Tokai ship war room.

“Sir! Colonel Fang was saved by a humanoid flying object! ”

“It’s a miracle!”

The war room cheered en masse.

“What exactly is that humanoid flying object?” The speed is actually so fast!! ”

“That’s it, why did even the J20 fighter fly back with it?!”

“Is this the latest technology of our Xia Kingdom?!”

“The picture is too far away, a little blurry, and I can’t see it clearly.”

In the war room, there are also many people, who are discussing suspiciously.

“Go, let’s go out and meet them!” When the superior leader saw that Fang Mingyue was rescued, he also breathed a sigh in his heart, quickly said, and walked towards the deck.

Chu Yao flew from a distance holding Fang Mingyue and saw the mighty and domineering East China Sea ship at a glance.

Then, directly under the gaze of hundreds of people, he landed safely on the deck of the East China Sea ship.

Boom! A bang!

Chu Yao stepped on the deck wearing Mark 50nm armor, his knees slightly bent, unloading the impact. ,

“Groove!! This is Iron Man!! ”

“Oh my God!! How did Iron Man in the movie appear in real life!! ”

“Oh my mom!! Isn’t this suit Mark’s 50nm armor?! “,

“It’s terrifying! Who has the technology to make the steel armor!! ”

“Oh my God! Who is wearing this steel armor?! ”

Those onlookers, looking at the person holding Colonel Fang, wearing that set of red and gold battle armor, directly exploded the nest!!

“Hello comrade, thank you for helping us.” Instead, the superior leader first sobered up, quickly walked over, and said politely.

“No need to thank you, they are all their own people, and Miss Fang and I are old friends.” Chu Yao smiled faintly and said to this middle-aged and elderly man who was wearing a general’s uniform and his hair was a little white.

“Chu Yao, you let me down.”

And at this moment, Fang Mingyue’s clear voice came out of her mouth.

“Oooh.” Chu Yao seemed to remember that he was still holding her, and quickly put her back on the deck.

Fang Mingyue’s two straight long legs in military uniform stood firmly on the deck, and only then calmly introduced Chu Yao: “This is Commander Li of our East China Sea ship, and our highest person in charge here. ”

“Hello, Commander Li, my name is Chu Yao.” Chu Yao said and lifted the mask.

“Hello Mr. Chu, it’s really a famous name for a long time, I didn’t expect that your firefish even developed a steel battle armor.” Commander Li had also seen Chairman Firefish’s file, and naturally recognized his identity at a glance, and suddenly sighed in his heart and said.

“You’re welcome.” Chu Yao glanced back in the direction of the sky and continued, “I also brought you a gift. ”

“Gift?” Commander Li looked up curiously, and his eyes widened suddenly.

I saw two fighters in the sky, propelled by thrusters, landing on this side of the deck.

One of them is naturally Xia Guo’s J20, and the other is actually Millikian’s F22!!! ,

“Groove!! This person actually captured all the enemy fighters!! ”

“This is Millikian’s strongest F22 fighter!!!”

“! That’s awesome!! This fighter is a secret in Millikan that is forbidden to export!! ”

“We have this F22, we can completely disassemble it and study!” Maybe our backward engine technology can get a huge development! ”

“This person is simply going against the sky!!”

The officers on the deck exclaimed again, and the sound passed through the waves!

It didn’t take long for the two fighters to descend on the deck!

Everyone looked at the F22 without blinking, because no one had seen enemy fighters so closely.

Chu Yao smiled lightly and looked at Commander Li to the side and said: “On the way back, I saw this F22 forced to land at sea, and the pilot had parachuted and fled, so I brought this F22 back.” ”

Commander Li was suddenly so excited that he couldn’t control himself: “Mr. Chu, you have great favors to our Xia Kingdom!” With this F22 for research, our Xia Kingdom’s naval strength can be greatly improved, and at the same time, it can study its weaknesses, and we will no longer use the F22 of Milikan in the future! ”

“Okay, I still have something to do, and I’ll leave the business to you here.” Chu Yao pulled off the mask again, and with a bang, the thrusters of Mark’s 50-nanometer armor sprayed up, allowing him to take off directly.

“Chu Yao, where are you going?” Fang Mingyue raised her beautiful little face, and a cold voice came out of her mouth.

Chu Yao glanced down at her and grinned: “I’m going to avenge you!” Because they made you cry and thought they hadn’t fulfilled their promise, I’ll help you get this debt back!! ”

Saying that, he didn’t wait for Fang Mingyue to speak, and with a direct “bang”, the thruster burst out violently, and the whole person flew into the sky instantly due to a meteor.

“Chu Yao, you have to be careful!” Fang Mingyue’s voice was still ringing behind him.


Located in the war room of the Milikan Giant God warship in the Great Flat Ocean.

“Admiral, what do you think that thing is? It’s fast coming towards us! The monitor, sitting in front of the radar, quickly shouted loudly.

Admiral Scanaud was arranging for someone to rescue the parachuting pilot and recover the fallen F22, and when he heard this, he quickly looked over: “Turn on the monitoring!” ”

“Admiral, this is a UFO!! The current speed has reached Mach 5!! The monitor said quickly while operating.

“Could it be a ghost from Xia Guo’s side? Mach 5?! What exactly is this? Admiral Scano also frowned.

“Admiral, this UFO is already 150 kilometers away from us !!” The monitor quickly and urgently continued.

“Divine birds 001 and 002 who are cruising, go and confirm the identity of the target immediately!” I want to know what this thing is! Admiral Scano opened his mouth and ordered!

“Divine Bird 001 found a flying object! Live image back! ”

Soon, a humanoid black shadow appeared on the big screen of the war room!

“Whatever it is, blow it up for me back home!!” Admiral Scanaud ordered directly.

“Divine Bird 001 received”

“Divine Bird 002 received”

Chu Yao was originally flying towards the giant god warship in Milikian, and suddenly saw two F22 fighters appear in front!

“Admiral Scano, we have locked this UFO!”

“Attack!!” Admiral Scanaud said decisively.

Two F22 fighters, launching two intercontinental missiles at the same time! ·

Instantly caught up with Chu Yao.

“Master, there are missiles coming!” Nuwa’s voice quickly prompted.

“Fire Molotov cocktails!” Chu Yao said with a grin.

“Good host.”

As Nuwa’s voice fell, Chu Yao’s Mark 50nm armor suddenly ejected hundreds of incendiary bombs! ,


The missile was concentrated by dense incendiary bombs, and exploded directly behind Chu Yao!!

Chu Yao wore Mark 50nm armor without doing anything at all, and continued to instruct Nuwa: “Start the large rocket jet!” Throw them off! ”

“Yes master!”

As soon as Nuwa’s voice fell, Chu Yao’s legs suddenly turned into a large rocket injector!

The speed increased sharply to 8 kilometers per second!!!!

Instantly disappeared from sight of two F22s! ,

Fly towards the giant god warship of Millikan with all your strength!!

“Admiral Scano, the target fired an incendiary bomb! We have lost our goal! Divine Bird 001 hurriedly reported.

“Do you see what that is?” Admiral Scanaud asked.

“Can’t see clearly, it’s too fast.”

“Admiral Scano, the flying object disappeared from the radar, and so did the satellite imagery!” The person monitoring the radar also spoke.

“No matter what it is, it is estimated that it has been blown up to the point that there is no ash left!” Admiral Scanor said with a smug smile.

Before Admiral Scanaugh could be proud for a while, suddenly the monitor shouted again: “Admiral Scano!!” The target was not eliminated, he activated the stealth function, and it was almost reaching our giant god warship!!! ”

“What? Where is it!! Admiral Scano’s eyes widened suddenly.

“Not in the display, you look out the window!!” The monitor shouted anxiously.

Everyone looked towards the huge glass window of the war room!

I saw a human-shaped black spot, quickly zoomed in!

Boom!! Bang! Smashed directly on the deck of their giant god warship!!

Smashed the whole deck out of a big hole!!

Chu Yao raised the golden mask, looked at a pair of shocked eyes in the distant war room, and grinned: “Old rice, you Chu Da Shao is coming to your broken ship!” ”


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