The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 753 Undercurrents surge, the immortal mechanical army!

Lin En came to the time-stopping formation, and with a gentle wave of his wand, the glowing alchemy formation disappeared like melting ice and snow.

In the center of the time-stopping formation, Dumbledore seemed to have sensed something. He opened his azure eyes and looked at Lin En through his half-moon glasses.

"It's time to get up, Professor Dumbledore," Lin En said softly, "Voldemort has been destroyed, and the curse on you can be removed."

Dumbledore stood up, and with a thought, the remaining curse power in his body was completely removed, and the black lines covering his body also disappeared, and his scorched hand returned to normal.

"Thank you, Lin En."

Dumbledore said sincerely.

If it weren't for Lin En's proposal to use the time-stopping formation to stop the spread of the curse and give him the opportunity to remove the curse, he would have no chance to witness the beautiful magic world in the future.

Even though Dumbledore firmly believed that death was another great adventure, since there were still things in this world that he was nostalgic for, he was not in a hurry. After all, the train that symbolized this adventure would always stop at the station, waiting for his arrival.

Dumbledore looked at Lynn and Irina with a smile, and asked softly: "Lynn, you must have merged with Fox's phoenix blood talent, right? Can I know what blood talent you have obtained? Irina, you must have also learned my water prison spell, right? Can I know what you have realized?"

Hearing this, Lynn and Irina looked at each other.

Lynn told that he had obtained the fire of Nirvana, could release flame phantom like a phoenix, and that the flame he mastered had the same therapeutic effect as the phoenix tears.

And Irina showed Dumbledore the water prison curse and ice prison curse that she had studied based on the water prison curse.

After learning that Lin En and Irina had gained so much, Dumbledore's eyes were shining, and he also showed a sincere smile.

Dumbledore woke up from the time-stopping formation, he regained control of Hogwarts Castle, and announced his return to the entire British magic world.

The British magic world fell into a carnival again, and the intensity of this carnival was no less than the day when Voldemort was eliminated.

The chocolate frogs in Honeydukes were snatched away by fanatical wizards, just to get Dumbledore's cards from the chocolate frogs. Some wizards even took advantage of the situation and made a batch of portraits or figurines of Dumbledore's appearance to make a quick buck.


The elimination of Voldemort and his forces, as well as the return of Dumbledore, made the entire British magic world full of laughter.

The British magic world has three demon king-level wizards in charge. In the eyes of everyone, the British magic world has entered a long-term peace, and no one can threaten the existence of the British magic world.

But is this really the case?

Maybe... not necessarily? !

At this moment, in the meeting room of the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

"Mr. Chairman, our mechanical army has expanded to 10,000 people, and 10,000 mechanical soldiers are on standby at any time!"

Josué smiled and looked at Ares Craig, the chairman of the Magical Congress of the United States of America, and said lightly.

Ares nodded. He looked at Josué not as if he was looking at his subordinates, but with a bit of awe and admiration. He immediately said: "In this case, it is time to start our plan. The magic world only needs a magic government, and that magic government will be the Magical Congress of the United States of America!"

After Josué created an alchemy chip that could carry the consciousness data of wizards, the Magical Congress of the United States of America passed the plan to build a mechanical army. Now, this mechanical army composed of 10,000 mechanical soldiers created by alchemists will become an immortal army!

After the Magical Congress of the United States of America has been searching for nearly a hundred years, there are as many as 10,000 wizards like Elebik who have uploaded their consciousness data and become the operators of mechanical soldiers.

Alchemists who have mastered the technology of mechanical soldiers can already produce more mechanical soldiers on an assembly line, and the alchemy chips that store the consciousness data of wizards can also be artificially reproduced by alchemists headed by Josue.

This means that the consciousness data of Elebik and others will be preserved forever.

Even if the mechanical soldiers on the battlefield are completely destroyed, even the alchemy chips carrying the consciousness data will be destroyed.

But the alchemists in the underground laboratory of the Magic Congress of the United States only need a few minutes to install the artificially reproduced alchemy chips into the new mechanical soldiers, presenting an alternative resurrection!

This makes this mechanical army in a sense indeed achieve the so-called immortality. As long as the Magic Congress of the United States is still there and the underground laboratory is still there, these mechanical soldiers can be resurrected from the laboratory continuously!

The magic world is accustomed to comfort. The only violent agency controlled by the Ministry of Magic of most countries is the Auror Office, and the number of Aurors in those Auror Offices is mostly only a few dozen.

Even under the threat of Voldemort, the British Ministry of Magic, which has continued to grow, only has a few hundred Aurors.

However, the current MACUSA has a mechanical army consisting of 10,000 mechanical soldiers. The combat power of this mechanical army has exceeded the total of the Ministry of Magic of all countries in the world except the United States!

The mechanical soldier ignores the three unforgivable curses and other dark magics targeting the soul, and is not affected by curses and other physical functions that damage carbon-based life, and can cast spells like normal wizards.

This allows the mechanical soldier to have the combat power to fight multiple Auror-level wizards on its own!

With such a large army, the Magical Congress of the United States will naturally breed the ambition to annex the magic world and become the overlord of the magic world, which is also inevitable in human nature.

In fact, as Nicolas Flamel once mentioned, the human alchemy plan of the Magical Congress of the United States was launched a hundred years ago.

But unlike the almost blatant implementation today, human alchemy was not generally accepted by the officials of the Magical Congress of the United States at that time. It was only a private decision made by some of the high-level officials of the Magical Congress of the United States, which made the laboratory hidden very deep.

So deep that even Grindelwald at that time did not realize the human alchemy experiments hidden underground in the Magical Congress of the United States.

There seemed to be a gleam in Qiao Sue's eyes, and he chuckled and said, "The magic world is obsessed with the peaceful appearance, but they don't know that under that appearance, undercurrents have long been surging!" (End of this chapter)

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