The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Chapter 719 I can only send you on your way, Mr. Death Eater!

According to the memory of going to Avery Manor that he had searched out from the Death Eater's mind, Harry walked forward with his wand.

Harry no longer took detours, but arrived outside Avery Manor at the fastest speed. He looked at the seemingly empty space in the distance. He knew that Avery Manor was in this space, but the protective magic made him unable to see anything.

Just as Harry walked out from behind a big tree and was about to lift the barrier of protective magic and enter Avery Manor, five more Death Eaters with bitter faces suddenly appeared from the air.

That was because they left the area covered by the protective magic of Avery Manor and were able to be seen by Harry.

From the expressions of these five Death Eaters, they were probably sent by Voldemort to find the missing snake Nagini, but they didn't know that the Horcrux snake they were searching for had long been destroyed by Neville, the future leader of their D.A. Army.

Harry laughed in his heart, but he was not slow at all.

Before the Death Eaters saw Harry, Harry quickly shook his wrist holding the wand, and five disarming spells broke through the air almost instantly.

The Death Eaters were already listless, and for a moment they were unable to guard against this sudden attack. One of the Death Eaters was immediately knocked out by a disarming spell, and his wand also flew out of his hand.

Although the other four Death Eaters were unable to cast a spell to defend in time, they subconsciously dodged to the side and narrowly avoided the red beams that attacked them.

"Damn, what are those gatekeepers doing? The enemy has reached the door! Cruciatus!"

A Death Eater cursed loudly, and when he raised his hand, a Cruciatus Curse attacked Harry.

Harry dodged the Cruciatus Curse of the Death Eater sideways, and raised his hand to cast an Explosive Curse at the Death Eater who was hit by his own Disarming Curse.

The flames burst out, devouring the life of the Death Eater who lost his wand, and the air wave that swept over also forced the four Death Eaters around him to retreat, making it impossible for them to organize an effective counterattack in the first place.

"God's Sharpness!"

Harry waved his wand again, pointing at a Death Eater whose steps were a little flustered under the air wave.

The Death Eater was busy escaping the residual power of the Explosion Curse, but did not notice that Harry's wand had already pointed at him, and the invisible blade instantly cut off his head!

The remaining three Death Eaters were a little dizzy. They did not expect that they had five people, and the opponent was just a little wizard wearing a Gryffindor wizard robe, but they lost two people in just a few rounds.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A Death Eater roared regardless, and he raised his wand.

Harry chuckled, and in a flash, he appeared five meters away, avoiding the Kedavra.

Perhaps there are restrictions on the anti-Apparition spell in Avery Manor, but outside the area covered by the protective magic, Harry's Apparition is not restricted at all.

Even though Harry did not apply for the Apparition test in advance like Irina, after practicing Apparition for several months, he has long been able to perform Apparition stably in battle without the phenomenon of splitting.

The moment Harry's feet landed on the ground, he raised his wand and fired another Divine Sharp Shadow.

However, the Death Eater who released the Killing Curse, when he saw Harry's wand pointed at him, thought it was not good and subconsciously dodged to the side.

This prevented the Divine Sharp Shadow, which was originally heading straight for the Death Eater's heart, from killing him directly, but instead cut off one of his arms.

The scarlet blood splashed out, adding a bit of madness to the battle.

The other two Death Eaters pointed their wands at Harry, and several black magics as dark as ink broke through the air.

Harry Apparated again, and with the sound of an explosion, he appeared behind one of the Death Eaters who was casting dark magic.

Harry calmly placed the wand in his hand against the back of the Death Eater, and the corner of his mouth raised more and more.

Feeling the wand against his back, the Death Eater stiffened and dropped his wand, indicating that he had given up resistance and hoped that Harry could spare his life.


"Mr. Death Eater, you don't think I will let you go, do you? Smash to pieces!"

Harry's teasing voice sounded, and a crushing spell exploded against the back of the Death Eater.

A huge bloody hole appeared at the heart of the Death Eater, and the Death Eater's body slowly fell down.

Seeing such a bloody scene, the only two remaining Death Eaters were both in tears.

Who is the dark wizard? !

The two Death Eaters felt that they were like innocent and stupid students compared to Harry, who was the evil dark wizard!

Looking at Harry, whose mouth was wildly raised and bloodthirsty murderous intent flashed in his eyes, the hands of the two Death Eaters holding their wands were already trembling.

"Hahahaha! Shadowless!"

Harry laughed wildly, waving his wand, and cast another Shadowless Curse, cutting off the head of the Death Eater with a broken arm.

Harry's eyes turned to the last Death Eater, who had been frightened and lost control of his bladder, and liquid could be seen flowing down the Death Eater's trouser legs.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Death Eater. For the sake of greater peace in the wizarding world, I can only send you off first! Thunder Explosion!"

Harry said in an extremely gentle voice. He lightly threw out an orange beam of light, and then stopped looking at the Death Eater, letting the flames that swept up engulf the Death Eater's body.

The air waves generated by the explosion blew Harry's wizard robe high up, like a superman flying in the air.

Harry walked to the edge of the protective magic of Avery Manor. His wand poked forward lightly, as if it hit an obstacle, and then Harry lifted his wand upwards.

Just like a curtain being lifted, the hidden magic of Avery Manor was completely invalid, and the manor appeared in front of Harry.

The protective magic was triggered, which made Voldemort and the Death Eaters in Avery Castle feel the arrival of the invader. Before Harry entered Avery Manor, hundreds of figures appeared in his field of vision.

Among these figures, the leader was Voldemort, who was wearing a black robe and had scarlet eyes like snakes.

"Harry Potter..."

Voldemort looked at Harry standing at the door of the manor in surprise.

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