The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 40 Falsely labeled library elevator

It's another sunny morning.

Qin Zhibo resumed his usual routine and went to the library to study French.

After the previous three days of skill accelerator cards and seven days of ordinary study, Qin Zhibo's current French proficiency is 1582/4000.

To fully master and master a new language, you need to have full language proficiency at the current level, which is to achieve full proficiency of 4000.

It just so happened that the reward for completing the main mission yesterday included a 7-day skill training accelerator card. By borrowing this prop, Qin Zhibo was confident that he could completely master French within seven days.

"The scenery is beautiful on a sunny day~The red flowers are green grass~"

"I am running forward happily~ I have traveled all over the green mountains before I grow old~"

Humming a little tune, Qin Zhibo came to the library.

The library is still open today and there are still many people, so Qin Zhibo judged that today is still a rest day.

Sitting down in the adult learning area, Qin Zhibo quickly entered a state of concentration and began to enjoy the pleasure that acquiring knowledge brought to his brain.

The state of concentration lasted for about an hour, and the people outside the reading room suddenly became agitated, which made Qin Zhibo break his skill.

Qin Zhibo looked up at the door and saw several library employees walking along the corridor toward the hall.

Among them was the librarian holding a box.

Seeing Director Jinchuan, Qin Zhibo became somewhat interested.

I didn't see my old friend Tamada Kazuo today. Qin Zhibo wanted to ask Director Jinchuan if Tamada Kazuo had asked for leave.

Qin Zhibo put down the book in his hand, stood up and walked out, but when he went out, he bumped into a short blue creature in the blind spot of the perspective.

"Conan the Worker?"

"Uncle Qin?"

The one who was knocked down was a creature named Conan, and behind Conan were the three little ones that were encountered in the "Brothers, Friends, and Brothers Case" last time.

I remember it was called the Young Detective Corps.

"Uncle, please say sorry if you bump into someone."

At this time, Ayumi took the initiative to fight for Conan's human rights, but Conan shook his head and rejected it.

"I ran too fast and accidentally bumped into my uncle."

Conan looked up at Qin Zhibo's face and saw that the right side of Qin Zhibo's face was slightly red.

This is a mark that occurs when one hand is on the face for a long time, indicating that Qin Zhibo has been sitting here and studying intently.

Thinking of the fact that Qin Zhibo graduated from the University of Michigan, Conan thought this was very reasonable.

Unlike the good-for-nothing uncle in my family, when he is not working, he is either drinking and sleeping, or shouting "Yoko" to the TV stupidly.

It seems that there is still a big gap in talent training between Japan's famous Rice University and the world's top university, University of Michigan.

At this time, a "ding" sound sounded from the elevator, and people standing in front of the elevator waiting to enter filed in. At the same time, this also reminded the Young Detective Team and Qin Zhibo that it was time to get on the elevator.

So the group of people ran all the way, and before the elevator door closed, Qin Zhibo rushed into the elevator with a group of children.


A harsh mechanical sound sounded, which was the elevator's overload warning sound.

Conan squinted at the paper posted inside the elevator, which said the rated capacity was 7 people, and could only say helplessly: "The number of people seems to be overloaded."

Next to him, Genta Kojima pointed his finger at the faces of everyone in the elevator very rudely and started counting.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are indeed overloaded."

"Then there's nothing you can do, just take the stairs!"

Under the leadership of Conan, the young detective team rushed out of the elevator and used the stairs to go down.

The elevator door slowly closed, but Qin Zhibo's brain thought about the episode just now.

When the little fat Yuantai checked the number of people just now, he forgot to include himself. In fact, including him, there were nine people in the elevator just now.

However, among these nine people, including Qin Zhibo, only five were adults, and the remaining four were children.

Looking at Conan's stunted appearance and being a hairy length shorter than Ayumi, Qin Zhibo felt that the two children combined weighed at most 45kg. Adding in the normally developing Mitsuhiko, the three of them only weighed 75kg.

Although the fat little black man with the rice dumpling head is over-nourished, he is still a child after all, and his weight cannot exceed 50kg.

Excluding 7% of the elevator's rated load of 450kg, each person can receive an average weight of 64.28kg.

These four children are equal to the weight of two adults. Plus the five normal-sized adults in the elevator, there are exactly seven people. Logically speaking, it will not be overloaded.

But why is it overloaded?

Qin Zhibo glanced at the box held by Director Jinchuan.

Judging from the relaxed expression on Director Jinchuan's face, the items inside should not be dozens of kilograms of iron weights.


Qin Zhibo frowned and thought of a possibility.

That is because the elevator technology of this era is not developed enough. Perhaps in order to ensure safety, the load safety threshold set by the manufacturer is lower than the marked load.

This is the so-called false labeling.

After all, this is an elevator from 1996, which is completely understandable.

You must know that the minimum load capacity of elevators in public places in the future will be 630kg. The situation in the elevator just now is completely fine even if there is one more person lying on the ceiling of the elevator.

After thinking about the elevator problem, Qin Zhibo spoke to Director Jinchuan next to him.

"Director Tsukawa, did Mr. Tamada take leave today? I haven't seen him since morning."

"Huh? Ah," the concerned Director Jinchuan next to him reacted for a moment before replying: "I haven't seen him come to work either. Maybe something happened at home."


Qin Zhibo nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Director Jinchuan rolled his eyes and asked: "You are someone who often reads books recently, right? What do you want to do with Tamada?"

"If it's something important, I can tell him about it after he gets to work."

Regarding Director Jinchuan's words, Qin Zhibo complained in his heart.

This is really strange. If there was something important, he would have given me his phone number directly. Why would he tell me on his behalf?

It's like you know he can't get through on the phone.

Although he thought so in his heart, Qin Zhibo still told Jinchuan about his agreement with Tamada Kazuo.

"Actually, it's not an important matter. It's just that Mr. Tamada and I made an appointment to sort the foreign books in the library warehouse."

"Oh, so that's it."

Qin Zhibo didn't notice that there was a glimmer of darkness in Director Jinchuan's eyes.

The elevator went down to the first floor and the elevator door opened. Qin Zhibo wanted to take the elevator back directly.

After all, there is nothing more shameful than wasting time on skill training accelerator cards.

But in the hall, Qin Zhibo saw an old friend.

At this time, Megure and two of his men stopped Director Tsukawa to ask about the disappearance of Tamada Kazuo.

At the same time, a new task appeared next to Qin Zhibo's field of vision.

Side mission: Looking for Tamada Kazuo

Mission requirements: 24 hours time limit

Task reward: 400 general skill proficiency, 100 social credit

When the task appeared, Qin Zhibo's eyes lit up.

Qin Zhibo: If you say you have a mission, then I won’t go back to study.

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