The military officer was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

"Your Excellency's intention is to let them go downstream along the Long River... Your Excellency is really smart, killing two birds with one stone!"

"Hehehe..." Zhao Changhe laughed sinisterly.

The rest of the people around him, some understood and some didn't, but they all laughed along.

After a long time, Zhao Changhe finished laughing, his eyes narrowed into thin lines, and he murmured: "Chen Yan, Chen Yan, this time I want to see how long you, the little Qingshan County Magistrate, can hold on!"

Few people know that Zhao Changhe, the prefect of Longzhou, was ready to respond to the King of Yan not long after the rebellion began.

At that time, he was only one step away, and he led his troops to prepare to issue a manifesto to announce his rebellion against the newly enthroned female emperor Tang Yun of the Great Zhou.

As a result, the night before he took action, Chen Yan visited him.

What happened that night, he never mentioned to anyone.

But after that night, he immediately cancelled all his plans, as if nothing had happened.

Only his confidants knew that he had a great grudge against Chen Yan from then on.

Of course, even his confidants didn't know what the grudge was.

But his confidants could feel that Chen Yan seemed to have something on the prefect, so the latter didn't dare to deal with him openly, and could only do it secretly.

In the following years of war, Zhao Changhe did bad things secretly many times, such as leading the scattered rebels and bandits to Qingshan County, trying to kill people with borrowed knives.

But unexpectedly, these rebels and bandits never returned, as if they had disappeared, and there was no trace of them.

Zhao Changhe also sent people to Qingshan County many times to secretly inquire about the situation, but each time the spies returned empty-handed without any useful information.

He naturally didn't know that these spies were detected and captured by the scouts of the Nafu Camp as soon as they entered Qingshan County. Under the combination of heavy money and coercion, they all chose to betray Zhao Changhe and conceal the true situation of Qingshan County for Chen Yan.

Many of them even left the state army on the prefecture after returning to the state capital, claiming to be sick, and secretly moved to Qingshan County with their families.

In the end, Zhao Changhe had no choice but to scold those useless rebels and bandits.

But he never expected that this Jizhou uprising would give him a great opportunity!

After demolishing the bridge on the Long River, these refugees had no way to cross the Long River, which was more than 100 feet wide and more than 10 feet deep, on foot to go to Wuyin City, the state capital.

The only way was to go downstream along the river.

That direction was the direction to Qingshan County!

The Nafu Camp in Qingshan County had only a few hundred people, and there was no way to control such a large number of refugees. By then, Chen Yan might be killed by these refugees!

Even if he was lucky enough to escape, the court would certainly punish him and dismiss him for his poor handling of the refugees!

Zhao Changhe calmed down, turned his horse's head, and left Gaofeng with his men.

The rest was to watch the show secretly!

He sent out spies to follow the refugees in secret and monitor their movements.

Sure enough, two hours later, the refugees arrived at the Long River and stopped because they could not cross the river.

Then, they changed direction and went downstream along the Long River.

Everything was developing in the direction Zhao Changhe expected.

By dark, the refugee group had entered Qingshan County.

Zhao Changhe finally put his mind at ease and returned to Wuyin. While hugging his concubine and drinking and having fun, he waited for the spies to send back the news.

Not surprisingly, Chen Yan would soon send someone to ask him for help.

After all, Qingshan County was the last county in Longzhou, a place where no one would shit.

Originally, there were more than 10,000 people in the county, but when the imperial edict was issued to sort out the household registration, the population reported by Qingshan County had been reduced to more than 700 households, totaling less than 3,000 people.

It was a poor place with no people and no money. Not only could it not pay much tax every year, but it also had to receive subsidies from the state government.

According to spies, even the county government office was so poor that no one could live there. The county magistrate Chen Yan even lived in a thatched house!

It would be strange if such a poor county was not destroyed by tens of thousands of refugees!

The only way was to ask for help from the state government.

By then, Zhao Changhe would take the initiative.

"Hmph, Chen Yan, Chen Yan, if you didn't have the leverage over me, I would have dealt with you long ago!"

"You are lucky to be alive today!"

"No one in this world who dares to threaten me can live long!"

"This time, let's see how I deal with you! Hahahaha..."


Three days later, Qingshan County, Nafuying.

Chen Yan stood on the cement roof of a barracks, his eyes swept over the hundreds of people standing upright below.

Although everyone looked haggard, they all had bright eyes and were full of energy.

"Sir, this group of people was carefully selected by me from the refugee brothers."

"Everyone passed your devil test."

"Please" "Zhang Dabiao said as he stood beside Chen Yan. "How is their literacy level?" Chen Yan asked casually. "Two of them can recognize about 100 words, and they can pass the literacy test." "But the others are not so good at the literacy test, and the highest score is only about 20 points." "But I have tested their learning abilities, and they should not have any learning disabilities. "

Zhang Dabiao had been prepared. After all, he was the head of the Nafu Camp and a close confidant of Chen Yan. The relevant procedures were very clear and the preliminary work had been done long ago.

Chen Yan nodded.

The Nafu Camp had not recruited new members for a while, so it was time to add some new blood.

This batch of refugees, totaling more than 50,000, had all completed their household registration in an orderly manner during the three days.

Of course, these household registrations were used privately by Qingshan County, and the ones handed over to the higher authorities were the polished and modified versions.

He didn't want anyone to know that Qingshan County already had the current population size.

The refugees were not sent to work as laborers in a unified manner, but were sorted according to their characteristics.

Those with knowledge were sent to government schools or county offices, those who were good at farming were sent to various grain and fruit planting areas, and those who could forge iron went to blacksmith shops or iron smelting plants... Make sure to make the best use of everyone.

If there are laborers without any special skills, there are places to accommodate them in mining areas, forest areas or reclamation teams.

If there are really weak laborers, such as women The men and children will be raised by the county government for the time being, and will be taught knowledge or skills by people arranged by Chen Yan.

In short, let them integrate into the life here as much as possible.

However, before these, the one with the highest priority is the Nafu Camp.

Chen Yan knows very well that the first priority in troubled times is to be able to protect oneself. Only by surviving and taking control of one's own destiny can one complete other plans!

Therefore, the Nafu Camp has the highest priority.

These people selected by Zhang Dabiao will receive training courses designed by Chen Yan.

The pertinence and difficulty of these trainings are far superior to the training of ordinary troops in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Even the training received by Fenglingwei cannot be compared with the Nafu Camp!

In the end, everyone will become a sergeant who not only has excellent individual combat effectiveness, but also has strong teamwork and special operations capabilities.

As Xun Yufei said, if there really is a special force, it is only the Nafu Camp in Qingshan County!

"My lord! Zhao Changhe's spies are here again! "

A soldier from the Nafu Camp shouted as he hurried over from a distance, followed by two timid middle-aged men in hunter uniforms.

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