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Qin Yi was sitting on the back of the warhorse, laughing, and said: "I said the counselor of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. Now, you are your Khan in our hands. How can you say that? It has become in your hands. Going on, should n’t we be in our hands? In my opinion, we can sit down and negotiate. Your tiger and wolf tribe will become an affiliated tribe of our two tribes. It is enough to build an empire, and then, establish trade institutions with each other, establish business contacts, promote cultural exchanges and integrate with each other. "

He said so on his mouth, but anyone with a little brain can think of what he said and so on. In fact, didn't he invade the Tiger and Wolf tribe?

"Warriors of the Duanmu tribe, you are shameless!"

Behind the carriage, beautiful Khan angered.

Qin Yi glanced back at the carriage and didn't say much. Then he turned to Lu Dongfu and asked confusedly: "Right, don't you have received a good news at this moment? This shouldn't be."

"What good news?"

Lu Dongfu frowned and asked in confusion.

"A good news from Haza City."

Qin Yi smiled faintly.

"A good news from Haza City?"

Lu Dongfu became more and more confused, but after all, he was a strategist around Khan, and he was quite agile in thinking, and he immediately wanted to understand the reason, and he was shocked and angry: "So this time, you played like a soldier. Two ways? Damn, you only have 20,000 soldiers attacking Bano City. I should have thought of you playing this way. "

In an instant, he became cold hands and feet. Before in Bano City, he sent a scout and went to Haza City to report on the capture of Khan. When the army of Bano City came out, the consequences would be unimaginable ...

He stood on the back of the giant elephant, and the whole person became lost. He suddenly screamed: "Give me all these people, save Khan, and rush to Bano City!"

"woo woo woo woo……"

The horn on the six-headed giant elephant instantly played and shocked people.

"Boom!" "Boom!" ...

As the trumpet sounded, the tiger and wolf soldiers in front were the elite soldiers who rushed forward, and the human soldiers behind the tiger and wolf soldiers also burst into a monstrous shouting, waving the long knife in their hands, followed by Quickly rushed over.

Looking at the front, the tiger wolf soldiers, Qin Yi, and the generals' temples rushed violently, holding the war knife tightly, their eyes wide, and the time for the final battle was finally arrived!

When the tiger wolf soldiers in front of the ground rushed into the range of the feather arrows, they saw Fengyue Yu'er, and suddenly dropped the bow that had already been drawn into a full moon. They suddenly released three feather arrows and broke into the air, respectively shooting three tiger wolf soldiers. In the body, the huge impact force drove the three tigers and wolf soldiers out, and fell to the ground.

"Give me arrows!"

Fengyue Yuer shouted, and took three feather arrows from the back of the quiver like lightning, took the arrow, opened the bow, and let the arrow go in one go.

With her order, more than three thousand crossbowmen released arrows at the same time. They took the arrows to release arrows at a very fast speed. For a while, the feather arrows poured out like a cloud.

The tiger-wolf soldiers were shot directly into hedgehogs, screaming incessantly, but in a moment, hundreds of tiger-wolf soldiers died under the chaos.

It's just that these tigers and wolf soldiers are not afraid of death under the blowing of the huge horn, staring at the densely shot feather arrows, rushing forward, wild and exposed, vowing to make the front elite Warrior, torn into a crushing trend.

The human soldiers in the rear are using these tigers and wolves as cover to sprint crazy.

The six giant elephants have already put away the huge horn and rushed towards it. The horn is retractable section by section, so it is convenient to put it away. The thick elephant legs of the six giant elephants pedal on the ground, The whole grassland was blocked and violently shaken.

The tiger wolf soldiers came very fast. Under the desperate sprint, Fengyue Yu'er's bow and crossbow team couldn't resist, and soon rushed down the hillside.

"Brothers, kill me!"

Qin Yi suddenly shouted, and the long knife was on the **** of the war horse, and suddenly shot, and the horse rushed down the hillside. In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the tiger and wolf soldiers, and saw the war knife in his hand constantly flying As soon as he entered an unmanned state, the tiger and wolf soldiers were soon beheaded by the knife.


"Fight against them!"

The soldiers behind him had already slammed one by one, riding a war horse, waving a long sword, and quickly rushed down, and Fengyue Yu'er's bow and crossbow team, under the direction of Fengyue Yu'er, all jumped On the horse, he sprinted while shooting arrows.

This battle was finally started. The elite led by Qin Yi already had the determination to fight desperately, and the soldiers led by Lu Dongfu were desperate to save their Khan, and then hurried to Kaza , To stop the rescuers who are rushing here from Haza City, and then return to Haza City together, besieging the main forces of the two tribes Duanmu and Fengyue in Haza City. This is the only way they can save this situation. .

The two armies are determined to fight for a battle. It is completely conceivable how fierce this battle will be.

The exchange of arms between the two armies did not take long, and the casualties on both sides were very heavy. The number of soldiers on Qin Yi's side was less than 10,000, and the number of one killed was one less.

The number of chasers led by Lu Dongfu is nearly ten times the number of elite soldiers. Lu Dongfu commanded their tiger and wolf soldiers and human soldiers to directly surround them. This intention is very obvious. To kill this elite soldier here.

Fortunately, their Khan is still in the hands of elite soldiers, so that they are still somewhat wary, otherwise, these thousands of soldiers, even if they have the ability to fly, can't resist, these come from Pakistan Nuocheng's chasing soldiers.

Qin Yi was trapped in a tiger and wolf soldier, and he cut off a fierce tiger with a knife, looked back, and saw that the little tiger was closely behind him. The childish face was already covered with blood, and it looked a bit daunting. terror.

Seeing Qin Yi looking back, Xiao Huzi raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face, hey he smiled and said: "Brother Qin Yi, killing the enemy with you is fun, really **** fun!"

Then he suddenly shouted again: "Young Master, how many tigers and wolf soldiers have you killed? I have already killed 13 heads, hehe!"

But in the sound of fighting, Duan Muhen's voice sounded from the other side: "Little Tiger, paralyzed, how can you kill so fast, so far, I have only killed nine heads!"

"Haha, Young Master, I said you counsel, you still don't believe it, do you see it now?"

Xiao Huzi laughed, riding a warhorse and rushing towards a giant blue-haired wolf, that giant blue-wolf was also powerful, and he saw him rushing to him, and immediately roared, his thick hind legs struggling and leaping high , With a big mouth in the blood basin, looked at the little tiger on the horseback's back to bite off.

Little Huzi didn't dare to be indifferent. His upper body suddenly tilted back. The whole person was lying on the horse's back, and the sword in his hand was suddenly erected.


The blue-haired giant wolf is extremely powerful, and he is still in the air. Even if he sees the war knife clearly, he ca n’t hold the flutter. The war knife suddenly draws a long line on its belly, even The internal organs have fallen.

The blue-haired giant wave thumped down in front of the warhorse without any movement.

Little Huzi jumped from the horse's back, raised his hand and wiped the wolf blood on his face, and laughed happily: "Young Master, I killed another one, fourteen!"

"Damn, how could this be?"

Duanmu was so angry that he was vomiting blood, and suddenly he waved his sword like crazy and rushed towards the tiger wolf soldier in front.

Seeing that the two of them were madly beating the tiger and wolf soldiers, he was a little funny in his heart. He carried a **** sword and glanced around, and found that this was just a moment of kung fu, and there were hundreds of soldiers who died in Under the sharp fangs of the tiger wolf soldiers, the casualties of the tiger wolf soldiers are even more severe. The casualties must have been counted in thousands.

The battle was too fierce. There were corpses everywhere on the ground, elite soldiers, tiger wolf soldiers, and human soldiers from the tiger wolf tribe.

The grass on the ground has been dyed red, and the blood mist is thick, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood.

The soldiers and horses of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, under the command of Lu Dongfu, have already besieged thousands of elite soldiers and regiments, advancing layer by layer, and the encircling circle has been continuously reduced. The position keeps coming, like six hills.

"Warriors of the Duanmu tribe, give up unnecessary resistance, if you insist on fighting to the end, you will all die here, and no one can go back alive!"

That road Dongfu stood on the back of a giant elephant, drinking in his mouth.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw three feather arrows, with a sharp sound of breaking through the sky, and shot towards him. In the blink of an eye, he shot to the front. Lu Dongfu was shocked and widened for a moment. The eyes froze there, but fortunately the few soldiers beside him reacted quickly, hurriedly waving their long swords, and shot down the three feather arrows, but the huge impact of the arrow, but the arm of the soldiers, were It felt numb.

This archery man, Huo Ran is Fengyue Yu'er!

I saw that she was riding on the war horse, and the wind rushed towards the giant elephant that Lu Dongfu was riding on. The red tabard behind her, and the wind and the wind fluttered like a blazing flame. Arrows were shot from the bamboo tent on the back of the giant elephant. One by one human warriors, the middle arrows fell one after another.

That way, Dong Fu was frightened, and hurried directly to the back of the giant elephant. A branch of feather arrows screamed past his head, making him pale and shouting, "All soldiers listen Order, strangle this elite army here, save Khan, don't leave any one alive! "

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