The carriage entered Qingshan County, and the bumpy ride along the way almost made Cai Dazhang vomit.

This broken place doesn't even have a good road. It's only a few miles away, and her carriage is about to fall apart!


Someone suddenly shouted in front.

The driver hurriedly stopped, and Cai Dazhang lifted the curtain to see a sturdy man standing in front, dressed as a soldier from the Nafu Camp.

"Excuse me, is this the carriage of Cai Dazhang from Lianggu County?" The soldier stood three feet away and asked with a bow.

"Yes, who are you?" Seeing that he looked gentle and seemed to have no ill intentions, the driver asked.

"I am a subordinate of Lord Chen. Lord Chen told me that if Cai Dazhang came here, I must treat him with courtesy. This road is not conducive to the carriage, please follow me." The soldier said, turning around and going into the woods.

The driver was stunned and turned to look at Cai Dazhang.

The latter was moved and nodded slightly.

That Lord Chen specially sent people to guard here, as if he had expected her to come, which surprised her.

However, the other party should not have any bad intentions. After all, according to Xiong Jin, Chen Yan has a team of extremely scary subordinates. If he really had bad intentions, he would not need to lure her here to attack, but would directly send people to her home.

The driver then drove the carriage and turned into the woods.

After a while in the woods, the front suddenly opened up and they were out of the woods.

"Huh? What is this!" The driver opened his eyes wide and exclaimed.

The head of the Cai family had been lifting the curtain to pay attention to the situation outside, and he was also stunned at this time.

In front of him, a wide and flat road came into view!

It was about three meters wide, with a gray road surface and no potholes.

The carriage was on the road, and there was no bump at all, and it moved forward steadily.

"My God! I have never seen such a flat road in my life!" The driver was extremely surprised.

"Big brother, what kind of road is this? When was it built?" Cai Da was also quite surprised and couldn't help turning around to ask the sergeant who led the way.

"This is the cement road in this county, which has been built for quite some time. However, ordinary outsiders don't know about it." The sergeant proudly puffed up his chest and answered, and then added, "Big Boss, just follow this road all the way, and just choose the wide side along the fork, and you will reach the county town. I have military affairs to attend to, so I won't accompany you."

Seeing him turn around and go into the woods again, Cai Da had a lot of questions in his mind, so he had to suppress them in his heart.

After the carriage went a distance, there were indeed two forks in the road, one on each side, and both were about half narrower than the road they were walking on.

The driver remembered the sergeant's instructions and just walked along the road.

After walking a distance, pedestrians and carriages began to appear in front of them, and occasionally there were people riding horses.

Cai Da Dangjia noticed the expressions of these people and saw that they all seemed to have no surprise. It was obvious that they had long been accustomed to this strange road.

They walked for more than ten miles, and from time to time they encountered narrow forks on the road. People kept coming from the narrow roads and onto the main road.

The originally empty road gradually became lively.

This made Cai Da Dangjia, who was originally quite nervous, feel relieved.

This road made her feel uneasy just now, and she wondered if she was dead. After all, that was something that could never appear in the world!

After walking a little further, Cai Da Dangjia was even more surprised.

There were too many cars, horses, and pedestrians on this road!

She looked forward and backward in the carriage and could see hundreds of feet. The road was full of people. A rough calculation showed that there were at least five or six hundred!

Didn’t it say that the entire Qingshan County might only have about three thousand people?

It couldn’t be that 20% of the population was concentrated here, right?

What's even more peculiar is that there are protruding areas on both sides of the avenue from time to time, as if they were specially arranged. Some people set up stalls there, selling fruits, tea, cakes and the like, and there are quite a few customers.

This place is even more lively than the most prosperous area in Lianggu County!

"Boss, do you want to take a break?" The driver looked at the food and drinks and couldn't help but turned back to ask.

The suspicious Boss Cai was about to speak, but suddenly saw something wrong in the distance, and immediately said: "Let's go over there and have a look!"

The carriage turned onto a narrow road and drove slowly along the road. Boss Cai looked from afar and saw that more than a hundred feet away, one after another strange ox carts were parked there.

The carriages at the back were all made of thick and strong iron sheets. Next to one of them, several strong men were using thick and long wooden sticks. I don't know what mechanism they used, but they actually stood the carriages up backwards.

As the carriage tilted, layers of dark grey, pulpy stuff kept pouring out and accumulating on the ground.

"What is that?"

The head of Cai was puzzled, and he saw the other oxcarts also followed one after another.One of them tilted the carriage and poured out the contents, which were all gray slurry. In a blink of an eye, a long section of about 30 meters long and 3 meters wide was piled up on the ground.

Then, more than 20 people used a long and wide wooden board as a scraper and worked together to scrape it across the surface of the slurry, and the surface was flattened.

After scraping five or six times, the slurry had been scraped quite flat, forming a road.

Then more than a dozen people were replaced to smooth the mortar on both sides of the road.

When the carriage of Mr. Cai approached, the mortar road had been almost completely cleaned, and someone pulled a huge cloth to cover the mortar road.

The carriage stopped, and Mr. Cai jumped off the car. Seeing that there were still many people standing by to watch the excitement, he couldn't help but go over and find a kind-looking old man to humbly ask for advice.

"Girl, you are from another place, right?"

"They are paving the cement road!"

"Our county is going to build the Third Ring Road, this is the northeast section."

"When it dries, it will solidify and become the road surface under our feet."

The old man was obviously a local and explained to her with a smile.

Cai Da Dangjia was surprised and said, "It was paved so quickly?"

There were about twenty ox carts and fifty people. They completed the paving of thirty feet of road so quickly, which was much faster than the paving of the highway!

She still remembered that she had seen the court paving the highway before. Thousands of people built a highway of about thirty miles, and it took two whole months!

"How can this be considered fast? Young people nowadays are really not good enough."

"If I were young, I would not be as slow as them!"

"If this continues, when will the Third Ring Road of our county be built!"

The old man shook his head and sighed as he spoke.

Cai Dada's eyes widened: "Grandpa, what do you mean by 'third ring road'?"

The old man explained: "It is the ring road surrounding our Qingshan County, from the first ring to the second ring and then to the third ring. After this road is built, the area inside will be included in the new district of our county. At that time, it is said that our county will be larger than Beijing!"

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