating feelings."

Li Xi knew her parents very well. They often quarreled like this and hugged them again after the quarrel. She got used to it.

Pei Qingyun was still worried. When Li Rong went to court on the next day, he went to find two people. As soon as he passed, he read a book and flew out of the house directly. Li Rong shouted in it: "Get out! Get out! You are today! It doesn't give me face so much, but that's nothing more."

"Just talk as you speak," Pei Wenxuan hid his face and withdrew, "What hands do you use? How bad is it for people to see?"


Li Rong "slammed" the door and closed the door: "After saying that they will get along and leave, I will write and leave the book, as you wish!"

When Pei Wenxuan got the answer, he was about to fight back when he suddenly realized that there was someone next to him.

He turned his head to see Pei Qingyun staring at him blankly.

Pei Wenxuan was a little embarrassed for a while, straightened up, and coughed slightly: "Qingyun, you..."

Before finishing speaking, Pei Qingyun turned around and ran away.

Pei Wenxuan froze. He looked at Li Rong's door and wanted to say something, but he felt like he couldn't say anything.

Frustrated, no face.

He endured it for a long time, then turned around and went to his study.

He could just see Li Rong's side window in his study, and he saw Li Rong struggling to write in it.

Pei Qingyun ran all the way to Li Xi's room and hurriedly pulled Li Xi: "Sister, it's not OK, you go and see, my parents are going to get together, they don't want us anymore!"

Li Xi was very calm, but she was still dragged out by Pei Qingyun. As she walked, she said nonchalantly: "Calm down, walk slowly, don't panic."

The two children rushed to the imperial study room. Pei Wenxuan was in the room, unable to sit still, but finally stood up, arrived at Li Rong's door and knocked on the door.

Li Rong did not speak, Pei Wenxuan knocked again.

Li Rong was annoyed by his quarrel, and suddenly opened the door: "What else?"

"That," Pei Wenxuan coughed lightly, turned his head, and said stiffly, "That is, I think, the child is so old... and Lishu or don't write it, will it?"

As he said, Pei Wenxuan smiled reluctantly: "Otherwise, how sad is the child?"

"You are right." Li Rong sullenly, "For the sake of the child, I will just do it."

Hearing Li Rong's duplicity, Pei Wenxuan couldn't help laughing.

I always feel that the girl in front of me, no matter how old, is like a child.

He looked down at her and couldn't help holding her in his arms: "Then I can sleep in bed tonight?"

Li Rong turned his head and ignored him. Pei Wenxuan couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her. Just as he was about to say something, Pei Qingyun yelled: "Ah!"

Pei Wenxuan was so frightened that they let go, and the two quickly dispersed, pretending to be calm, and then turned to look at the two children standing at the door.

Li Xi respectfully salutes: "Erchen and Qingyun traveled here, disturbing his father and mother, but I hope to forgive him. Erchen takes Qingyun to leave first."

With that, Li Xi took the dazed Pei Qingyun away.

When the two children stepped out of the palace, Pei Qingyun reacted: "Well, are they still leaving?"

"He Li?" Li Xi laughed mockingly, "Since I was born, how much did they write and Li Shu? Don't worry, they can't separate."

"Just like the two of them, you can give them two more lifetimes, three lifetimes, lifetimes, and they can't separate them."

Some love spans mountains and rivers, some love spans time.

And some love, transcending life and faith, is tempered and never separated.

[End of full text]

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