"Pass on my order. Anyone who dares to touch them will be chopped off!" Chen Yan said without thinking.

"Got the order! Huh? Wait, can't touch them?" Zhang Dabiao responded and then reacted, and was dumbfounded.

"Sir, didn't you just say that you wanted to capture them to entertain the troops..."

"You know nothing! This is called raising the price!"

"If I don't scare them half to death, how can I make a lot of money?"

Chen Yan said happily.

He really didn't expect the woman surnamed Zhou to be so reckless!

She actually brought people to kill him directly!

Originally, he didn't plan to make it so big, but when Tang Yun rejected him yesterday, this idea popped into his mind.

Her Great Zhou Chamber of Commerce is so rich that it can invest 100,000 taels of silver. It's not too much for him to squeeze her a little more, right?

Chen Yan didn't worry that the other party would really turn against him because of this.

After several contacts, he could see that what he had in his hand was a necessity for the other party!

Just be careful.

"Biaozi, go and take Miss Zhou to the cell. It's time to talk business with her!"


Tang Yun's face was gloomy as she followed Zhang Dabiao through the Nafu Camp.

She realized that this place was incredibly large.

It covers at least a thousand acres and has dozens of barracks of different sizes. The scale is far beyond that of ordinary Nafu Camps.

Moreover, the color of the tents is a little different. It seems that something is painted on them and smells a little spicy.

She also paid attention to the location of the barracks and the layout of the trenches. The more she looked, the more frightened she became.

The outermost camp wall was actually built with large pieces of stone strips, and the "cement" she had seen before was poured on it. The wall was more than five meters high!

Not only the outer walls, but also the trenches and ravines in the camp were built in a similar way, crisscrossing everywhere.

Some places were covered by large areas of grass or cloth, and it was even more mysterious that you couldn't see what was going on underneath.

And there were those barracks.

Generally, the important military camps are "tents" made of wood and cloth.

Some places have better soil materials, and sometimes the army will set up camps with mud and rocks as the foundation to build the frame, which is quite solid.

But there are very few tents in this place, almost all of them are barracks made of stone piles and cement, each of which is like a small fortress!

If a large army really invades and rushes into the camp, and street fighting breaks out, these soldiers in the Nafu Camp guarding these extremely solid barracks can also have a strong counterattack force.

What kind of Nafu Camp is this?

The defenses around the capital can be said to be the strongest in the world, but they are not of this scale!

Not to mention the hundreds of Fengling Guards she brought, even if she brought nearly 10,000 imperial guards, they might not be able to break through this camp!

This Chen Yan actually built the Nafu Camp into such a solid place?

"Go in!"

Tang Yun was thinking, Zhang Dabiao suddenly said

Tang Yun looked up and saw that she had arrived in front of a tall and sturdy barracks. There were several guards at the door, staring at her from head to toe.

Tang Yun felt ashamed and angry, and a wave of anger rushed to her head.

The great emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty had fallen to such a state. She must get back at him!

You, the surname Chen, wait for me!

While cursing Chen Yan in her heart, Tang Yun stepped into the room helplessly.

The barracks was very spacious, divided into a dozen single rooms, with thick iron fences as doors, obviously a prison cell.

At this time, all her Fengling Guards were locked inside.

Seeing her come in, all the women breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor is fine!

And it seems that the treatment is quite good. He is not tied up, and his clothes are neat. He has not been treated badly.

"Chen Yan!"

Tang Yun saw Chen Yan inside at a glance, and burst out two words from between her teeth.

"I know you are anxious, but don't be anxious."

"Before we talk about things, I would like you to watch a good show first."

"It's not too late to talk after you watch it."

Chen Yan said with a smile.

A good show?

Tang Yun was surprised.

What on earth is this guy doing?

At this moment, a lingering and gentle moan suddenly came from a torture chamber at the end of the cell.

The voice was extremely tempting and sad, and all these inexperienced girls blushed when they heard it.

Tang Yun was the same, but then she was shocked and said, "Are you..."

This guy actually brought her Fengling Guards to entertain the troops? !

This voice was clearly caused by a man and a woman's affairs!

Before Chen Yan answered, the door of the special torture chamber at the end suddenly opened, and two soldiers came out of the torture chamber pushing a wheeled iron cage.

In an instant, everyone was stunned, looking at the scene in the iron cage with their mouths open and their faces reddened!

Two beautiful women with ragged clothes were in the cage like lost souls, their faces flushed like blood,Cuddling and hugging, the unbearable expressions were revealed one by one!

Although Tang Yun was shy, she was still calm and quickly recognized who the two women were!

It was Deputy Commander Bai and Qu Moyue!

But the two women were no longer as heroic as usual, as if they were two female beasts who had forgotten everything.

But after all, they were both women, and they did not quench their thirst, but became more and more anxious and stuffy, and subconsciously tore their clothes.

Tang Yun finally understood what was going on with the tattered clothes on Mo Shuang's body.

It turned out that it was not someone else who abused her, but she did it herself!

"Asshole... Asshole! Stop... Stop!"

After being embarrassed and shocked, Tang Yun was furious.

This was simply a disgrace to her Fengling Guard!

If this were to get out, Fengling Guard would become a laughing stock in the world, and she, who had personally established Fengling Guard, would no longer have any dignity!

But the two women ignored her and continued to do as they pleased.

That foolish look made all the women feel ashamed, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at him again.

Oh my God!

Is this still the usual serious and heroic deputy commander?

"What kind of vicious means did you use on them!" Tang Yun turned to Chen Yan and said angrily.

"These treacherous women are trying to rebel against our Great Zhou. No matter what you do to them, it will not be enough to make up for their crimes!" Chen Yan looked righteous.

"You!" Tang Yun was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Look, you are in such a hurry, and you still dare to say that these sluts are not your people?"

"But you don't have to worry, they are just the beginning."

"These sluts under your command will inevitably be punished in the same way!"

"Of course, you, the leader of the sluts, should be punished more severely!"

"I have decided that not only will you be severely punished, but you will also be paraded through the streets!"

"So that the people of the world know what the fate of rebelling against my Great Zhou is!"

Chen Yan's words stabbed into Tang Yun's heart like a steel knife, making her heart instantly cold!

Be paraded through the streets like that? !


Absolutely not!

Then where is the majesty of her Great Zhou emperor!

At that time, even if Chen Yan, the bastard, was killed, it would be useless!

Thinking of this, Tang Yun panicked for the first time.

She even wanted to reveal her identity and give this bastard a good beating!

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