The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 773 Mr. Grindelwald, history is always written by the victors!

Austrian magic world, Nurmengard.

This is a cold, dark tower. Even in July, Nurmengard, the tower that imprisoned the first generation of Dark Lord, is still covered with snow.

The golden red fire flashed at the entrance of Nurmengard, and three figures appeared here.

"I am about to meet an old friend again, Professor Dumbledore, I wonder what you think?"

Irina smiled and looked at Dumbledore standing in the middle.

Dumbledore looked at Nurmengard with mixed feelings. After shaking his head gently, he motioned Lynn and Irina to follow him and walk towards Nurmengard.

When they arrived at the door of this towering building, the three of them saw a line of words that had become a little blurred under the wear and tear of the years: For the greater good!

Lynn and Irina looked at the line of words thoughtfully, not knowing what they were thinking.

Dumbledore felt bitter in his mouth. He stopped reading the words and took Lin En and Irina to the top floor of Nurmengard Tower.

It was a cold, drafty room. In bad weather, hail would even hit through the wooden boards on the top. But in such a room that was completely unsuitable for human survival, there was an old man who was about to die.

This old man was the once powerful Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald, the Dark Lord who almost ruled the entire magic world and rewrote the history of wizards!

This lonely room was empty except for a hard bed. Obviously, when those people from the International Confederation of Wizards decided to let Grindelwald imprison himself in Nurmengard, they did not intend to let him live well.

In addition to using magic to regularly send the most basic food, which was not even as good as the food of the house elves, to ensure that Grindelwald would not starve to death so easily, they did not provide Grindelwald with any living supplies!

This made the old man look sloppy, sick, dirty, and even dying after more than 50 years of suffering!


Dumbledore opened his mouth slightly and called silently, his eyes moistened inexplicably.

Ever since he defeated Grindelwald in front of the world, he had been hiding in Hogwarts Castle because of his heartbreak, and never saw the boy in the midsummer again.

Dumbledore thought that Grindelwald imprisoned himself in Nurmengard to atone for his sins, and he should have basic living security.

However, Grindelwald's situation was even worse than the refugee concentration camps in the Muggle world.

In other words, if the person living in this cold, leaky room was not a demon king-level wizard, but a Muggle or an ordinary wizard, I am afraid that the person living here would die in despair!

The environment here is worse than Azkaban Prison and the newly built magic prison!

There are no Dementors that absorb happiness here, but there is ice and snow that freezes the bones. Besides, he has lost his beloved and his ideals are shattered. Can he really be happy? !

There is no power to seal magic here, but the Elder Wand is no longer in his hands. How can he still have the desire to cast spells when he has lost his dreams and his beloved? !

If he still wants to cast spells to survive, he will not stay in this bad Nurmengard!

After all, what else can imprison a demon king-level wizard? He imprisoned himself in Nurmengard just because of the infinite sorrow after his heart died!

In the cold room, the old man seemed to have noticed something, and he slowly looked in the direction of Dumbledore.

However, after seeing Dumbledore's tearful figure, he was stunned.


Grindelwald said softly.

Fifty years later, the frustration, anger and complaints, the ideals, conspiracies and careers of the past have gradually disappeared with the wear and tear of time, and what remains are only the memories and longings of everything in that midsummer.

Soon, Grindelwald's violently fluctuating emotions stabilized again. He looked at Dumbledore calmly and said softly: "Al, you can come to see me in person. I guess something big has happened in the magic world?"

"To the point that... you, the greatest white wizard of this century, have to come to see me, a dirty and despicable sinner?!"

Grindelwald smiled self-deprecatingly and said.

Lynn and Irina stood quietly in the distance, not disturbing the first reunion of the old man who had been separated for more than fifty years.

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald in front of him with a complicated expression. He had thought about what it would be like to see each other again, but when all this really happened, everything... returned to calm.

"Yes, Gale, something happened in the magic world..."


After an unknown amount of time, Grindelwald shook his head gently. He looked at Lynn and Irina who were hiding in the corner, trying to reduce their presence.

Grindelwald said lightly: "Come out, two young people."

Lynn and Irina came over. They all leaned slightly towards Grindelwald and said in unison: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Grindelwald."

Grindelwald looked at the two with interest. Even though he had heard some of the stories about Lynn and Irina from Dumbledore and knew that Dumbledore was willing to come to see him, it was also because of the two people who fanned the flames.

But after seeing the performance of the two facing him, he was still a little surprised. He asked: "Don't you care about my identity? The wizard spurned me and called me the Dark Lord who started the war, but you are …”

Linn interrupted with a smile: "You are worrying too much, Mr. Grindelwald. History has always been written by the victor. If you were the victor, who would call you the Dark Lord? Now, we are also planning Plans to repeal secrecy laws, whether it’s integration plans or whatever.”

"Magical Congress of the United States will oppose us, even at the cost of launching a war. So, what if they win? There is no doubt that I will become the Dark Lord, and Irina will become the Dark Lord, once called the greatest of this century. Professor Dumbledore, the White Wizard, will also become the Dark Lord.”

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit after all. As a former leader, you must understand this all too well. Of course, you also know that the reason why we come to you is not because we support your ideas. , it’s not that the crime you committed is hidden, it’s just that we have a common goal and we need your help!”

"Therefore, there is absolutely no need for us to be like those politicians, pretending to be confused and testing each other out. Why don't we be more straightforward, Mr. Grindelwald, are you willing to join our plan? The price may be your life, but The reward is that your sins will be wiped out in the eyes of the world, and you will be able to return to the sun."

Lynn said softly. (End of chapter)

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