Even if Lin Nan hid in the kitchen, he couldn't panic in his heart, he was too impulsive just now-

One didn't hold back, and scolded the two big guys!

He really sweated, but the good thing was that Karp and Shanks seemed to have a good temper and were not dissatisfied, which made Lin Nan puzzled.

"Do you know Lin Nan, those two people?" asked Jinping while washing chives next to him.

"Of course I do. Lin Nan nodded.

"Now that you know, you dared to yell at them just now?Fortunately, those two guys didn't get angry, otherwise you'd be finished!" said to Lin Nan with a sigh of relief, as if this matter was also related to his life, and he was even more nervous than Lin Nan.

"Roar, roar, what are you afraid of?" Hawkeye Mihawk said to the other guests as he said to the two beside him.

"That's right, it's all in the past - he didn't have a seizure, which is already a blessing. Jinping nodded in agreement.


And Karp and Shanks, who were sitting at a table outside, had a tacit understanding and didn't look at each other squarely.

"Grandpa, red-haired uncle, do you want tea?"

Little Nami, who has orange hair, walks out carrying a kettle.


Both nodded at the same time.

The two tacitly understood as if they hadn't heard each other's words.

Nami had two small shallow dimples on her face, and she poured tea for the two of them on tiptoe.

"Slow down!"

After Nami said politely, she walked away with the tea.

"Hey, stinky old man, I see if you've been idle all day and have nothing to do, why are you here in the capital of seven waters?"

Shanks found the atmosphere a bit dreary, so he opened up the conversation to Cap.

"The old man's ship is broken, of course he is here to repair the ship!

Karp didn't look at Shanks, but picked up his tea and drank it.

"Same. Shanks smiled and said, "Besides, I have a question that I'm curious about!"

"Say, don't sell it. Karp said impatiently.

"Since you're in the navy, why don't you arrest the owner of this restaurant? He's a sea thief with a bounty of 200 million!"

Shanks also took a sip of tea and looked at Karp with a smile.

"He, when I find out the truth, it's not too late to arrest him. Karp said awe-inspiringly.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to still uphold this style of acting, you are the most special one in that bunch of navy, right?" The red-haired Shanks said with a smile: "Except for you, other naval corporals, major generals, lieutenant generals, and admirals will not be like you, as long as they give orders from above, whether they are above or not, they just arrest people, and you are different." "

"We, the Navy, have always upheld the style of justice! No one will do anything that hurts nature and reason, everyone has their own views on justice, and every navyman has his own way! I just do things according to my personal habits! I don't want to arrest a person who has been falsely accused. "

Karp slammed the teacup in his hand on the table and said lightly.

"What a justice!" said the red-haired Shanks, sneering at this, and then added, "You are really similar to your grandson!"

"Of course my grandson, he's like me, and he's going to be a great navy in the future. Karp said in a decisive voice.

"Not necessarily, that kid swore to my face that he would be a pirate and a navy?

"When a pirate?" Hearing this, Karp's face instantly turned blue, and he remembered in his dream that when he left the East China Sea, Luffy's kid was shouting that he wanted to be a pirate, and he inexplicably added a hat, and Karp of that hat was very familiar, and he ran around the world after the owner of that hat.

At that time, Karp was surprised, why did One Piece's Gore D Roger's hat be on his grandson's head?

It wasn't until he heard the red-haired Shanks that he understood what was all about.

After the death of Gore D Roger, his hat was given to Shanks, who gave it to his grandson!

Karp's old face twitched, no wonder his grandson was yelling about being a pirate all day long, and even after suffering countless times from himself, he was unwavering in this belief.

Karp clenched his fists and squeaked, and yelled at Shanks: "Don't be delusional, my grandson will stay in the Navy Headquarters forever for the rest of his life!

"Why are you so sure?" said Shanks, with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Then why are you sure that my grandson will be a pirate?" Karp laughed angrily.

"With that, I bet it on your grandson. "

Shanks showed his defunct left arm, a faint smile on his face.


When he saw Shanks' left shoulder, Karp's eyes suddenly widened, and his face was full of shock: "Your left hand—"

PS: It was supposed to be updated in advance.,It turned out that I was called to drink again and came back at 11:50.,I made up for it when I came back.,This chapter on the 26th.,I'm sorry.。

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