The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 258 Accept your fate! (Third update!)

T'Challa's head almost turned around for a moment. He looked at Richard with a strange look: "Are you a superpower?"

"It's a little different, but that's it." Richard shrugged, "Let's not talk about it for now. Be careful, from now on you have to be serious."

Less than two seconds after he finished speaking, there was a violent vibration in the darkness ahead, followed by a powerful tremor, as if someone had given the earth a dull blow.

In an instant, the black shadow revealed itself like a whale breaking through the water. A dark body tens of meters high stands in the sky and the earth, dust is flying, and mud stars are falling like raindrops all over the sky.

Sure enough, another alien beast appeared, Baigba Zunbrud.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Martial arts and skills are useless against monsters of this size, and super soldiers are no different from ordinary people. Although Black Panther is very confident in his suit, others are still flesh and blood after all. If that big guy stepped on him, even if the vibranium suit was fine, 80% of the others would be gone.

But facing giant creatures is not unexpected, and Wakanda has been prepared for it. Three Wakanda high-tech fighter jets have been on standby to guard against this situation. Now that the alien beast appeared, three fighter planes quickly approached under the order of His Majesty the King-to-be. They formed a formation and fired lasers to hit the creature powerfully.

The laser beams continuously spattered dazzling sparks on the alien beast, and they succeeded in attracting the alien beast's attention. The power of the airborne beam of the Wakanda fighter jet is really impressive. After two consecutive rounds of strafing, it successfully shattered the flesh on the shoulder of the alien beast. The charred flesh and blood spattered out under the high-temperature beam, which was so painful that Baigba Zumbru De neighed dully.

At this time, the alien beast's attention was also attracted by the three fighter jets, and it stopped bothering the people on the ground for the time being.

Seeing that his attack was effective, the Black Panther's confidence increased again. He explained to Richard, an outsider: "Wakanda's fighter jets are based on vibranium technology, and the destructive power of the airborne energy cannon is far beyond that of your external fighter jets. Don't worry, our fighter jets can defeat the enemy... "

However, I don't know if it was because of T'Challa's racial disadvantage that his face was too dark. Before he could finish his sentence, one of their three fighter planes had already fallen down, trailing a string of black smoke.

Black Panther: "..."

Richard: "..."

Richard could imagine that T'Challa's mood at this time must be extremely complicated. Will you unlucky guys die if you fall half a minute too late? Why do you have to drop the ball when I'm bragging to someone?

Why is it so hard for me to act cool?

However, it can also be seen from this that this aircraft does not seem to be completely made of vibranium, otherwise it should not be swatted down by the claws of the alien beast like a mosquito. In the movie, the Golden Leopard who usurped power sent a bunch of drones out to attack various countries around the world, but with a few laser beams, all the planes crashed. Richard speculated that these fighter jets only had outer shells coated with vibranium at best. As long as they withstood a blow that exceeded the upper limit of vibranium absorption and the internal structure was damaged, the aircraft would still crash.

In fact, it makes sense when you think about it. It is said that Wakanda has more vibranium than can be mined in a lifetime, but in the final analysis, their vibranium mine originally came from an extraterrestrial meteorite. No matter how big the meteorite is, it can only be as big as a mountain, right?

A mountain may seem like a lot, but if you build buildings, planes, and cars all using vibranium, then Wakanda will really become what the United Nations calls an "agricultural power" within a few years, not to mention thousands of years.

Richard looked down for a long time and found that although these three aircraft were much more advanced than outside, they were still limited by their own firepower and could not cause fatal damage. If the vitals or weak points of the alien beast are hit, the skin will be blown open or some blood will be drawn. However, the self-healing power is strong, and the wound will be restored to its original state in the blink of an eye. Your output just now was all in vain.

Even if this guy simply lay down on the ground and slept and let several planes take turns to bomb him, he wouldn't be able to be killed at all.

Seeing this, Richard has a rough idea of ​​the power of Wakanda's energy weapons. It is not ruled out that they have some large weapons that are difficult to use, but it seems that Wakanda does not have such equipment from the movies or comics.

Nominally speaking, Wakanda seems to be the most technologically advanced country on Marvel Earth, but in fact, in terms of military equipment, Attilan on the moon and Latovinia led by Doom are much stronger than them.

That's it for paddling, and it's almost time for someone to get ready to do their job.

Richard walked up to Black Panther, who was staring at the alien beast intently, and said: "About Agents of SHIELD... I'm sorry I lied. I'm not actually an agent of SHIELD. But I can guarantee that I told you before What the King said about the outside world is true, and I hope Wakanda can carefully consider its next step."

The Black Panther was not expecting his sudden showdown, and couldn't help but turn around in surprise and caution: "Then who are you?"

"Me?" Richard shrugged and waved his hand as he walked forward, "Just think of me as a friend on the same front."

He raised his hand, and with a flash of light, the white Evolutionary Trustee appeared in his hand.

The Wakandan warriors watched in amazement as he stepped forward, his thin back gradually disappearing into the dark jungle at the feet of the alien beast. A few seconds later, a divine light as hot as the sun burst out from the forest. The dazzling light filled the earth, and the body of light rose into the sky.

For a moment T'Challa felt like he could barely control his tongue.

This giant, this mysterious being called "Ultraman" by the he actually a human being?


Maybe we should think about it the other way around, is this person who has been among them these two days claiming to be an agent really a human being?

Or is he originally some kind of transcendent existence, who only transformed into a human and came between them to resolve this disaster?

In order to save the world and eliminate disasters, God became a mortal and walked among humans. Every civilization on earth has ancient myths like this, and Wakanda is no exception. Or rather, it is a place like Wakanda that pays attention to traditional religious piety that believes more deeply in mythology.

The Wakandan warriors looked up at the silver body, and their expressions became complicated.

Light is the thing that alien beasts hate the most, not to mention that Nexus had killed one of its kind before. Seeing Nexus appear at this time, Baigba Zunbrud immediately abandoned the two buzzing and flying little bugs around him, and turned towards Nexus and started gearing up.

The alien beast roared angrily.

Dude, it was my third aunt’s nephew’s brother who you pressed down earlier, right? Take your life!

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