The God of War Challenging Heaven

Chapter 2007: Grab food

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Qin Yi took out the map again from the package on the back of the war horse, confirmed the direction, and waved forward again, but the march was not fast. First, the hundreds of thousands of troops led by Duan Muxue at this time, definitely He hasn't reached Haza, his elite army, and a lot of time.

Secondly, Fengyue Yu'er's bow and crossbow team must also start collecting two materials for making rockets. The dry grass is easy to find. This grassland is full of flammable vegetable oil. Some people have trouble, and they must be sent out. Look for a tree in the grassland, use a knife to break a hole in the tree pole, and then fix a container underneath to let the vegetable oil slowly flow out of the tree pole.

Fortunately, the prairie is not all grass, there are trees in some places, but it grows sporadically.

More than 20,000 elites went all the way and drove towards Bano City.


A fast horse rushed into the distance, and soon came to Qin Yi's front. He jumped off the horse, hit one knee on the ground with one leg, and reported to Qin Yiwen: "A hundred and twenty miles ahead, I found The city! "

A city!

It is said that Qin Yi, Yuan Wu and Feng Yueyu all couldn't help but stunned and looked at each other there. Isn't there only some sporadic tiger and wolf tribe residents in the Ha Da Mu prairie? Why did another city suddenly appear?

"Yuan Wu, what do you think about that city?"

Qin Yi looked at Yuan Wu, who was a native of the Duanmu tribe, and he knew more about the tiger and wolf tribe than the warrior from the mainland of Kyushu.

"There will be a city on the Ha Damu prairie, which is really puzzling, and the scouts sent before have never heard them report this."

Yuan Wu groaned and asked the spy who was kneeling on the ground on one leg: "Tell me, what is the city like?"

"Yuan reported to General Yuan that the soil dug in that city was still fresh, and it should have been built within two years. Moreover, the scale of the city was not very large, and the construction was not simple, nor were the tigers and soldiers stationed in the city. Many, only about hundreds of people. "

The scout reported in detail.

A newly built castle, poorly constructed, not many tigers and soldiers stationed in the city, these confidences made Qin Yi, Yuan Wu, Feng Yueyuer all frown, and fell into contemplation, they all There is an intuition that the appearance of this castle is definitely not simple.

Qin Yi took out the map, and with Yuan Wu and Feng Yueyuer, carefully scanned it again.

"Now, we should be in this position, this position on the left is the old capital city of Ao Nuo Tribe, Anuo, and this position on the right is the new capital city of Hu Lang tribe Haza."

Qin Yi held the pen in his hand and pointed on the map.

At a certain moment, his eyes lighted up: "Yuan Wu, Yu'er, you see, it's about 120 miles away from us. It's about this location. If we connect Bano, the newly built capital, and Kazaa, the three places are connected. Get up, it's a straight line. Hey, God help us! "

That Fengyue Yuer thought a little, and immediately smiled, and even patted the delicate palm: "Great, we will take this city down first."

Yuan Wu ’s reaction was a little dull. He looked at the map for a long time, but he could n’t see the reason. He could n’t help but looked up at Qin Yi and Feng Yueyu: “Why should we take this city? This time, is n’t our task to win the city of Bano? I think, before I reach Bano, I still try not to have extra branches. "

"Yuan Wu, we have started from the Duanmu tribe and have been marching for nearly a month now. The food and grass we have brought have almost been eaten."

Qin Yi said: "With the grain we have left now, it is estimated that you can eat Banuo in front of you. If you don't want to wait for Banuo, you just have to wait to starve to death there. Now we are going to start looting the grain here. But having said that, I do not have the heart to ransack the grains of the hands of unarmed people. Their grains are all exchanged with sweat. If it is less than a last resort, I really do not want to do such a thing. "


Qin Yi's remarks made Yuan Wu confused, talking about the new castle. Why did Qin Yi suddenly get involved in the grain and grass? However, he also knew that what Qin Yi said was a fact.

Seeing that Yuan Wu was still stunned, Feng Yueyuer smiled lightly: "Brother Yuan Wu, and obviously, this newly built castle is a temporary place for food and grass in the Tiger and Wolf tribe. The Tiger and Wolf tribe collected the food and transported it. Here, Haza sent people to transport the grain and grass to Haza. The capital of Haza is such a big project. What do the builders eat? Moreover, most of the residents of the Tiger and Wolf tribe are still in Bano. They have n’t had time to relocate to Hasa, they ca n’t collect food locally, they can only collect it here and then transport it to Ha’a. ”

After hearing this, Yuan Wu came to understand it. He was overjoyed and shot his thigh: "It's so good, we will take it as a city occupation. Once we can fill our supplies, we can break the tiger and wolf army. The grain and grass are really two birds with one stone! "


Qin Yi nodded, and there was a touch of excitement in his eyes: "We took that grain depot and garrisoned there. When the grain-feeding army of the Tiger and Wolf tribe transported grain and grass into the city, we God unknowingly transported them away, and then hurried to Bano, leaving an empty city there. "

This is how things are settled. The elite army will capture the grain storage of the Tiger and Wolf tribe and ransack their grain and grass, but now it is the daytime. When the evening did not pass, take the grain depot again in one fell swoop.

The weather in this Kazakh Prairie is really good. At night, the moon stars are sparse, and no trace of clouds can be seen in the night sky. The silver moonlight pours down, covering the entire Kazakh Prairie.

Such a night is most conducive to marching!

Qin Yi led 20,000 soldiers and set off quietly along the way. Hearing this trip, he was looting the grain storage of the Tiger and Wolf tribe. The soldiers were all very excited, riding horses of war and holding strangers. The knife, then the moonlight rushed.

After a few hours, a castle appeared in their sight, standing quietly under the moonlight, and it seemed very quiet, there was no sound. Obviously, the garrisons here had already fallen asleep at the moment, they I never dreamed that Qin Yi and their elite army would directly cross the Tianmeng Mountain Range and appear in the Ha Damu prairie.

Through the moonlight, we can see that the city is indeed not very big, it is square, it is built with a tube of tree poles, and there is only one gate, although it is a castle built of tree poles, it is very Sturdy. Said it is a castle, in fact, it is more suitable to call it a wooden shed. The two closed gates look very heavy.

Qin Yixian let most of the soldiers ambush around this grain depot, and Fengyue Yu'er's bow and crossbow team also ambushed, leaving only a hundred people, walking towards the gate of the city with himself and Yuan Wu.

Although the precautions of this grain depot were lax, there were still soldiers sent out. Two guard posts were built on both sides of the gate of the grain depot. At this moment, there are two tiger and wolf tribes in those two sentry posts. The soldier, holding a long knife, stood guard there.

Then in the moonlight, Qin Yi found that the two soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe were no different from ordinary people, and they couldn't help but whisper: it is not the army of the Tiger and Wolf tribe, but the tiger and the wolf. Normal human?

Yuan Wu beside him saw through the suspiciousness in Qin Yi's heart and laughed: "Qin Yi, a resident of Tiger and Wolf tribe, is a normal human being, but their totem is a combination of tiger and wolf, so tiger and wolf are in them. In their eyes, they are gods, and they are born with magical powers that can summon Hu and the wolf to fight for them. "

It turns out so!

Qin Yi was clear.

Before people arrived at the gate of the city, they only heard a whizzing sound, and they shot a feather arrow in the night and inserted it in front of the Qin Yi horse.

As the arrow shot over, a tiger-wolf tribe warrior on the sentry tower also cried out with a clatter. Qin Yi heard a mist, turned to look at Yuan Wu with confusion, and Yuan Wu said: " They are asking why we have n’t shipped grain and grass? What should we say? "

Yuan Wu is an aboriginal of the Duanmu tribe, and has been serving as a general in the elite army. He must have negotiated with the tiger and wolf tribes. It is normal to understand the words of the tiger and wolf tribe.

"Just say to the man, we are the first to explore the way, the grain and grass will come later, let them quickly let us in."

After a little deep thought, Qin Yi said to Yuan Wu.

Yuan Wu nodded and translated Qin Yi's words. The two tiger-wolf tribe soldiers on the sentry tower, although confused, rushed down quickly and pushed the door open slowly. One foot thick, the soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe looked a little hard to push up.

However, just after the gate was pushed down halfway, the soldiers of the Tiger and Wolf tribe suddenly appeared extremely panicked and yelled. He called, and the man on the other sentry tower also screamed with serge, and at the same time He also hurriedly took out the bow and arrow, and panicked toward Qin Yi and others.

"No, they recognized it!"

Yuan Wu shouted.


It was actually recognized!

Qin Yi was taken aback, and when he was about to wave his hand, "What did you froze? Brothers killed me!"

With his order, more than a hundred soldiers were holding their feet, as if the arrow was out of the string, and rushed over the speed. The tiger and wolf tribe soldier who opened the door had not had time to close the door. Crowd in, and what surprised Qin Yi was that at this time, the young tiger, who was only 16 or 7 years old, was extremely brave. He took the lead, raised his knife, and rushed into the city in the blink of an eye.

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