The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 767: The magic world is in danger, and the international secrecy law is no longer confidenti

Soon, it was the third year since the Goblin Rebellion ended and MACUSA withdrew.

With the arrival of July, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also ushered in this year's summer vacation. More than fifty young wizards from the D.A. Army reserve forces have become official soldiers in the British wizarding world, and more young wizards have It was a joy to return home.

On this day that should have been full of joy and laughter, the atmosphere in the Auror office was full of tension, and every Auror's nerves were tense.

"Director! There is a serious shortage of Auror manpower and reinforcements are urgently needed!"

A new Auror who had only joined the Auror office for less than a year hurriedly walked into the Auror office and said to Scrimgeour.

In the past three years, the Auror Office has expanded its recruitment several times, and a large number of regular members of the D.A. Army also hold Auror positions, which has increased the number of Aurors in the Auror Office to more than 2,000.

But even so, the things that have happened continuously in the past two years have still put a lot of pressure on the Auror office. Their manpower is insufficient, far from enough!

Scrimgeour stood up. He looked at the new Auror and frowned: "How is the situation?"

The new Auror said eagerly: "It's very urgent! In just three days, two leaks occurred near London. Three Muggles witnessed the process of wizards casting spells!"

"That's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that those three Muggles reported everything they saw to the London Police Department, and those bastard Muggle police officers took the surveillance of the scene and reported it to them. The process of the wizard casting a spell under surveillance is uploaded to what Muggles call the Internet!"

"According to information from the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, the Reversal of Accidental Magical Events Team, and colleagues from the Memory Cancellation Command, more than 3,000 Muggles have watched relevant surveillance videos on the Internet! This number is still increasing. , these are just the leaks that have emerged in the past three days!”

"We have to contact the Muggle Prime Minister, hoping that they will set up a department to supervise the network and provide convenience for us to log out our memories. But even so, our manpower is still far from enough! The frequency of leaks and the difficulty of covering up are all Straight up!"

The new Auror said this.

According to the original historical trajectory, the British Muggle community should have established a cyber police force in 2001. However, due to frequent leaks in the wizarding world, this process was advanced by two years due to negotiations between the Ministry of Magic and the British Muggle Prime Minister. .

Scrimgeour's frown deepened.

As early as more than 20 years ago, Muggles invented surveillance, but the Ministry of Magic at that time did not care about it. In their view, they only needed to delete the surveillance and remove those who had seen the surveillance. Just log out the memories one by one.

But now, with the popularity of the Internet in the UK, everyone can upload their own videos to the Internet for more people to watch.

When seeing something as magical and incredible as magic, the first reaction of most British people is to film it and publish it on the Internet!

This is a good thing in the Muggle world, but for the Ministry of Magic in various countries, this makes them feel miserable.

The existence of the Internet has made it more difficult for wizards to maintain international secrecy laws. It is not just the British wizarding community that suffers from the Internet, but the wizarding community of all developed countries and countries with higher technological levels around the world!

The wizards have worked hard to cancel the memories of Muggles, but their actions are like putting out firepower. Not only can they not completely solve the problem of the International Secrecy Act, but they will suffer even greater backlash the day the magic world is completely exposed!

Under this situation, wizards in the wizarding circles of various countries have proposed the idea of ​​abolishing the international law of secrecy.

Today's international secrecy laws no longer allow wizards to survive in Muggle society, and under surveillance and the Internet, the wizarding world will have no way to hide. Wizards can no longer hide themselves, let alone keep secrets.

The calls for the abolition of the International Statute of Secrecy are getting louder and louder, and the Ministry of Magic in various countries is secretly discussing related issues, that is, whether the International Statute of Secrecy should be abolished or retained, with the exception of one magical community.

That is the Wizarding World of the United States. Unlike other countries where the Ministry of Magic has connections with the Muggle leaders of various countries, the Magical Congress of the United States has absolutely no connection with the Muggles, or according to American wizards, with the No-Maj government.

Due to historical issues left over from the establishment of MACUSA, there has always been a hostile relationship between MACUSA and No-Majs, which makes it impossible to establish any cooperation between the two.

The Magical Congress of the United States, which cannot cooperate with the local No-Maj government, will naturally not agree to the draft to abolish the International Secrecy Act, because that will mean that the American wizarding community will become the target of public criticism.

Their inability to cooperate with Muggles will give them a huge advantage over the wizarding world in other countries, which the MACUSA, which has a high self-esteem, cannot tolerate.

Facing the voice of the country's magical community, the MACUSA's approach is to suppress, that is, to arrest all wizards who make calls for "abolition of the International Statute of Secrecy" and impose punishments!

The domineering behavior of MACUSA has aroused dissatisfaction among local wizards and the surrounding magical community. However, due to the mechanical army of 10,000 people controlled by MACUSA, no one dares to openly oppose the policies of MACUSA.

After all, for now, the methods adopted by the Magical Congress of the United States of America are only used on local wizards, unlike the No-Maj government, which governs the affairs of other countries according to its own laws.

Since MACUSA has not affected its own magical world, the surrounding Ministry of Magic has naturally chosen to sit back and watch. The only ones who have stronger resistance may be some local wizarding groups in the American magical world.

However, this is limited to the attitude of the Magical Congress of the United States towards the people who have raised their voices.

At the meeting of the International Federation of Wizards, the attitude of the representatives of the Magical Congress of the United States was as tough as ever. They firmly opposed the proposal to abolish international law.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to threaten the Ministry of Magic of those small countries with interests or even force, asking them to join with them in opposing the proposal to abolish the International Statute of Secrecy.

These are all things for later.

Scrimgeour looked at the newcomer Auror in front of him and said in a deep voice: "Report this matter to Minister Crouch. We need the assistance of the Muggle Prime Minister, and Minister Crouch is the only one who can directly communicate with the Muggle Prime Minister. people to meet.”

"If you want to erase the memories of all Muggles who have watched this surveillance video, you must find their addresses along the Internet, and only the newly established Internet Police Department of the Muggle government can do that."

Scrimgeour said. (End of chapter)

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