The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 750: The Covenant of Mind and Image, the Lost Memories of Lin En and Irina!

I don't know how much time passed before the flames and ice in the room reluctantly dispersed. Lin En and Irina let go of each other's bodies. Their eyes looked at each other, both filled with surprise. .

"It really works! The blending of ice and fire, what a wonderful magic it is!"

Irina said cheerfully.

Lin En also nodded with a smile, but soon, he seemed to think of something again, and he said: "By the way, I also learned another contract magic from the teacher. That contract magic is called the Contract of Mental Image, and its conclusion The method is similar to that of a blood pact, but the painstaking efforts of both parties involved in the contract need to be used.”

"After concluding a contract of mental images, the two parties will have the same thoughts. Even if they are thousands of miles away, when each other wants to call each other, the other party will be able to hear each other's thoughts! This kind of contract is called mental images. The contract magic of a contract can only be concluded once in a lifetime. So, Irina, are you willing to conclude a mental contract with me? "

Linn looked at Irina and asked softly.

Irina's eyebrows were crooked and she said, "You know my answer."

Irina put the wand against her heart, and the next second, a drop of bright red blood flew out from her heart, suspended between Lin En and Irina.

Lin En also took out a drop of his own blood. After he taught Irina the spell to make a contract, he merged their blood together.

Later, Lin En and Irina held each other's hands and softly chanted the incantation to form a mental contract.

The mysterious aura lingered around them, and they felt that their bond with each other became deeper and deeper, and their thoughts became more accessible, as if the other person was another one of themselves.

They can feel each other's emotions firsthand, a solid bridge seems to be built between their heads, their thoughts can be connected, and their bodies and minds seem to be blended together...

After the conclusion of the mental image contract was completed, Lin En and Irina let go of each other. They looked into each other's eyes and saw themselves reflected in each other's eyes.

After Linn and Irina formed a blood alliance and a mental contract, time quickly came to the third day after the war ended, which was the day Professor McGonagall agreed to meet Linn and Irina.

Lin En and Irina walked together and arrived at Professor McGonagall's office as scheduled.

"Professor McGonagall, is there any special reason why you called us here?"

Lynn asked straight to the point.

Professor McGonagall nodded kindly and asked softly: "Lynn, Irina, have you ever noticed that something is wrong with your memory, or that a certain memory has been erased?"

Upon hearing Professor McGonagall's words, Linn and Irina were stunned for a moment, and then immediately checked their memories.

Soon, the expressions of both of them changed, and their faces became ugly.

Linn looked at Irina and found that a section of his memory had indeed been erased. He told the memory that he could not find.

From Irina's horrified expression after hearing this, Linn could tell that the memory of Irina's disappearance was probably the same as his!

After checking his memory, Lynn discovered that the last time he met Dumbledore was when he walked into Dumbledore's principal's office with Irina, Professor McGonagall, and Snape that day.

From the time he walked into the principal's office until he left the principal's office, all the memories during this period disappeared!

He only remembered that he, Irina, Professor McGonagall, and Snape were called to the principal's office by Dumbledore, and stayed in the principal's office until dark, and then returned to the dormitory to rest exhausted.

But he forgot what he actually experienced in the principal's office!

The same goes for Irina!

While Lin En and Irina were confused, Professor McGonagall signaled them to relax.

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall turned around and took out two bottles from under her desk that were very familiar to Linn and Irina. They were two "cloud synchronization" memory bottles refined by Linn himself!

Professor McGonagall said softly: "This is your memory, and it is also the memory that you extracted personally. And I, Minerva McGonagall, the custodian of this special memory, will do my part after this war is over. I have the responsibility to return the memories I have kept to you!"

Looking at the "Cloud Sync" memory bottle in Professor McGonagall's hand and listening to Professor McGonagall's words, Lin En and Irina seemed calm, but there was already a turmoil in their hearts!

The memories they... extracted personally? !

What does Professor McGonagall mean by custodian...? !

With a lot of doubts and puzzles, Lin En and Irina both took over their own memory from Professor McGonagall. They used their wands to remove the silver-white thread that the memory had turned into from the bottle. He pulled it out and injected it into his mind.

In an instant, a large number of memory fragments flashed before Lin En and Irina's eyes, and they immediately understood the whole story!

Rewind time to the moment when Lynn, Irina, Professor McGonagall and Snape walked into the Headmaster's office.

"Albus, why did you come to us for something?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the old man sitting behind the desk and frowned without leaving any trace.

There was no other reason. Dumbledore looked really bad at this moment. His face was as pale as paper. It was more appropriate to describe him as a candle in the wind.

Dumbledore smiled bitterly and stretched out his scorched hand.

The scorched hand seemed to have been completely carbonized. Not only that, there were dense black lines running up Dumbledore's arm, which made Dumbledore's entire arm faintly show signs of carbonization.

The black lines spread all the way to Dumbledore's heart. When the curse power contained in the black lines erupted, Dumbledore's life would end!

After seeing these black lines, Lynn, Irina, Professor McGonagall and Snape all looked condensed.

Snape walked forward quickly and grabbed Dumbledore's hand covered with black lines. He said in a deep voice: "The power of the Dark Lord has become stronger, which makes this curse powered by the Dark Lord more powerful."

Dumbledore was not surprised. He asked calmly: "How long do I have?"

Snape frowned and said in a low voice: "Less than two months! The power of the curse has spread to your heart. Even if you and I work together to suppress it, we can't suppress it for too long." (End of this chapter)

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