The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2017: Little Tiger

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"Boom!" "Boom!" ...

At this moment, a loud noise came from the front.

Qin Yi, Duan Muhen and others looked at it, but they saw the gate that was closed tightly and suddenly pushed it open slowly.

"This is Xiaohuzi they opened inside."

Duan Muhen, the wonderful young master, reacted extremely quickly, and immediately shouted with excitement.

Qin Yi was thinking hard about how to open the gate of the city. Who thought that at this moment, dozens of soldiers such as Xiaohuzi, Duanmulu, Lu Tiemu who had entered the city before, even opened the gate from inside.

"Brothers, kill me!"

Qin Yi held the knife in his hand and beat it fiercely on the **** of the war horse. The wind rushed forward.

They only have dozens of people, but at this moment they have to fight against the tiger and wolf tribe soldiers in the city, and they have to push the gate open. Qin Yi, who is outside the city, came in with their 10,000 soldiers.


"Go and plunder their wealth!"

"Go **** their women!"

More than ten thousand soldiers screamed in unison, brandishing a dagger, riding a war horse, rushing towards Bano City in a row like a mountain, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed to the gate of that city.

The gate of the city was being slowly pushed open. Qin Yi looked inside. Sure enough, only three of them, the small tiger, led dozens of soldiers. They were desperately pulling the gate and everything in the city of Bano.

I saw that there were rockets, torches and corpses everywhere in the city. People were already in a mess, wearing head-to-head mice, a team of human soldiers and tigers and soldiers, quickly rushed from a distance to kill.

"Qin Yi, quickly, lead the brothers into the city!"

Seeing that Qin Yi led more than 10,000 soldiers, he had rushed to the gate of the city gate, and the little tiger who was struggling to reach the city gate shouted suddenly, beckoning to Qin Yi continuously, his childishness in his helmet had not faded. The face is full of excitement.

These dozens of soldiers obviously had a fierce battle with the army of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. Everyone was colored, some soldiers were still injured, and more than a dozen soldiers were already lying. Still motionless on the ground, apparently dead.

Although there were only brief battles in this Bano city before, the disparity between the enemy and us was too great. No matter how powerful these dozens of soldiers were, it was impossible for the tiger and wolf tribes in this Bano city to contend.

Although the army of the Tiger and Wolf tribe has basically moved to Hazaa at this time, their queen is still here, and there must have been considerable military force left here.

At the moment, the remaining dozens of soldiers, desperate to go to the gate of Lana, regardless of their injuries, such a situation in front of them, as long as they are not fools, they can think of how to open this gate, what is the battle The important thing is, if you can't get in outside the city, these soldiers, even if they have the ability to fly in the sky, don't use it.

"Xiaohuzi, you are really good!"

Qin Yi couldn't help but toward Xiao Huzi and others, giving a thumbs-up and carrying a sword. "Brothers, as long as we rush into the city, this battle will win half!"

"Hey! Brother Qin Yi, I have long heard that you are a heavenly soldier and a general, and those who came to rescue our two tribes, Duanmu and Fengyue, are working hard to open the city gate!"

Little Huzi laughed excitedly.

However, as soon as his words fell, there was a flash of flash behind him, and the air broke out, and he instantly stabbed behind the small tiger, which was a spear.


A loud noise!

With this loud noise, Qin Yi outside the city, his body trembling consciously up and down on horseback, an unspeakable extremely bad feeling suddenly rushed in his heart.

He glanced at it. Sure enough, the flying spear directly pierced Xiao Huzi's body and nailed him to the gate.

The corner of Xiao Huzi's mouth twitched violently, and looked at Qin Yi from afar. The childish face quickly became pale, and there was a trace of despair in his eyes: "Brother Qin Yi ..."

"Little Tiger!"

"Little Tiger!"

Duanmuhen and other generals who rushed behind him could not help but stunned when they saw this scene clearly, and they all exclaimed, and then saw Duanmuhen struggling to wave his sword: "Kill, give the dead brothers revenge!"


In the sky of killing, more than 10,000 soldiers waved their swords and rushed into the city like a tide. Although it is night, the torches everywhere have already shone this ancient Bano city as bright as the day.

In the city of Bano, all the tall tiger wolves, under the waving of a human warrior wearing golden armor and nearly two feet, were also madly rushing towards the gate of the city. The blood basin has a large mouth and long fangs, which makes the scalp numb.

Qin Yi sat staring on the back of the war horse, staring blankly at the little tiger who was nailed to the gate by the human soldier of the tiger and wolf tribe.

At this moment, he couldn't feel all the swords and swords around him. In his eyes, only Xiao Huzi's pale and desperate face.

In his mind, the scene that the big army had not yet left the Duanmu tribe, the little tiger's maiden, carrying a basket of buns and chasing the big army slowly emerged.

His head was full of buns that were covered in sand, and the little wrinkled face of the little tiger's mother kissed the ear, echoing the way, "big brother Qin Yi" with a cry.

"Xiaohuzi, I promised you that your mother would definitely bring you back to the Duanmu tribe ..."

Qin Yi murmured, his eyes were moistening rapidly, and there was endless sorrow in his chest.

"You bastard, still in a daze at the moment, our army will be wiped out before you even look back, all your previous efforts have been in vain!"

An angry scream came from behind.

At the next moment, a bow and crossbow was a polite "snap" sound, pumped fiercely on Qin Yi's back, but it was Feng Yueyu who rushed up later, behind her, followed by the five Thousand archers.

At this time, Feng Yueyu held the crossbow tightly in his hand, his face was a little pale, Xing Xuan stared, staring at Qin Yi angrily.

The spine was painful, and Qin Yi recovered, only to find that the little tiger, whose spear was nailed to the city gate, had closed his eyes and pulled his head. There was a trembling, red blood flowing continually.

Duan Muhen has led more than 10,000 elite soldiers, and has already arrived at the gate of the city, brandishing his sword, and madly slashing towards the gate. Has rushed to the gate of the city, is resisting inside.

During the battle between the two armies, the dozens of elite soldiers who had entered the city suddenly fell down again, leaving only seven or eight people. That was just halfway through the city gate. Back to customs.

"Brothers hold me up, in any case, I can't let this city gate back!"

Duan Muhen's eyes were blood red, round, and his mouth roared.

The dozens of soldiers who had mixed in before had already died to this point. If the city gate is closed again now, it will be impossible to open it again.

The generals were also able to realize this. They were also crimson with eyes like wild beasts, and there was a thick violent air on their bodies, holding a strange knife and slashing towards the city gate.

"Go to hell!"

An angry scream, sounded from behind.

The generals were stunned, and could not help but look back, but they saw that Qin Yi had no idea when he had stood directly on the horse's back, that Junyi's face, the expression of grief and anger, and madness in his eyes Killing intent.

Seeing him like this, the hearts of the soldiers all burst uncontrollably with a chill.

Qin Yi had already thrown the Modao in that hand, struggling to throw it into the city. The Modao drew a cold awn, crossed the top of the generals, and shot into the half-open city gate, taking it straight Human soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe.

Just listening to the sound of "chirping", the human soldier of the Tiger Wolf Tribe only felt a stroke in front of him, and then, a huge head flew up, and then rolled down on the ground.

With a knife, just behead this human soldier of the Tiger and Wolf tribe!

As soon as the human soldier of this tiger-wolf tribe died, an exclamation sounded in the city of Bano, but Qin Yi's movement didn't stop. He took a closer look and caught the strange knife in the hand of a soldier beside him. The famous soldier recovered, Qin Yi had already jumped up on horseback, looted out, holding the swaying Modao, and slashing towards the city gate.


In the loud noise, the mountain was shaken.

The dense tiger and wolf soldiers in the city were all shocked and flew out, and fell to the ground, then the gate was originally closed, and all opened at once.

Qin Yi's body, without any pause, followed with a glance, landed, and looked down at the ground. The bodies of dozens of elite soldiers quickly rushed to the front of Xiaohuzi.

"Little Tiger!"

With a slap in the palm, he cut off the spear inserted on his back. Qin Yi picked up the small tiger son with one hand and tried it under the nose of the small tiger son. He suddenly relieved his breath: okay, there is With a faint breath, Xiao Huzi did not die completely.

"The city gate is open. Brothers, kill me in!"

Duan Muhen saw Qin Yi's knife and split the city gate directly. After blinking in disbelief, he quickly recovered his mind and waved the knife in his hand. He took the lead and rushed into the city. go with.

This end of the wood marks, although wonderful, but has a rare blood, do n’t forget, he had almost cut Lu Yuyu with a knife a few times before.

"Kill, avenge the dead brothers!"

The gates of the city had been opened, and all the elite soldiers were shouting in unison. The tide flooded into the city, and the five thousand archers who led her by Fengyue Yu'er also followed and rushed in. City comes.

In an instant, more than 10,000 elite soldiers were fighting with the tiger wolf soldiers of the tiger and wolf tribe.

The whole city is full of swords and swords, killing the sky.

At this moment, all the soldiers and the blood in the body are boiling to the extreme. The round-stool is like a bloodthirsty beast. The tiger and wolf soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe are obviously trained for many years. Incomparably, the movement is also exceptionally vigorous. That tiger is a long-distance, it is more than ten years long, and the impact is very terrifying. Even some soldiers who have broken through to the emperor's path, if they are hit by them, they are directly hit by the impact.

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