Lin Nan created wind power in the cabin alone, so that the boat kept floating in the air.

Like a spaceship, soaring in the sky—

On the Reid, who left the Capital of Seven Waters ahead of schedule last night, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face and red hair couldn't help but look up when he heard the movement in the sky above.

Suddenly, his face full of vicissitudes was full of surprise.


Shanks muttered to himself, and then, soon he noticed that the ship seemed to have a sense of déjà vu, always feeling like he had seen somewhere—

"Boss, how can that ship fly in the sky!"

A fat man eating chicken thighs, chewing chicken thighs, asked curiously.

"A restaurant on the sea?"

After scrutinizing it for a while, Shanks was no longer calm.

"I'll just say how can that ship be so familiar!

Shanks looked at the 'spaceship' in the sky in a daze, and his face was full of horror.

Boat –

How can you fly in the sky?

The Blind Sea Restaurant quickly surpassed the Red Ship, which had left the Capital of the Seven Waters last night, and when another half hour passed, a huge warship appeared below the Blind Sea Restaurant.

And on this warship, there is an old man wearing a dog's head mask.

The old man looked up in question—his face was glazed, and the doughnut in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

"Flying? The ship is—"

Karp looked at the familiar ship in the sky with burning eyes, and was extremely surprised—

After two hours have passed—

An island appears underneath the Taste of the Sea Restaurant.

"This must be the Chambord Islands, right?"

Jinping looked at the island below, a hint of hesitation flashing in his eyes.

"That's right, this is the Chambord Islands—"

Hawkeye Mihawk, who was holding his arms, nodded and said.

"It's time to land. "

Coldly hearing Lin Nan's voice in their ears, Hawkeye Mihawk and Jinping couldn't help but look sideways at Lin Nan who was walking slowly behind them and had a sweaty face.

Seeing Lin Nan come out, Jinping held back for a few hours, and couldn't hold back any longer, he hurriedly asked, "Lin Nan, this boat is flying, has something to do with you?"

"Well, I tried a new device that has not been used on the ship. "

Lin Nan nodded.

"What kind of magical device is that? It can make a ship fly in the sky?"

"I told you that you don't understand. Lin Nan said with disgust.

"Hey-I said, if you don't say it, how can you make a random conclusion and say I don't understand? Tell you, Lin Nan, don't look down on people-"

Jinping clenched his fists and said dissatisfied.

"That ship—"

Jinping was furious, however, Lin Nan directly ignored Jinping's face at this time, and then, his eyes were attracted by a pirate ship that stayed on the outskirts of the Chambord Islands-

Seeing the boat below, Lin Nan was so excited that tears flowed out.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Lin Nan's hand couldn't help but put his hand on Jinping's fat face, squeezed it hard, and then asked, "Does it hurt?"

"Lin Nan, you're looking for death, aren't you?"

Suddenly pinched by this guy's face, the corners of Jinping's mouth wrinkled, and he said in a cruel tone.

"It doesn't seem like it's a dream. "

Lin Nan looked at Jinping's angry fat face and nodded slightly.

"It's time to go down. "

After that, Lin Nan wiped the sweat from his forehead, and once again used the trick of supporting the wild goose, using the wind to drag the blind sea restaurant and slowly put it down-

It stands to reason that as soon as Lin Nan leaves the cabin, he will not be able to continue to fly in the sky as soon as he leaves the ship.

And just now, he was able to come to the deck and talk to everyone, and the hull did not have any tendency to fall, that is, when Lin Nan walked out of the cabin, he kept supporting the hull with the flying geese, so that it did not fall down.

Originally, he wanted to descend slowly, but the moment he saw the pirate ship below, he gave up the idea of descending slowly, and used the way of supporting the flying geese to speed up the speed of the ship's descent.

Isn't that ship Boya Hancock's ship?

So much so that when Lin Nan saw that ship, he thought he was dreaming!

The new task is to explain that he wants to win the favor of Hancock, it seems that the system has the ability to predict in advance, and it seems that it has already guessed that it will meet Hancock in a short time, right?

The hull of the ship was getting closer and closer to the sea, but there was a trace of irrepressible excitement in Lin Nan's eyes!


He had seen the ship's Hancock, who was rumored to have a beautiful face and a devilish figure.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, Lin Nan suddenly realized that Hancock's beauty was even more moving than he imagined!

I can't help but think of Hancock's experience, her character, and her style of dealing with the world.

She is the strongest in a country, and in a country where status is determined by force, the weak can only gain sympathy, and the strong can only be respected. With her outstanding strength and overlord spirit, she has gone from an obscure commoner to the king of a country, and is admired by all the people.

She is the king of the Seven Martial Seas, a powerful pirate recognized and actively cooperated by the world government, and she led her pirate group to win a bounty of 80 million berry with just one expedition. His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas is not only a recognition of the strength of this pirate empress, but also a kind of glory for this pirate country.

She has peerless beauty, no matter men, women and children, no matter what personality will melt in her watery eyes, she interprets the beauty of the world to the extreme. She is a cold king, she keeps a certain distance from the people, and it seems that no one can really come close to this king except her sister and the mother-in-law who once brought her home. She rejects all forms of courtesy, and even the gifts carefully prepared by children will be ruthlessly ruined by her.

She always shows her majestic image, and the little animals that stand in her way will be kicked away.

She has a lot of halos on her head, and she reigns over the world and is admired by all the people. She is an iceberg, beautiful but prohibitive.

Lin Nan thought that in the anime, if the Grand Palace was deserted and alone, she could finally remove all her defenses, but the moment she faced her true self, a touch of melancholy flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The imprint on her back was like a flame that kept burning, and she was awakened by burns in her sleep countless times.

17 years ago, their sisters became slaves of the Draconians, and since then they have lived as slaves for 4 years. (It's ten years before Luffy went to sea, which means she's only 19 years old now, and she's just come out of her ordeal, and it's been three years.) )

Slaves, for many people, are a distant thing. Few people can appreciate what kind of ordeal this is.

In the indifferent and contemptuous eyes of the world's aristocracy, she lost her former liveliness and self-confidence, and her dreams were buried deep in painful memories.

In those desperate days it was a luxury to smile, self-esteem was a fantasy, and freedom was a luxury.

When despair strikes again and again, she can only look up at the sky, because here, there will be freedom.

Now she has escaped, but her soul is still trampled under the feet of the dragon's hoof, and she can only live in fear and inferiority every day.

She is still a slave, and the runaway slave is also a slave, and the slave is the "property" of the master, which the world government acquiesces in.

A slave is a "person" with a trademark attached to it.

This is actually another Boya Hancock, a small and helpless slave.

She has all kinds of halos shining on her head and a brand of shame on her back. Her heart is half wings of freedom, half closed prison.

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