The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 79 The Disappeared Person

In the bathtub, Reika Yotsui's body was sitting against the outer wall of the bathtub. Her body was fixed in the bathtub by a large number of long tapes. Only a corner of the tape on her mouth fell off.

"Miss Lihua!"

Mifune and Osamu Gojo couldn't tell the difference between the living and the dead at a glance. They rushed forward to rescue Reika Yotsui from the water, but were stopped by Qin Zhibo's raised arm.

"what are you doing?"

Mifune was a little angry at Qin Zhibo who hindered his "hero to save the beauty".

"People are dead"

Qin Zhibo's faint words shocked everyone else present.

Everyone stared at the bathtub in disbelief with their eyes wide open.

Conan, who was lying on the edge of the bathtub, glanced sideways at Qin Zhibo, a little surprised.

Can you tell whether this guy is alive or dead at a glance?

Although Yotsui Reika's expression looked very stiff at this time, and her wide eyes looked a bit scary under the shaking firelight, Conan would not directly confirm a person's death before a formal autopsy was conducted.

After waiting for a few seconds, Mouri Kogoro stood up and solemnly announced the results of his own autopsy.

"Miss Lihua is dead. The time of death is about..."

Qin Zhibo did not listen to the autopsy results of Maori Kogoro because Qin Zhibo had his own corpse investigation results.


[Name of deceased: Reika Yotsui]

[Time of death: about 10 minutes]

[Cause of death: broken neck]

[The corpse investigation is completed, congratulations on gaining social skills (venomous tongue)]

Social skills (venomous tongue): Social skills (venomous tongue) refer to your ability to speak venomously. Improving this skill will improve your ability to make verbal sarcasm to others.

Grade 1

Proficiency: 100/1000

(This is a very dangerous ability. Once used improperly, it may suffer strong backlash!

Therefore this skill provides a status switch)

Is having a sharp tongue considered a social skill?

Can a serious person use a sharp tongue as a social skill?

Qin Zhibo couldn't help but want to complain in his heart.

However, it is not surprising that Qin Zhibo obtained such skills from Yotsui Reika.

For a good-for-nothing young lady like Yosui Reika, the best thing she has done since she was a child is eating, drinking and having fun. There is no need to have too many illusions about the skills that can be obtained from her.

But this poisonous tongue, if used improperly, can even come back to bite me?

What kind of counterattack?

Qin Zhibo doesn't know that there is a scientific law in this world, that is, people with venomous tongues have a look of death.

A person with a death look on his face might be able to save his life at ordinary times, but once he encounters the God of Death, he will

But since the system provides a skill status switch, Qin Zhibo naturally turned off this abnormal social skill.

[Social Skill (Vicious Tongue): OFF]

After the corpse investigation was completed, a series of new task prompts appeared in Qin Zhibo's system.

[Congratulations on completing the side mission]

[Task settlement rating: B]

[Acquire 300 general skill proficiency]

[Get 120 social credits]

[Rating reward: 120 general skill proficiency]

After catching Takashi Ichieda, the system's previously announced side mission of Nikaido's drowning case was completed.

But then, a new mission appeared.

Side mission: Find out the murderer of this case

Task requirements: time limit 1 hour

Task reward: 300 general skill proficiency, 150 social credit

Qin Zhibo knew that the case of this side mission was to find out the murderer of Reika Yotsui.

And now that Ichiji Takashi has been captured and Yotsui Reika's side mission has not yet been completed, it means that

Ichige Takashi was not the murderer of Yotsui Reika.

At this time, Qin Zhibo saw a new investigation point at the door.

In the narrow bathroom, Mifune angrily grabbed Izutaka's collar, and the ponytail on the back of his head swayed.

"Didn't you say that Miss Lihua is still alive?"

"How is this going!"

Ichige Takaya stared at the edge of the bathtub in surprise and shouted: "This is impossible!"

"According to my estimated time, she should still be alive now!"

Estimate time?

Conan captured the key words in Ichijitaka's words.

After a brief thought, Conan's eyes suddenly widened, and he turned his attention to the shower head sunk at the bottom of the bathtub.

Conan quickly ran over and pulled the showerhead out from the bottom of the bathtub. The water sprayed from the showerhead made a splashing sound on the water in the bathtub.

However, Kogoro Mouri rarely caught Conan who was "making trouble" at the murder scene this time, because he is now busy announcing the results of his reasoning.

"I've figured it all out."

"Miss Reika Yotsui was kidnapped here and drowned!"

This kind of reasoning that ordinary people can see at a glance, only Mouri Kogoro can shamelessly pretend to have deduced on his own, and then announce it brazenly.

But as soon as Mouri Kogoro finished speaking, Conan, the "Moori reasoning and complaining machine", spoke up.

"But Miss Lihua's body is fixed in the bathtub. The water in the bathtub has just reached her shoulders. The water should not be enough to drown Miss Lihua."

"Also, the shower in the bathtub is on."

After Conan's reminder, Mouri Kogoro's extremely unstable brain leaned in a smart direction.

Mouri Kogoro held his chin in one hand and said in deep thought: "I see."

"Ilji Takashi first kidnapped Miss Reika, then tied her here with tape, and used a shower to keep the water rising."

"As long as the water level reaches a certain level, Miss Lihua will drown."

"When the time comes, as long as you are with all of us, you will have a sufficient alibi!"

Ichitaka's head drooped feebly twice, and he nodded, but then he raised his head and shouted: "So I didn't kill Miss Lihua!"

"I have calculated the time it takes for this bathtub to be filled with water. It will take about five o'clock before there is enough water to drown someone!"

"It's barely one o'clock!"

After listening to Ichijida's words, Mouri Kogoro raised his chin again and fell into deep thought.

Conan looked around and found that there seemed to be a few people missing in the dim and small bathroom.

The people with the initials one, three, five, and seven are still there, but the one with the last name "six" is missing.

And there’s Qin Zhibo!

"Where are Mr. Rokuda and Uncle Qin?" Conan quickly asked the people around him.

Mao Lilan provided witness information.

"Mr. Qin went out just now."

"Mr. Rokuta's words."

"Mr. Rokuta seems to have been away since the power outage came back just now, right?"

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