The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 27 Is this fucking seven years old?

Luminol, also known as luminol.

Even if the blood stains are carefully scrubbed, the luminol reagent can still detect the blood stains for a long time.

Although this is a professional forensic identification method, it is not a secret. It has been mentioned in many criminal investigation dramas, and Qin Zhibo naturally knows it.

But after listening to Qin Zhibo's suggestion, Officer Mu Mu looked a little confused.

"If you want to call in a professional forensic doctor to test the blood stains, you need to formally search the documents."

There are not many forensic doctors in Japan, and each one is extremely valuable. Even a police department like Megure cannot call a forensic doctor to the scene before a case has been filed.

"It doesn't require a very professional test. Just take the luminol reagent and spray it here casually. There is no need for a forensic doctor to come in person."

Qin Zhibo continued to persuade, and Officer Mumu was somewhat persuaded.

Although he couldn't call a professional forensic doctor, he still had the honor to borrow a bottle of luminol reagent from the forensics class.

Even if you don’t give Megure the face, you still have to give the face to Officer Sato, right?

As long as Sato takes action, there will be nothing that the entire Metropolitan Police Department cannot borrow.

"Well, you have a point."

"Who is that? Call Officer Sato and ask her to borrow a bottle of luminol reagent from the forensics department and bring it here."


The young police officer behind heard the sound and moved, but Tanaka Chishi on the side became anxious.

Having watched the popular detective drama "Detective Zuomonji" series on TV, Tanaka Tomoshi knows the function of luminol reagent.

As long as the police sprayed the bathroom with that stuff, their plan would be exposed instantly.

"No! This is absolutely not possible!"

"This is my house, I don't allow you to do any testing here!"

"You police officers didn't even have a search warrant. You just came to search my house because you listened to a few children's pranks. Are you still going to do testing in my house now?"

Tanaka Tomoshi's voice was very loud, he was blowing his beard and staring, and stopped the young police officers who were about to run out. He turned back to Officer Megure and asked for instructions on the next move.

Officer Memu gave him a look and swayed left and right, seemingly withdrawing his previous order.

After all, without a formal search warrant, the police would not dare to do too much trouble in other people's homes.

Just when the atmosphere in the house was a little stiff, a faint voice came out of Qin Zhibo's mouth.

"Are you in a hurry?"

Realizing that he had lost control of his emotions just now, Tanaka Chishi pushed up his somewhat confused glasses.

"I'm not in a hurry."

"But your expression just now was that you were anxious."

"I told you, I'm not in a hurry!"

"Look, you're anxious again. Look, I've said so much. Am I a little anxious?"

Conan rolled his eyes at Qin Zhibo's sophistry.

Conan: Nonsense, your feelings are not about you.

Qin Zhibo walked to the side of the Youth Detective Team and continued: "And you just mentioned the pranks of these children, but how are you sure that only these children saw the corpse here?"

"I am also a miscellaneous person who followed here. You shouldn't take it for granted that I am the guardian of these children. Have I also seen the bodies here?"

Qin Zhibo's two sentences once again aroused everyone's thinking.

Officer Mumu: Yes, when I came in, I only said that someone saw a body in the house. I didn’t say whether it was the children or Brother Qin who saw it. How could he conclude that it was the children who saw it?

CONAN: How come I didn't notice this flaw in the language?

Three little ones: This uncle is so handsome.

Under Qin Zhibo's verbal offensive, Tanaka Chishi held it back for a while and finally made up a decent reason.

"You wore the same style of clothes as this police officer, so I thought you were a police officer."

"Aren't you a police officer?"

After Chishi Tanaka pointed it out, Qin Zhibo and Mu Mu realized that today was another day where they were wearing matching clothes.

Memu lowered the brim of his hat with some embarrassment, "He is a detective."


"Anyway, I don't care why you suspect I have a body here."

"As long as you don't do any weird tests at my house, I can let you find happiness here."

"Anyway, my brother will be back soon. If you have any questions, just ask him."

After saying that, Chishi Tanaka went up to the second floor wearing a bathrobe.

"Look for it quickly!"

"The body must be in this house! Don't miss any corner!"

Officer Megure stood in the corridor on the first floor and directed his police officers to search the house.

On the one hand, Conan has recently been involved in several cases with Mouri Kogoro. Conan occasionally comes up with clues that make people believe that Conan is not the kind of kid who makes mischief out of nothing.

This is also reflected in the rise in social credit on Conan's head.

On the other hand, after Qin Zhibo's verbal teasing just now, even Mu Mu felt that there was something wrong with the owner of this house, and he was so repulsive to the luminol test.

With years of experience in handling cases, Mu Mu felt that this person definitely had something hidden in his heart.

But the system is the system. Without a search warrant, there is no way to test someone else's home, and there is no way to prove that a body was ever there.

But only if it is confirmed that there was a body here before, can we apply for a search warrant from above and conduct testing.

This is extremely contradictory.

In one of the rooms on the first floor, Conan and three other little ones were also trying their best to find the body.

Among them, Ayumi picked up a large vase and put her head in to look inside the vase, but the result was disappointing to Ayumi.


At this time, Qin Zhibo came over and said with a smile: "Little sister, you are in a good mood to want to help, but how can you hide a body in this vase?"

Facing Qin Zhibo's friendly suggestion, Bumi said with a serious face: "But the body may also be dismembered."

"As long as I chop it into pieces with a knife, can't I stuff it into a vase?"


Is this something a primary school student can say?

Qin Zhibo was speechless. After all, Qin Zhibo didn't understand the primary school students in this world.

At this moment, the little boy named Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya spoke.

"Ayumi, what this uncle said makes sense."

"It was almost 15 minutes from the time we found the body to the time the police came."

"Fifteen minutes are not enough to completely dismember an adult and hide the body without leaving any traces."

"Unless he has a tool like a chainsaw that can quickly cut up the body."

"But during the time we were squatting there, we didn't hear the sound of a chainsaw coming from the house."

"So the possibility of dismemberment should not exist."

"So Ayumi, let's find some bigger devices."

"I understand, Mitsuhiko."

Under Mitsuhiko's instructions, Ayumi put down the vase in her hand and headed elsewhere.

Qin Zhibo: Is this person seven years old?

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