"That's good, but where is the owner of this shop? Why don't you say hello when you see a customer coming, even if the boss doesn't show up, you have to come out with someone to help, right?"

Jinping looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the man in front of him with a smile on his face: "Are you a waiter in this store?"

"I'm a waiter?"

The smile on Lin Nan's face froze, and he rolled his eyes in his heart, "Oh yes! Lao Tzu is the owner and captain and chef of this restaurant~Captain!

Where do I look like a waiter?

"Yes, aren't you a waiter?" asked Jinhei, puzzled.

"Ahem—I said dude, can't you tell I'm the owner of this restaurant?

Lin Nan smiled.

At this time, Jinping - has a ship, or is it the captain? Thinking of what Frankie said to Jinping just now, the current Jinping should be the captain of the Fish-Man Pirates, right?

This person, Lin Nan is still more optimistic, he is chivalrous and righteous, known as "Haixia"

He has a whale-shark appearance, characterized by wind-like eyebrows and sideburns, a hairstyle of Ding Hip Style, a short black beard on his chin, a lightning scar on the corner of his left eye, a fat body, two large teeth on his lower jaw, the sun symbol representing the "Sun Pirates" is located in the center of his chest, and he often wears a yukata embroidered with patterns.

In addition, it has terrifying strange powers, and is good at "Fish-Man Karate" and "Fish-Man Jiu-Jitsu", and can exert its greatest power in the sea.

This guy helped Luffy many times at the beginning, and he also took Luffy to cultivate, so he can be regarded as half of Luffy's teacher.

Although this guy didn't eat any Devil Fruits, and his identity was Seven Martial Seas, he was already able to show that he had a high attainment in physical arts.

In the water, he is almost invincible!

"What special food do you have here?" Jinping looked at Lin Nan with a flash of eyes, staring at Lin Nan and even looking at him very well.

"I haven't launched any special meals recently, but I promise that as long as you say a dish comes out, I promise to be able to make it for you, and it will also make you 100% satisfied!"

Lin Nan patted his chest and said very confidently. You can buy any ingredients in the system space, of course, there are some special things in the system space, generally if there is a task, the system will call itself to find, and it will also prompt which direction it is.

"Oh, you're so confident? Do you know who I am?" I secretly thought that the restaurant had become interesting: "Can you guarantee that your food will satisfy every customer?

Jinping is right.

If this is a vicious sea and a pirate with very strong strength, if you meet someone who doesn't buy it, you will definitely be targeted if you say such a sentence.

"Of course I know who you are, Qiwuhai, there is another one on my ship! In addition, you are talking about the disaster of killing? Not necessarily, the troublemakers were either beaten by me or taken to the naval prison. "

Lin Nan smiled faintly.

The corners of Jinping's mouth couldn't help twitching, should this guy be so arrogant? However, Jinping was said by Lin Nan: Qiwuhai, there is another one on my ship?

This guy still has a Nanaku Sea hidden in his restaurant?

A strange look appeared on Jinping's face.

Then, he followed the direction of the boy's gaze, and soon he spotted a man in a crisp white chef's uniform walking slowly with a steaming dish.

"You!" Jinping glared.

"You?" just brought out the Coke chicken wings out of the pot, Hawkeye Mihawk didn't expect to meet Jinping who is also the Seven Martial Seas here, this is too coincidental, right?

·· 0 begging for flowers········

"What are you doing here?"

The two said in unison.

Jinping smiled and said, "Of course I'm here to eat, Mihawk, Mihawk, I want to know what you're doing here? Look at your posture? Don't you plan to be the world's No. 1 swordsman? Have you changed careers? Become a restaurant chef and waiter?"

Jinping endured a smile and teased.

Hawkeye Mihawk has bruises on his forehead, this guy is here to make trouble, right?


He first put Frankie's Coke chicken wings on the table, and then crossed his waist and said to Jinping: "The world's number one swordsman, there is a second person besides me?"

"No wonder, you're still so cold, Hawkeye! Don't look like old friends are going to fight when they meet, by the way—the person who claims to be the boss doesn't have a good relationship with you, right?"

Jinping didn't care about Hawkeye Mihawk's bluff, and he was sure that Hawkeye Mihawk didn't dare to make a move.

"He's-" When Hawkeye Mihawk's gaze fell on Lin Nan, a trace of frustration appeared on his face, and he was ashamed to speak.

"I'm his boss!"

Lin Nan showed rows of teeth and smiled at Shen Ping.

"Hahaha! The dignified Seven Martial Seas, the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, is actually a miscellaneous man in this restaurant!

Jinping held his abdomen and laughed so much that tears were about to fall out.

Hawkeye Mihawk's face instantly seemed to be painted with cyan paint, and it was extremely blue.

Jinping's words were very harsh, not only Hawkeye Mihawk, but even Lin Nan couldn't help frowning: "Hey, can you think about yourself before thinking about others?

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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